Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1905, p. 7

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CHINA HALL January Holiday more with On looWog over our Cite we find few lines fcTt told well wo expects are open for a Bargain come Oxidized Hall Lamps Ruby Globe for it would be gee burin at ONE LINE OF Library Lamps Came too late foe trade now era can hare at SHALL PRICES another line of W00 Limps to dear oat at each Toilet At close price to reduce stock Dinner Sets At close prices to reduce stock Rich Cut Glass Every piece useful sad handsome at a trifle wholesale to re duce our stock The Above Bargains for Days Only leeks Remember the Social At on Fob evening at oclock lulls Bakery changed bands on Wednesday Regular meeting of tie at ta residence of Mrs Hughes at oclock next Tuesday afternoon Mr Angus Williams tafees charge Bible Glass in the Presbyterian Church tonight Era subscribers outside North York who bare not yet renewed for 1905 should do so this week and not lot their names be dropped from the list The Army had a big crowd at Town Hall on Monday to bear Major Coombs and the Staff Band from Toronto Mr of has bought Mr place on Street and expects to re move here this month BALDWIN BREEZES Continued from page Baldwin Grits have reason to be proud their record Theyre like a city built on a hill that be bid Unheeding the great raging on election day out en masse and rolled up a majority for greater even thai any previous one for Hon J We- have a of rising young politicians keen and anxious for work the future backbone of the party His High Mightiness Barrister Solicitor for North York paid a visit to Sutton on Friday eve to receive the con- of his supporters Great throngs of his faithful bench- men from and surrounding districts went up to- receive his paternal blessing Their march en route homeward was some what hilarious at midnight Sutton whiskey makes noisy boys Thos Herbert has a large contract to fill all the promises he has made Generally speaking our old folks are standing- the rigors of winter better than the younger heads I think as time passes on the gen erations of now and the future are less hardy than their forefathers This I attribute to the food j fads In olden times the bread made from coarse im purified were more nourishing than per day which at day Helen Mine la producing ten or Iron ore per day at Co per ton 93250 per fry- The earning of other in dustries cannot so accurately es timated iut may put at per day On the 1st November there were employed in these various industries men The pay roll for tho month October 913004049 Mr Whitney in an address at meeting in the Hall October said that the CHAOS AND RECONSTRUCTION given aid of th industries might as well have thrown into lake Superior This a Mr Whitneys idea of the duty of a Paternalism Government in a great crisis Dovelopmont of That Section WHY YOU SHOULD USE able and Proved a Profit able Investment IN THB SADDLE THETyESTORYOFTHESOO Bsulah Mission The have fitted up the premises formerly occupied by the and will hold their grams opcniDg services 00 Saturday and white Wfpwt Sunday Feb and Eld City Mission President will be present to conduct the opening services as follows Saturday pm Sunday Ordi nance Meeting at am preaching services at and 8 pm Tlierc will also be a Holiness Convention Feb and 7 when three ser vices will be held daily at am pm and pm Several min isters are expected to take part in this Convention Everybody welcome fed to I in Grocery la line we lead keeping only beat quality and telling at close arteea We want your trade will give our moat Tie Leading Belial Telephone Paying the Wagers Two unique bets were made over the recent election and the conditions were honorably fulfilled though they attracted near ly as much as a circus par ade At a quarter after oclock last Saturday one wellknown merchant Mr Roche had a ride in a wheelbarrow propelled by Mr John from the Royal Hotel to the blacksmith shop John wearing a large card bearing the words I its nutritive elements extracted bran and shorts which contain bone and muscle elements are our stock Get all your teaming done in ruary which promises to bo a pleasr ant month Look out for March it promises to be a ring tailed snort- Once a twice a child As they advance years our old folks become in many cases as a child They as a moral duty they love to be taken notice of and if we only look at itarignt is their due Amongst our venerable friends are Grandpa sell Morton Grylls I SI Mrs Tomlinscn St Si Mrs Cover- dale Grandma I Miss Ruby got a sudden summons to the city last week Mrs Cliff- had the misfortune to fall down an open cellar trap door and incapacitate her from attending to her household duties Our local train has an entirely new staff the weather having played hob with the old hoys No genial will sigh regretfully when he sees the to for Ross A similar wager was discharged at Govt give ticket of leave the North End when Mr Luke Doyle to cut and slash gave a barrow trip to Mr Osborne Algonquin forest preserves and undo the butcher he has accomplished in his term Both were occasions of great laugh Qi but its useless crying over spilled milk Let us- ter hope for the best A large crowd attended market on Monday drawn hither to see ami OUR WATCH AND CHAIN Shows a of Styles and Sizes in ope face and Hunting Case Plain and Engraved Cases Curb Chains Chains for Men Boys Link Chains with Slides and Pony for the boy ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Your Repair Work entrusted to us will recede prompt and careful at tention ATKINSON CO Boyds Livery it now to all a by for all parte of I will revive prompt A BOYD MacGillivrays AUCTION SALE Of iltiy of Topped also to be held at Ur- For apply to Temple Toron to Canal No time should be lost in getting to press the Lake Ca nal Scheme upon the Dominion Gov ernment The Committee that was appointed to look after the matter should be active within the next ten days fcccuring signatures