Newmarket Era, 19 May 1905, p. 3

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Weeks IS OH ABOUT Still Another Mr Curtis of has the cel lar excavated for a new residence on Niagara St Rogers Will open day May Cream IceCream Pavlov for the season on City Dairy Arrangements have been made with the of the City League to play a match with the of Newmarket on the Fair Grounds here on the afternoon of the of May A lively game may be antici pated Dont spend car fare to go away from home you can have a good time at less expense Drug Store The store recently vacated by Mr has been leased by Mr Ted who will open a Comer Drug Store in a few days with a choice assortment Mr has been 14 years in the drug business including five in Edmonton and a year in Toronto and should there fore be qualified to cater to the wants of this community Watch his ad in the Era The meeting last Monday evening was in charge of the Literary Com mittee and a good program was pre sented comprising an encouraging address by Hon J pa vis solo by Mrs Dr Richardson duet by Messrs Young and Stephens besides reading by Mrs J Patterson and the usual devotional routine The pastor also added a few remarks and the young people were greatly de lighted with the meeting A larger attendance is anticipated at the next Literary meeting m Ladies Silk Ties Black Sequin Collars and other new goods at Hughes this week District No of In termed i- Monday district met at Bradford on night to arrange for the games Representatives J Miller Bradford Mr Green T Evans Newmarket Thos and Clark Convenor Campbell Brad ford Schedule Adopted June at Newmarket July Newmarket at Bradford Bradford at Orillia Aug at Bradford Bradford at Newmarket Newmarket at The management of the Lacrosse Club request the boys to attend prac tice regularly as exhibition games will also be arranged Will meet prospective vocal pupils Monday pm May at the res idence of Mrs Richardson Sale Not half- the etc removed Eagle Hotel- was sold last Saturday for want of time and the sale will be continued next Saturday on the Square commencing at oclock Bargains for everybody The barn at the Industrial has been torn down and the carpen ters are laying out the material of the new one The Commissioners meet at the Home today The Fire Brigade met on present Gay evening and talked over an Ex- cursion Shoemaker at the North end The stone wall in front of St Johns Church which was crumbling To the Editor of the Era- That Proposed Big Improvement Mr Jos Gardner is making exten sive improvements to his residence badly is being removed entire on Ontario St A hew stone dation is about completed the house will be moved upon it and a new kitchen built A O Parade- At the special meeting of the New market Lodge on Wednesday evening four candidates were Initiated The Sons of England Benefit three more applications for member- need ety will hold their Second Annual ship received The organizer Church Parade on Sunday evening Allen left yesterday Cor May to St Pauls Church hut expects to return to Newmarket Regiment Band will lead- the Monday when half a dozen new procession Brethren will meet at members will probably join The A the Lodge Room at pm sharp OUW is probably strongest eternal organization in Ontario and Your correspbffdent at Roachs Point does not pay a very high com pliment to the sagacity of our Tp or future years when he proposes that they buy for a public park the property adjoining the Some years ago previous to the opening of Morton Park with its ample accommodation and facilities for picnics great or small together with its freedom from temptation when the waterfront was closed to the public by private owners a pub lic park was much to be desired if not indeed a necessity but the site was never adequate to such flt Home The members of Pyramid Lodge and their ladies enjoyed a very pleas- ant social evening at their tidy and commodious rooms on Wednesday Parlor games and refreshments were provided it about midnight when the company separated in it is enjoying a boom since the hotel or a hotel license justment of rates granted in such close proximity public park more Phones A gang of telephone men are in Town ihis week loading up With more wires At least a dozen new instruments are going in as fol lows office Roches house A house J Hughes house P j Pearsons house Lyons store The next meeting will be held at Clarks office and house Chief An- John on May house I Roses house J Lundys house hotel a KESWICK The Aid of the Keswick Methodist Church held their first meeting at the home of Mrs King on April and elected the lovinp President Mrs I Morton VicePres Mrs Mrs T Secretary Miss Ass t Sec Miss Maty Morton Some gentlemen gave in their names as Honorary Members a good Charcoal Stoves and at Police Court A stranger who gave his name as McLean was wandering around Town on Monday night and one of the cops put him in the cooler Next morning he was told to leave