Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1905, p. 3

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i THE FRIDAY FEB Weeks Local Hems WHAT IK ft Big The Office Specialty Works are busy turning out Motel Wardrobes for University Montreal Remember the Given by tie Ladies Aid of the Christian Church at Parsonage this Friday evening Go and en joy a good Lea and spend a pleasant evening At a the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada at Toronto recently Dr A Webb of Newmarket was appointed to the office of Grand First Assistant Sojourner This is quite an honor ary distinction and is a recognition of the good work of Doric Chapter The Roche Company Ltd are selling Dry Goods at cost price Very Sod Mr Robert Thompson who has been poorly for some time carte to town from Toronto last Saturday to spend a few days with his brother and sister Mr Jesse and Miss Thompson Sriglcy St but he re ceived a telephone message on Tues day morning saying his little daugh ter may die that morning from pneu monia He left for home immediate ly only to find her spirit gone The funeral took Place at Mount Albert on Thursday Oyster j The Hose Company met in trie Fire fast Wednesday evening and on the conclusion of the business ir A invited the members to an Oyster Supper at Simpsons Refreshment Parlor where a very en joyable evening was spent A Jolly Party On invitation of Mr Jacob Doyle a party of residents from where he and Miss Walsh former ly resided arrived in cutters at oclock on Wednesday evening After supper the party enjoyed a skate at Newmarket Rink til oclock their return a hot oyster awaited them after which- games and violin piano and ed away the time till the storm was so great afraid to start home across the Brad ford marsh Breakfast was served at oclock and after having greatly enjoyed Mr Doyles hospital ity they started for home at the break of day t en s The regular monthly meeting of Womens Missionary- Society in con nection with the Church took place at the Parsonage on Wed nesday afternoon A snort program which included an original paper on Japan and her People- by Mrs Jackson reading by Mrs and instrumental duett by and Mrs Richardson was followed by a sew ing bee on missionary quilts at the conclusion of which tea was served ixA the ladies had quite a social chat Brief lets Whitchurch Council meets on at Artist Smith took the shadow of a group of five generations at the resi dence of Mr field on Tues- lay has won tbe Hockey in this District Next Tuesday is St Valentines Day Coalbin thieves have been visiting premises on Park Ave Citizens are warned to be on their guard The window display in the Sove reign Bank Building is very attrac tive The drifted badly on Wednes day night and many people had more than their share to remove from walks yesterday morning No Up Frost appears to be Jetting people know that he has control of the Canadian winter- It was from to below zero in Town again Wednesday morning arid the con tinued cold snap has been hanging on for about two now Some or people have reported at the Waterworks that their pipes are frozen so that they cannot put and have asked for the current to assist them Operations were commenced at Al derman Hunters on Tuesday So many people are leaving their open at night that as much wa ter being this week as in the beat of Hie next thing we of will be froen up drains High School Board met last Wednesday after noon Present Father Whitney Dr Wesley and Messrs- Webb J A Cody J and Jack son For the third year in succes sion Mr Jackson- was elected chair man by acclamation which honor was duly acknowledged The Secretary presented the report of the Auditors which was adopted the following being a synopsis- v RECEIPTS from last report Legislative Grant County Grant Town Grant Fees from County Pupils Fees from Resident Pupils Fees from NonResident Pu pils Bank Loan 325 Other Sources 70 01 00 PAYMENTS Repairs to Buildings and Grounds 107 Salaries of Teachers Salaries of Officers and Cost of Entrance Insurance l fc do Addition to Library and 24 Uniforms Sundries New Furniture 21 In Theory of The following pujdlt Mine Lois have patsc flrbt- honors their final examination in the of music at the of the Toronto of Music Annie J per cent LcHJise Itogers Miss Annie McDonald Ldna Mulloy Mies Or alia work En Theory will viUi the view of the in aid the Junior 2nd year In the History of in June will ah formed at owe for the of rudiments to tU of preparing for the June should arrange o do So ow at of the new term order that work be As no piano or vocal or Oca tea are by- any college of A to who not ai ir the of thie departure of will be seen may be tent to Lola Wilson St Toronto Jr Town every Saturday A number of accounts were passed and one was transferred to the chair man of Repair Committee for ad justment The report of Inspector Hodgson on his recent visit to the school very satisfactory lie says the school premises are in good condition and the accommodations are all the high est grade except Waiting Rooms and Gymnasium The ratio of pupils to teachers in satisfactory the division of duties among teachers Judicious and the timetable Is adapted to meet the requirements of the various classes of pupils The staff is legal ly qualified the discipline excellent all pupils have been regalarly ad mitted the textbooks are in accord ance with the regulations and registers are properly kept Sup plementary reading and sight trans lation in classics are quite satisfac tory to the Inspector Teaching marked Good in all subjects ex cept French which is Fair Ad ditional note 1 inspected but one class in Science the work of the teaching was well done however and I do not doubt that it was illustra tive of his methods in all the sub- of this Department Book