I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY ONTARIO Stock Paid up A ToUI Head OQoo NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits el HE BATH DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL American Drafts bought and Notes Collections a ROSS Manager LEGAL Barrister Notary Public o Newmarket Farm Security Barrister Solicitor Notary Public etc Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Building Barristers CoovejancerB 0 a Billiard Parlor Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat and Court J Rosa Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Panels Barrister Reformer Block Money to INSURANCE J Ageot for Fire and Lite to Loan tercet at Current the Newmarket Insurance Agent Ratea on and isolated Town Property Bank Newmarket Simpson Main fit and Goods AUCTIONEER cnu Collected itrcet Bolton Painter House Decorator Corner Millards and Ob Street John A Estate Broker and Financial Agent Bonds sol Auditor Assignee Insurance Finns told or for City Property Mortgage Loans at Arcade Jos A and Sanitary Engineer Chambers Toroato and on all of at Bra Office- will prompt attention MARRIAGE- Office Newmarket t Iwjed at residence If TO leeks Fingers Off Mr son of Mr Peter met a at OfTice Specialty Works on Saturday having Ihc ends of three fingers taken by a buzz saw One giving the list last week li censes granted by the North York Commissioners we made a slight er ror The name Robert Watson King should have been omitted His was a new application and was not granted This makes Taverns and Shop License for the Riding A Broken Last Saturday a lad named Carl son of Mr Andrew met with an accident by which nose was broken He was assisting the man getting ice out of fields when the tongs slip ped a chunk of the latter up set the ladder and it fell across Carls face with the above result Medical aid was at and it is hoped that his face will not be disfigured The Public Schools will observe Arbor Day in cleaning up the school yards and planting flower seeds May Day was rather chilly Mr has bought Mrs vacant lot on Victoria Ave- and talks of building a resi dence for himself next year Col Lloyd was up at the Lake last week and painted his boat East Council meets at Sharon today J SMITH Newmarkets It yon Wo mo tty ill of a But to yon to if vjt are ft Am to vtusie are UaI or Cottle on Again we are asked a question to cattle running at large but put in another form thusly Providing the Township Council pass a bylaw to let cattle run on the highway is there any law in Ontario to compel them to be shut out from the street In re ply we answer No I but cattle can be impounded if found trespassing on lands adjoining highways and the owners of cattle so trespassing can be held liable for any damage they may have done Methodist The pastors address to the child ren in the morning service was very good and we heartily endorse all he said on Outdoor Sports in the evening Recreation is good but it must not be carried to such an ex tent that the ordinary pursuits of life are neglected The duet last Sunday evening by Messrs Young and Walter Stephens was very Love Feast next Sunday morning in the Lecture Room at oclock sharp reception of new members at the morning service followed by the Sacrament Large attendance ex pected at both cervices Fix the Date Stayner town council has appoints a date to be observed regularly every year as a Civic Holiday think example in this re spect might be followed with advan tage by this municipality The fact most towns in Ontario have come to regard Civic Holiday as one of the regular holidays of the year would appear to justify each town in having a fixed date for- its observance When the date is fixed both organizations and private in dividuals can make their arrange ments accordingly and it also saves any idea of favoritism Stolen One afternoon last week during the temporary absence of the family from the house somebody entered the residence of Mayor and abstracted from a box on tin bureau in bib bedroom a watch and two gold rings Other articles out of the drawers were strewn around the floor showing that a hasty search had been made of them all The door of the house was standing open and one of the girls was play ing in the yard but she never heard anybody either go In or out of the house This should be a warning not to leave outer doors open or even un locked when going out of the bouse There are a great many strangers around town and there Is always a certain class of men that follow the Construction of a railroad that are not to be trusted Watch out for them Later On Monday evening there watt a ring at the front door of the Miof residence bur on opening It was to be seen a parcel bad been laid on the iloatep aWd to the surprise and delight of the ladles It was found to contain the wo gold ring It now if the theft was a practical joke on the part of some neighbor or frftnd and it will not be without wholesome leaeon The watch has not turned op yet but as It was an old one and about worn out Its val ue does not signify FANNIE- MAUD BOOTH The Story One Womans Work for Humanity One of the greatest philanthropists of the United State3 is Mrs Maud Booth whose life has been lovingly consecrated to the cause of humanity In the nineteenth century Elizabeth Pry famous as the prison ers mend made existence easier for prisoners of England while they were paying the price of crimes In