to the Petitions and there should be a willingness on the part of the citi zens cooperate in secur ing public work which would be of value to North York a commercial enterprise A mcet of the Committee was called in Newmarket night a resolution was not passed it Was a En that they were willing to to defray the of I metropolitan bine In confirmation the paragraph in hear war notes after the battle last weeks respecting the couThe Tories had a very patronizing of Metropolitan way and wore a felicitous smile such Railway line north from this Town as a cat with its paws on a mouse the following appeared in would Lennoxs Davy was Metropolitan intension in a Oh be joyous mood No to Lake will be the most his patron will be very portant undertaking of the York rathropic dials this summer Everything is in readiness to begin work from New market north in an almost direct Hoe to Roachs Point and thence along the shore of Lake to Jack sons Point It was originally in tended to have this line opened for the criming summers traffic but the delays caused in negotiating for right of way have made this impos sible and the line can now hardly he opened until the spring of The work will be done by the company own staff and except for supplies there will be few if any contracts to let All the routes will be equipped to carry milk fruit and vegetables and probably later on to carry The erection of a new station in Newmarket in front of the Town Hall ft looks like business With a comfortable waiting room and tel ephone communication tho Metropoli tan will be better patronized ever The frame work js nearly up pent Miss of Union a few at the home of Mr Mr visited their daughter Mrs We are to say Mrs I who has ill for the last two weeks is recovering Mr J and Mrs ioiin Steele of are visiting their brother Thos Mahon who is quite ill Quite a the weekly cottage prayermeetings Mr and Mrs J Cook and Mr and Mrs A McMullen of at Mr Thos Mahonfi Sunday Mr Samuel Phillips is very poor health present Mr Geo Smith of Ms spending a few weeks with hi moth er PERFECT CONFIDENCE Where there used to bo a feeling of and worry In the house hold when a child showed symptoms of there in now perfect confi dence This Is owing to the uniform of Chamberlains Item ed in the treatovnt of that disease several So far as the Is prospects are very for completion of the fieheme everybody talk it up and do anything legitimate that to the proposition a more favorable time to It with perfect My Is subject to severe attacks of croup arid It always gives him prompt relief For sate by We public work and it may never again Strike while re hot should go i two woks at Two store destroyed by fire In Pembroke last Friday Loss on con The Queens Hotel stables at were and four horses In- the first was mid Mr for atabliahmnt of Works at the Out of thia involving an investment of about 000000 grew the following in dustries CWnridt Pulp Works Nickel Reduc tion Car Shops Veneering Steal Plant Railway involved tha of about financial stringency in tho United in so crippled tha in dustries that they had to suspend operations and as a consequence about men thrown out of employment In an appeal was mads to the Government to advance the due tha employees winter was and their families wore de- upon their daily earnings fact a riot was threatened unless Some relief ware afforded The Gov ernment met this condition of things an arrangement with the Banks the sum of was paid as the arrears of wages to em ployees the different Companies concern ad The Government was this advance by the and promised the Railway inasmuch as no part the land grant had been transferred The ad vance made to the was there fore a Hen on the property of the Company Already nearly onehalf Of this advance has been repaid and the Government holds the guarantee Of the Company that the remainder will be paid on or before the 1st of February REVIVAL OP THE INDUSTRIES The payment of the wages al though affording a- measure of relief Still left the Company under a mort gage of to A Company of Now York and as the mortgage overdue es Company their intention to foreclose and aoll property at public auction such sale cer tain consequences disastrous to the Industries might follow The Company besides the owed different creditors of this sum wan owing to If mortgage were foreclosed all these would be shut out and many of them could illafford loss It generally believed that if the property were transferred the Central Railway the Province had subsidized with a grant of acres of land per mile would not completed as the railway traversed valuable min er agricultural and timber dis tricts Its extension to the Canadian was considered of great im portance The permanent failure of the Industries also involved failure of the railway This undesirable It was well under stood that If the mortgage were foreclosed the United steel that were the expected pur chasers end that had an option on Works would not operate the plant This Trust which eon- trolled all the industries of the United States to the manufacture of steel rails in Canada My getting of the plant at the whioh about were Invested they would hold the Canadian market for their American J ho ef fect of this would he to prevent the development of the Iron mines on the shore of Lake Superior and to crush one of tlio greatest indue- tries launched Canada an Was made to the Company on a new bails and the Government won as sured that If the bonds of the new Company to the extend of two million of dollars a re organization could bo effected After careful consideration of the responsibility involved ami the ad vantages to the Province from the of these Industries the agreed to endorse bonds as already stated to the extent of two millions of money on condition that railroad be completed The of the for this endorse ment were fa th land grant al ready enrntd amounting to at least acres test filiated by Mr Whitney in at miles of railroad already com pleted a subsidy of earned from the