keeping very satisfactory Brill Calisthenics and Gymnastics hot in spected The closing remarks areas follows This school continues to make gratifying progress in the work of secondary education- The spe cial attention devoted to the Com mercial Department Is producing ex cellent results and will L trust be continued In connection with iuh I was pleased note the accur acy pupils language in theft translations and in the framing of oral to questions on all sub jects Standing Committees for the year were adopted as follows Repairs and Supplier Wesley Bo- gart and Webb Maintenance and Proctor Finance Bogart Wesley and It was expected that a grant of would received from Gov ernment on behalf of the Cadet Corps Mr Coombs was present and explain ed that the Corps was not examined until after school closed for the holidays quired was not present The Principal was requested to explain the situation to the Department as it fault of the Corps that examination was delayed and ask for payment of the grant As the fuel bill was more than usual and the repairs 1100 more than estimated together with the non- arrival of the grant for the Cadet Corps the treasury is empty the Chairman and Secretary were to arrange a temporary loan I adjourned like diamonds cost of ten trouble to And than to fsh couucQ toot on Monday even ing the Mayor in the Present Messrs Robertson Coombs Born- The of were read and approved The following accounts were to be Ontario interest freight coal A A field carting Smith ca J cool Gray J P Telegraph Co Bell Telephone- WestlnghouKu 25 v Packard Klee Co Can GeD Co Ditto iH87 United Factories 150 A Thompson lJO The of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co was referred the finance committee to arrange The Clerk was instructed to write to the underwriters association and inform that all have taken the of hydrants etc from alfio to Clerk of the thai If there is no bylaw- 1 of polling the bylaw committee is iiwtrucied to in one notice of pio to be Jo at next meet ing the council re to manage the electric Moved by Mr Robertson by that the councd accept to advance the of to buy the old iferfistry Office council to pay him Interest at per cent pur ouiic I repays said loan that the Cleric bo instructed to notify the county that the town council will accept the offer of the property at Carried Moved by Mr by Mr that fa tbe opinion this council tbe interest of the couu- try would be served by deepening of the eaet branch of the Holland River via Landing Newmarket and Aurora the west branch of the river via Bradford and the of King and or the Black Wet with ren tier com mercial Carried Moved by Mr Coombe seconded by Toronto Late Monday night Mr a- wellknown tinsmith on Queen St West was struck a street car while crossing the street and very seriously injured He is regarded as being in a critical condi tion A few ago had from his trunk It was afterwards found bidden in a pile of bricks Later on Lewis who told where the cash was bidden was arrested by a detective and now languishes in prison Thomas Tyler an Cri mean veteran died at tbe General Hospital on Sunday night fought at Alma and Inkerman and present at the fall of Sevasto pol Deceased was over years of age Provincial Railway Taxation Commission is holding a final session this week in the Parliament Build ings The report touie Government will be adopted and the business of the Commission concluded In the Assize Court last Tuesday a juryman named Walter who resides in the city failed to to his name but- was brought in lat er by a sheriffs and evident ly the worse for liquor The Judge gave him a severe reprimand and fin ed him or in default ten days in jail This is the rat juror fined for drunkenness in this court for years Premier Ross luncheon with LieiitGovernor on Tuesday and during the afternoon tendered his resignation together with the seals of Miss an elderly woman At road was serious ly injured last week near and streets where she was run down by a southbound car Miss Bolt was struck alter she alighted from and passed behind a northbound car Have you seen the large spot on the sun On a reasonably bright day it may be seen through glass The Toronto Observatory man says the spot at the beginning of this week was a little south and west of the centre and consists a large nucleus with numerous Mealier nuclei scattered throughout length and breadth of the disturb ance which is miles long miles wide and is ob long in shape Such a large spot as this has not been observed for years The city has been visited this week by a large number of Hon Mr i iavoa iv -a- STOCK Our Stock is too heavy for this time of the year must be Reduced The only do it is to Lower Prices This has been done to the Lowest Notch Many lines of our White Goods Bale will be sold at the same Low Pices Do not wait until the last days of this Sale but Come and Pick out the Choicest Bargains THE BEST RESULTS BAKING POWDER At Salem Mass on Saturday night moving picture machine ex ploded on the stage during the per formance at the Hal Theatre starting a fire that drove an audience of persons in a panic from the place and destroyed building entailing a loss of PERFECT CONFIDENCE Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry In the house- hold when a child showed symptoms of croup there now perfect confi dence This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlains Cough Rem edy in the treatment of that diseaio M I of speaking of her experience in ot Entirely A Question 1 1 of Price i i Mr that the joiacy at its session of the of Newmarket cussed the question of seeking to the railway fare of deputation from have lic senate of Toronto to Ottawa Trent their part Valley Cnu qualification required on tle and deputation of I H seems that the University will be to