Newmarket Era, 19 May 1905, p. 5

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v-i-r-V- rt r- J i Bvili roof Doubt all weve sax about TION CREAM SODAS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Dally for Wharf connecting with boats for points on Lakes Oriilia North am Daily except Sunday or Stayner Wharf pm Daily for AUaudale Stay Oriilia North Bay and points in the Canadian NorthWest pm Daily except Sunday for Allandale and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally from North Bay Wharf Oriilia and am Dally except Sunday from and pm Dally from points Cana dian NorthWest North Bay Huntsvllle Oriilia and rie pm Dally except Sunday from and Oriilia A Great Record We are making a great record this year In placing students and ftteo into good positions Business Business men know of the excellence of our work and many rtquetrte have gone unfilled for want of welltrained students to recom mend No young man or woman can make mistake by spending a few months fa Special training in our splendid The TORONTO H Stair Principal any time- Catalogue free Boyds Livery Is now warning Bus to all trains telephone for parts of- the Tows prompt A BOYD Old SUnd Chandeliers for Sale JACKSON Dishonest The ExpressHerald in last weeks issue again returns to the question of partizan license boards but fails to disprove a single point raised in these columns The usual and interlarded platitudes are indulged in but as a reply to our remarks it is the veriest bosh The discus sion in the Legislature last week and the action of the Provincial Sec retary in appointing a commission to investigate charges made public fully sustains all we have said on this question Last week however growing more audacious while nurs ing his insensate dislike of being con victed discreditable journalism he again proceeds to indulge In wild vagaries by stating that Most glaring and acts of tyranny and persecution were practiced by the License Board North York under the very nose of the Era and never a single protest Now if the extract be true the veracious gentleman who penned the same will he able to give the partic ular instance and thus furnish tangi ble proof Please give day and date or the particular instance of the tyranny and persecution to which allusion is made Meantime too perhaps he will be able to tell the public of his own ottered protest when the License Board indulged in this act of tyranny under the nose of the Era without rebuke and vile wont do libellous blanket charges dont count The proof of the charge must be forth coming or it he branded as a foul slander against innocent men and made for a mean and unworthy purpose Slander is no substitute for facts or argument there is too much of the John Smith element in that sort of thing to pass current for honesty and truthfulness Legalized Gambling The criminal code of Canada legal izes betting between individuals and also upon the racegrounds of an in corporated association during race meetings Clause however of the above code which is intended to define a betting house does not make exception of the racecourse and hence prosecutions have followed against the proprietor of a race course at Toronto and he has been found guilty of an offence This has stirred up the ire of the entire sport ing fraternity not troubled with compunctions in regard to the gam bling nature of the poolroom Voic ing the views of this class of the community who take pleasure in rac ing sports Mr Porter the man who grew almost hysterical over the ballotbox frauds down in Hastings and was almost morally paralyzed at the political depravity of those con nected therewith hobs up serenely in the Parliament of this Dominion with a bill to prevent such prosecutions la future and Mr Bureau has likewise submitted an amendment which the aforesaid Mr Porter has gra ciously accepted reading as follows Provided that a racccourne In an incorporated association shall not be deemed to be a common bettinghouse merely by reason of any betting therein during actual progress of a racemeeting or by reason of recording or reg istering such bets or of any thing clone therein as incidental thereto or- connected therewith and nothing contained clause 1 of section Of this Act shall be deemed to apply to such betting or recording registering or depositing with a custodian of such bet Take away the thin gauzy veil over tp reading this kind of the top It is to be hoped our Parliament will hesitate before pass ing legislation having such ing possibilities and thereby legalize gambling The Seerrefc of Health Is Rich Blood Dr Williams Pink Pills Make New blood Good blood rich red blood is the only cure for such complaints as an aemia decline heart palpitation skin eruptions rheumatism kidney troubles and a host of other every day ailments Good blood makes you less liable to disease of every kind because it strengthens and stimulates every organ in the body to throw off any ailment that may attack it Good blood is the secret of life and the secret of good rich red blood is Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People These little bloodbuilding pills have saved lives that doctors and nurses have of They have cured thousands of others they will cure you too Mrs Win Montrose says For a couple of years my daughter Meta was failing health She complained of headaches and distressing weakness arid seemed to be rapidly going into decline We consulted several doc tors but they did not help her She was apparently bloodless and we were afraid she would not recover She had no appetite and was great ly reduced in flesh At this stage a friend advised me to give her Dr Williams Pink Pills and in a few weeks we noticed