Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1905, p. 8

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J pXPOrpZWIS TO BRADFORD While sleighriding on street bet Monday evening Marshall Mar tin son Mr Martin this into THE MARRIAGE QUESTION who announced ihatMoTt romance die with theAoundof the the rt to start the till It would teem a brave woman J Who name with this echo in her ears jet we hare not heard that there were during the There are on married lives but a large tneae home are one to the ill- of the wife mother or daughter During a long period of practice Doctor Tierce found that a pre en pi ion made up of roots and herbs the use alcohol cured ninetyeight per cent of such cases After hi for years in his private practice he pot it up in a form that can be bad any where medicine are handled Backed up by over a third of a of remarkable and uniform cores a record a no other remedy for the and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the prop tors and makersof Pierce Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay in money of the United States for any east of Female Weakness Pro lapsus or Filling of Womb which they pn not cure- All they ia a fair and reason able trial of their of cure Dr Fierce Favorite Prescription cures headache backache nervousness and other of worn anly Favorite makes weak women strong and sick en well Accept no substitute for the medicine which works venders for weak BAKER HILL- on Rheumatism- and Neuralgia Do Their Terrible In February Every tortured victim of rheuma tism should- carefully read the follow- village accidentally ran into letter from Mr of fence sustaining a broken and sprain- who was eat cured by Paine Celery Compound About four years since I had a attack of grippe followed by rheumatism for which the local phy sician prescribed the usual remedies which helped me at the time but not eliminate the disease Becoming ln gradually worse I finally became dis couraged and medicines without any benefit Then I went to Clifton Springs took the tteauncnt and felt somewhat- tcr hut after coming back I became very much worse and was confined to bed for a time I then went to Preston Springs and really improv ed but got- worse I was then induced to try Celery Compound and have gained in health and strength up lo the present writing I now walk from my house my store a- dis tance of onequarter of a mile daily arid to church Sundays Celery Compound has done all this Tor me My friends arc surprised and Astonished to see me able to at tend business again Believing that it is my fluty to let other I T Temperance to Great Britain Less Liquor Consumed Progress Our Cause the Steal Reason Recent official figures show that practical temperance is steadily gain ing ground if Great Britain Since there has been a marked falling oft in the per capita consump tion Of spirits by British nation the contraction being in sharp con trast to the steady increase up to that year The per capita is still too large to give much comfort Mr and Mrs Davidson Sunday at Mr Bakers A number from here attended special meetings at Miss Delia Baker is visiting a week with Miss Ethel Powell of Mr had the to lose a valuable cow this week A social was held at Mr last week by the Methodist La dies Aid and a snug sum realized as well as a good time Mrs Julia Cutting an old woman living alone on the Con has been taken to the Industrial Home where she will be comfortable- Mr has sold his residence to Oscar and will move to Toronto He was tendered a farewell on Tuesday evening by bis friends who regret his KING CITY The Sovereign Bank of Begin the year with in our account I Savings Bank A Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed Daily Balance AND Poor Times a Year f Ay without presentation of Pats Book viz January April July and October of each year Branches in Canada 46 AND Agents in all Parts of the World Treatment Modern Methods ACCOUNT IS INVITED WWallace Bruce NEWMARKET BRANCH WANTED representative in the Ontario ilature Mr Herbert Lennox with a demonstration in Hall on Saturday night Congratulatory dresses were made by County Conn- Archie Roland Harvey of Vaughan Rev Air stone King and Dr- of the polling subdivision who presided Mr Lennox eulogized the and file the workers A pleasant feature of the was the presentation to Mr Lcrnox j of a beautiful goldheaded cane ac companied by an address ad dress was read by Miss Myrtle Wells The presentation was made by Miss Evelyn a j little girl in a graceful manner who was rewarded by a kiss from Mr Lennox The proceedings terminated with an oyster supper a dance which was enjoyed by all present The annual banquet King Plow mens Association was held in Lloyds Hotel King City on Tuesday even ing- There was a large attendance