Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1905, p. 6

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I Clark DENTIST St Dr Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST ill be at Brooks Block a it Tuewlay of each month MANAGER CoalJ Coal 11 Now the time to put in your We are- also paying price for all of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert FAIR next annual fall exhibition of tie East GwilHmbuxy Agricultural Society will be Tuesday and Wednesday October and nth COLLEGE CORNERS SUTTON The farmers in tins vicinity arc busy hauling their wood J and brothers are busy getting out timber to rebuild CONCERT I Chicken pox which has been so pre- The Concert given by the Literary in this neighborhood is alter visiting- BREEZES Three cheers for the Liberals and the Ross Administration be desirous to know what crumb of comfort I can extract great slump of the Grits in the recent election Thank fortune I think we have reason to be hopeful Are beginning- to arrive was a good feraii Grades for Safe Society on Election night success- There was A program of vocal and instrumental The Joker has a new job the chief feature of which a traveling agent and a solo by Miss Gertie Walton grown nearly two inches Heller from month to old have been bred also Cows For particulars ppiy STOKES Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West of East J of Lot Dob Scott on which is a large of hardwood hemlock and For terms and apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert our talented child vocalist course ihe most interesting was election returns which were received every minutes and en thusiastically received by audi ence the most of the enthusiasm be ing by the Conservatives present Mr Lennox- was met at the depot here last Friday evening by a con siderable number of his and given a hearty welcome A torchlight procession was formed seme carrying brooms and headed by the Sutton brass band marched lip High Street and thence back to Present state of cant the Town Hall which was filled throwing a bone to a an expectant audience to listen to l pack of ravenous wolves the Whit tfie music speeches An in their division of the the was present and a of spoils will fall to and rend each songs were sung sirs Lennox was j tie Grits can rush in and The surveyors are working at on the platform and was presented cUre booty But be a around College Corners It will with a number of bouquets dazzle for a time and dont up our burg when the railroad girls Among the speakers fcesides forget it A surplus of four comes through to Lake Mr Lennox were Messrs then be able to go direct to Ego P We have a few to clear out now he he has since election Master Lome Burrows has return- from the hospital and has started school Mrs Alex Stewart is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia end Hoiborn and report says all were in a highly jubilant mood The Reeve occupied the chair The lecture by Canon Dixon illus trated by limelight views was a Boot and Shoe Maker Boa moved into the shop recently by J E Hunter where we a full line of the best shoe fced Dubbin ibat is made made to order Repairing a ycUlty The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Mrs Davidson is visiting at the home of Mr Lapp Cedar Mr and Mrs Chas Lewis of j appointment The are starting for their home on not work ami had Miss Bathgate of York Mills Friday after visiting their but he promises home on Tuesday morning after relatives Strayed their irknds but a two weeks visit at the of Mr Mrs- Frank Cook is seriously ill Messrs Sam and Frank of Bathgate are friends in this vicinity Mr Herbert Lennox elect for North York passed through about Dec 1st a White Boar I much concerned because town on Friday night en route to about rears old Owner is re- question was not asked at Sutton and was given a rousing req prove property Pay meeting which was a by his friends when he arrive and take it away known but as far as our the Railway Station this same individual ha- Mount Albert had the courage to say a word apparatus would to be abandoned to come on a future occasion and make good the We regret to record the death of Mrs Hales of Toronto a daughter of Mr and Mrs Hill of this village who went to the went to the city to attend Into the premises of the undersign funeral last Monday lot Con East The man here is certain the Re- millions should cause a lively to such a brawling brood of bribers as etc in thc ruck attribute the great turnover to nothing more or less than ihe hard shell Prohibitionists and rjliid temperance party In grasping at the shadow they lost the substance and now let them suffer conse quences Today Id rather bo a humble bootblack for the Hon J or Sir eating the crumbs that fall from masters tabic and feel the pride of being an honest Grit than be private secre tary to Hon J Whitney and be eating of loaves and wishes of Tory corruption M An unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as well as ornamental EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE H MOUNT ALBERT not in A number of J Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA Of Andre Chftlnnan J Ka Deputy 8 Clous- ton fctr AltK at Current DAVIDSON Ml Albert Chief Aucot lor Dominion Mount Albert Sawing Swires Try Our Owe Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Hark An Excellent Remedy and all binds of Dressed Lumber Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and them Forrests Drag Store ALBERT small children are suf fering from serious illness in this lo cality Among them are Mr If baby Mr John child and Mr three A load of our young to Zephyr on Tuesday night the hockey match There is a good opening in our town for a brick yard A building boom is expected in the spring The annual meeting of Mount Albert Cemetery Company was post- until Monday evening last Mr and Mrs John Leek have on the farm owned by Mr James j on Moorhead on the Scott town line Two hockey teams from our town went to Franklin to play on Satur day afternoon and both were victori ous A torchlight procession was organized at the Conservative Committee Rooms on Wednesday night and paraded- the principal until a late hour One overzealous j young man had both ears frozen and CHEAPER THAN ANY another froze his nose hut as it was in a good cause there was no muring j vor of temperance A little would be a wholesome ex- ercise for svich persons I beg to place on record a trick j that was played upon your here on election night Not School S No Standing for January Sr IV Edna Salter Ross Squires Alfred Kelley Jr IV Dorothy Pearl Woods III Ernie Flo Salter Hazel Salter Ernest Arnold Inez Suitings- Overcoatings In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED on the temperance question I