some improvement in her condition and that her appe tite was improving We continued the treatment for a couple of months longer and by that time shewas again in the best of health She had gained thirtytwo pounds in weight had a good color and was in the best of spirits I do not think I am putting it too strongly when I say I think Dr Williams Pink Pill saved her life Dr Williams Pink Pills do only one thing but they do that well They do not act upon the they do not bother with mere symp toms They actually make the new rich red blood that goes right to tilt root of the disease and drives ill from the system Hut you must get the genuine with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple printed on the wrapper around box All medicine dealers keep these pills or you can get them by mail at cents a box or six boxes for by writing The Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Storm in Oklahoma Mothers Clothing for try and along In buying your boys bring the boys It Is much easier to get a proper fit when you have a large stock to choose from and no doubt the boys like to help choose the Suit they are to wear o i Boys Suits ranging In price from to regular to for cts If I you are not buy ing your Clothing here and not satisfied with the Clothing you are getting see our Brand You can have your Suit or Raincoat Ready- Order to Mens Suits ranging from in to price 20 pairs Mens Pants regufar 150 for WE ARE GETTING MOW BUSI NESS DAY BECAUSE HAVE SO MUCH ALREADY V 4 Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket EDITORIAL His the tho- Parliament on Friday last assented to aboil a dozen and a half bills which have passed the House this session Most them bills The the Canadian Press Association arranged an excursion fori the members to leave- Toronto by on June and take in Montreal and Quebec also Caledonia and Ottawa on the return trip will occupy a week and Gravel Wot promptly attested to A rtXOOL Aurora The death list the railway wreck has reached and two more the Injured are not ex- peeled to live- of Snyder Wiped Out by a Tornado Guthrie Oklahoma May Sny der a thriving town ot 1000 situat ed in the heart of the rich Kiowa farming country which was thrown open to white settlement In was practically wiped out ol exist ence by a tornado that struck that place- last night Up to 10 oclock today no clear es timate of the casualties was obtain able owing to the in the town A conservative esti mate places the dead at between ami persons and the seriously injured at It is believed that a large number the injured will die In a num ber cases entire families were kill ed aad in almost every family in town some member was Injured Every house in the town except six are said to have been cither badly wrecked or demolished many them being blown entirely away The havoc wrought is most complete The business portion is reported to have been entirety destroyed YOUNG LADIES READ THIS It you are bothered with raphes or ugly blotches on your If your complexion la sallow its an you require to tote up your blood One rone Tablet taken at meals makes the complexion peach bloom checks coon become rosy bright youll be the picture ot health Thousands of- ladles keep up youthful appearance with why not Price at The is in over that deposit slip and calls the ex punged record a slur on name A city evening cotom however makes this But many people- still think of i as a necessary of emphasis the Empire Clubs Toronto on Friday Hon Geo Ross and Mr of Brant ford wore the guests honor and delivered of Crown- Lands Hon J patriotic in strong riftfina- has cancelled eight of Imperialism arid its because off of payment significance rental terms of the tracts Host of the leases cancelled An the Municipalise were granted for a period of tern relating to- the constitution of years may have Councils was introduced that the leasees did not cover nay last by Hon Mr sections this amendment he proposes abacairjn- is announced- that the district representatives and a straight majority Sharing Ontario Reeves and Deputies compose County Councils The new bill fore the- Legislature has from the the House Jap Transport Sunk if Mine Disaster Within Days May A which arrived here today reports sinking of a Japanese transports the of Chili by a mine was- anost coincident with sink ing the Japanese transport uteuj which struck a mine near Islands at the en trance- of the Gulf of Chili and was last reported in a sinking condition but refusing the assistance of a Chi nese- merchant ship Ittails of the sinking of the British steamer oil Port ArtHuxMay beyond the facts that a mine sank in two min utes and that sixtyseven her sengera and crew were lamlod at Port Arthur have not I Ai mixture of fresh air and any time before or is the best preventhnagainst tlio- meningitis germ tf resolution censuring Mr It now that bank slip the blind bleeding or prcvcnti others than qualified tlon of hooks or- thc Rika refund levanting ter one Incidents prevent persons prevent- unqualified persons entexiug into the- business in- rural districts where only patent or pro prietary medicines are sold The On Government is of this will soon have to ask a for for quail the catnip tea of taking adrintt of of ttie finally Moth- dtetroyi quickly IraMkAi which all aoreceaa from the no ttbuit a cure K of firfjrJiVa ft itifit Rood tfocVc failed even cant fail to curt Two UW Mr John wan killed at London by- brick in a building that was being torn down ooo CHAMBERLAINS COUGH THE It I have been using Chamberlains Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough meHiolne I have ever taken L Harlan Mich There in no question its being the best as It will cure a cough or