Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1905, p. 6

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mm Clank DENTIST- Newmarket S NEWMARKET DENTIST be at Mt Albert l Brocks Block on 2nd aid Tuesday of ech month Coal l Now la the time to put in your Coal We are also paying the price for all kinds of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert Jersey Grades for Sale Heifer from month to 2 fears old bare been bred also reek Cows For further particulars apply to D Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale fa The of East of Lot Cod Scott on which is a large hardwood hemlock ce- and tamarack For terms and apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert NOTICE Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker moved into lie shop recently by J Hunter where we full line of the best shoe and Dubbin that Is made to order Repairing a London Globe COMPANY Aueta Subscribe Capital S771Oj Total CANADA BRANCH BOARD Or Andrew Gsult J Deputy Chair man Samuel K Clout- ton Alex Accepted ai Current A SMITH Agtot Albert AfffcOt Tor Dominion Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy MANAGER Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar- them Forrests Drug Store ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT Our Wall Papers and Carpets Are In for Spring It will pay you to see before buying elsewhere ft R088 BROS ALBERT Pure Paris Green In bulk and put up by Poison Fly Paper Tanglefoot A a full lice aid Cure attention or LLOYD A very enjoyable debate was held by the Heading Circle on Monday evening en- the Resolved that life in the country makes than life in the city ilr J Hunter Mrs Misses and Miss Km- ma supported the affirmative and Mr Mrs Morgan Miss Flo Ramdrn and Miss Terry de fended the negative The decision wis given in favor of the affirmative toe best man a the recipient ol Everyone in town is anxious for a warm spell to thaw the snow the sidewalks Snow shovels are very scarce this winter and those who own them will not lend them judg ing by The Franklin Christian Church will hold song service on Sunday evening March at pm All are cor dially invited Mr Guy toiler in the Sovereign Bank had his ankle badly sprained while scu filing with some companions on the street one night last week Mr John Terry of Sutton will move into town shortly to engage in the tailoring business Mr J K Hunter put ir a gasoline engine and dynamo lor Mr Rev J Morgan is confined to the house suffering from an injured foot Our school boy hockey team went to Zephyr Saturday and defeated their juveniles by a score of to Miss Forrest left for St Johns hospital Toronto on to un dergo an operation for appendicitis The operation was successfully per formed on Tuesday Miss Helen Rowan Toronto Miss May and Miss spent a few days at the home of Mr Miss Maggie Graham of was the guest of Miss Forrest last week Miss Olive Shields returned this wee from a visit with friends in Toronto Mrs entertained num ber of young people at a most enjoy able progressiva parly on Miss Bertha had a ihildrcns party this Friday evening A very enjoyable dance held at home of Mrs Robert on Tuesday evening Mrs gave a enjoyable parly to a of friends on Friday evening Miller her friends at her borne on Friday ing A load of young people drove to Oxbridge to see David on Tuesday report an time Mr Jos drove them out Mr and Mrs Keller of Mid land spent a few days in town this week Miss Moore of Toronto is upending a days in town on a to her cousin Miss Alice Woodcock Rev Mr Thorn occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday last Mr will offici ate next Sunday Mr J A Raimlcn of Toronto was in town last week INFLAMMATORY RHKUMATISM CURKO William a of Ohio was confined to his bed for several weeks inflammatory I many reme dies lie says Finally I Lent to drug for a bottle of Chamberlains Fain at which time was unable to use hand or foot and in one weeks time vas ablo to go to work as happy as a clam For by V A pretty wooding was cele brated at the home of Mr Gilbert vhen eldest daughter Mary was unit in the holy Ioii1h of matrimony to Mr George Greenwood of Whitchurch The wel ding march by the brides little sister Mhi Johnston The bride who was given by was prettily gowned in a of white and pearl trimming Site worn a bridal veil and bornH and a liitl Mifi Lottie of bride wore a of White with a of and a collar with tenches of pale blue She alt carried a of white fhe groom by Mr J brother the bride About were After the wadding happy left on the train for and on re turn were tendered a hearty by trie parents The gift Jo bride wan a gold watch to the a bracelet and to pearl stick pin The bride was- many useful and costly presents Mr and Mrs T Trivett of market visited at Mr John on Sunday We regret to say that Mr Geo Wight has been seriously ill past week but glad io know he is slowly recovering Mr Wight lias been unable to attend school owing to illness Miss Clara of Toronto has been at the Parsonage the past week The Lodge of the UW presented Mr Geo Fogg with a handsome Fur Cap prior to hie de parture for the West next Mr Hanicr of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Jos Miss of Newmarket and Mrs of Toronto have also- been visiting there Mr and Mrs T P Stewart of To ronto visited Dr Pearson over Sun day Mrs Arthur gave a very enjoy able Thimble Tea on Wednesday af ternoon There have been several changes in this locality lately Mr Mortons family have moved into Mr Jos house while Mr Starr of Pine Orchard who has bought Morton farm is taking possession Mr Robert BriggS is occupying Mr Cunninghams house for the present Mr Harry of Aurora and Mr Geo Wright of Sutton were home over Sunday At a meeting of the Ladies Aid en Tuesday it was decided to hold a series of socials the first giv en at the Parsonage on March Childrens Day at Methodist Sunday School next Sunday Rev J Newmarkot will dns the children Service at 1030 A tea will be given to them on the following Monday evening resignaWon has been accepted by School Board and Mr Power Has consented to fill his old position until summer holi days Switzcr Bros ad page When Its Furniture It had better be bought here We think thats good advice Bigger display here than at some places more variety more chance that you will get the precise something you are looking for Then what we show you is stylish strongly constructed and we can prove to anyone in ten minutes that buying here makes it a good deal eas ier for the family purse ALLAN Mount Albert