Newmarket Era, 2 Jun 1905, p. 7

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p CHINA HALL THE ERA JUNE 1905 v Weeks ferns At oclock neat Saturday niter- noon the Young Toronto against the Juniors Newmarket In a match or the Championship at Newmarket Fair Grounds This is the first match of the season lor the Juniors and the boys look lor some encouragement from the people of the Town by their presence- At the recent session the On tario Legislature the sum was appropriated towards the j home Austin avenue on day is causing her friends some anxi- Thursday a fire out The girl went out on her in the about pm cycle about oclock and- failed to which was caused by an English Jady return The police have been asked throwing ashes out in the garden to locate her She has since re- She little thought the wind would turned home all right having spent Hon of a monument to the memory J carry the fire to the little cottage in the night with friends of the Sir Oliver The which she lived Only a short time A meeting was held in the Normal Premier Provincial Treasurer and others were looking over the park this week with the view of selecting a site WESTONS TORONTO BREAD elapsed before the cottage was all in School on Saturday at which ar- flames Many Willing helpers ran rangements were made to establish from all directions to give assistance vacation schools where the children Nevertheless there were lots of little of the crowded districts can be amus- that could not be saved and instructed during the summer Every Day FRESH CHOICE FRUITS 0 AttorneyGeneral Cart- goods were carried into the barn holidays right sent out this advice to safety a little later the owner Official in regard to punishment cottage which was now burnt June Our Spring and Summer consign- or Dinner and Toilet Sets are pretty well to hand Just now we offer for quick sale DINNER SETS r Much Below Regalar Prices One line we sell for regular price a perfect set of good quail- For we give you one of our regular Toilet Sets and for we give you a handsome pfece set regular price is Groceries Provisions and The Friends i A SNAP IN Our PRUNES to clear them out quick regular quality 4 lbs for 25c fixcelsior Coffee has stood the test for years with us and has given perfect sa tisfaction DO You Use It The Yonge St Quarterly Meeting of Friends was held in Newmarket on the aud last month The visiting ministers present were Robert Rogers from Norwich General Superintendent of Home Mis sions Dr- J J Mills Toronto Moore Pickering Frank Dell Grey Co Topics of importance to the church were discussed at the dif ferent business sessions while the meetings for worship which were all largely attended were seasons of deep spiritual interest and of real value to all R Bad Fall- On Thursday afternoon of last week Mrs Main St met with an exceedingly painful accident When going down the cellar stairs she missed a step at the top and fell headlong lodging a turn in the stairs three steps from the bottom Her neck chest and shoulders Were very badly bruised as well as cheek and chin It a miracle her Beck was not She is now doing as well as can be expected Mrs Smith nee Miss Emma is home taking care of her mother metropolitan sent out this advice to a nine later the owner Official returns state that in regard to punishment J cottage which was now burnt to the Mercer Reformatory of tramps It is once more the aground came round ordering during the year were as against to call your attention to the things to be carried the 111 the previous year In law with regard to tramps and into the fence corner to social conditions were married grants Men of this class are be- where they remained for the night in widowed and single could to be responsible for a large j downpour rain Among the read and write could read only number of burglaries and other articles was a portrait late and were entirely illiterate crimes of violence and it has been beloved and gracious Queen Victoria were temperate and intemperate found that the best results are am not going to say there was any Woodbine patrons went into the tained by imposing the full term of disrespect shown to her late Majesty lamentation business on imprisonment in the Central Prison but on account of the inclemency of the allowed by law practice of that men like are the cause of weather It was no place at least them the option of a fine or letters being written to the English for women but a number were in at- HP ATI IT leaving the municipality has been press as we saw the Globe a tendance and pretended to enjoy it if few weeks ago I am pleased to Guess they growled when they got fiTO found most unsatisfactory and I am directed to say that when any men of this class are brought before you you should administer the law strict ly and vigorously as in this way alone can serious crime be prevent ed AURORA Col- Lloyd Police Magistrate of Newmarket held a court here on Mon day morning when a man named Hill was assessed fine and costs for assaulting a man named McGill The Colonel is coming down pretty heavy on offenders and a few such examples will make a mar think twice before he does a rash act We have an intimate knowledge of every branch of this important line We buy quality goods only We sell as Miss Ella of Toronto is the guest of her grandfather Mr J Mr of Pine Orchard called at Mr John on Sun day Quite a number in this vicinity at tended church at last Sunday evening- Mr and a lady friend of visited relatives in this place last week The few local showers have made a great improvement to the grain and were much appreciated by fann ers Mr Harvey Hoover of line Work was stopped on the extension iUrkbam visited Mr of Metropolitan railway for A few days pending the action of The service will the Ontario Legislature regarding observcd in Christian Church say that all