Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1905, p. 4

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ERA v i trT A Broken Whitney when seeking to displace the Ross Government STRENGTH FOR SUMMER 1 assembly that be were entrusted with I power he would the Boards of License Commissioners from the influence of part- politics Has this needs a tonic medicine at promise been kept Verily No J- They must On the contrary on Committee hard with a hill to incorporate United Nickel Co report says has been formed to take oyer the assets of the Rolling Co and the Co near Sudbury A ap inviting boxes that keep them in faultless condition It was very kind of the Municipal Associations to ask Premier Whitney to the cost of manhood Every man and woman in Canada Co near Sudbury A this season clause in this bill- gave the Company This would result have new exception from the Joint Stock Com- f f tie to build them up to bear Act in regard the ol ffiftWjf J J If To floor of the summov company to hold land not being elections and then be taxed to House last week when reminded of j jj phis arc the greatest used longer than seven The this promise he attempted lojustiiy spring tonic in the whole world chairman pointed out that this the sweeping dismissal of Grit Com- Every dose makes new- rich bloods- practically controlled the nickel missioned and the appointment vigorous lift They industry and Mr said it weak weary anaemic girls into was an attempt to amalgamate all substitute on the ground that developed the interests the International I Tory Commissioners are make debilitated men Nickel Co Mi said the sponsible to the Government Does lusty energetic fho bill asked greater powers than those general health has every cannot Alter informed on help pay tor the registration of vot ers in cities The MPI for North York will no doubt take a note this- request of will take seat in the House resumes after the ays License Commissioners of Pink Pills day that fire rangers had been Grit or Tory are alike responsible to every man and woman can withstand appointed for the districts bordering the Government just the same as all the summcrV neat free from back- Northern aW ache and headaches weakness and Ontario Railway There arc great other officials which stilt White Seal stretches of pine timber along I continue to hold positions m theses cannot praise railway the danger from fire is being charged with vice If the Premier cant a Dr Pink Pills too highly now that the line is partially Id P spoils system by the belter justification for the wholesale They have not only made a new per the office they dismissals made by the Provincial myself but have been value in my family I always the Cov in GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Wharf with boats for points on Lakes Ottilia North Bay and am Dally except Sunday for Allaadale Stayncr Collins- wood pm Daily for Collinjrwood OriUia Huntaville North Bay and point in Canadian pm Daily except Sunday for Allandale Stayner Collins- wood and ARRIVE NEWMARKET 1 am Dally from Bay Wharf and Barrle 9M am Daily except Sunday from Orillia and pm Dally from points in spectors were retained holders might complain that Grit In- were showing favoritism in the enforcement law but it did not appear to dawn on Mr Hanna Grit licensees might entertain like convictions respecting newlyap pointed Tory Inspectors Referring to the prospective admin istration of the liquor license act and these appointments sticks have made notwithstanding the when it that the Inzers- publicly expressed detestation the pills- in my home and re- men who are now mating ihemj dismissal on partisan is I no bills nor against tho Ross Herald calls upon the for taking this same precaution position in the House to demand a On Friday list in reply to from the Government the Hon Commissioner of showing cause of dismissal It Such a demand is reasonable Secretary be had better come the roof The latter however in his explanations had no excuse to have delicate boys or girls as offer and virtually said if Grit In- the pills Keep them strong and I constantly commend the pills to my friends and 1 always hear good words from those who use them Dr Williams Pink Pills do not act upon the bowels they do hot bother with the mere symptoms of disease they simply make new rich red blood and thus cure the common ailments life But you must get the genuine with the lull name Dr Williams Pink Pills lor Pale People on the wrapper around each box the Premiers apology for the action gold by all dealers everywhere or by of his Government the Hamilton mail at a box or six boxes Herald has this to say Thc of the Premier and Provincial Secretary in Legislature yester day were such as to warrant The Arthur Hotel at that the license system is under Tory House at The making longer mixture of miscellane ous fats Expert chemists carefully watch and test every step in the making of Thefats oils must be perfectly pure and ever stride of the must come up to standard i why it It process the soap cleanses your clothes makes your blanket soft does not destroy your most or injure your hands Sunlight Soap washes we dealer is authorised to return LIMITED TORONTO hnu or soft water Your money if you arc not toe Crown Lands stated that no decision had been reached