the twentieth century Mrs Booth gives to the of America a new chance to battle honestly with the world when tho prison gatc3 open outward to let them again into the sunlight Mrs Booth the daughter of an Episcopalian clergyman was born at England When she was three years old her father Rev Samuel Cbarlesworth moved to a large parish in the East End of London where amid misery and poverty he found a noble field of usefulness The fast bar racks the Salvation Army ever had was opposite the rectory and Mrs Cbarlesworth a broadminded largehearted woman often took her children across the street to the mission services Maud a beautiful young girl of fifteen upon whose mind spiritual truths had made little real Impression suddenly bad her heart touched by the ser vices one night and the great privilege of living the highest life and helping others to live it came to her with the luminance of a revelation Two years later she became a soldier In the Army and did splendid work with General Booths eldest daughter in France and Switzerland and among their many adventures they were expelled from the canton of Geneva When she was twentyone on her marriage to Booth they were sent to the United States where they carried on a most successful cam paign on aggressive lines for the Salvation Army In owing to a dif ference of opinion with General Booth as to policy of the Internal man agement of the work directed at long distance from London Sirs Booth and her husband resigned from the Army and organized the Volunteers of Amer ica of which the Volunteer Prisoners League is but a part This latter phase of the crusade of helpfulness with all its financial burden Its round of visits Its and plans has fallen on tho shoulders of Mrs Booth Of the prisoners In the State Institutions of the country are enrolled as members and when the prisoners their confinement they are taken to f ope Halls where they can get their bearings anew on life have influence to secure honest labor and a- helping and Inspiring environment while struggling toward better things nwdliii Art of the ISM at Use How to Avoid Germ Diseases o- StrrengtheD the Stomach and Digestion and You mill When there is an epidemic of germ disease and most diseases are caused by germs it is the person with a weak stomach who succumbs first People with healthy digestion arc ordinarily not subject to sickness and can throw readily any dis ease germs that enter the system Strengthen the stomach and diges tive organs with a tablet be fore each meal anil every atom of food taken into the stomach will he digested and assimilated and the whole digestive system made so heal thy clean and sweet that there will be no chance for disease germs to breed i If you suffer with pains or distress after eating headache belching of sour food a bad taste in the mouth dizziness pains in the heart specks before the eyes and a general feeling of despondency and weakness J you should get well at once by strengthening the stomach with Ml- Just one small out of a fifty cent box before eating and your digestive system will become so strong that you will be the of good health and spirits and need fear no germ diseases Ask J It to show you the guarantee under which he sells it costs nothing unless it cures Council Regular meeting last Monday even AH members present Following bills passed Office Specialty Co dog tags El Moulds cartage on loots Medical Health Officer for Jos Snider work at power house in freight on Electric sup plies United Factories lumber for bridge etc Mail and Empire adv for electrician v 52 Globe Co adv for alif vJ Peter Trivett services at Town Hall Pay Sheet No cleaning Sis Pay Sheet So 3 cleaning 00 Pay Sheet No Fire Light The bill of Kitchen was referred to the Fire Light Com Messrs A Brunton and Tri were heard on behalf of tho Firemen requesting- two Extension Ladders and feet pairs Rubber Boots and Rubber Coats Messrs Smith and Hunter were in structed to purchase the boots coats and the question of ladders was referred to the Fire arid Light Committee Mr J was heard with reference to the necessity cutting out some trees on Park Ave The Clerk was instructed to write for the price of hydrants J and ft- drain Mr Cane was appointed to represent the Council at the meeting in the County Council Chamber To ronto on May 2nd re York Radial entering the city The application of Vlf Kirby for domestic water connection was granted The application of Mrs Rich ardson for electric current was grant ed and Ihc Clerk was instructed to purchase meters for all who have signed contracts The petition of Kd Doyle asking for a Billiard License to run a Bil liard Parlor in the Sovereign Bank building was referred to the Finance Committee Mr Coombs asked if it is possible for anybody to use domestic water that is not paying for it He was told that two persons were having lhat bonanza The Inspector was asked to check the list The Mayor was instructed to en gage one or two constables and put them on for night duty so long as the necessity requires Hunter asked if any encourage ment is offered to people improving their boulevards Receiving a reply in the negative he thought lhat a bylaw should he passed for that pur pose The Market and Town Hall Com mittee was instructed to revise the rates of rental for the Town Hall The Fire it Light Committee was instructed to prepare a list of the streets on which water mains are laid also the