Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1905, p. 6

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DENTIST St Newmarket NEWMARKET DENTIST Will bo at Mt Albert Drools Block on 2nd at Tuesday each month MANAGER Coal I Coal Now Is the time to put In your Coal We arc also paying the high est price for all kinds of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert Jersey Grades for Sale 10 Heifer from months to years old have been bred also Fresh Cows For particulars apply to Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West of East of Lot Coo Scott on which is a large quantity of hardwood hemlock ce dar and tamarack For terms and particulars apply to C DAVIDSON Mount Albert MISSIONARY TEA The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church was held at the home of Mrs John Walton on Friday evening The usual program was proceeded with and the ladies were entertained to tea by Mrs Wal ton A pleasant and profitable time present Hockey is causing quite an excite ment in our village this season In match with Aurora on Friday last our boys came out ahead with a score of- to It was a good game lots of fun and good crowd SUTTON of Toronto of Miss Sib- Are beginning to arrive was spent by all HOCKEY The school boys of the Hill King St and Centre have formed a three- team hockey league The first was played on the pond on Saturday between the Hill and St re sulting in a victory for the former by to The losers complain of rough usage On part of Iho vic tors PERSONAL Mr and Mrs John Ross Man- arc town on a friends of Elgin visit to Next match on Friday night- vs Sutton Puck faced at Come and help cheer J to victory Who says has no life A grand Masquerade Carnival is to be held here next Wednesday evening which will he the best ever held in Good prises will be given for he best costumes and also a competition for children Music will be furnished by a firstclass or chestra and a big crowd is anticipat ed The manager Will spare pains to make it a great success- I Never let man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means Miss Flossie Forrest is seriously ill without sinning against his own soul suffering from an attack of append 1 1 Any other issue is doubtful trie evil I effect on himself is certain- Sou they NOTICE W Boot and Shoe Maker moved into the oc cupied by J Hunter where we carry a full line of the best shoe pol ishes and Dubbin that is made made to order Repairing a pcdalty The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of Capital Total HEAD CANADA or Andrew Gault Cbalnnao J Deputy Chair- Alex Accepted at Current Hate G F Agent Mt Albert Chief Syr itf Try Own Emalsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading make Properly fit and guar antee Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT a ALBERT Our Spring Wall Papers and Carpets Are in for It will pay you baying elsewhere bo Bee them before ROSS BROS ALBERT Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up by oumlrei Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot curry a full of among tod Care Family perioral attention day ox T LLOYD and Lawr concluded his course of lectures on electricity before the reading circle on Monday evening a very pleasant time being spent at the home of Mr J A Hopkins Holt Mr J A Hopkins of has sold acres of his farm to Mr Cunningham and Mr A arm Mr Laird Dresden is vis iting at the home of Mr Seth Jew ell J JOCKEY MATCH The King St Junior team drove to Franklin oh Saturday afternoon or a game with the Franklin The game was exciting being fast and- rough The first half ended with a core of to in favor of the Mount Alberts In the second half neither tide scored The teams were as follows Albert goal Steeper point coverpoint J Smart rover O Sibley centre Shields right wing J left wing Franklin goal All Parks point Grose coverpoint It Gra ham rover centre Case right wing Longhurst left wing Harper o ANOTHER CASE OF CURED BY CHAMBER LAINS PAIN BALM The efficacy Chamberlains Pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism is being demonstrated daily Parker of says that Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in back when everything else failed and he would not be without it For sale by Lloyd NO IE I V Alma Stella Bennett Fleatrice Herrick HI Jennie Meiton Rut ledgfe Watson Jr I Thompson Millie Thomp son Rutlctge Arthur Andrew WJiJheU Walter Couch Flos sie Marl Byron Watts Jennie Willie Ian- ton John Thompson Watts Howard Jr Jetty Couch Rye riutMge Mary Bertha Car- I Archie Mitchell Stanley Maries Gordon Cora Thompson Emma Mitchell Ho ward Smart Couch Jennie Jones Average Prcoent every day Bennett Coy Ross TERRY eacher When Its Furniture It had better be bought here We think thats good advice Bigger display here than at some places more variety more chance that you will get the precise something you arc looking for Then what we show you is stylish strongly constructed and we can prove to anyone in ten minutes that buying here makes it a good deal eas ier for the family purse Misses Williams Junction arc the guests bald at the Briars The hockey match between vill and Sutton on Tuesday evening of last week resulted- in favor of the score being Miss Watson of Toronto is guest Mrs Crosier at present Dr Pringle and his daughter Miss Sadie spent a few days on Island last week with friends Mrs F held a social in St James Hall last Tuesday week the- proceeds go to the church funds We are sorry to say that death has visited the homo of Mr Geo Wilkin son of and called his only son fifteen years of Miss Watson a member of Avenue Ho Road Presbyterian Church choir To ronto rendered a fine solo in Knox Church Sutton last Sunday Rev McLean of Toronto occupied the pulpits the Presbyterian churches at Sutton and Egypt last Sunday We regret to say- thai Mrs is very ill Mrs who has been low is somewhat improved Mrs Geo Cuttle and Miss Harri son spent Monday in In last weeks items we mentioned Mr P McClellan as one the speak ers at the political demonstration This was a mistake the Rev J Kee being the person in tended who was rejoicing over the great victory At the Lennox poli tical jubilee here a number ramjam speeches were by the selfassumed purity party over their great victory on the after winch Sutton took a whiskey bath to wash away the clear the atmosphere and elevate morality his Satanic Majesty must grin over such a per formance and why because it is the exact counter of the man tun vie ted of crime claiming innocence get in their work Wire fence seems only remedy for this nar row highway But with no fences as windbreaks the cold seems doubly intensified Our branch railroad is well prepar ed for drifts better