it a THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MAY f p LOST On Main St near the Christian Church last Tuesday a Masonic Gold Ring FOX Huron St Good Gravel For roads or cement work lor sale Also pasture for cattle MRS Yonge St For Sale CASE Park Ave for sale the following articles Coal Stove parlor cook Small Parlor Wood Stove Large FallLeal Table Good Organ Sideboard Big Lounge Bureau Bedstead ft Big Chest Kitchen Chairs Sealers Boards The ExpressHerald got off a respecting license boards week HOT In reply to of ladies on a deputation Wednesday who asked and seemed to feel incensed that the franchise be extended to Stray Pig Came upon Lot 20 Concession of on of April a White Sow with a crooked nose Owner is requested to prove property and pay expenses MARSHALL ROSE Organ for Sale- Good Dominion Organ Apply to J ROADHOUSE Newmarket Sanitary Notice Public notice is hereby given that all premises in Newmarket including cellars must be thoroughly cleansed and all night soil removed before the day of May as immediately thereafter I will commence my visit of inspection Violations will at once be reported to the Board of Health P J ANDERSON Town Inspector I us ton should be made to the pow ers that be in connection therewith but journals or leas favorable to the Government are saying harder things than- the Opposition press Take the case from Chatham as an illustration The special to the Toronto News says In the first place the Board of Commissioners is not one that commands general con fidence This is not reassuring to say the least Then with regard to bias the writer says It seems clear that the Board was formed upon the understanding that Mr John a Liberal who keeps the Rankin House should not have his license renewed The re port goes on to say The Conservatives admit that he is a good hotelkeeper but say that bis political activities and offensive language about the Commissioners the defeated can didate and Government supporters generally is proof of his unfitness to hold a license Here is an instance that because a man does not bow down and cringe to political opponents he is to be made an example of Political free dom is to be punished and this too by a board of commissioners failing to command general confidence Could partisanship go farther Liberals point to the size of the house and the excellent way in which it is conducted says the News spe cial and yet because of the unwillingness to become an abject sycophaint of this discounted board of commissioners Mr is to he made an example of his hotel interests to he sacrificed married Premier Whitney spoke encouragingly of home influ ence of women and promised to give the question the serious considera tion of his Cabinet Hon Sutherland Minister Public Works In the Ottawa Ad ministration passed away on Wed nesday last after an illness extend ing over a year In the House on Wednesday Sir William Mulock said In Mr Sutherlands death tie country has one of its ablest and most faithful public men A special train will leave Ottawa to day Friday to convey members of Parliament to attend the funeral at Woodstock Replying to an enquiry this week Hon Dr Minister of Public Works stated that the Ontario Gov eminent had not yet decided upon the policy intended to be pursued in regard to the destruction of carp in Toronto Bay He expressed bis conviction however of the wisdom of adopting some plan not only for Toronto Bay but for other parts of Ontario as well Carp drives away game fish and is regarded as a nui sance generally In the Mother Country where the telephone service is controlled by the Post Office Department to meet the danger- of infection lurking in tele phone mouthpieces an ingenious con trivance has been introduced called the Telephonine which provides a complete safeguard against such risks The Canadian Government should insist on the telephone com panies of Canada providing against infection also Last weeks ExpressHerald had a tirade of abuKo upon the editor of the Era without sense or reason and all because we intimated that the letter signed Householder was written in his own office This ho neither admits nor denies nor has ho the courtesy to apologize to the As sessor for stating a certain piece of property was assessed as much as its selling price when it was actually assessed at less than two- thirds A journalist capable of this kind of tergiversation and manifest ly devoid of principle as his article clearly demonstrates is not worth paying attention to Oar Society POINTS I Hon Frank Oliver the newly elect ed successor of Hon Clifford Sifton returned to the Capital and took his seal in the Commons on Tuesday last He was received in the House with enthusiastic congratulations and the people in- the neighborhood j a is very