in respect to amend- and the Government could not th ing the volunteer land grants act hold it without tacitly v it has been an abuse of i Medicine Co rule as it was under Grit regime to be utilized as a huge machine for party purposes House at were burned Tuesday A very seri ous fire at the Wallacebufg Glass Works is also reported Hon Dr Resume informed tho House that the Government was con sidering the question increasing number of factory inspectors In reply to Mr Dr stated that of Port Huron was engaged by verbal con tract as auditor and that re muneration was a month During Mr contribution to discussion on the address last Friday he again manifested his want of harmony with the powers that be by declaring I am not in the confidence the Government and to speak frankly I do not expect it has power been guilty of an abuse for partisan purposes mm by not The Telegrams diagnosis of the present Legislature is as follows The Ontario Legislature is lull trimmers and shunters and is as ut terly abject in spirit as the House is full of dodgers that passed the Stur geon Falls bill without daring to breathe the name of its iniquity This pen and ink picture is given because unfortunately there is not a man in the whole assembly says our cotem Dr eluded who has the real sincere Railway Committee of the Do minion Parliament has reported the hill of Mackenzie Mann Co re specting the James Bay Railway em powering company to build from Toronto to Ottawa from French Riv er to Montreal passing through Ot tawa and and from Sud bury westerly to Canadian North ern line beyond Port Arthur This would give Mackenzie and Manns existing system in the West connec tion with Toronto and Montreal be a He will soon sop or become a to receive kicker The proposition of Dr tn North York The Chairman of trie Private Bills Conuni in the Legislative Assem bly voiced public sentiment when he convictions that entitle him tojsaid that the small towns and cities raise the question ie of provin- of Ontario must call a halt in their Whats matter with illegal expenditure and not come to Hon Mr Oliver of the Interior is was once a printers devil the caption- of Once a Devil the new Minister journalist and Under now a Ihe Legislature upon DRUGGING WONT CURE CA TARRH All the medicine in the world taken into the stomach wont cure catarrh Canadian Catholic in Cabinet the and its useless to squander money cannot possibly hope to make the on tablets bitters and liquid reme- s champion of liberty to test school clauses in the autonomy- bills now before the Federal Parliament Canadian Municipal Journal is is considered ominous of some out of harmony with facts when if element in the near future insinuation against With an Irish Catholic and a French- the Ottawa Government by giving currency to an assertion made at Ottawa the support of party one and people was given to the electric The number of Youths Companion is not only beautifully HunUHle Orillia and Stomach medicines cant Ml given pm Dally except Sunday from Collingweod Bar- American rises reach these parts It is only Ira- Hon Dr a of grant healing which is ago Following upon heels and SECURED mark brass hands a and still has is City well named the Journal knows or ought to know when publishing- its com ment that Sir William and more than one colleague were among those who voted against the monopo ly and supported Ottawas side the question It was not a party the Ontario Legislature to have those expenditures validated warn ing is timely and the practice should be checked If an extraordinary ex penditure is thought by the council to be a necessity the people should have the opportunity to be judges Oftentimes the question for these ex traordinary obligations arise during year and were not thought of when councillors were chosen Hence all thc greater necessity for elec torate to have an opportunity making a pronouncement thereon be fore the liability is incurred Write for our inleiitiog Help How you tci sketch or of freour opinion to MtenUble Refected gcccvffilly We conduct fully in to prompt ly work quick Patent the Invention reference procured Mi Hon throughout Dots In Ion Patent of MARION MARION nd Solloltor irritate- it soothes kills backscat in hV cures too has been ssuo 1 l0 l e lhat he cant have the trial size The deputation from the Municipal only the one certain a Dor- Association which waited upon the cure treatment tor Premier last week asked that the Bitches and Watercourses Act be so amended as to permit engineer to start a drain at any point regard less the 75yard limit and ithat The factory of J of the Treasury benches Before thc Speaker left chair on C the Act be amended in so far as to abolish perpetual franchise given to electric light gas and other companies This latter amendment jwljl give cold thills to the Metropoli tan Co but it will cure a tremen dous blunder made by Newmarket Council if followed up by asking the Legislature to invalidate that part its agreement of last week Hon A button manufacturers Commissioner or Crown to tnUs made a statement in Berlin was partially- destroyed by fire on Sunday at between and oss is absolutely article its cost to iM llie charging to do that while Commissioner he had en- F In edition or Canadian Newspaper Directory has just been published The