Newmarket Era, 12 May 1905, p. 8

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to A THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY- MAY 1905 liife around Hie flab S AND OOP- WOETHY Of- statute labor for the cur- year lias been fixed by byJaw at per day but payment will be received at per day up to June hut not after that date The following payments were order- T Column to he made viz Frank Kelleyf sheep value On week Do you remember the little things that es much pleasure when we were With what zest did we sit J own to the table after oar play was over and eat the mash and milk our mother put before as But as we get older it takes more to give pleasure Mush and milk no longer J taste good to and our digestion may be Impaired The best advice we can give to a person is to tone up the stomach with Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It is natures most valuable and agent made without he of alcohol It contains roots herbs barks and is the concern rat ion of natures vitality as foand in Ike fields and woods This remedy baa a history which speaks well for it because it was given to the public by Dr V Pierce founder of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo nearly forty years ago and since been sold by druggists in ever increasing quantities Some medicines tonics or compounds en joy a large sale for a few years then disap- from the public attention but Dr Golden Medical Discovery has John T Crouton reps Coir Frank re grader Wednesday afternoon of last Win- McNeil teaming one day the house belonging to Albert Watson teaming day man Bender a short distance west Terry repairs of the Concession of Whitchurch Shaw re bridge Ac ji caught fire from sparks from the Smart laying tile chimney There was a high wind D re Public Library blowing at the time which rendered re Public Li- it impossible to subdue the flames and the building a frame structure was soon entirely destroyed MOO of the loss is covered by insurance 50 hi Expenses re I I It Council adjourned to meet on day June 2nd at am in A Battle The Story a Local Option Con testHow the BarRoom Were Banished A Lesson ir Church Workers i Railway Dele re snow Queens- Our Toronto tetter on as a Court of Revision and Mr and Mrs Rogers of other business were visiting friends in V this village last week A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evening April at the home of Mr William Thompson when their daughter Miss Thompson was united in marriage to Mr Hiram Potter Rev win the ceremony lit tie presence of a few intimate friends of the bride and groom The bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of brown broadcloth Miss j On the second Sunday be fore the election a carefully tised was held lor the purpose of giving these replies to the public The church was crowded to doors wHh a large proportion of men in the audience yager information- Between- fifty and iix- replies were in hand- I Not one of the farmers said He would hot trade here if the saloons should be closed While about half In Rams Horn Rev John a dozen thought it would drive some Wilson tells the- story of the recent trade away and make it a town local Option contest in Lake Geneva all others were of the opposite a Wisconsin city where the liquor ion Their testimony was over- traffic seemed to be- rooted whelm against license- in which a wise union of church Several declared that they not- and temperance workers resulted in a trust themselves to come to Lake splendid victory for the cause of Geneva on account right Different places demand if- tions of the nine saloons Others methods but the experience of said they already trading Lake Geneva will be instructive and nolicense town near by because they suggestive to any one Here it is could not send thejr hired to our The saloons cannot do business in town without having them come Lake Geneva Wis This is the home intoxicated and unfit- for work diet of the people That such a re- The argument of the farmers proved suit could be obtained in this saloon- a telling argument with thcousiness LflSi it tfltR g dff I -A- HP- ithc form that has already been pub- acted as bridesmaid tonic often fjon the confidence of aby supported generations in a family and In- S tales year by year coming from the l rccommeodationa of those who nave tried seems too good to be men They effectually disposed of the argument that farmers will not trade in a dry town- and won meny votes for nolicense wiiiuiiv iuiphiillu iim Letters of a similar character were executed plan It was the fruit of sent to the pearest Jakeshore ffijj work part of a few tact dents who spend the summer mnlhs determined men and woherc and pay to the city One ffiM the new answ town of its saloons All others either strongly There have been several efforts to endorsed our movement or expressed deliver the community from the curse a willingness to pay extra taxes if infested city true It was neither an accident nor a miracle but the natural result of a carefully considered and faithfully executed