clear from the fact that of Chatham who for years have h ten Hon Mr Oliver was allowed to be TEAMS WANTED To work on the Grading of the Ex tension of the Metropolitan Railway from Newmarket to Jacksons Point Wages Per Day Apply at Newmarket or on work McCoy Contractors in the habit of making the Rankin House their stopping place in own are to inconvenienced In this connection we are also told that the selected for com missioners refused to act others were tried but declined to do the partizan work demanded and this is the sort of thing every decent man will condemn The Premier promis ed clean administration and the elected by acclamation that the NorthWest is not specially troubled over the autonomy bills no matter how other parts of the Dominion may regard them The specially patriotic and up-to- date character of the Methodist Mag azine for May is shown by the varied contents Among its illustrated ar ticles are The New West with thirteen engravings In Attendance on the King with seven more The Don Quixote Centenary with Province demands that an example several pictures of its immortal hero shall be made of this license Mummies of Thibet by Rural Telephones have Paid Three Cases Where the Monopoly Has Been Fought hoard or Mr Whitney must stand by a member of the recent expedition to his illustrated by numerous cartoons Ottawa May Dr Dean of Middlesex County was the first witness when the Telephone Committee resumed its sittings to day He gave a sketch of the Telephone Company Lim ited a concern which beginning ten years ago as a small line to accom modate a number of local merchants and cheese buyers last year began to give a farmers service as well The rate is a year and the com pany pays This Company also had trouble with the Bell Company par ticulars of which were given The Company had connec tion with the local station before the exclusive contract was made with the Bell Company and its instrument has riot been disturb ed Mr gave an account of the local system which was organized in that locality four years ago subscribers now The usual annual charge is The Kelt charge in this district is a year The local companys telephone had been removed from the station T Marbltton j of Wolfe Que described the local company of which he is manager This company owed its existence to a dispute with the Bell Company and Its rates are for residence and long distance The subscribers number of whom from to are farmers and there are eleven the companys area Is the counties of and a few subscribers in The company has about mile of wire The company formerly paid per cent then it got into this year It is hoped it will my a fcmall dividend Formerly the rate was and it became to raise the rate to At that price there Is a steady demand among farmers There is no going around thf bush The case is clear and open ly admitted on all sides Political friends in Chatham condemn the course pursued- as being born of un reasonable bias the very thing the leader of the Government promised should not have place in administration of the liquor li cense act The issue is awaited with interest by the general public clean administration or domination which The Express- Herald says An era decency and fairdealing to both public and the hotelkeeper will be a pleasing change to right thinking men hut the Chatham instance does not give promise of the pleasing change in- dilated Then again there seems to be con siderable evidence of in Hamilton The Herald says Though the Commissioners say that politics had nothing to do with their actions some of the Liberals think that J was singled out because of the amount of work he did for the Liberal party Evidently all is not serene In the Ambitious City Indeed the same journal hints that the action the board was so retaliation is talked of It says Some prominent Liberals have started an agitation already to j provide him Mills a Govern ment job their scheme being to have some Conservative officebearer re leased to make room for him There must have been something the reverse of decency and fairdealing to lead prominent men to even sug gest this kind of countermovement something not calculated to inspire hopeful confidence in the pleasing change It Is quite unnecessary to pursue the subject further neith er do desire these observations to understood as applying to North York Board The Toronto Street Railway Co has paid the fine of imposed by Judge Winchester for using cars backlog up on Avenue road without protective apparatus in front Here is where the advantage of a penalty clause comes in It is a great pity Newmarket had not added a penalty clause In its agreement with the Metropolitan and it is also a pity to allow the Company to sell to any other company or combination without the consent of