Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1905, p. 8

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flARKifiT FRIDAY ATTRACTIVE GIRL feu been written about the in for being pre- eminently roost girl is the world In briociny fip cant be loo careful let their daughters de velop all their nat ural charms to the utmost The crucial epoch of a womans life is the change from maidenhood to It involves the whole fcV manifest itself in the disposition at this time Nervous or sick women arc afforded of a lifetime for the makers f Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now too for women who cannot Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures A such as no other remedy for the weaknesses peculiar to women ever the proprietors of Dr Pierce a Favorite Prescription now feel folly in offering to pay in legal money lb- United States for any case of wu- Female Prolapsus or Palling of the Womb they cure AH they ask is a reasonable trial of their means of cure cannot praise your highly enocgh Jennie of Indiana Dr Scree Favorite and it Stead sis months I not it stoat- never vomited Took the Favorite Prescript three a and when in took an extra fined- Kt cheeked the felt Peasant all he live and did not as I used When baby she was she eleven month- Am Idle around flub felAT TO Quite a number of young people of Atteuded a dance at Mr Scotts on Friday evening Miss Kate Newberry of Newmark et was the guest of Miss J Carter for the past few weeks tore was the lectin fin Hit Steps by- J Robertson by some fifty colored vi was under ibo of Hot to be Played the Canadian Temperance League j ZEPHYR While shipping three thoroughbred sheep to the States tor Mr Miller lunuia one suddenly in thecal- any help could to the it died It is supposed have to whde rating a temporary One of the Assizes la- of My- vs Payne This was an act ion for breach of of McDonnld of mead Of Township now a farm and rancher in the Northwest lit after one or two trips visited filially became toberand the marriage was set fur December 11903 Numerous letters of Ins which YOU SHOULD USE not do for eizot years As a tonic for women who are woinout and run down fa- untquaHd the true Kienlificcure is Pleasant Pellets sMhirmU yet sre No other pill with Bank of Canada Begin the with an account in our Savings Bank V Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance irJjtg Poor Times a Year without presentation of Pass January April July of each year 45 Branches in Canada In all Parts of the World Treatment Unexcelled Facilities Modern mm j 1 ACCOUNT IS invited- W Wallace Bruce Manager BRANCH Manager Albert Branch Slabs Delivered Bay men in town on Saturday letting contracts for telegraph pasts John Profit has purchased the red house and lot Jesse Cook and intends to occupy it soon Born On Monday February 20th to Mr and Mrs a boy to Mr and Mrs a boy February 21 to Mr end Mrs Win Campbell a Thehockoy match played here on Friday night was rather a rough and tumble game The score was 5 to in faror of the married men We have a team of heavy weights here that we think could handle Smiths Falls The wooden wedding last week a grand success About thirty couples sat down to the sumptuous repast given by Mr and Mrs Profit who received many appropriate presents A farewell party was tendered to Mr and Mrs McDevitt of Lin ton on Monday evening Over persons gathered to say goodbye it being the eve of their departure to Manitoba An address was read by Mr McCraw in which deep regret was expressed at their leaving this neigh borhood hopes entertained for their success in the prosperous the reading two wellfilled purses presented to Mr and Mra by Mrs Stewart as a of the esteem in which they are held in this community Mr Mc made a suitable reply thank ing his many friends after which the young folk enjoyed themselves in games and dancing Mr of Lloyd town takes possession of the farm lately occupied by Mr J J Mr John Scott of is mov ing to the farm this week The Aurora is regular again after the recent snow blockade Prospect are bright for the exten sion of the Trent River Canal to Lake J a John Ash of the I line enter- a number of his friends at his home on Tuesday evening Mr Doyle of Lloyd town has been appointed Division Court Clerk for this division in place of Capt Arm strong who has resigned trough to the crate contain ing his journey The animal at once replaced by another A valuable horse belonging to Mr Can- dropped dead driving on iheVotu one Jy last week At a church the were the trial testified Monday evening Rev itiu pastor io accept a very call to iitverltjy Bap lit beia of the are loathe to ptrt with tftetr pastor for the plaintiff A few days before the date sot for the wedding the de fendant from the Northwest and spent the day with Miss McDon ald at her parents residence and then intimated that on account of a pro- virus engagement to some girl in the Northwest who he was afraid would bring an action against him he desire the marriage to Miss McDonald should not take place at present but did not insist before he left to come wick the following day He never came back and although he met the plaittiffin a few days after wards offered no explanation of his conduct The young ladys trousseau ready for December the The intended groom had previously given Mis an- engagement and a handsome gold watch A few weeks ago Mr Payne married another young woman and took her to the Northwest The jury gave a for Mr Kditox my neglect the past Jew in sending in corre spondence owing to sickness in Mrs Jos Stokes was here