plan It was the fruit of of the open saloons A few to make up the 1300 paid groom bride was in It prove its lasting merit that every bottle bears the stamp of public approval Every other and tonic for the that we of contains alcohol but Dr Pierce guarantees that no alcohol is contained in Medical Discovery years necessary iv ago- the local option campaign result- by the saloons in license fees Facts gold and I in a tie vote but the council also presented showing UnaJo cided to continue the high license dispense with the saloons would fifty dollars to bridesmaid a handsome W bem and Corona on the can be made to look as good as new by in a Siinliht Soap They will shine and glitter thus helping to make the home bright and in vh iig Sunlight Soap means less than the labor in washing with com mon soap and makes everything clfnn Sunlight Soap is made of pare oil and fats contains no ingredient to hands or clothing ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap Wasus Clothes and wont Injure the Hands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO happiness AUROKA The Sovereign Bank of Canada Savings birthday The Automobile Club of this city are likely to succeed in their opposi tion to the legislation now before the Ontario House It is simply absuitt to ask a to- stop within a feet of every horse he meets To ask a motor to stop j week for on Mr J Hutchinsons fin IV souUi town was burned Methodist Churches got together and mentioned suspended their everting tern This discouraged the temper- crease the tax rate only per ancc people until finally they were thousand dollars even if nothing jrlcnds Purine about ready to give up the fight and were saved in other ways and that day ncai yield to a fate that seemed the average taxpayer would not feel The liquor trjlic flourished this burden high license and became the most The last Sunday evening prior to extensive business in town with per- the election the opera house was Re- haps one exception for a massmeeting which was In the spring of the pastors of thoroughly advertised by billing the the Baptist Congregational and town and the three churches before Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND on Thursday morning Or pedlar is met with an old plug Mr and Mrs Stevens who is employed for some time past in rd farmers used to James store here IP left for on Tuesday where now Speaker St John entertained the Press and a few personal friends one evening last week at will make their home The assessment roll for this muni cipality for the present yea was fil led in the Clerks office on Monday by the Assessor The assessment Compounded Times a Year amounts to than last The increase they presentation of j man last 1 is caused by the business assessment J ine ernorcn April l to this city to present an ad- amounts lo The number of other organization sought to arouse interest in the local meetings Rev T Hare of Mil- option campaign A union mass- secretary of the Wisconsin meeting was held stirring addresses AntiSaloon League was the made Many Christian people pal speaker and his address on the wore induced to vote against license Financial Aspect of the Saloon But it was too late to win the bat- proved to be just the message for tic that year The pastors immcdi- the occasion ately began to plan for the next The reached a grand It was decided to hold a un- climax in this meeting The opera ion temperance meeting ou the first house was crowded to the doors ami The now thorough- grit and hard work on the part of aroused to the danger which the people who believe in God and threatened their business worked right and home and a clean town with desperation to escape defeat The same kind of campaign will Whiskey flowed freely among their a glorious victory in other the afternoon of ities nearly all the carriages in town seemed tobe in use One pica her had a carriage and driver GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES panned fetors wore out QI and rumor has that some a tempt- fflatter y in 6 to days First send our plication gives ease and rest breath wine the talfr st counted that viz January July and October of each year Sunday evening of each month These meetings were enthusiastic and largely attended They served not belong to our crowd We held our lots were being counted that in How relieved by Paris Medicine Co St people and how disappomted the j saloonkeepers when the results were announced- Every ward had gone against li cense We had carried the city by a premium standing room was at Nearly onethird of the people of the SSrilmwe community were present the decisive majority of fortynine in a total vote of Our years work and our businesstike campaign had as 200 one year before Nelson Taylor Son Agents for the Saskatchewan Val ley Land Co and Pearson Co who control the Last Mountain Valley District Courteous Unexcelled odor Methods WWallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Manager Mount Albert Branch Slabs Delivered PER CORD KINDS ROUGH AND LUMBER Sheeting 12 per SHINGLES