one and twenty guests hav ing surrounded the refreshment ta bles Oysters were served in hrst- style and after the banquet an interesting program of music and speeches was carried out The chair was occupied by Speeches were delivered by Rev Newton Hill Mr Nor man and the musical entertainment was furnished by Ceo Stone Harry J T iuli J and Misses Carley and Myrtle depart- know of the benefit I have received from Celery Compound I cheerfully send this let ter Compound Is Recommended By Druggists And Physicians AURORA Miss Ethel and Nellie of Newmarket were visiting at their uncles Mr the fore part of this week The Agricultural Works here which have been closed down for the past month for the purpose of installing a large number of new machines in cluding a new boiler and engine of much larger capacity than the old one and making extensive repairs to works commenced runningngain on Wednesday with a full staff of men to those identified with ttic total ab stinence propaganda and that is declining instead of increasing shows that the best results to be hoped for from the temperance movement arc beginning to be seen Hard drinking is bad form socially and the nightly debauches of our ancestors arc rare in their more prudent de scendants Even among those who use wine ami spirits habitually drunkenness is disqualify ing a man or woman from a position in respectable society An explanation of the lessened spir it consumption likely to be sought in the general business depression and the restricted ability of those who live by labor to purchase intoxicants As a matter of fact however the business conditions such as to discourage this line of iniquity It is extremely difficult for those who are trying to create a popular scare over the British fiscal outlook to ex plain the country is really pros perous This is very clearly shown in the income tax returns Ten years ago for every penny in the pound assessed in this tax the re turns were Last year they were From this the conclusion is irresistible that toe income of the middle and upper classes has increased per cent in ten years From an analy sis of these returns it appears that the only class reached by this tax which shows reduced earnings is the farmer cjass We must consequently look for some other and better explanation of more temperate drinking than is found in national poverty To as sume that it is to the recogni tion by all classes of drinkers of the fact that temperance has advantages over intemperance is at once reasonable and agreeable Continued from Page L But What was he doing Her curiosity got tiie better of at She went to a shelf where stood a fieldglass that her father had once given her took it down Arranging it to suit her eyes she could see plainly that be was something upon a sheet paper bordered bright colors She could have scon letters but that her band began to tremble so But now a strange suspicion her soul She wouldshe must see what lie was doing Slipping off her shoes she glided along the hall and up garret stairs There stood picas bed there Diana lay snor ing Her mistress shook hex smarts ly Then held her hand her mouth that she might not cry out It is J child said sue want you to get up and dress and go down to William Ver- room and tell him you think there may be burglars in the Is feared go if is whined Diana Its only a trick ihere arc nolle Hurry child said Hetty Like April fool tricks asked Di ana grinning She watched over the stairrails heard Diana whisper her Jib saw Wil liam precede her to the with a candle and flew into his room There lay his work on the table a valentine beautiful a wrapper still on which name was written such a wrapper as those other three She had stored away William Vermilye had sent them all His skill as a made him able to do this dainty Yes it was he Her heart beat so wildly that it shook her whole frame she could hardly get back to her room where she listened holding the door ajar while she heard Diana say want to add 320 to your Income It will a your time day You iluTwa3saiIoai1ator- A Chatham from to x ncoaio of that extra be to you all a y without one cent caH October wiih two COM within of dry been tor in our at a ttl ft the lmU be you for TUB CAMPBELL CO Limit of your an aUiable agent lor and surrounding district to tail fruit small frulte trees and New Varieties Potatoes Good salary or weekly Oyer Acres Juder Caltivatlon stock condition and accompanied by of Our terms we the best In the Interested party should supply now NURSERY CO Toronto this q Reporcs SHARON SCHOOL HOLLAND LANDING A A St Valentines Day will be cele brated here by an Oyster Supper in Taylors Hall under the the Womens Auxiliary of Christ Church Supper serve front to followed by games and crowd is date fl Changed Fashion m r Time