Town or he would be sent down as a See Switw Bros ad page fllbenta Shooting Ponoka May Frank Wright a resident of Ponoka for the past two years was shot by Hall last night and his condition is seri ous It is doubtful if he will re cover Hall lives with his wife and A high bank without shade and so small as scarcely to afford scope for a good game of football it presents few attractions as a picnic- ground Should a public park in any case be established at the door of an ex- be proximity to a Accounts in such cases show that much trouble is caused by the drinking fostered Many will agree with this extract from an editorial in a leading re the granting of a license to a summer hotel at At a summer resort the selling of intoxi cating liquor becomes a nuisance to the great majority of the guests on account of the obnoxious presence of loafers and roughs who are attract ed by the opportunity of getting liq uor If that is the result is it well to try to attract the youth who form so large a- part of all picnic parii to temptation or annoyance I believe the better element of our people will think twice before sanc tioning a request for such a pur chase A Floor Oil Cloths Linoleum Union Carpets at 10c Pure Wool Carpets regular for These Carpets arc per cent cheaper than any house in the trade Japanese Mattings 20c 25c 43 PRINTS 36 inches wide fast colors yd New Stock of childrens and Ladies Parasols from 25c to S3 Table Bargains Linen Damask regular for 56inch Linen regular for GOODS Dress Goods is our trump card We are doing the Business because we carry the goods that everybody wants and at the lowest possible price Choice Mixed Pickles Force or 2 for Perfection Baking Powder lb English Breakfast Coffee lb Clover Leaf Honey tb Cooked Meats Ice cold ed to suit THE BEST RESULTS PROM BAKING POWDER BALDWIN BREEZES On Friday evening May a Mr Geo Ottawa was here for a few days visit at the old homestead last week Geo says the atmosphere of that aristocratic burg is extremely chilly in winter The mercury has the da- bit of dropping down to the of the thermometer Master eldest son of Riddel though but seventeen packed his little trunk on Monday and started out to seek Ins fortune lie Roachs Point to Dakota with his uncle John Willie is one of our represen tative lads a credit to his parents and all going well is sure to succeed The boys left last week for New Ontario where they arc set- reception was given at the home of ting up a saw mill for the Mrs- in of her j dation of settlers and for their own daughter Mrs who was presented with an address and in recognition of her services I a dinner set from Mrs family on the outskirts of the town Last night Wright stated he was go- J to Halls for his laundry Just ana Sabbath vagrant but Tuesday he was Us he was the house he was teacher- Among the many useful around Town again When offered a I met by Hall who gave him valuable presents from relatives job he refused to work though he to leave the place and then fired j only had about Again Tuesday night he was run in and next morning appeared before the Colonel who gave and costs or 10 days Constable took him down gaol The au thorities will not allow strangers to loaf around Town and it is in the interests of the citizens that they be taken care of without delay The pm trolley which lias been stopping at Bolsford St ever since last November is taking pas sengers to the North end again this week after a good deal of complaint Mr Dan is making great improvement to his house putting cement foundation and new cellar also verandah cement walk etc A load of household goods for Banker Ross cottage at Orchard Beach left yesterday morning Mr T Watsons gasoline launch which has been thoroughly overhaul ed- and repainted was taken to Brad ford bridge yesterday for service next week with a shotgun hitting Wright in I Toronto and a check the stomach Hall claimed that he War from her thought it was a bear and he had owners no intention of shooting Wright It Mrs J A is said that Wright and Hall were Toronto on Tuesday several quarrels over domestic fairs Preliminary hearing of the case was held this morning Hall was taken to Fort Wright to the hospital at Edmonton this afternoon in the hope of saving his life on the Cat attending the funeral of Mrs Mann The children present were Mr John Mann of Montreal artist Roy and of Detroit Mrs of New York City Rela tives were also present from Orillia and vicinity The floral tributes were magnificent See Bros Ad page Have you ever seen a cat get mix ed up with a sheet of sticky per If not you have missed one of the real sights of this life The terrified jumping spitting mewing creature presents a most ludicrous spectacle to all onlookers and causes an immense amount of laughter and fun but when the frantic and mad dened pet becomes almost smothered by the sticky stuff and the damage to carpels curtains etc etc he- gins to be realized the housewife at Marmora was