Newmarket Era, 12 May 1905, p. 4

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J r THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAY 12 I the Eat they Moonoys Perfection Cream Just the ones should hive for luncheon and bedtime per surprising how wholesome and nourishing ioe delicious crackers tre Ask your grocer for Perfection Cream Sodas in the proof packages that keep them k fresh A Great Record We are making a record year in placing students and gradu ates into good positions- Business brisk Business men know of the excellence of our work and many requests have gone unfilled for want of welltrained students to recom mend No young man or woman can make a mistake by spending a few months in special training in our splendid The TORONTO Shaw Principal any time Catalogue tree Imperial Silverware Co Represented in Newmarket by MRS JONES PARK AVE Call and get quotation and ample Premiums every order Everything the BEST 3m3 Lodge Crown bred by of Brampton will be kept for service Also a few choice ones of good ba de type with plenty of bone and length for sale Too by Half Torontos scheme as outlined by the Mayor Controllers and city press for the entry of the Metropolitan to the market is via Street thence south to Front and then east to the place of destination or market This makes passengers on the Metro politan south travel westward a distance almost equal to half the way to King Street from the present terminal before proceeding sooth ward thereby a lot of vala- time and adding to mileage The next proposition is that pass engers on the Radial lines shall pay an extra fare on entering the city for the privilege on it streets and not only so but passengers are not to bo allowed the advan tage of transfers at terminal points crossing Toronto Street Rail busi ness Why the is quite as good if not bett than the suggested change We have to buy a street car ticket now true but passengers can receive transfers Abstract of for Town of Newmarket FOR THE YEAR receipts Balance from last year Resident Taxes- Arrears of Taxes Dog Tar Water Rates Rents Licenses School Grant- Loans Fines Electric Light Miscellaneous 3100 42 255 31 EXPENDITURES Salaries Printing Advertising and Stationery Insurance Fire and Water Roads arid Bridges Charity Debentures Bills Payable Interest Water Works supply and capital ac Water- Works Maintenance- County Rates School Account Market Miscellaneous c Electric Light Capita Electric Light maintenance Street Watering Balance 25 37G0 3937 00 209 so in 00 So- 71100 2107 for any part of the city with extr charge by the proposed and delay down street pass engers have not only- to buy a Street Railway ticket as at present but will likewise require to buy a second Street Railway ticket in order to pro ceed to any other part of the city off or Front Streets The prop osition means delay in reaching the business part of the city means in convenience and means doable Street Railway fares in Toronto anything to bleed the country As a matter of freight route tiere can be no eat objection to the thurst St proposition but if Radial lines are permitted cross the city boundary line at all why not allow the same can to continue down to thence east to Church and down Church to Front and the Market This would mean business and as passengers will be required to purchase city street car tickets from North Toronto into the city they should also have the priv ilege of transfers where needed there by obtaining some return for the fares exacted ASSETS Cash on hand Arrears of Taxes since paid Arrears of Water Rates 10 Arrears of Electric Light 387 81 Fire Hall Bell Tower and Land Apparatus in same Hose Reel House Prospect Ave Apparatus in same Building and Land at Power Station 00 Artesian Wells CO Water Works Boilers and Pumps 00 Mains Hydrants and Reservoirs Reservoir Lot Prospect Ave- Electric Light Plant and Machinery Market Building and Lot CO Public School Buildings Grounds 11000 High School Buildings and Grounds 10000 Lockup Water Cart Road Planer and Tools Water Pipes c in stock Electric Light Supplies Broken Stone Water Lot Huron Street Band Instruments About tons Coal 00 135 ii turn ft If Boyds Livery now But to all tralna Orden by Wepbone for all of receive prompt A BOYD Old The North York Livery and keep Op a look Our look and you look gay And the contrast baa a impression People at you then at horse what happy people And to save you from that you dont to a nice new buggy but in mud and dirt we use all old been kept now wo have sawdust so If you require anything in our line call on or call up phones or Town Carting also done A Proprietor The demise of Mr George for many years proprietor of I he liramp- Times is announced join tbe members of the Canadian Press Association in sympathy for rela tives of deceased Mr was an old and a very popular man An Ottawa despatch states that Trinidad is pressing for a parcel post arrangement with Canada Sir Wil liam PostmasterGeneral is willing to accede to the request