location and size of the same The report of the Fire Light Committee was referred back for fur ther consideration Tho Mayor Messrs Robertson Cane Smith and were ap pointed a Court of Revision to sit on the 1st day of June Over applications were received the position of Electrician Council adjourned at 1030 till Fri day evening i ayaa vv THE LEADING BUILDER Perplexities of cleaning May OCon nor was severely burned about the arms and lace on Saturday through an explosion of gunpowder She was cleaning the pantry of a house she had just moved Into and threw a lot of papers and small packages Into the stove One contained gun powder and the result was an explo sion and blaze Mrs OConnors hair caught fire She extinguished the flames with a pall ol water and to a neighbors Medical aid was procured but the agony was so Intense that it was found necessary to administer morphine Mrs OConnor will recover and probably not be permanently disfigured 5O000 the States Detroit Mich May I- A C Shaw general agent in the United States of Canadian Pacific Railway says he believes lhat a conservative esti mate of the number of people who will leave the United Stales lo set tle in the Canadian NorthWest this year is fifty thousand The exodus fever Is striking as far south this spring as southern Illinois and anua Marie May J The 11yearold son of Henry Bridge was playing with dynamite cap and fire this afternoon will he result a cap exploded in is and blew off a thumb ami two lingers A couple of hours later William and Alexander young sons of Rev A Duncan found some caps with simi lar results William had a and two fingers of the left hand blown oh by the explosion from pounding the caps ami Alexander lost a thumb and one Trouble in Bra friend Nearly One Hundred people Killed or Wounded Warsaw May Nearly one hun dred were killed or wounded In dis turbances in various quarters War- haw today The troops apparently were uncontrollable and violated all orders to act with moderation They fired Into crowds of demonstrators and workmen in retaliation resorted to the use of firearms and bombs What approaches a reign of terror exists tonight The city presents a most gloomy aspect and the temper of the entire community augurs III May daughter of George McKay caretak er of Mr Joseph residence at Point was drowned En Lake Young Shot May A painful acci dent happened at the residence of Mr Frank of village Satur day night when the twelveyearold daughter of Mr John was shot by a young lad The ball entered one side of the Jaw knocked out three teeth and barely missed the tongue coming out on the other side of the face Several children were playing with the rifle when the boy picked it up and pulled the trigger not knowing It was loaded No seri ous results are feared -noO-a- William was three times stabbed In a quarrel at Kingston May James Wright a lad was playing on a haymow when he fell through a trap door and was caught a sticking out of a standing The spike caught under the chin and came out behind bis teeth and protruded through his upper lip He was rendered unconscious by the fall and it was with great he was lifted from his position He will recover If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Over A torpid inactive liver goes band In baud who Such a chronic condition requires a system atic effort to overcome it unci estab lish health and perfect body Smiths Pineapple and Pill containing the two needed elements lo Increase liver ac tivity am muscular action go accu rately to the liver bow els restoring them completely your bowels failed to move for a week or ten Dont you know you would be pros trated It is just same differing in degree when your bowels do not movoat a day You know you soon become- languid tired your blood you feel mean and all over have a full healthy passage dally Dont let serious- condition develop Smiths Pineapple and Pills will drive bowel too out of auft establish hey purely vegetable In- one night We will nd you a sample of these Absolute sealed postpaid that will convince you beyond of their wonderful curative properties Ad dress P Smith Co James Street Montreal Canada Smith pineapple and Butternut pills cure Constipation and Sick Headache In one night All dealer 25 cento A at People Price Spring will soon bo here so if you arc intending to tils year now is the time to commence buying your Building Material We have a complete supply of all kinds of Builders Hardware such PUTTY NAILS NAILS VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Furnaces Tinware J AWALLAN GO NEWMARKET OUR SALES I Have doubled any former season Something New Every Week AT THE- TORONTO JOBBING HOI WAT ESTABLISHED BUYING WATCH AND WEDDING ALWAYS GET THE BEST YOU CAN AFFORD You can depend on quality of our goods and prices are as low as possible T WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician Desirable Residence sale The corner of Victoria and Park Newmar ket residence in flrotclass The property will bo sold bloc or BUILDING LOTS Park or Millard all good otto Terms reason able Apply on the O J For Sale Eggs for Hatching From choice mating of Barred Ply mouth Rodeo and Thomp sons- Ringlet Strains Buff and White per sot ting Guarantee ten chicks or re place at bill price Also large English Berkshire J GO YEARS EXPERIENCE Ac A landing And tain our opinion tit ta for through A without char Scientific A cation of NEWMARKET Monuments and Si Allan