was not very long ego When Mabels walking skirt Trailed half a yard behind show How well she swept the dirt to short again No more the grievance rankles For Mabels now curtailed train and sweet are in her Admission cents expected Dont forget the Feb the V Maud Stephenson Sri Stephenson Allan Laura Wil liam Hall Jr Shaw Milton J A Frank xftan Black HL Alonzo Wesley John fetd Gordon Stanley Studies Gladys Darker Twentythree persons gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs I Mover on Wednesday evening celebrate the their eldest daughter and a wry enjoyable evening was spent with music games Before xiirating the guests wished her many happy returns of day Tiu Japanese on Monday captur ed Hokkaido Island Northern Ja pan the British steamer Wycfteld contraband lor VlaIivo- stock Give yoking man or of good we can in six months produce fcklllful to earn as an initial talary or a month have doing this for ten years axe doing it than before and bet- other our product we Write foe full particulars KENNEDY SHAW Secretary I No Joy J Norman Cook Mary Main John Marritt Clarence Goodyear Ruby McDonald Archie Pollock Car I Hunt ley Huntley Jr John Marritt Lloyd Grant Preston Karnes for two with Clyde and Bsr- firms S No Total Marks IV Barbara Young Jr Mabel Smith Guy Cow- Walter Roc Willie Pol lock 41 III Smith IS Martha Burrow Lulu nle Burrows Inter Nellie Smith Auffiu Kills Pollock Mildred Jr Rose and Annie Pt AUerjt Sidle and Stan- ley every day of the month I Lulu and Vera Smith ST JOHN i If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Over A inactive liver In bang with constipation Such ft condition a effort lo overcome It and h good and perfect body Smiths find Pills containing the two seeded elements to lucres liter muscular action go accu rately to the sluggish and bow- restoring them completely Suppose your bowels failed to move a week or ten Dont yem know would pros trated It just degree when your bowels do not more at lean once a day Yon know yon soon become and your blood gets and you feel mean and tick all over You should have a full healthy passage dally Dont let develop Pineapple and will drive poison out of jour system and arc purely stud cure m night We you a sample of aealcd and thai will convince you doubt of their wonderful fetoptrtk Smith Co James Street Smiths Wdr Headache la All feeler 2d cents A art Price And shows her dainty ankles But Mabel lias a thrifty mind To supplement her charms The that once she wore be hind She fastens on her amis Her sleeves arc made in open bags- Like trousers in the navy No more she sweeps the street but drags Her sleeves across the gravy Germany Waking Up Cross Abstinence Reform A Revolution Germany has passed the first stage the reform of moderation Abstinence is the general cry and with a leaning toward legislation both remedial and preventive At the present swift rate the reform may have complete prohibition for watchword in ten more years Consul at Bremen In a re port on the temperance movement among the Germans The at Her- in is sending out llteraturo against the use of as a bever age Count Douglas of the is one the foremost temperance reformers in the country and day day jour nal of the Imperial Parliament has contained pages of his arguments against drink Leading lights In German universities are also leaders in the new reform An article in a paper re viewing recent German on the drink question says Considering newness the propaganda in the Fatherland the output is enormous There is a to tal of hooks printed In ho Ger man language dealing with tho tem perance question by 113 different au thors and practically all published since the year tho greater por tion since There are thirty- seven newspapers magazines and an nuals In Germany devoted to question The temperance reformation in Germany has had such a recent be- ginning and supposed German repugnance to total abstinence in so well grounded it really difficult to comprehend the full meaning of this array of literature in the Ger man tongue The evidence is clear bat the people of Germany have tak en up the alcohol question with an energy excelled by no other people on tho face of the earth cross spread alt over the empire sorry William I you for surely is Then she skipped into bed the hap piest girl alive But time her mistress tore it open saw what she expected pressed it to her lips and kissed it it until Diana burst out a shrill Kiyi and tumbled out of the bed chamber Anything startling al ways makes young Africa faugh did Hetty care Let the world laugh she could laugh with it Later while William worked sadly enough in the jewellers shop he heard a step behind him Ik turned his head and saw Hetty She held her hand the valentine eyes shone her lips were dewy William she said Ho