but would like to see all the West Indies included in the arrangement The telephone committee of the Commons at Ottawa decided last week to publish the evidence taken before it with as much of the cor respondence as Is deemed necessary Sir William took the ground that it was better to let public have all the information obtainable on the subject LIABILITIES Cane Bonus Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Water Works Debenture Public School Debenture High School Debenture High School Debenture Bridge Debenture Electric Light Debenture Electric Light Debenture Office Specialty Debenture County Rate 1901 Lloyd note Mrs note note A J Anderson J Sutherland note Ontario Bank over draft Davis Bonus Levy Public School- Levy High School Bal Levy Separate School Water Works if M rt t If iff WW J mitt Apropos of our contention respect ing the assessment of property and its relation to actual cost the Tote- gram points out that the late Geo residence Is assessed at 1 hut doubts if it would bring if sold lor cash to day The residence cost thousands jof dollars more than it Is assessed for and Gravel ttana and promptly attended to A Aurora For Sale or To Let Eleven very deIr- building corpora- Huron and Second Streets Newmarket Ap ply on 11 MISS P John was fctruck by an express train near and killed Mr L len the Dominion to value of land In Tos- arid for rrdHtary ASTORIA For and Kind You Hate Bough of Outdoor Canada Is the attrac tive name of a new magazine which Its appearance in the Canadi an field It is printed on a good quality of paper such as will admit the best Illustrations has special stories and articles dealing with all the sports and pastimes outdoor Canadian life The publishers ap pear to be endeavoring In tbe fullest sense of the word to make Outdoor Canada a credit to Canadian jour nalism and ft Is to be hoped the will receive from the Ca nadian public the support which It deserves IF YOU HAVE A BAD COLD It you are sneezing and suffering from a head and running eyea the beat plan is bo get fragrant healing tbe quickest and cure for cold in the bead coughs and catarrh ever discovered This great healing agent a carried by the air you breathe all through the passages of the nose throat and lunge It soothes the mem branes kills catarrhal germs ioatanV cures the cough and sneezing Its the antiseptic vapor of that the curing A trial proves that a cold can be killed In a few minutes by Money If it fails Complete outfit fcizo 0083 1717 275 8573 3000 S3 171303 To Mayor and Corporation of he Town of Newmarket We your Auditors beg herewith to submit the Detailed Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and an Abstract the same also a state ment of Asset and Liabilities of the Town Newmarket for the year ending Dec We have also examined the Collectors lor the year 1901 which following is a synopsis To Amount on Roll Poll Tax Collected Arrears Taxes By Amount paid Treasurer Taxes returned nothing to distrain Arrears of Taxes Rebates on Farm Lands 33 Rebates by Order Council 210 Arrears Taxes paid 22 As required by the Municipal Act each voucher has been examined and stamped and the Minutes Council searched for authority for pay ment same The Treasurers Bond is in the hands of the Mayor for Issued by the London Guarantee and Accident Co The Treasurers Books Vouchers and Accounts have been examined and the annexed statements found to be correct have also examined the Public School Accounts and those of lie Public Library Board Newmarket 20th March J A Auditors Finally audited and allowed this 1st day of May A J Clerk Treasurer Mayor Electric Light and WaterWorks Plant DEBIT To Waterial and Maintenance Light Material and Maintenance Water Works Fuel Salaries Labor Z Oil Waste Repairs Insurance Debenture Water Kleclrlc Light Water Works Light Water Works Water Works Depreciation on at per cent Current Light Installing Lights ZZ etc of Meters Water Works from water takera Intimate for Street Lighting Jailmate for Public 37 Hydrants Fire Protection at WO r flrf i r 3071 177 00 38 SUM 1740 1100 MS 21 c The Kind You Have Always and which has been in two for river years has horne the of has been made under his per supervision since Its Infancy Allow no one to deceive in this All Counterfeits Imitations and but Experiments endanger tbe health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment is a harmless flubstitnte for Castor Oil Pare Drops and Soothing Syrnpa It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance is Us guarantee It destroys Worms and allays ess It cures and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Mothers Friend ALWAYS Bears the Siaature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Y09 A I I U S2SH5H new yob Arc i- fK f K K ESTABLISHED YEARS Consultation FREE QuwUon for Treafarvr Pi- FREE Prices Low No Cure No Pay A NERVOU8 WRECK ROBUST Wo to Guro Stricture Debility Blood Poisons Vital Weaknesses Klttnoy and Bladder Dis eases ana All Diseases Peculiar to and