cold In less time than any other treatment It should always be kept In the house for instant use for a cold can be cured in much leas time when promptly treated For Bale by and we have the Parliament of Canada legalizing the racecourse and poolroom gambling in all Its hide ous deformity If this passes Into lav betting fraternity and those who live thereby will see to it that some sort of show of racing would be kept up on the racetracks of the country for twothirds of the year but betting would be made on races outside the country altogether worse than this can readily be con ceived by the Introduction of the travelling automobile pawnshop re cently a reality In tho American Republic New York par pers tell us that a pawnbroker of that city by the name of Joe Levy In a gaudy red automobile adorned with three golden balls has decided to establish a travelling loan and to follow the eastern racing business with the Ja maica meeting An exchange says l Is known as the Duke of a member the Flossie Sullivan Club In Grand St and says he paid a bankrupt sport who had soaked one fatally Injured and six are piece of Jewelry and clothing he could barrow money on for the Idea The auto will be Of the he can get the j be I cf I reply to a deputation from tlie Synod of Toronto and Kintim on Friday last Hon Mr gave assurAticft- itk the most man ner the feeling of Govern- wul against increased tkenses the district of The was also to in licenses in Ontario detective were now at with the view- of ilirit selling A press despatch snys a proposal is to establish ovvjrUnd route from Manitoba to Hay with supply all theAiy to Fort Churchill Is thought that such a route- be utilize to advantage in the Vrlir for of snipe is irntll be consumption but must policed on The bill tor a clo- season for five years hut the open season Fun rabbits extended from to the ought to the judicial district reside to be to gi the ofl the local civniclpallti En stating place the jury panel in they of and thcMiorAlcr Is tnd without OINTMENT falls to any case no matter of how long In to days gives ease and rcat If your druggist It send Iniotmps and It will be by Paris Co St Mo exchange tellll this story a married couple A ftr had been many years a aside a piece of bread other night and said to wife I wish you make such mother usedi to make The wife sniilud ami that did not tremble Jim I wish you used to- make A Residence for Sale Tyler Aurora Good loca tion Terms easy For particulars apply to J Newmarket For Sale or To Let acres of land a very building sit outside of corpora tionwith residence corner of Huron and- Second Streets Newmarket Ap ply on premises to 111 MISS F KBLTY EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors to i of Chap hereby that all having claims tho estate of George Wight late of of tho vlliC In of on day of Apr to file with W for the of on or the day of Juno lU05 their and ftddreMW with claims In writ verified by as Immediately of June the proceed to aald those entitled to of which then J Kxetitow Solicitor lor as death loll so Jim lost and We breail an ftftes- up cuaslon By an explosion a tank two men were killed to kindly to married women cation with Police notion ays- in fo In the event vote tblK idea carried out a it ilk has not will probably bo secured to ply be- on- the Wj and the went any such ports the police are n known- the actual v truth or the not be dwawtratcd Besides the A device by which fraudulent wan- woman cant ballots wilt exercised by unmarried at elections been A widows Is despatch from to the to the says The day of the household a fraudulent ballotbox by the community letter of what ta the being entrusted with a vote Nelson ballotbox which WAS patent- a lot Irresponsible young at the Department of Agriculture I last week It a simple device but absolutely effective in preventing use any box with a AT compartment or any mechanism by bub whlch ballots can be or to average wpmw manipulated This is ot general purgatory a- by a series o apertures oh both In water and sides the box but in no way is away the palpitation Youll be You Bought of James Bay Railway Pursuant to- Section of The Railway Act notice is hereby that profiles and hooks reference the location of James Hay Railway through the Townships Whitchurch and duly approved and sanctioned by the of Hail- way Commissioners for Canada on twelfth day of December have filed in the office Deeds lor the North Hiding York and that such plans cover mileago and to from Toronto north ward Assistant Solicitor May ill a zrr Stallion purebred Clydesdale property John will travel Kast and North and also Sutton and This Is an admirable horse and many of colts have been at principal fairs In Ontario ACOHOTho Wilkes of Revision Court of of tho Town ship of Whitchurch will hold its first meeting for the year at Jones Hall on Slat day of May at the hour of oclock am All parties Interested will govern themselves accordingly J of Whitchurch golden balls will the efficiency or secrecy tub Impaired A voter can sec bis ballot dropping into the box but even It become unrolled or unfolded alter being deposited it is Impossible to read it saved lota of by line on liabd which la a treasure lor all of pains and aches urea headache stomach and bowel trouble quickly ft Urge bottle Public Notice is hereby given that trotting Bullion will make the sea- son or visiting Herbert as valuo for note has not been received JOSEPH P PENROSE Con and Scott Egypt Sharon North Mount Mtort I du November and Mount Albert John French Albert proprie tor See cards for particulars S3 V Alex Willis of was lor murdering Miss Mrs was discharged

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