LATH Ladders Half Price COAL Egg Stove Nut Pea SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP PEAR80N TORONTO Strictly In all Magnificent catalogue fre admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alexander Ste Mclean carriage worlds at Southampton were de stroyed by fire Charles McKay lost his life at trying to tow from a burning stable ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free dogs assessed this year is which seems small for the large number of dogs which may be seen on the streets at any time The number of ratepayers on the roll is On Sunday morning a man carry ing a Buffalo robe went into the Queens Hotel stables and offered to sell the robe for a dollar at the same time stating he had sold his horse and rig at Holland Landing Mr who was in the stable told the man he would telephone to the Landing and find out if his story was correct At this the fellow cleared out leaving the robe behind him and has not been seen since The robe had been stolen from Mr of Newmarket Banner Best Council- Sharon May Meeting of Council held this day All members of last regular an meeting read and confirmed Communications received from T Riddel J Simp son and re tenders to supply gravel Beaton I Crone T Crittenden and J resigning as Road Overseers Frank Kclley re valualing South African Memorial Association re snow J re work Prank Will ton re moving grader McNeil re gravel ft Terry re repairs Shaw re repairs to bridge Con and Mount Albert Li brary Boards Pearson and Fogg verc heard before the Council In support of aid being granted to Li brary Boards The Reeve introduced a bylaw to make grants for improvements to roads and bridges which was regu larly passed and adopted making ap propriations of about for said purposes On motion Councillor Far way appointed special re delivery Of gravel on Com i and Councillor re grading lots and II Concessions and as Road were made In Hew of others resigned as follows viz I Con o Jaw Knott Con I and Con filv Con I A Morning The tenders for delivery of gravel on Con of Riddel Penrose and at per yard down to the Rugby Club was on hand Never mind the taxbill will be all the lighter The Ottawa Free Press appears to been a little envious of the at tentions paid to Karl Grey while in this city It says Earl Grey es caped from Toronto with his life and enough addresses to put under the with to bond union he- probaby 500 voters Men stood lor majority of eightyone two hours and or majority of forty- goodnaturedly to a forceful and can- the churches The Christian voters became enthusiastic in their support of the cause The commun ity was impressed by the fact that three ministers and their congrega tions were standing together with one purpose Before the end the year tlie movement resulted the organization of the Lake Geneva Temperance Association which unit- carpels at Hall for genera- practically all the temperance to come forces Since the Radial Railway Co has six weeks before the t ruck the gait of hiring County election after much careful eon- Councillors and officials the deration the executive committee have the run of the County pantry operation the plan which If Toronto loses any more baseball games a demand will be made to have the Legislature closed so that Premier J P Whitney can superin tend the diamond About two dozen horses reached the Woodbine on Saturday some from the Southern States The city bill to authorize the Issue of of debentures for certain local specified purposes was Introduc ed in the Legislature last Friday by id special the member for the Western Division carried the campaign out of the churches into the entire community They secured a large supply of tem perance literature Funds were gath ered by subscription to cover postage and printing A nearly complete list of voters was secured- Letters were prepared and printed lo be sent out with the literature morning for five weeks preceding the election every voter except the saloonkeepers and avowed friends of the saloon receiv ed a persona letter signed I Execu tive Committee A ac companied by a striking cartoon or one of the Facts This reached the voters who are a large majority in our city Peo ple who never go to temperance meetings were made to think and they wondered what it all meant Soon everybody In town was talking about the literature and people be gan to announce their decisions lo vote against license The working people began to real ize the folly of supporting so expen sive an institution as the saloon Several young men Influence rc- lo stop wasting their money on drink and declared their intention lo vote One of these made known Ids purpose to the pro prietor of a leading The latter began to make light his in fluence saying Your Influence I How much influence do you have This angered the young man and with words more forceful than etc- he declared Ill show how much Influence- have 1 went to work In earnest among friends Others followed his leader- ship and before election day they constipation prevent had a large baud