Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1905, p. 8

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is- a millionaire over in tie of cells rich for bare proven normal of red cells fci adult eta It five million in women And million to the millimeter The cell not absolutely round fa but in becomes ex tremely irregular in shape Every one can in perfect health the rail of rich red blood corpuscles if they kcOTf how lo go about it Dr consulting to the Inva lids Hotel and Institute at Buf falo advises ever and woman to prepare for a long life by observing na tures In the first if your Citation is foully and the food tat not taken up by the blood and illated properly you need a tonic and corrector something that will increase the red blood corpuscle he believes in about this in natures own way Years ago in active practice he foaqd an alterative extract of certain herbs root put up without the pit of alco hol would put the liver lungs and Into fuller And more complete action This called Dr Golden Discovery By the food eaten it nourishes the and in of the corpuscle the per sons takes on a rich red color tle are more nearly found s only the cry of starved fcervei for and when the nerves arc fed on rich the person loses irritable feelings sleeps well at night and re in the mommy If you want to about your body Wid Pierces Common Sen Medical Adviser which be had for the cost of cents in stamps for the clothbound book or stamps for the volume Ad- Dr V Pierce Buffalo Dr Pierce Pellets cleanse the Vowels and stimulate the The Sovereign Bank of Canada the Idle around Hie flub AND TO RECORD m The Convention here was a great success A sleigh load of young people here attended the hockey match at bridge on Monday and rather of Newmar ket visited at Pickerings last neck A grand reception was given by the people if the town on Thursday even ing to J ajes Horner who to Miss Kate Holmes of Kirk- field on Wednesday Jan ISth About thirty couples partook of sump repast which was by the grooms mother Mr and Mrs Horner intend taking up iiieit home in Winnipeg where Mr Hon ir runs an extensive building business Feeding J Before you do select the brut possible Irof J of ft Exploit- BY A BANKER It has been the final tTir the euilin games in Tan- Apart from the many Valiant Farm at lonipctitioii and for the Cover- war such as seizing Fair On wore norGeJiera Prize will take place in and throwing overboard a Jive shell two one n I in the other a yearling look fiteors face iWi want a face not too Ion with a lAfKeeyo All iscoti feeding neefce steer this next Tuesday and hanging a sack of guncotton to which lighted fuse is on the riding on top of a box ear of a citadel and Alfred Boon a P switchman other deeds of martial valour was caught by a a were badly bruised Mr Bristol was kicked i fl orner by a wire and thrown in- probably the most daring feat ever His back and hips performed by mortal man since- the on with a good constitution or the leg by a horse on Sunday so large flunntitfea pf food that he is confined to hi bed a To secure was riding the gate at the Hunt Club when a horse ahead world was created was the crossing of the falls of Niagara a rope over the raging torrent by in CTOUKKVILLK and depth givp organs of iie rthe He conformation Of i A very large number attended School Convention in Methodist Church yn Thursday Friday last At some of the sos the the and Year in with our an Savings Bank the church was crowded to The different parts of program were very interesting and instructive and by such interchange of ideas the work of the Sabbath School is made thorough uniform The of the late John Johnston of filed for pro bate Tee is worth of which amount is in debts and notes and the remainder in cash Christian and Calvin Stafford are the executors The will directs that to each of grandchildren and and the re mainder of the estate to his sons widow and her two daughters of him suddenly struck out with his heels In the Police Court on Monday George pleaded guilty to taking 1S from a house where be was rooming He was sentenced to tat two fimonths bard labor at the Central ox wlth a sharp back the y width flhonWer and land of The development of wldtb a etratgbt ana not rounding hnra a spectacle must have been presented when this feat was The mighty is rapidly though smoothly and pertniliWl on the very edge of the precipice over which with an awful plunge leaps down with a maddened roar into the vast caldron far beneath Here all is The- remains of the laic David Walk- tu 0 from California on hur W morning and wore taken to his a posing surging cataracts residence Victoria Si and dreadful impact shattering and in the afternoon transforming mass into a deluge On Friday a whose home tempesttossed foam terrific e- on Oak Street jumped whirling waters which madly for a ride but got thrown on when rtiu though the corner- Ml twH were thundering there caution their children lhis Jieorl to common practice of lll of liic Tin- Ret flesh rounding a corner He fell against Tin ftinok On teer cg the rents against this common jumping on sleighs j watery abysm while over all a beau- Joseph Kennedy alias Joseph TObw emblem of who was tried in for shimmers over the the of Irene Cole and ac- quitted on perjured evidence appear- And then elevand far and high muen more the From one year two hnA a la feeding for beef The relatvc or a or f foUoxvK From birth to pur lb eve of TWENTY CENTS and upwards and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND Compounded Pour Times a Year without of Pass viz hi January April July and October of each year A Branches in Canada AMD Agents in