than ever he- J Time to pay lipl The Era Owl is watching for thee let it be in vain Ice harvesting is going on at Kmer- Lake Artie Tomlinson is contracts He cuts in a manner no slipshod work there It is indeed cheering to see the days lengthening put and of spring awakening will soon bo in order Our pretty should get a liberal number The old custom is about our amorous swains preferring per sonally deliver their lovetokens What about that monster hotel at Jacksons Rumor says theres nothing done as yet Maybe its Only a big bubble We have a few to clear out DRAIUDENS 2 An unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as well as ornamental EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE MOUNT ALBERT O Better say This one thing I do than to say These fifty things I dabble in Moody ALLAN THEAKER VIVIAN SCHOOL McCormack Roy Scott Stewart Clara Jr Bradford Brooks Myers If Vivian Mont gomery Scott Myrtle Sr IiOllver Smart Jr H Herbert Calm Jaynri Clarence Myers Mount Albert Planing A Sawing Mills BALDWIN BREEZES Doors Sash and kinds of Dressed Lumber hand Get the lor your house ready this winter and save money Lumber and Shingles CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO D WOODCOCK RANGE COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning COAL OR WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert Ml- The new Church at Wellington County fctroyi by fire Sunday night Feb the Town naftfcd a bylav reduc ing the number from to Another by- lav waft the li- for billiard At present the a table The regulation to for first tabic for each additional tabic Into the premises of lot Coo East Doc a White Boar about old Owner la to prove proper ex penses and take It away THIRSK Mount Albert it Ncwrncrkoi In Mount Al bert at Town Hall every and to receive pupil la Piano Culture Vio lin Puplli prepared for examination What bo March Generally speaking our convalescent but the la grippe epi demic continues to claim new vic- On 1st Win his birthday Reverse figures and you have Miss Lucy Crit tendens age birth celebrated on same day Just for the of annoying them they tell a story on two of our local celebrities Father Win and Father Hill that when received the election returns it was such a bitter pill to swallow that they cried and snivelled and wrung their hands grief Of course like much of elec tion talk this is mere twaddle en tirely but ii did make them hang their under lip That you may sue for your selves Squire spent several in the city last week perhaps con ferring J Ross re rot ten plank temperance in Grit party platform The three jolly old Turks this serve to illustrate the tion of our local Conservatives Theres Father Win Daddy Bachelor Sam L Of course theyre Tories Why so they know not I trow but such are most unmistakably For long years they have homo do- feat- in silent submission the cars of grief trickling down their bronzed furrowed cheeks Today ob serve and abouit like a cricket and kicking up like a playful kid They cant stand much glorification it sots them wild A good many of our citizens are cutting their wood on Donald III- dells and Thomas Yates property along the survey of the James Day It They got great bargains so they say The election storm having news is scarce Many think the coming season will be favorable for travelling cheaply A twocent per mile rate on Met ropolitan would prove a universal blessing To T John Smith arid others longing for a dip into the public treasurymake a grab now boys The early catches the Worm It is stated be ft to Lennoxs cred it that he refused to permit his Sut ton followers the pleasure of burning effigy and also thankful ly that the sup port elected him We know not what mans ambition may reach out to J low would Sir Thomas and Lady Lennox sound and look engrav ed on calling cards guess Is all he can waddle under Im hell be a pour apology for a since he Is not a brilliant success at Interpreting already on the statute book The conversion of poor Jo always was but hes turned his coat lis Bald this- elec tion he went Lennox This no doubt was due to of Squire Station who Is gifted for work Swamp road already al most Impassible from snowdrifts WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve lungs This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy This Remedy liquefies the tough mu cus and causes its expulsion from the air of the lungs produces a free expectoration and opens the secre tions A complete cure soon fol lows This Remedy will cure a se vere cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition It counteracts any tendency towards are pneumonia For sale by T Lloyd J I Suitings Overcoatings In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at SON Merchant Tailors and MOUNT ALBERT Leonards Boneless Cod Fish regular lb Kippered Herring regular can for Imported French Sardines regular can lor Fancy Sarita Clara Pruned fresh fruit regular for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes extra choice large fruit regular for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest and finest imported for lb Santa Clara and Prunes arc known be tho finest grown in California l en Drop T Syrup is put up ins Finest Ped Salmon special can 15c lb for Cousins Scotch Cured Finnan very highest grade Clarks Domestic Sardines very nice fish special Sol can Our beautiful clear Golden and til Evaporated Peaches regit Mince Meat enough for 4 pies special tin Canned Plums regular can for Canned Peaches regular can for Canned Pineapples- regular 25c can for Pears regular can for a dainty Food used with milk or cream cures Indiges tion and puts color in your cheeks box Wheat regular for Force regular pkg at for Vim pkg Wo also Savon Quaker Oats Oraiigo Meat Swiss Food Life Chips Grape Nuts Hoi led Oats Corn Meal lbs Corn Meal for lbs finest Tapioca for Canned Pumpkin regular can cans for A full line of Christies Fancy on hand a bunches Cotton Hatting regular Be yard for pieces regular yard for pieces Vrapperette regular and J yard for Print fair good width special 5c yard Print full yard wide regular yard for pieces and Colored Sateens regular yard for pairs Wool Blankets regular clearing at pair While Wool close even weave soft lofty finish regular pair pieces Torchon Lace good width and new goods yard Ladles Holts swell new regular each tor 25c fi pieces Fancy Vesting In too late for regular yard for inc 5 pieces White Lawi regular yard for Heavy Pants at all prices from up Mens Heavy Vests regular SI each for Mens Mitts Sox c on hand also celebrated Birds Mackinaw Cloth Wo buyers of Butter Honey Lard Beans Spy Wax Johnstons Cash u TTO 6

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