burned and several business wiped out on Tues day Stock Market r Presbyterian Church At the recent communion services twelve names were added to the roll Shingles are upon the ground lor the church It is hoped that there will soon be sheds for accommodation of the friends who drive In from Rev A Campbell completes the first year of his pastorate with the fending of May There ill be anniversary services on May J Stephens one of the young ministers of Toronto will preach both morning and evening Mr Stephens was assistant pastor for a ye2t in one of the churches in Winnipeg and was called thence to the Avenue Road Presby terian Church Toronto He will have a well worth the hear ing Mr Campbell attended the meet ing of Synod In Toronto week Keep It Going Following the good example of Sharon Friefds the committee in charge of the Burying on St south are ask ing all persons Interested to meet there on Wednesday the to put the plot in better order and will at that time endeavor to devise plan for Ha permanent mainte nance All Interested who seeing this but do not receive no tice are requested to In the morning or any time during the day the committee expect to be there all day and want if help enough volunteered to level down the mounds and nod or prepare for itK the grounds can be eas ily kept tidy The Committee desire to re tain mark to all graves have no and have been misplaced any person hav ing a knowledge these that cannot he will confer a favor by rn- strutir faffs to appreciate the funny side of Word has been received from the episode and then and there de cides that in future she will use only Wilsons Fly Pads which arc tnrec hundred times more Roachs Point that Kills ex- 1 to put the ferry Agnes in com mission on Saturday for the season Town Accounts for are now printed ana copies may be had at the Clerks Cilice The Public Library Board has or dered nearly a hundred new books and expect them here in a lew days Mr one of the on the is putting a new foundation under his house Col- Lloyd expects to launch Aminta on Victoria Bay at chard Beach Slight decline in the export cattle market in Toronto this week was the top price paid The al oiler was only Choice Blockers are to and dairy Best butchering cattle to medium to 450 common to dry cows to and effectual and butchering bulls to cannot damage carpets or furniture All druggists and storekeepers sell Wilsons Fly Pads Avoid worthies imitations the Church Last Sunday evening the Pastor took for his text the Seventh Com mandment and handled a delicate subject In a refined manner it being a strong plea for purity of heart and Hie The Quarterly Official Board In the Church Parlor on Wednesday- evening There was a good- attend ance The treasurer reported that the receipts from envelopes the past quarter met the pastors salary and all other expenses with a small bal ance to the good The Board how- ever is carrying a which it expects to wipe oil next year The pastor reported that during the year there were added to the roil by letter 42 on trial making a total of removed by letter 28- leaving a total member ship of The Sunday and League was reported In a healthy condition Messrs and Charles were appointed to audit the books Mr was elected dele gate to the Meeting in Au rora the Inst The local preachers were renewed to Hon K Davis and Mr A Coombs Use of Lemons Gargle a had sore throat with a strong solution of lemon Juice and water The Juice ol half a lemon in a cup of black coffee without any sugar will cure sick headache Lemon juice and salt will remove iron rust A strong unsweetened lemonade taken before breakfast will prevent and cure a attack Lemon juice added to milk until it curds arid these curds then bound up on parts swollen from rheumatism will bring relief Lemon juice mixed very thick with sugar will relieve that tickling cough that is so annoying A hot lemonade taken before going to bed will cure a cold on the lungs A cloth saturated In lemon juice and hound about a cut or wound will stop its bleeding Lemon juice added to fruit juices that do not Jell readily such as cherry strawberry etc will cause them to Jell Calves arc to ami milkers to each Sheep in Toronto are selling at 50 to for yearlings for ex port ewes and for bucks Spring lambs arc to Select hogs lights and fats less Toronto markets May White Wheat Per bush Spring Wheat per Spring Wheat per bush per Bye- per bush Barley per bush Butter roll per lb Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Dressed I Jogs per Garden Only and at Binns A He never wholly fails who keeps on trying Even the man who has the right of way sometime left It Is not what others think but what I think that makes what I a What a girl likes about a big strong man Is the way she can twist him around her- little finaer There would be fewer schemes seeking the use of the mails if more of the promoting thieves were landed In Jail Hay per ton Chickens per