all Parts of the World Courteous Treatment Unexcelled Facilities Modern Methods An enjoyable time was spent at the New Years At Home last Friday evening in the Sabbath School of Methodist Church The decorations were very fine Mr reci tations were much appreciated and Master Oscar Lukes maic lantern views were very interesting The re freshments were all that could he de sired Constable was informed the other night between ten and elev en oclock that a horse and cutter had been taken from the Central Ho- tel sheds After a few hour it was 45 located in a farmers stableabout miles north of Bradford It appears to have been a case of mistaken iden tity owing to his too familiar ac quaintance with John Barleycorn- It I just cost the farmer for costs and damages to cutter and harness rope day of last week pleaded guilty to a shore shore the hold performer charge of assaulting Mrs Margaret walks calmly over the raging Hood Percy in her home at Kcw Beach on which divides the territories of the Dec and was sentenced to serve two nations upon earth- two years less one day in the Britain that great empire of four tral Prison hundred million souls ami her valiant Mrs of Ave at worldrespected cousins with their Toronto Junction fell in the yard at ever increasing teeming population the rear of- her home one evening Now he pauses for a moment to week and broke her left ankle the multitudes assembled both The anniversary of the open- on the British and the American of Kim Street Methodist Church shores now he makes a pretence of AUKQHA ACCOUNT IS Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH WANTED j Complaints arc being made that whips arc being stolen rigs in the Mcthodit Church yards here on Sunday evenings Last week Mr Win Snowball sold Mr Buckle of Whit church a nine months old Hereford boll call for the handsome of iff Mr Cannon of this place has before Judge Winchester on above all ft months years r n lb year to lb There imal that enables ft ftnake better of Its than old We it pays to put reeding n in loos Jf be of tfalrly a observed on Sunday last Kef- stumbling causing a thrill of horror and keep comfortable were preached in the morning to unnerve the spectators who watch the stall ventilated Under by A pastor his feigned attempt to recover his poor ventll gainry only other lot gal joamine the feed care I J and now arrived almost at the A little 3yearold Jrl shore he trips lightly along and When jutting up titer the fall Campbell St West bound lands safely lota food alt fad a narrow escape from thunderous plaudits ol the excited the you con economically to death last week by her rtbes multitudes now released to got them to cat every ptecrrpw catching fire while standing in front strain of witnessing apparently hazardous feat Probably few on this earth would attempt- to perforin this feat risk terrible fall into rg- ng for cue sax Jancied pleas ure to risk a Certain plunge into abysm of the blackness of darkness to the house who with the help of the mother succeeded in tunny with the in the kitchen or Jive nuoti hay cured clover fthe buy After four lo plx nt pieal Start with TOr day quantity gradual- barley j The Melical Ileal lb a good ration If you to isolation srnothcring out Her flood multitudes however painful are not considered willing for the sake of fancied dangerous Iipartiicit and controlled ami Reliable agent for market and surrounding to atU fruit small fruits n Portable saw mill trees and New Varieties ol fi salary paid weekly fere by Police a W- of Newmarket Mr Acres ward of Kin at was stock guaranteed delivered rgd with committing an good and acoompaQled assault on Mr Pa a bury of by Williams admitted the art the beat In tbs assault and was fined and costs Interested party should in all to 93070 in default get Borne food that at enalyflla Rran can often at a low price in Hummer Gluten Is one beat Tfio Starch Co or Montreal given pie gluten equal to oil meal it hi quoted t ton on at A wide ration can teed xt of feeding period profit but it get the period advances He ail were in beef ralwln V the Short Hut what is a man advantaged It bo gain even whole world and lose his soul Happily He who asked this question and who gay Himself a ransom for us has opened of the Kingdom of Glory to all who will but com to Him for pardon and for eternal life Secret of a Long Life You sometimes sec a woman whose old age is as exquisite as was the apply now to NURSERY CO Toronto Ont Mention this of which he was to go to jail for days The fine were id PROMPTLY Invent or Help are ftwfrvdkd a f in- f opinion at whether It It fully in Montr vjrf Marlon Hi rta oolite in Manure- MARION and Solicitors f in Belgium have been trained in Belgium for to beasts of burden Throughout the country thousands of constantly work or in teams before small carts giving per fect of small ah well light vehi cles are drawn by dogs the country What would be cart in iKcmcb a dogcart In Belgium arid in oiany of pro- as worlds a stage and on having speaVIng parts tt CASTOR I A Infants and Childen Yen Bought t days A tea and peddler named at the Agricultural College at was found dead and with the export afternoon by Mounted Constable would by there the very iiractice oh found actual dirccUd by the Hoard of the City Council or for I lie present year These doctor bills do come high Mr Fred Hubbard son Control ler Hubbard who was Mr I Fleming secretary in the Assess ment Department at has resigned to accept the private secretaryship of Mr Remind who is now general manager the To ronto Street Railway Co John Barrett who appears to a hankering after green pickles a pail full from a