helpless for three months After her arrival weeks my wife took sick and remained ill weeks and I am only now io think about my duties as it were On Wednesday evening of last weefc the most dainty spreads that ever a tabic in this a in the banquet line took place under the auspices of the Division Y No in of the to Cure Because it is accepted as standard of quality Red Rose can be found in the sample room of nearly every tea firm in Canada It is used as standard of quality by which they judge their own teas A large London Tea firm recently asked their correspondents in Montreal to send them samples of the best brand of tea sold in this country they sent Red Rose- This is a very high tribute to Red Rose Tea I you will try the tea you will feel like endorsing thjs tribute ESTABRQOKS St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG Stock for Sal Large Berkshire Boars Jersey Springers one yearold Mare also choice Barred P Rock Cockerels Pulleto J P Chandeliers for Sale Six cooloil Chandeliers compter with for or lights 2 brackets Trill bo cold Cheap on application to JACKSON Methodist Church Notice to Creditors the matter Estate ESTHER ANN deceased I- hereby given pursuant to 129 to all above to flic the sumo me forthwith properly further take notice that after lay of March I will proceed to dis tribute the ftActB of Estate having tfiird only to claims at day of Match MART WOODCOCK I Administratrix I Albert Sometime Be wise today tis to defer it Joed the Trouble We are going to do a Kindly Sometime perhaps but when Our sympathy give in a time need Sometime perhaps but when We will do so years We will banish the heartaches and doubts and fears A Bridegrooms K A young couple were married at Falls a few days ago and a number of their friends and relatives assembled at the railway station to see them oh on their honeymoon Old slippers and showered at the happy cc las they boarded the train When Li much in the coining they got comfortably in the ear the groom noticed a boot in 11 anniversary since the was organised Among those who tock part in the toasts from a distance cne Mtt expresses And well comfort the lonely and were Brace Chaplain of the from weak dry their tears Grand Division ot Ontario Mr or than mis- Sometime perhaps but Holland Grand Worthy Patriarch The stomach is weak can- Mi exGrand of 8 s is We will give a smile to a saddened Miss Thomson elocutionist of appetite tero are pains and grip- heart r Toronto Walton present and the Sometime perhaps but when Scribe- There were also Of the heavy burdens well share Out as entertainers the Misses Mai- every organ part Sometime perhaps but when CO a stomach and the by the use of Joy of Aurora ami an e SSTJSS well worthy of note was given the aisle and thinking it was one that had been thrown in the car j by some of his jovial friends threw g the boot out of the window as the car was moving It happened that the boot a wellknown Toronto commercial traveller who had removed it to ease his foot g g On the arrival of the at rf say the groom was compelled to c purchase a new pair of shoes the drummer teg 5 CO Eft- known that gives relief by wrong and much enjoyed hut by the way strengthening the stomach and Sometime the weak we- will we must not forget that Mr Ho- organs It is this principle make strong photographer of the city Came a certain cure for well come with loves out and photographed the gathering digestion Other medicines may so that any members who were not temporary relief by helping can no doubt procure a print at his office strengthen the stomach and that r plan out the work gets weaker and weaker all the IN the reliable Sometime perhaps but when if tail druggist has so much confidence Building of what we II old Sweet song Sometime perhaps but when v g One secret act of selfdenial one w sacrifice of inclination to duty is worth all the mere good thoughts warm feelings passionate prayers in which idle people indulge them- selves J Newman P i 0 14 J has the sympathy of the community in his bereavement On Tuesday of last week his wife ex pire in the city of Toronto and her J remains were in the Aurora hat he j on Thursdav the Pcb guarantees a cure or tlic money will Sometime perhaps hut c Jleee cents a box Ask to sec the strong guarantee given with every box w f courage will under is in tablet form and take should he taken before each meal t n Minlrci Other remedies for stomach troubles onietanic to duty we Will awake and indigestion are taken after the Sometime perhaps but when who has purchased and decompose the food you eat but used before KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER 12 per Columbia and Pine SHINGLES A Ladders Half Price fiCRANTON GOAL Egg Stove Hut Pea SOFT GOAL SELECTED LUMP PEAR80N While In prepara tion tor his corn ion in the of Joseph a boy of years Medical Examination Free By DR of or no the that tte doctor can source of- your tfUjte titter of physical to health and would have all their Setil looV of name age ftd4 den to DR AURORA It is a disgrace to this town the manner in which several of the boys and girls misbehave in the during the distribu tion of the evening mail and it is about time the town authorities took some action to put a stop to it of the Orange meeting on Friday evening a sumpt uous repast was nerved by the wives and lady friends of the Members The event of the evening was the presentation to Mr Chapman with an address and a Past Masters Jewel Although taken by surprise Mr a suitable reply A very enjoyable evening spent by present Division Court held In the Town