lb Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb Beef lore Beef hind i 47 0 50 CO GO- fi 0 1 Way Flour per barrel 20 WW to Wheat Per bush Of- Goose Wheat loose Wheat hush CO- 0 Go Barley per hush Oats per bush 0 Buckwheat Hay per ton 8 Bran per ton per ton 0 0 16 immediate financial emolument Ill not bother telling you of the incon solable mamma they left behind Every mother is supposed to idolize her boys especially when they prove an honor to their bringing up Prior to the departure of the boys for their respective homes at Ottawa and Dakota a little fam ily gathering of children and grand children assembled at the old home stead Squire Airds All within reasonable distance were present but the family are scattered far and wide at New York Halifax Otta wa London and One has gone from them forever Longer here she might not stay She has reached a fairer region Far away far away but in she is still present The citizens of our burg were at tracted to the river one evening last week to witness the launching of a boat made by Master Boss OBrien a lad of fourteen It ails my de scriptive powers therefore I will not attempt to give a detailed pen picture of it merely saying that it is a very creditable effort for a lad so young It is propelled by paddle wheels turned by a crank Like the great Christopher Colon Columbus Captain OBrien launched fear lessly upon the mighty father of waters His maiden trip a success Drowning accidents arc now not an impossibility Our teacher is preparing a class of four candidates for High Schoo En trance and I tell you what theyre getting well stuffed From early morning to late at nights even on Saturday theyre toiling away Mr Wyalt is an enthusiastic worker but believes that All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy therefore spurs the kids to take plenty of ex ercise during recess June the mouth of roses and wed dings is nigh at hand and yet weve only got one wedding booked so far What can Sam Sandy Jack Jim Hob Harry Marys Susie Sally aM he about Oct a wiggle on The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church here have begun anew their monthly teas First one at Andersons last Tuesday Next at Chapmans about a month lat er The Presbyterian Ladies Aid arc discussing their next annual Garden Party Particular later News accumulates so rapidly from week to week that like the Control lers of the city council with the public estimates I have to do con siderable pruning In order to keep within the prescribed limits Startled me The two cases of public Interest at Newmarket arous ed much comment here amongst those who knew the parties Continued on Page Our Insures satisfaction as to STYLE FIT and FABRIC of any garment you may order Each Suit and Overcoat Is fashioned with Care and Skill Our Prices Speak for Themselves All New Goods to Select From WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON a STREET would be a sly old season in deed that would creep up on this Store unawares No matter how suddenly win ter may jump into spring or spring into summer we manage to beat it out by quite a bit When our customers were having a Merry we were looking ah id to spring and summer weather and buying so that we would be able to make just such an Announcement as this Mens Fine to Fine- Rubbers prices to Childrens Fine Rubbers prices up Mens Patent Leather Bate and Bluchers J360 to Mens Box Calf and Balmorals and Bluchers Goodyear Welt to Mens Fine Shoes Lace and Cong sowed to Ladles Kino Shoes sewed and turns and Goodyear Welts 260 360 Ladles Fin and Fin and Fancy Patent Leath er and prices to Boys Fine Shoes Box Calf and prices and Shoes 100 to 176 Childrens Fin Shoes to CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Our prices will bo careful of your money iff Potatoes Apples per Apple per Butter roll per lb per do Chickens per pair J Turkeys BO A GOOD FAMILY LINIMKNT Every family should ho supplied with a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm For cuts bruises burns and simitar Injuries which are of frequent occurrence there Is no thing so good It soothes tho wound and not only gives Instant relief from pain but causes the parts to heal In about onethird the tfrne required by the usual treatment As It Is an antiseptic all danger from bloodpoi soning is avoided Sold by Lloyd j BROS J TERM8 STRICTLY CASH J RHH op MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON DP DENTIST St House with Stable For sale situated on Queen St about miles Stray Pig f Came upon Lot Concession of East on of April Sow with a crooked nose Owner is requested to prove property and pay expenses MARSHALL ROSE QucehBVille Pare Bred Barred Rock Em For Bale cents per setting Seed Potatoes Ennuemi from Newmarket acres of land I Enormous very prolific Also well cultivated Good Orchard and choice Heifers all kinds of small fruits Apply to JOHN Sharon PO WILLIS Lot Con Whitchurch Newmarket

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