Planing Sawing Mills Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber n hand A FAVORITE REMEDY FOR BA BIES t Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlains Cough Rem edy a the mothers small children It cures their coughs and cohfs and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences It not only cures croup- hut when as soon the croupy cough appears will prevent the at tack For sale by T Lloyd One of the greatest blessings a mod est man can wish for is a good reli able set of bowels If you are not the happy possessor of such an outfit you Can greatly improve the efficien cy of those you have by the judicious use of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They are pleasant to take and agreeable in cftect For sale by T Lloyd SUTTON Mrs Cuttle spent Sunday and Mon day week in Miss Vera another re- cruitfrom our village to the High School Miss Annie who has been working at the tailoring in Mr Days establishment left for Toronto on Wednesday week as business is slack Mr Day has vacated the premises on the property lately occupied by him and has moved into the Ste venson block A Williams has so far re covered from the effects of her fall as to le able to return home arriving here last Wednesday week Mrs Howard Morton and children were the guest of her sister Mrs Jas over Sunday Rev Neil McDonald wife and child came up from Toronto Wednesday week Mr John has had his share of la lately cothe house for a couple of weeks Mr Rob orb taking charge of the coal business in the meantime It is reported that Mr and John Lyall are thinking of returning to Sutton to live Mr J Yeomans was in Toronto on Tuesday week Mr Mrs Lapp of visited here last week at home of their daughter Mrs is BALDWIN BREEZES V Continued from Page Ego moved from our burg to the eld homestead near Virginia last week He a valued miss Kirn Mrs Wilfrid Spending a few days in our village looking after the change of her hope Premier gets beaten on- the Separate School No church creed should be given such privileges I believe are with me there Charlie Elmer J Ross- Tonilinson Crittenden J fact all our little shavers who have trained them to har ness and it is really astounding what loads they will draw sleighs more than double their own weight Im sure I think the boys impose on pets Our days are gliding swiftly by Three esteemed old friends of mine Aunt Ellen Albert Steph ens and flange Wright were amongst the Eras death records last week There came nearly being a battle on our little lake last week Somebody came near cold dip in an icecutters hole Ask ling John for particulars It rather looks new as if J Kcstor and our Charlie Pringle will ere long have an opportunity to go to James Ray on a polar bear shoot ing and then there are rein deer and musk oxen for a change We are to have a station at Iedar dale so it is said Sam U I believe is anxious for the Legislature to get to action so the bantam may secure him that fat berth Pails Spiles You get the Best when you get them at RFE MOUNT ALBERT NEW CARPETS LINOLEUMS FLOOR OIL CLOTH CURTAINS H D ALBERT J o Oct the for your house ready this winter and aavo money Lumber and CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO F D WOODCOCK COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning COAL OR WOOD Allan of the guest of her aunt Mrs Aylmer Lake of Toronto was at the Terrace over Sunday The hockey match of Thursday eve March and Button resulted in a defeat of the lat ter We regret to have to state that Mr Cole who was beginning to re cover from the effect of la grippe had a very sudden attack of heart weakness on Monday forenoon being for some time See titer Bros ad page A in connection with the Anglican Church wan held on evening at the homo of Mr John Howard We have a number of aged ladies in our village who are enjoying fair measure of health throughout this se vere winter weather among them be ing Mrs Lake aged Mm Mark Cam eron also Mr who has been taking earn of her sister this vinter a- though nine years her senior both aged ladies There in connection with the Presbyterian Church at hi mo of Mrs Robert on diiy evening Mureh J ROWLAND Mount Albert be in Mount Al bert at the Town Hall every Wednes day afternoon evening to receive- In Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Theory Pupil prepared tor Dive The top price for export cattlo at Toronto this week vas ones ranged from that down to 65 Mediums are to and export cows and bulls to Feeders 14 to to and dairy butchering to to common to dry to and butchering bulla Calves are to Milkers to fteiect hogs lights and fats See tier page See Bros ad page Suitings Overcoatings In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at ON O Merchant Tallora and MOUNT ALBERT Balance of our winter stock of Kerrey Horse blanket Extra good value at pair Now selling less than cost pair Lined Jute Horse Blankets Reg pair for SI Three Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes Reg for MENS AND CLOTHING Samples Reg for Mens quality Light and Dark Shades Youths Pant Suits sixes Samples for Buys Suits Extra Joed quality Been selling all winter at now Little Gents piece Suits Reg for Mens Ties new in Re each at for Mens Fancy Shirts Soft Bosom or Stiff Rev for Mens Fancy Braces reg for Mens Overcoats balance of our winter lines rog 850 on Soiling less than cost at Youths Overcoats less than cost at to e f Our latest Spring Shipments of Wall Paper in this week We buy our paper from the only maker in Canada using the MultiTone process Wo bought an immense lot in order to get a big trade discount Then again wo paid spot cash in order to get the cash discount This shows that wo figure in every possible way to ho able to sell thews goods to you as cheaply as possible Prices Run from to per Roll Fancy Santa Clara Prunes lb for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes very finest lb Best Honey for Our Perfection Table Syrup The finest we can buy 10 tin lbs Corn Meal lbs Tapioca Yeast Cakes box Soda lb lbs Refined Sulphur lbs Epsom Salt 25c Finest Red Salmon tin Finest Boneless Codfish lb for Scotch Cured Finnan the very finest lb Labrador Salt Hot ring Kippered Herring lb for Minco Meat pies tin Force Shredded Wheat 10c Evaporated Peaches lb for Flavoring best quality for Corn Starch box Starch box A full assortment of Christies Soda Biscuits and Fancy Biscuit on hand are buyers of Butter Honey Lard Potatoes Spy Apples SUTTON Johnstons Gash o O o a

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