started for she had him Mr for a long time but only rose and bowed Do you want to sec my valen tine ashed she holding it out Is it not pretty Again he bowed think there never was one like it she said Who could Kent it Some one who admired you he answered Dut just think she said I have three others and still the writ er doc not reveal himself Perhaps he floes not dare said William What I think said Hetty is that he is making game of me lie knows hat am hut a girl and calls me an angel to see how much I will believe He could not mean all that Every word of it said William flushing Hot a word said Hetty for I have found you out sir You wrote thorn all You who think so little of me as everyone can see by your very air and speech You are so formal and unfriendly You heard me wish on the moon for a valentine On that saints eve she always grants wishes so I asked her just for fun And you have taken all this trouble to annoy a plain vain little Ob know all She before him halt laughing half crying and altogether delicious lie could not boar It Yes Hetty said he I wrote them all such as they arc and I mean more than they can say I adore you I always have adored you I thought you liked mo but lately you have seemed to scorn me And I bethought me that was but lathers poor appren tice Oh I am a fool Hetty So am Hetty And suddenly William wise and he Cook his valentine In his arms and kissed her And as long as lived they blessed St Valentine There Is no state so vile but may be remedied There is no man fall en so low but he may win upward again to light Medical Examination Free By DR of Syracuse Believing In chair- voyance or not there is no gainsay ing the fact that the doctor can ex plain the source and cause your disease either mental of physical and baa restored to health and Dishy persona who would have re mained helpless Invalids all their lives Send lock of hair name age and stamp to DR P Syracuse Y OCR NEW will- cure and make ft man lis influence ihe brain becomes the bleed purified to thai j blotches ulccn heal up the become steel o end the V C full and to the body and the moral nd art- ail no more vital The become and manly fed a man end marriage cannot be a We Invite all the to- quacks and rob you WE YOU OH NO PAY NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT- WITH PARALYSIS Pitr SuirrctTi KalamaiiiOp MKfli relates hi I eft with for year I It to an J In tat I vtry care I worked or I imagined cvttyboly vho I qme KiitHd Imaginative hub had in the of ray hands ftnd feet In the morning poor were shaky eyes In fings in the doctor It oS all ware an COW Ml Clem for lathf received Utile White tcii tasatucht it ML I was Induced i5Ult Ktnneiy I All faltb Like a drcwnlng man I TfCAtrneni It vcd my life The Improvement 5iSfiL the vigor going my nmi cured mentally then- many and will continue do to VARICOCELE URINARY COMPLAINT BOOKS FREE If to II for Qautlon Blank Heme Treatment K1DNRT AND 4 if DETROIT Tea care were thrown down a fif tyfoot embankment on near Portage but all tbo crew to in one day Tab LttiaUre Bromo Quinine Tab- Jets AH druttfliti refund the money if it to euro E it each box Debt is a great force for few or women can be heavily in debt without worrying Two young men and a young wo man of are in jail at St Catharines charged stealing a hive of A good way to tell who carries the beat stock of goods is to the newspapers When a merchant has the goods he always to tell them Its a natural The longer be has been in business with- out advertising the more dusty bis stock Whon you are chewing gum just slop before a mirror and watch very facial contortions you Indulge in notice grimaces as you roll tho cud from aide to sido and the swing the Jaw that reveals a cavernous mouth and then fire the and swear for good a Ac- cur opinion it HANDBOOK on agency for A without In tit agency Patents ft Co Metft A rear ik ftL WANTED I A Local Salesman for and territory to renre- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Bought Boars the Signature of Desirable House for 8ale With large garden and alto aUble- of frill Abo building lot Gotham St Mcdonald Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones RAH MARRIAGE CANADAS NUR SERIES and Hardy Fruits Shrubs Ornamental and Rosea A permanent and territory for the right man Pay fit free write for cehta for our pocket thing to use la ex amining trees and plants for Insects STONE A WELLINGTON Toronto- w Ontario j PROMPTLY 5E0UREDI Write for our Of Help you Bend u a or model of your roaour opinion to en iceMfoly by COaduct fully quipped office in Montreal and IbUqiiOlfitaMtopeotnpl and ai the lfgbet nUrtuitt Marion a Ma- rtcalva special notice la Patent lAuiDets MARION MARION Potent Expert and i

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