book is handsomely bcund in cloth contains nearly pages valuable information about the newspapers Canada and is well any firm which outside of its ion to complete j lake Minister the Toronto Stars Otta wa correspondent concludes short sketch of Oliver on this wise l new Minister has a reputation for unvarnished language fie prides himself on his candor Some people mistaking his frankness for may have felt offended but no fencc was meant traditions tho Arizona Kicker pervade the journ alism of the far west and Mr Oliver never was the man for polite A Cabinet portfolio may have a constraining influence bat- at present imagination needs to stretch itself to picture Mr Oliver curbed and combed and groomed to fashion of a Cabinet Minister as Cabinet Ministers are known in Mr Oliver has little care tor externals A blonde man eager- eyed thinFaced gaunt of jaw ho suggests the Vikings who harried Britain in remote as Like he hath a lean and look o For an extension lecture an ap propriate musical number would bo a solo on the slide trombone Symptoms That Invite Germs J Little ailments that Should be After if On to Keep Well Anyone who has any of many symptoms caused by poor digestion care avoid DC Tend for and Drill Toronto Mil will be Friday April ludutlveh for of sundry work or addition and alteration at Drift Hall plana and in Mr toOn1ardatthe Department of Public Tecderz will on tb form the of tenderers 9 on a tik payable order of the Honorable the of Public to ten per of of render tender will be for ft fed If tb rtr or fall the work contra- tor and will be returrjed In of ton acceptance of tender doe not bind luelf to ac cept the lowest or any tender The whitewash resolution was to have been presented for the consideration of the Legislature on Monday of last week but it was de ferred till the following Wednesday whwi again it failed to materialise antr the recess arrived with out action Why the delay J Mr professes to he able to clear up distinct instances in connection with that investigation about which the general public have strong mis givings such as that bankdeposit Crossincasli with hook mutilation also the mysterious flight which led Hon counsel for thc side of the cave in which the man from was so deeply interested to throw up the sponge unless the Commission insisted upon his contin uance Vers there are some things to he cleared up before will be in order order DtpartcnQt of Public Work Ottawa April this advertlaetnent With out from the will not be for It an I There Is someUiIng wron on earth J he Government will think twice before amending legislation to con form to the request of the of the Municipalities Ion In regard to maintenance of pour who asked that the A malignance indigent poor he borne by the g with they reside at least the home is not lo happiest te chargeable on earth i l and where the former domicile is unknown that the county bear the cost of maintenance This AUG ALL would work Unfairly towards and villages The poor in Townships quite an question as they advance In age naturally cause so many women have gravitate towards towns complexions VVe want to all where they can find GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching blind bleeding or protrud ing Druggists refund money if OINTMENT falls to cure any case no matter of how long standing In to days First ap plication gives ease and rest your druggist hasnt it send in stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Mrs L who has been convicted and sentenced to prison for ten years for procuring money by false pretences was admit ted to hail at Cleveland on Saturday in the sum of pending appeal Levers Wise Head Disinfect ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water and disinfects o The winter shipping business at Halifax was one of the largest in the ports history When vessels now on way arrive the total number of Immigrants for the season will amount lo A FOR A STIFF NECK Or any soreness in muscles of tht mos neck a quarter of an inch writes Fred Baldwin of Portsmouth I Lad It rubbed with a few times tared info partnership regarding a water- cession at Fort Frances not a particle foundation for the story Thc Mail was gushing In answer to a question by Mr Preston Brant if the Government would introduce this session any leg islation regarding taxation of rail way corporal ions or of telephone or telegraph potations Hon Mr said that the report of the railway taxation committee had only recently been received arid that no legislation would be introduced this session The longdrawnout debate on the address in reply to Ihe speech of at the opening of the Mouse was brought to a close on Wednesday of last week When thc Legislature resumes after the Faster recess the estimates will en gage attention of members Hon Dr replying to Mr said the expenditure on the construction of the Temiskamlrig u Northern Ontario Railway up to April I was The estimates for the Department of Justice for 1U05 passed the House before the recess amounting lo Last years esti mates totalled an in crease of economy with a string The Minister of Agriculture has de cided that the next Provincial Fruit Flower and Honey Show shall- he will be made member for North Toronto has introduced a bill to amend the ir a mn to arncna all tbe stillness