give t it publicly Your correspondent has f fcJJ always strongly advocated the cause of temperance and the opponents William Baxter thereof to show their hatred of such advocacy took a whiskey bottle wrapped about with crape and hung at GEO HAIQH SON Present every I egg M WILLIAMS Teacher Merchant Tailors and MOUNT ALBERT Get the material tor ready this winter and ave money Lumber and Shingles PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO ALBERT Our Spring Wall Papers and Carpets Are in for 8prlng- CASK OF RHEUMA TISM CURED BY CHAMBER LAINS PAIN BALM The efficacy of Chamberlains Pain Bairn in the relief of rheumatism is being demonstrated daily Parker of says tJat Chamberlain s Pain Bairn gave permanent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed and he would not be without it For sale by Lloyd The return match with Aurora fa to place on Friday night the and an Interesting time is anti cipated Our boy were defeated at Aurora but they are determined to win this time A big crowd is ex pected to cheer them on to victory WOODCOCK 1 it at your correspondents door the obvious meaning being to show that the temperance cause is now dead since Whitney has- triumphed and that nefarious business can now go on your house rejoicing which alas it is to be feared- is too true What else how ever could be expected when temper ance men and even some preachers united with thc element to bring about such a result The cause of temperance has received check from which it will not recover in many years We now have a Premier who can set the example of taking his Scotch whiskey and also a representative who may do like wise and that is recognizing and sup porting the very thing that is caus ing threefourths of the electoral cor ruption and every other kind of wrongdoing Q A Rocker Would Do Nicely VIVIAN 1 It will pay you ore buying eUvhefC ROSS BROS ALBERT Pure Paris Green Bought to bulk put up by Poison Paper and Tanglefoot lioC4fiy a full of Cure jd Re- attetlon or WEST FRANKLIN Albert and Franklin senior junior hockey teams played a lively gave on Saturday afternoon Al bert boys winning The fee was very fair Rev Park it manager now Some of the people around are feel- teg very since the election The Park gang have not quite their large contract There was a lively at the brick cottage Tuesday night Mr and J A of Holt are home again from King A Grose is lielirig Mr Manning cut the wood off his fcefc where the track in Mrs Graham is very with lung trouble also Mr Graham with heart trouble- sprained bin ankle while playing hockey SANIJY YOU HAVE A COLD The action when you have a cold to relieve the Usui by free ute Cough Remedy Remedy liquefies from the air of the lurg a oration the A complete eyre soon fel low cure a se vere told In time than any other axd It the In a natural It You couldnt think of a more appropriate Christmas gift You couldnt give anything that would be more highly ap preciated If you decide upon a Rocker let show you now easy the price Choose now Assortments are unbroken and you miss the rush of the last day or so Decide upon something now and have It laid aside until you It delivered ALLAN RANGE QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST tot burning COAL OR WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert LLOYD And any pwuiAorf For by T Lloyd will be in Mount Al bert at Town Hall Wednes day and to receive In Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Pupils prepared for whs a fair attendance at the Hall on Sunday to hear Rev arid Mr Bunting Mr louhhy will speak on Seedtime and HarveJit a week from Sunday at pm Mr and Mrs Geo Hood sister of on Mr and Mrs Smart on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ren of were thc guests of Mr Fred on Sunday and couple of lady friends from Newmarket took in supper at Pino Orchard on Tuesday eve and report a very pleas ant time Much credit is due Miller and Seymour Harper who conducted of the Oyster Suppers of the season at William house on Tuesday eve Games and wen the order till the supper were cleared when enjoy ed dancing There were several from Albert Molt Franklin Newmarket and a sleigh load from May we often enjoy such pleasant J idle a number of Tory party from here gathered at on eve to celebrate their vic tory After they had claimed to burn Ross and the machine they pro ceeded to the church Augur Sweet was elected chairman Speeches were made by John Morlcy and John of the Ruffalo Vivian McConnack and others Several respectable were terri bly disgusted and said the others were a disgrace to the party Mr and Mr Runtlng of were the guests of Oscar on Sunday Mr and Mrs- J of Pino View were the guests of Mr on Sunday Many friends will be sorry to hear Mrs Mitchell who baa Just recovered from an Illness is very 111 again FROSTY J iSi i Mr Donald McPhedran was struck by a train at Watford and killed William an son of Judge Ryan dropped dead at Portage la Prairie I Thc last lot of Robes came- in rather too late for us We have nine on hand They are thc genuine Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe made by Co Gait Heavy Buffalo outside eoctra thick of Rubber and very heavy curly cloth inside lining wa terproof and frostproof good largo size too REGULAR FOR Wo have three Fur Coats on hand We have given them their marching orders as follows Mans Wombat Coat lull furred skin high Storm Collar regular 526 lor M ii Wombat Coat extra choice full furred skins Storm regular for Ladies Astrakan Coat full furred even glossy regular for Balance of our Fur Caps including Persian Nutria Seal c at straight Cost too We always trouble selling Winter Goods in July Spring is already staring in the face We wont tne any chances so we start gfjonJhc Rapid Tran route to Grey Flannel regular yard fox Union Flannel regular yard for All Wool Navy Flannel widest width regular yard lor KnglisrTTlllltary Flannel regularise yard for width Tweed for Hoys wear regular yard for i English Tweed for heavy regular yard for Dress Goods regular 10c yard less than cost yard Dress Goods regular selling less than coat at yard Goods reg y l than at yard pieces regular yerd for pieces Wrapperette regular 12jc yard for A big lot of Remnants some of the choicest goods have had this season 2 to yards In each let than co6t Flannelette full yard wide extra heavy quality regular yard for Flannelette Stripes In light and dark shades regular yard for Flannelette plain pink or white regular yard for Flannelette good quality in and dark stripes regular yd- for Mens Heavy Pants Sweaters Vests Pea Jackets Sox also the celebrated Birds Mackinaw Cloth on hand We are buyers of Butter Honey Lard Beans Potatoes Spy and Wax Johnstons Cash Store T T N

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