Dominion but not paid over a firnt mortgage on all the property Company the cost of which wee With such ample security the J Til merit hud no hesitation to pledge tin civil It Province for the sum of two mil lions of dollars for a period of two ami justified Its In the following fncls show The tiajit producing COO tons of rails per day which per ton earns per Jay Because It Is perfectly clean i Wouldnt you like to know that the tea you drink has not been touched by human hand since itwas plucked on the plantation This is what you get in Red Rose Tea The old method of rolling and packing tea by hand has been entirely done away with on the tea estates where Red Rose Tea is produced There as well as in the blending and packing rooms machinery scrupulously clean machinery is used exclusively Red Rose Tea never touched by hand after being plucked This fact alone will help you enjoy drinking it The Label is recommended St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG Aft rtfc an Still One of the Toronto papers Mr Ross went on printed regularly a cartoon of a war horse that had been years in the saddle Well suppose he has He is as good a war horse now as when the saddle was first put on him Laughter It is a horse that has never lost a Derby race yet It has always been a winner Applause and laughter Now and in a side steeplechase or hurdle race or something of that kind it may sometimes have had a tumble but the great races of the season the war horse has always won and it is going to win this time Loud applause and cries of You bet But the other horse been in the saddle 32 years also Tho Opposition horse has been the race course for years and has never won a race yet Laughter I do not know that he is likely to for some time He has had many jock eys Renewed laughter There was Sir Matthew Crooks Cameron for two years and he lost Sir William Ralph Meredith an estimable man ran him for twenty years and gave up the job to take one on the Bench which he adorns Then Mr ran him for a year and a half was too much prohibition in that horse or something laughter and he retired He did not retire he was retired and for the last seven years my esteemed friend Mr Whit ney has been running that without any better success He came within two or three points of win ning lent time but it was so near S repeatedly that we were going to assistance in the grooming of that establish for this Store a horse a list of men such as Mr j Cries Oh and groans In fact he has a lot of grooms and l I WESTONS TORONTO BREAD Every Day I Myere Poultry Spice active grocery house is continually accumulating horse j business Each week we are encouraged by adding to our list newcustomers and the assurance of our regular customers that we are dispensing genuine satisfaction confirms the the other day he called a conference to see if there was any chance for this ear- old animal to win and they came to the conclusion that the horse might win They have always been saying that They have money on that every time Long continued laughter and applause Premier at Reputation for Quality Groceries face Look A Two have now shown by way of Tea and Coffee Department Our Tea Trade is continually growing and justly so if merit counts Theres merit in every package of tea that Laves this store Our Coffees Chase Sandborns the best Coffee house what we have done and very partially us looit at extant from to pound ground when ordered It is 1 the attitude our opponents well to look uuoit this picture and thes on that We are entering now on our ninth campaign as a Govern- and our opponents are enter- jug their ninth campaign too They have carried on the war against us almost as long as the war of the Spanish Succession and almost useless a war Hear hear Now do you suppose that the people of On tario are euoh that if our op ponents this ninth campaign had better to present to them than we had that they would not taken then up long ago They hud an opportunity Sir Matthew Crooks Camoron their ftrit lead er and he deserted army that he led Meredith was their sec ond lender He went through four or campaigns With them he abandoned the content Mr followed for a short time He was not satisfactory to his party for retired him almost and Mr Whitney bar been at it now for about elx or seven years So and yet far Laughter Now that Is a simple proposition If our opponents were unable all theee flight campaigns under leaders have mentioned to submit an alternative policy to the people of this country which was more accept ably than ours surely the people would have accepted It before now Premier Hone at Temple I Ontarios jiuri to December I0JJ0 to Hist Dec I0O3 Cash on hand Hat of the tist floe of the Province Surplus of af ter deducting I labi lities Cash In bank on Dec date Of dissolu tion Oar Education Is not perfect In this or In any other country nor never will be perfect in accordance with ths of Borne people but we know where we stand said Premier at Toronto banquet We took first position the Worlds Fair and we tako the first position in the intimation of visitors from abroad who our schools The ducts of our schools and universities d the lftkQ positions with products of other universities Applause You had an example here in Toronto other day in ths person of Dr Osier who has been transferred te first place among position of applause 10 bars Laundry Soap for Soap Chips for box Babys Own Toilet Soap for 1 box Carnation Soap for 10c 2 large bottles Catsup for small bottles Catsup for Finest Selected Raisins 8c lb lbs Hand picked Beans 20c We are selling the best of Oranges at Snaps Bright crisp tender Celery Pure Clover Honey and Maple Syrup Phone 35 HARDY the Arctic regions are so largo nor so a n those seen In thi I ont Trust To Luck ADVERTI8E IN THE ERA I man who to spend Ami alvortiscn With little K bo content While take the prize No matter what your may bo Nor how much worth Helling world will tho wiser bo if by lolling

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