disappeared I cense act which provides for ho can- know another liniment you can of a license upon a second and depend on like its splen- conviction goes through a certain did for colds lameness and cant be it will make hotelmen more Womcn with pale sallow checks about kind of employment and help for cramps and internal which quickly Imparts keep them along till sickness or agcjTry Price fine color and the a clean unfit them for providing for appearance ft pure etc work is also a valuable ga zetteer of the important towns and cities giving population location chief industries etc etc Issued as a supplement and included in a spe cial envelope with the Directory is a sot or special prepared maps of the Dominion giving all the owns This valuable work is pub lished by A Newspa per Advertising Agency Montreal and Toronto who handle advertising of many of the leading and most suc cessful advertisers in the Dominion as well as the largest advertisers in United States and Great Britain A special from Toronto to the Hamilton Herald referring to Mr ft evidence of not being solid with the Ontario Government says A prominent Conservative member of tht Legislature said that Mr was very sore because- he was not to be chosen as the Minister of Mines and that was what the man from Man 1 null n meant when ad dressing Centre Toronto conserva tives he said he had more confidence In the masses than in classes Here Is an instance of following spiritual Injunction doing unto others etc Mr Lewis Conservative P for West Huron reason of being surety for a mail Hiding is liable to a every day he has this session and Instead of exact ing that penalty have left him undis turbed Nay more the Minister of Justice has given notice of a bill to remove the disability course surety was hot targe but the- princi ple must be recognized The Liber als have thus shown a distinct cour tesy to a political opponent Confusion mind Drowsiness Pain under shoulder blade Pain between shoulders Sleeplessness Palpitation of the heart Defects of vision or hearing following symptoms arc also evidence stomach troubles good Uneasiness at Stomach Acidity Waterbrash Flatulency Hcarthurn Nausea Gripes Col Provincial Treasur er has introduced hills providing for the Railway loan of The private bank of M L 0000060 which it Is slated will bo blood selves and all the best part ol their tbat wakes fine complexion so by lives and labor was expended In producing lots of blood townships The above legislation wart Co of Mien suflicknl if the Dominion granted a building up the system would cast the burden of poorhouse on Saturday It had subsidy Increasing circulation maintenance upon town village Its of and liabilities of brings the glow of health to where they had only resided MI year perhaps and really during their stay It Price at The law is all right hon estly and Impartially cheeks Its no trouble at a little to beautify your looks simply use a local Try y over a burden Blent To an UK subsidy Mr Prestons bill to amend the mu nicipal act relating lo qualification of Mayors In cities and towns reducing the present qualification by onehalf after a brief discussion was with drawn CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Spitting up or food Coated tongue Colic Sour laste in the Sensation of weight mouth or heaviness at Diarrhoea pit of stomach Dry skin Sore mouth Nervousness Constipation Sick headache Sediment urine Congestion of the Night sweats bead Headache Vertigo or hands feet These little ailments which indi cate a weak stomach and imperfect digestion should be looked by the use of Miona if one wants to keep well- A tablet of this remarka ble remedy taken before each meal will so strengthen the stomach and digestive organs that natural weight will he restored and pcrlcct health and strength regained is so nearly in curing indigestion and many dis eases resulting from a weakened stomach that a guarantee to the money is given with every box should it not give perfect satisfac tion Ask J to show you the Miona guarantee i I i K Established 25 Years NAMES USED WITH OUT WRITTEN CONSENT After Treatment Hoars Signature of He wo at t took you Now for blood with which had boon mulcted for I hud a of phy sicians lakon all kinds of Mood visited Hot ami other mineral water sorifl hut only temporary relief hoy would help mo for a time but after the medicines symptom out again running Treat at rheumatic pains loo tine or palms of hindM seal In Itchiness of skin dytpep- tlc stomach I had up In when a a to- you Art you hud cured him of a similar years nid took his advice In commenced heal up and I encouraged I continued Vow tor our months and at tho end of that I was cured yenrs no uny years old Is sound healthy I cer tain recommend your with all You ah person to but you can testimonial as you treat Varicocele Stricture Vital auil SUtn complaint men and vomen you a victim you lost hope you intend- In to marry Has your blood been you any weiknassf Our New Method euro you What It lids donj for others It will do for you No matter who has treated you write for an honest oplnlsn Charge Charges reaaonable The Monitor READER I illustrated on Free NO USED Ideal Book on WITHOUT CONSENT and cost of tHEE Diseases of I Cor ohy St Mich

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