re- tb Mayor and council the degroeb of pharmacy in Legislature q toT6 most of tor for themselves or their friends Mr Whitney has intimated- to not a few that no general changes will take place The council of the College of Pilar- on 1 iicsnay and not fewer than five other to be named by council Carried Mr Coombs proposed the first reading of the ByLaw to reduce the number of liquor licenses in He did not wish- to reduce the number at present as he real ized that there no hotel accom modation to spare but he wanted to fix the number at five so that they would not be even the population warrant it statute and thus encourage present premises to give better accommodation espe cially to farmers with horses Mr wanted the number reduced to four and the lieensc rais ed in price so that those hotels who were increasing their acconiinodition and hordes would encouraged for enterprise Mr thought there no particular demand for reducing the number he did not think it would lessen the drinking A povorn- was now coming to power and there was no telling what changes may be made in the law He it not wise to bother with it year Mr Cane thought there was no thing gained in passing the Bylaw unless the number was reduced and there is nothing I ri the statute to compel a hotelkeeper in Town to furnish more than four bed rootns those occupied by his family and and they arc not required to furnish horse at all After some further informal discus sion the matter was dropped till next meeting of Council Move1 by Mr by Mr Cane that the of be to the credit ofj the and that the Meal of the corporation ho attached to thin resolution Carried Of motion the council -vOOO- CHAMBERLAINS STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS ED FOR CONSTIPATION Mr A a prominent drug gist of Baxter Springe Kansas Stomach and Liver Tablets are In my Judgment the most preparation of any thing use tolay for cooBtlpatioo They are in action and with no tendency to gripe For tale Lloyd the subjects covered by the medical course Invitations are out for tin- Yacht Club hall on the in the King under patronage of the GovernorGeneral of Canada and the Countess stage in the troubles of the Packing Com pany Limited t was when the Court of Appeal took up the bearing of Osier Wades appeal from Mr Jus tice Streets judgment in the matter Mr Wade a liquidator lames Pakenham Jonas John Kend- and Rachel mem bers of the Company per sonally and the Standard Rank to recover plus- some Ho got judgment against all but the bank for less the value of slock book and from thin he appeals seeking full sum of his original claim The fatalities the city on Wed nesday wao a record breaker a wo man killed by train and half a dozen more or less injured Mrs Hassard wife proprietor of the Office Hotel St who was seriously hurt by being from a cutter Mr of the Piano Co died earlyWed nesday morning aged years The Town Council of Toron to decided to submit a local op tion bylaw on Saturday March If carried the bars to be closed Aug 1st next a world of confidence in Chamber lains Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success My child Garland is subject to soverc attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief For sale by Lloyd ooo Stoek Wanket in a best week best ling at J i cows J The cattle trade seems to be little letter shape this exporters In Toronto go to medium WJO to to bulls to feeders to to 375 and dairy w Rest butchering stock is 425 to mediums 375 to J4 common to 350 butchers cows to Calves are to and milch to each The lamb market Is still in good shape lambs selling in Toronto at to B25 with sheep at and Some quote Iambs at and Hogs are quoted this week at for the market Is weak at this price and quotations will be lower shortly When you arc ready to place your order for your SPRING SUIT dont let the price be the only QUALITY MEANS TODAY than over before we have always hold our reputation in fair dealings good workmanship and styles we intend to keep by still carrying the largest and best lino of- Woollens that are on the market this present season INSPECTION con vince you of faot that we are able to compete with all competitors in Price Workmanship and Quality Mclaughlin NEWMARKET Toponfco fflGrketo Cold Its boytime when it Its when It snows youngster is the lot Is when it snows Its rough on rheumatism And It seriously annoys The dignity of grown folks Hut pretty good for lioya Its just atothtr Instance When makes It plain That In the mighty scheme of things Theres nothing in vain So lets forget our sorrows In a joys The vather hard on grown folks But Its pretty good for hoys There In hone for man who does not have to fall down more than once to learn how to up Col- ton Feb Feb 1905 1 White Wheat per a Flour per barrel 80 a Red Wheat per bush a 08 Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per a Spring Wheat per bush a per bush a 0 Wheat 0 Rye per bush Buckwheat a do a Hay per ton a fissasfeinatibh 1 t- A Finland salon pet ton ft- Shorts per lon a Go Hay per ton Butter per lb a 0 Ducks per lb per doz a Chickens per lb Packed per a Chickens per pair Chicken per pair v per Ducks v 0 a- Beef fore a Beef hind a f a Finland who before he wasenhol a Butter roll per lb- a known by the name of a 82Jwaa by a PoUtota ft man whoso- Identity Dressed Hogs per a time has not been determined ft 00 The ftd son a 0 a 0 a on a ft 00 ft 0 both- a revolver duel lowing killing- The motive of 0 the crime apparently woe purely 16 iht slain official being a prom- fi member of the oo I RICHARDSON Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies In the World Use It LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS Cure a CM in Day Toko Laxative Quinine Seven pot I A box ffJttt I

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