here Tuesday last Judge Morgan presiding The most porta was a suit for damages brought by Albert Hoe against the of King On the 1 of October list Mrs Hoe walking along the second concession and frdl into an open culvert which was in of and which ha1 left unguarde- on leaving in the evening by the work men Mis Hoe sustaintd serious in jury and sued the Council for hearing the evidence Judge awarded Mr the fx amount with The morning trolley of the Metro- poll tan Railway on Thursday of last week back the city a Toronto party consisting of Miss Helen Fergu son contralto Miss Powell Mine Annie McKay pianist J of the Can adian A of the educational depart ment of the The Methodist of Aurora contained a large audience who were entertained by friends WljcltM of Miss and Mix and leadings by I larger roads quite a of relatives and friends went from this part to the funeal Mr Pol horn having rented Mr Pottages place has recently mov ed in Mr Luc Mount Mr Arthur farm is bringing in his goods Mr Win Hi I born and brother are material put a foundation their barn Mr has procured quite a quantity of gravel preparatory to building a concrete blacksmith Some is again ex- by those having hydraulic rams It teems as though too much precaution cannot used in the fall in covering to keep out frost Miss Daft of has the guest of uncles ami many friends the past month allow your humble servant to thank and friends for their assistance and dur ing our siege of sickness which has extended since the 1st of Nov I beg to the members of the Sons of Temperance- and others for J rawing my wood from the Lots of snow around here The bulk of it seems to in the Mr Erostufi Rose has got an from the Old Country work ing for him He intends to him how to farm next summer eating strengthens the stomach soothes and heals all irritation and inflammation enriches the blood and puts the stomach in such a healthy condition that it will take care of the fowl itself and there will be no pain and suffering Catches 300 lb Spook wnjara We know all good doc tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral Ask your own doc- tor and out Ho will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it the tickling throat heals the Inflamed lungs and controls the hardest of coughs In tnr It I fc r4 yM I Hard u One of Aera ftt will hapten recovery New York March Another fraud was night when the Rev Mrs a materializing mcrlium was dragged shrieking from her cabinet and tossed into the centre of a of dupes attending her in apart ment Avenue She a most substantial spirit weighing at least lbs and she fought like a trapped tigress Furni ture was smashed men knocked down and broken Mrs mau and her husband were finally captured When three gas jets were lighted was found gasping in the cent i of the ficaocerooin in amass of gauze coated with phospor- paint her spiritual garb and her headpiece were in possess ion Cavert Berwick a Virginian who mode the exposure Mr RerwickH mother a resident of this city has lost of dollars in investments through the ad vice of the spirits and Mr Berwick last night that ho intended to prosecute criminally ami civilly mediums in this city for his mothers losses The exposure was one of most sensational and complete over made in this A has been invented by deaf people in congregation can made to hear the sermon What is wanted now is something to fix the chaps whoso eyesight so weak that never can collection plate The Bank of Yarmouth at mouth owing to leasee caused by failure Ridding Sons hoot and well reap of the joys to be Sometime perhaps but when Sometime from worry and care be free Sometime perhaps but whoa Sometime wo taste of the glories there Sometime a part of those splendors share And for eternity well prepare Sometime but when A in World many are willing to wash the disciples feet with lye It is a grievous thing to Bin it a yet more grievous thing to be the cause of anothers sinning that everybody interested The pressure of a hand a the caress of a child will do more to save sometimes than the wisest ar gument even rightly understood Love alone is wisdom love alone is power and where love seems to fail it is where self has stepped be tween and dulled the potency of its rays George Everything grows in the Trans vaal if the trouble is taken to plant it The soil being all prac tically virgin and naturally rich the smallest amount of attention is required and the results obtained in a few months are simply marvel lous A wellknow English tenor travelling in the Transvaal once remarked that he believed that if you planted walkingsticks you would reap umbrellas in a fort night People in general do not realize what large sums of money are put into a single missionary enterprise Recently the new missionary steam er Livingstone built for the Re gions beyond Missionary Union to ply on the upper was moored near Westminster Bridge fl too P I P p S A V a to a p feu J v OS P a p p must guard our habits lest we set the feet of others in paths which lead them to ruin We must watch our words- lest in unguarded mo ments we say that which shall poi son anothers mind We must look to our example lest its be comes the banc and curse of an in nocent life might visit it steamer has already cost soveral thousand pounds over pounds arc still required to complete it and about pounds are needed to transport it to central Africa and reconstruct it This is only a sam ple of tho costly enterprises under taken to spread the gospel to Is ex Si CO PC gig S v w a a a 4 J t

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