grocery in perfect of her youth and the Cadi sent him down for how Ibis has come about wonder now it is her life has a long and happy of the reasons She knew how OIK Here arc some to for gel are In Quebec Wbejo pro of und er taken kfoodad vantage two ox clover eed WtthiD the month been it the County tho no There Is a marked increase the of entering the Unit ed Slates close to the College St en- lMg- trance to High Park A by her nerves well in hand his side and a bullet wound in and inflicte1 them on no one head told the story of his I the art of saying j The authorities in are masters of situation and most of the have to work Mr Thomas Donnelly proprietor of The dead on the waiting fox a direct car flail Jan The child of Mr near ton was killed fhe child was by who was sitting on he fcifa gave a slight turn and fell on the hide of It bead breaking its and tirio A married man bad central tie evening I his for came In room be Mel- dir to good night Ihouglit be meant her and replied cant away For coughs colds bronchitis asthma weak weak lungs consumption take Aycrs Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house We have been saying this for years and have the dpciors tot It v 1 for pd J Hrtinott Walthku ft A J y death Financial trouble is the lungs cause rt st too much from Highwaymen attacked and brutally her friends James J Connolly near made whatever work came to Clarence on Saturday night her Connolly the attack and stained her illusions and AUi had bis clothes fairly torn off his ot believe all world wicked and back Ills vest was in two unkind pieces and the victim bears I relieved the miserable and the assault in two black eyes and Winli the sorrowful other The three thieves got never forgot that kind words three dollars i a smile nothing bit arc A carold girl treasures to the Waring was very furiously Injured on Saturday while coasting in c did unto others as she would park opposite the now that old ago lion Hospital Her sleigh struck Wi there is a halo and she wan oil with white hairs about her head she Is great violencebeing rendered and considered This Is the by of the brain secret ol a long life and a happy well known in local circles fell from a threestory York Street on Sunday morn ing and died a few bourn later In the emergency Hospital I Next Sunday evening will the union of the Kim St and Agnes St Methodist Churches A farewell service will be In the 1 Agnes Street Church in the morning and in evening the two I Ions will unite in at the Klin Street Church Agnes St Church the hands of Vctjr Hoard and will be for missionary purposes lor foreigners in the Ward one I Mr was killed In a runaway at Mr f Vandevort a leading citizen of dropped dead Tho largest diamond the world was discovered near Pretoria It is valued at nearly four million dollars lt JOiJ s AVgeiaWePitftpnferA8- slmilating liFoodonafegulaT ling ihftStoBiariBfirj flf and nsrr A perfect Remedy lion Sour StoinachDiarrhoea and LOSS OF SLEEP- facsimile Signature of Yon i EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER Infants and Children Kind Have I Bears T NAMES CON Confined to His Horn for Weeks nil my I to All vs doctor ir iton why I was oft work much I ry to coirulc treatment ihm He wrote v My flrt I iOihtjui I nronsSj with complete cure tarn SI ft In a iralmnt I dly- I all knew vjube HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ffi ore She- and They up life v from Khz a i jPttllrj-Jnw- of It Only yror Cord our cures all OH MIDDLE Imprudf acta or down fyftim r you iUntatly and vitally not the man you to or should he larger Will you READER Ate a Havo you lot Are yon Interdict to Win Have you any v Ill vt It done io fraitr who hat treated rlt opinion f Charge HOOKS tor on of NAMES YYJCITTKS CONSENT nnihe or jncllrQ Hit of Cor Wiob Ave and Shelby St Detroit Mich Give us a young man or wo man ol good elementary educa tion and we In six months produce a skillful stenographer able to earn as an Initial salary or a month We have been doing this for ten years are doing it now better ever and bet ter any other school Busi ness want our product wo want the material lor full particulars A KENNEDY SHAW Principal Secretary YEARS EXPERIENCE Tradc Mark ft our opinion for A Co without la Scientific American a of ftnyaclentldc four months V WANT ClairvoyantPsychic Medical for Hut The Lungs get ction of the bowels Aid nature By DR K P Relieving in cnair- is current reMjrt in voyance or not there la no ele Dr lor the fact that ihc doctor can ex- Toronto by the Couser vn- plain the and of your live lor the Speakership of disease either mental physical and I lie new If Oils should has restored to health and prove two Newmarket loys many who would have In the year of helpless invalids all their grae I Speaker Sutherland In lives Send lock of hair lie Dominion and Speaker and stamp to in the Ontario House Quite a DR NEWMARKET IN and Head Stones Allan Strayed From my premises a twoyearold Bull dark red points ot his cut of and two cut out from under side left ear Any person giving where I will find him will be reasonably rewarded Address DRAPER Box I A Local Salesman for surrounding territory to repre sent CANADAS GREATEST SERIES Newest varieties and specialties hi Hardy Shrubs and Rosea A permanent sitUitloa and territory rewrved for the man Pay weekly Handsome fit free Write for particulars tend S for oar pocket scope Just thing to use in arolnlng trees and plants for insects STONE WELLINGTON over Toronto Ontario I a RHH iTAUItlAOB LICENSES ftUTTON Desirable House for Sale j I largo fttabi Lota of Also building lot St

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