of the younger men euro with lJlc Other leaders the various arc the ones we ITS titally for the cause Bunds of first Your doctor will tell you that thin pale weak nervous chil dren become strong and well by taking Aycr8 Sarsaparilla Small- doses for a few days The change is very prompt and very marked Ask your doctor why It Is He has our formula and will explain Wheo I huh I Urn J J Hen for J- CAT CO The Children you He his did discussion of the questions Indei consideration Many people will never forget the impression by that meeting When it closed the battle was virtually won nine against license It was not prayer alone nor ser mons and highsounding speeches that won the battle ft took wise planning hearty cooperation tact Farm for sale In tie Dauphin consisting of acres an Ideal ranching farm Good buildings and every convenience a snap for a small rancher Write for particulars SON I Man are the Best Months to Make Money Raising Chickens Frzvzi ChEcke hatched then rapidly and require less than at any timo of year and knack of running business successfully is Acquired under most favorable One good May or Juno hatching will bring out a brood of chicks that sell about October 1st for enough to pay for an Incubator and another batch can then bo started that will got tho chicks out in for tho Christmas market next batch wilt bo ready for March and April market commanding tho very highest market prices A good Incubator is foundation of real in poultry raising bringing tho wholo matter from guess work to certainty furnish you with a No Cash to Pay Until Fail on No cash to pay until Novombor By that it should paid for itself Nothing raised on a arm like this and beauty it all is that women folks or children can easily attend to very small amount of work thoro is to bo Half an hour or so a day is all required Getting tho right Incubator is pretty nearly thing Chatham aafcat and Incubator made It does trick per cent hatches every if aro than go into details of construction out of many hundreds of testimonials April IVX Co Oat iJeir Sir yon when I fcrl you my When r- jot to put In It w4 ftnxlu lo k t I took nil the I only enough to were ifnill trl id ha Iwentjterca Itier ill not look on start I put to In- fifty lie In the shell which I think la The art arrl I am torry I not lntt of hart It now flllf ji I you could wo will print a I poultr a It I would rather sllnd to an Incubator In knowing that If you look after you will chick t Vthri On April 10C4 CaiopUII Co Chatham Sir that purchated you Jan Kit certainly dandy Out a No Incubator with chlfktrj and art all and I llallon of oil I Intra la do Incubator la world truly JOHN HANSON The worse dont do voters were organized in tills There always work work withal lor who will- cast flrst It way who lection supported ticket The women did heroic work husbands and sons and others to vole the saloons A Mr of Lemon of hard drinkers has written the to remoye the temptation which By DR of were If in convenience of the ratepayers or gainsay- of the viflaKCa of and that much better results- arc had their ruin the that the doctor can ex- Mount Albert lo pay their obtained from the use Chamber- About a month before the election of your commutation of labor chary Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea sent impartially bitter physical and on or before June arrangements Remedy la cases of pains In the to about farmers hi tho aUZ and happinei were made that payment may be colic and cholera morbus by vicinity asking thern to send replica who would have re- made at to J McKar- fog It In as hot as can be In enclosed stamped envelopes invalids all their land and at Mount Albert to drunk That when taken In this whether they would bo lock of name age The ratepayers of Ihc effect Is double Jn rapidity likely to trade in Lake If the pit to on as well as any others the town- It seems to get at the spot saloons should lc closed Isbip can by payment lo the Instantly he say For by V ion used a public fbe rate of without using names writers Wo from In tho United and Dominion Every Incubator wo nut out tho beat kind of advertising wo do for it sella many othors for us by its never- failing Chatham built on honor and Its construction and workmanship as perfect an an oxporienco of fifty years and amplo capital can them Chatham was the finit that wan to admit of its makers taking chances that it would its coat for it was for Dont for a moment that It any to big poultry by sotting hens As as out of If uncertain birds kept busy of wasting their sotting ths will pocket a good many dollars in profit If you want to get full particulars on tho and learn all tho details of successful Incubator hatching and profitable poultry raising send today for our superbly printed book How to Mako Money Out of Its Send for it now BOOK A Complete to Poultry Profits THE CAMPBELL COm Limited CHATHAM at Brandon Mao Calgary and Halifax at Our and Mien fc of famous FANNING MILLS AND CHATHAM FAItM V r

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