your time and money on cheap experimental trtMntot Increase t your Tour by ti witb rem- they claim to just score red five but But Come to coofidence We will treat And fcklllfally tohraHh In the possible time with the medicltr treated tbcKniptjmu fco a Sauey Question Here Is the latest story about Boston chuck- Late summer a young Woman who is described as fresh was fitting on deck yacht in Mr came floating in on the Dreamer young woman toe copper man and she took advantage of the acquaintance to pick up mega phone which was beside her train on to toe Dreamer and shout Hello Mr hows per It related that without an in stants hesitation Mr pick Jed up a in turn and back Hello Miss Blank hows brass Boston Globe The steamer at Halifax from Hamburg brought immi grants Thomas of was shot and seriously wounded white ex- a gun The stable of Mr Robinson Kent struck by lightning and burned with five horses and a grain Paderewski the noted pianist sprained a cord in his neck while rendering a difficult composition at London and has cancelled all other engagements in this country Chicago HI May 2 Fighting and rioting fiercer than- on any previous day of the teamsters strike was carried on in the business section the city today Stones clubs and knives were used with apparent aban don and an accurate account of the injured cannot be obtained As far as known one man was killed during the day COLD SETTLES IN THE BACK It hits people in a tender spot and makes it mighty hard to brace up will take that kink out your spinal column in order jit sooths tfiats why relief comes so soon penetrates thats why it cures Five times stronger than ordinary remedies fall to cure lame back sciatica and neuralgia line Is king over all nuscular pain has no equal and costs per bottle At the London Assizes William Boyd and Hugh Stevenson were sen tenced to one year each in the Cen tral Prison Tor conspiracy to de fraud Hugh Douglas out of I iwejtylivc years Levers Wise Head Disinfect ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home It disinfects and cleans at the same time Peterboro May Winnipeg will be tho place of meeting next year of the Presbyterian Womans Foreign Missionary Society If favorable rail way rates can be secured Oar Method lit Shelby Street liji DETROIT MICH I- House and Lots the Roman west apply For Sale adjoining Catholic Church on to Newmarket For Sale or Rent FiveRoomed House garden and Fruit trees About fifteen minutes walk south of Newmarket Immedi ate possession Apply to ANGUS WILLIAMS- Newmarket FOE SALE convenient comfortable Brick chid Dwelling on Newmarket occupied by the under J A Brick Mouse to Rent By tho year at will two lots largo orchard and stable J WESLRy 7 Newmarket Farm For Sale Being Lot No In let Con ot East comprising acres Fair buildings well watered drained and In a fair of culti vation four acres In tho Corporation For Brick House- six rooms hard and soft water Good garden good lo cation Apply to A WILLIAMS 13 Newmarket FOR SALE Blacksmith House and Shop In of Newmarket Apply on Village of Sharon Good stand Ap ices ply to OBADIAH ROGERS A WILLIAMS at credit Plants tor Respectfully Submitted Newmarket April J A If A GOOD COMPLEXION a joy to every womans heart and man La vain enough not to Bplsa it Beautiful complexion means pure blood or In other words a healthy body of thousand of women take because its a splendid builder keeps tbe system perfect order and helps tbe com plexion wonderfully I consider the best remedy to give you a clean ruddy complexion I of writes Miss Ada Brandon Pembroke My skin used to be sal low but after taking a few boxes of a rosy tint was noticeable on my cheeks I can recommend as a tonic also For good health and beauty use only Price at druggists May Mr John tho township of while out Hunting was accidentally shot tliis morning When climbing over a fence the gun went off contents lodging In breast lie died with in a few minutes He leaves a wife and family t Public School RECEIPTS To Balance from Municipal Assessments Government Grants County Model Grants Other sources 1 r ti I t 1 1 EXPENDITURES By Teachers Salaries Heating And all other expenses pi f Mill hum I 4 1 W040 03 TO CURB A COLD IN DAY Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure Groves signature Is on each box Quebec May Emtio teen years age was electrocuted his mothers eyes at yesterday having climbed ono of poles of the Company to a young sister who was standing In the doorway or their mothers residence Audited March J A BASTEDO M Auditors CHAMBERLAINS REME DY THE VERY BEST I been using Chamberlains Cough Remedy and want to say it is best cough medicine I ever taken said Geo Chubb a mer chant ot Harlan There is no question about Ha being best as It will cure a cough or cold In less time than any other treatment It should always bo kept In house ready for Instant use for a cold can bo cured In much less time When promptly treated For sale by T Lloyd

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