the corpora tion when new terms could have been dictated This feature should also have been introduced in the County agreement rl It Is understood Hon for Victoria Is to appointed to the Senate in place of Mr Curry of Windsor who declined the appointment A division took place In the Com- moo on Wednesday on Mr Bordens amendment to the autonomy bills yea nays ISO majority of for the Government Thirteen voted against the propos ed amendment and only one Inde pendent Mr forth tor it Only one member for voted against the Government The Toronto Stars Ottawa report thus records Mr Derbyshires distri bution of compliments to the mem ber for York last Monday Big Dan Derbyshire who regards Maclean as a monkey on a stick seized the chance to pay his compliments to the member for York He called Mm the John Alex ander Bowie of the Conservative and intimated Toronto World had about as much influence In the country as its editor and propri etor had In the Commons Having struck bin gait big Dan breathed words in the direction of George Taylor who he fcaid was so crooked politically that when the rain- came down straight it could not hit him the removal of the element of gain from the sale of liquors in hotels is suggested to temperance workers by Karl Grey This is scarcely feasi ble in Canada where liquors are dis pensed over the bar The Hamilton Herald seems to think that the plan of government dispensaries might result in practical good along the line desired and suggests that as Ontario municipalities now have the liberty of deciding between the license system and local prohibition of the retail traffic In liquor the same pow er might conferred of allowing electors to try the system of public dispensaries directly under govern ment control and managed by gov ernment official No doubt tills plan would wind up the treating system and banish the barroom dead beats A big municipal conference was held In Toronto on Tuesday to consider the situation between the corporation of Toronto and the Radial Railways In respect to the entrance to the city Various members of the deputation aired their views with much spirit The city however Is not so much to blame as the deputa tion would fain believe Toronto Is not prepared to throw awoy its chances of acquiring the street rail way franchise and of operating it as a public utility to the citys advan tage And who can blame them It promises to be a very valuable In the near future Reverse the situation suppose the County had the same cinch on the Radial lines that Toronto has on the street rail way would the ratepayers of York be willing without compensatloo to throw away Its advantage Not much but If the County would Join the city In securing legislation com pelling the city to open its streets while at the same time confirming Its present powers to acquire the street railway it would he a move In the right direction and only Just to To ronto Miss entertained on Wednesday evening Mrs Scott of Sutton was home last week on a visit- Mr Ernest Hughes was home for a few days this week Mr P Fox electrician from Buffalo was home over Sunday Miss Job one of the Public School Teachers spent Easter vaca tion in Toronto Mrs of Toronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Smith Timothy St Constable Savage was called Jo Western Ontario last Saturday in the detective service Mr Howard Cane and some friends went to Whitby and back on Sunday with his Mr and Mrs Geo Simpson Toronto were visiting her mother Mrs last week Mrs Louis of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday attending the burial of her little girl Mr arrived from the NorthWest on Sunday and took dinner Mr Morton Mr Hill got back from the NorthWest on Wednesday having sold all his horses to advantage Mr Jas Wright of formerly of Richmond Hill spent Monday Mr A Coombs Mrs J Cane gave a reception tone afternoon last week in honor Mrs A Cane and Miss Cane of Miss Heise nurse at the Graven- hurst Sanitarium was in Town a couple of days this week owing to death of her nephew When renewing his subscription to the Era Mr Jos of Thorn- bury desired to be remembered to old friends in North York Mrs J Johnston of Toronto Junction anil her sister Miss of Richmond Hill spent Monday wilh Mrs A Coombs Mrs Allen of Toronto is here for a week to assist in caring for her sister Mrs Susan Hughes who has been very sick for over four months Rev J Fall is was in on Tuesday delivering an address before the Ministerial Asso ciation of that section which is un denominational Mr Leslie Rannle left on Friday night for Manitoba Hie mother and sister were here to see him off and then went on to their Lake cot Mr Herbert J arriv ed at The Bowery on Monday to rest for a week or two alter touring all over the States the past six months with a musical company as cornet specialist Mr received word this week from hie son Mr Frank Traviss stating that the recent blis in the District was the worst ever known The snow collected in the valleys to the depth of feet Miss J Starr one of teachers at Pickering College has successfully passed her examinations in French and Latin In connection with Queens University Kingston Her friends wish her all success in her future examinations Congratulations to Mr A Miller son of Mrs T Miller St Newmarket on winning the Regents first prize in at Victoria University Toronto The presentation was made by Chan cellor on Tuesday evening Mrs Dr Scott gave a card party on Monday evening and a oclock tea on Tuesday in honor her guest of Rat Port age who with her baby have been spending a few days on her return home having spent Easter vacation with relatives In the West The GIBSON In Newmarket to Mr and Gibson a son on April Mr ft THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash Undertaking and Embalming A SPECIALTY calls attended to at John Millard The supremacy this store has gained in the Shoe Trade of New market is clear to the intelligence of every one Our Excellent Stock of Extremely Good Values and our increasing sales show it But that is not all our practical experience devoted exclusively to shoes has given us such a knowledge of the Shoe Business a better acquaintance in the market of what to buy and when to buy that your interest is guarded here as nowhere else Come and see the Values we are showing and make your own comparison A Bargain for Men pairs Mens Goodyear Welted and McKay Boots sizes to in Tan and Black regular to J4 Saturday pair Mens Soft Kelt Hats in Grey and Brown regular sizes on sale Satur day each Mens Plow Boots pair pairs Mens Heavy Plow Hoots extension soles 3 rows pegs steel slugged cut sold regularly at pair Saturday 115 Ladies Oxfords pair 30 pairs Ladies Oxfords sizes 3 to 7 on sale Saturday Shaker Flannels yard yards pink and blue shaker Flan nel Mill Ends worth from to yard Saturday yard New Dress Linens yd A hig range of the latest Dress Mus lins Linens and Voiles on sale at yard GROCERY SPECIAL Choice Cooking Figs New Prunes lb New Dates lb Prime White Beans lbs for 25c Pure Maple Syrup gal Wine Measure Mixed Cakes lb Fruit Biscuits 10c SODA BISCUITS 7c lb A NEW in tins with shaker tops prevents waste and keeps the strength of the spices All kinds tin Ask to sec them The filter the 4th May at St Michaels Ca thedral Toronto by Rev Father Murray John son of to Mary Elizabeth daughter of Charles Case New- market The Tomb STOKES At the York County In dustrial Home Newmarket on May 2 Joseph Stokes Superintendent in the year of his age Funeral Friday morning Service at the Home at and interment at King City Cemetery In Newmarket on April 30 Harold Leonard son of Mr Abe aged and 111 days on April Donald McLeanaged 1G years CHAPMAN At Whitchurch April Chapman In his year Whitchurch on April Margaret widow of John in her year Deceased had been in poor health for about a year hut the termination was rather sudden Her husband died between and years ago De ceased was a ulster of Col Lloyd and sisterinlaw late of thin town The took place on Sunday and was largely attended re mains being interred at Aurora tcry O o o Our Tailoring as to STYLE FIT tnd of any garment you may order Each Suit and Overcoat fashioned with Care and Skill Our Prices Speak for Themselves All New Goods to Select From WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET I I MAIN ST NORTH All Order will receive Prompt Mies Mabel Cane spent over Sun day In the city Mrs Johnson of Toronto Is vis iting Mrs Geo Richardson Miss spent a couple of days this week with Miss Miss Faille of Toronto was a guest at the Methodist parsonage over Sunday Mr Will Belfry Is moving to Mca- and has sold his house to Mrs Wright Mr Will Toronto was the guest of Mr Wlddiflcld on Wednesday night Congratulations to Rev Raker MA pastor of Broad way Tabernacle Toronto a Queens vllle boy In having the honorary de gree of conferred upon him at the annual convocation of Victoria University on Tuesday evening Immigration Booming are Expected la Next Eight Days Montreal May I Immigration to Canada is on tho boom Last week was an exceptionally good one it be ing estimated that nearly ten thou sand people came to Canada to seek now homes This week however will beat all previous records for a conservative estimate shows that no less than immigrants will ar rive In Canada during next eight days and Is prepared to them through to West in tho most expeditious manner Most Immigrants are English- speaking A snowstorm lasting thirty hours occurred at Take Laxative Quinine Seven soff la pax I month Two Day cm every box i j-