the Canadians are not home and examined their dry xoods of the same disposition Saturday was the gayest in point of A SYMPATHIZER dress for the whole week Rev Beverley Smith of St Johns Church at the Junction while DIARRHOEA ducting service on Sunday evening had his bicycle stolen Last Sunday was flower Sunday in What U soldiers who served in AnTeUeStrMethodist Church and children brought flowers in abundance this disease is and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera There is remedy however that can always be depended upon as will be by the following certificate from Mrs Minnie Jacobs of Houston Texas I hereby certify that Chamber- to decorate the pulpit and altar Mr and Mrs gave a luncheon at the Hunt Club on Satur day The decorations were pink- roses and sweet peas Steamers plying between this city and Montreal commenced daily tiips this week leaving in the alternoon About five thousand people Iains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea witness the annual sports of Remedy cured my husband of a se- High and Public schools vere attack of Cuban diarrhoea which Saturday The day was most he brought home from Cuba We and interesting had several doctors but they did him Mrs Ellen Osborne of Dorset St no good One bottle ol this remedy getting off a street car on him as our neighbors will fell and broke her right leg I thank God for so valuable she was taken to the General For sale by Mrs Osborne asserts that the Lloyd moved on while she was alighting causing her to fall There was some debate among the Crown officers Monday morning as to whether an information should be laid against a newspaper for violation of the Sabbath Day Act it having been alleged that one paper got out a special edition last Sunday convey ing the news of Togos naval victory The managers of the office must be and the religious public urge an example to be made Joseph King one of the convicts Toronto Letter Car Japan Tea is Good A The Leading Reliable Grew Telephone electric roads in general but it was resumed again last- Friday There are now teams and men engag ed between and Newmar ket They have been working in the heaviest cuts and building wire fences It has been decided to take the route West of the United Fac tories and across their premises The men are now working this way and will complete the grading into the Town It is expected that next week grading will commence north of the fiats and continue to Roachs Point via Keswick next Sunday morning A profitable time is- expected Miss Clara of Churchill has been with her nunt Mrs Hoover for a few weeks Herbert Joel infant son of Mr and Mrs passed away on A rope holding up a plank scaffold on which two painters were sitting suspended feet above the ground at work on Saturday broke and one fell to the pavement landing on a coil of rope The other man caught the rope at his erfd of the scaffold and slid down to the ground The of the Central Prison hanged rnan who fell was seriously injured self on Sunday morning from the Heart failure caused the sudden I bars of his cell window with a rope death Of exAlderman George Evans made from strips torn from his passed away Sunday morning low slip He comes from Another street car fatality occurred A horse in charge of Frank about oclock evening Adelaide street west ran away on Queen street east the victim be- Tuesday evening and in a collision Florence Howard daugh- with a wagon was killed PROVISIONS Our Provision counter equipped thoroughly Our meats are cut as you desire and fully guaranteed Cooked Meats on Ice Smoked Meats Ham Boneless Ham Jellied Veal Boneless Shoulder jellied Hocks Boneless English Breakfast Bacon Corned Beef Boneless Long Side Headcheese Special Price for whole or New England Ham half Hams Bologna Sausage 500 lbs Farmers Cured Bacon lb FRUITS Choice Ripe Pineapples See our Variety Ripe Bananas Strawberries extra quality Oranges Lemons Rhubarb Fresh Tomatoes Cucum bers Asparagus Lettuce Radishes Onions etc Phone M HARDY of living at Woodbine avenue The baby Harry Murray brought in a girl was looking at some swans in a verdict on Tuesday that Josephine Wednesday last at the age or of Henry Howard a bookkeeper The Coroners Jury in the case months The family have the sym pathy of this community in their bereavement pond and in crossing over On Sunday afternoon last the an- to rejoin her little brother was gel of death visited the home of Mr struck by the car She was picked J S Dougherty to call pa the fender but rolled off again to peaceful rest his beloved wife one Not Entirely A Question rice LA Burn by meter All the editors in this section of There is a great variety of Frames to choose from and there is quite a knack in se lecting those best suited to the features Ve think we can promise you satisfaction in this respect as in every other have a big choice of all reliable styles of Frames at every price In fact there is not a In Optics at which we arent fully equipped to give satis faction Solicit your Spectacle Trade L ATKINSON CO JEWELERS expressed for the bereaved family who was truly valued and respected by all who knew her The funeral service was held at the home on Tuesday at after which the the province are one opinion con- mourners proceeded to the Christian the electric light service arid j Cemetery here Much sympathy is that is that everybody burn by meter The public buildings should also have meters as well as the street lights This is the only way of actually knowing what the light costs The following is from the Sun One the most sensible moves made of late years by our Council was the installation of electric me ters in the premises of all who are using three lights At the end of the first months trial under the new system it has been found that the consumption of coal at the plant has decreased in a remarkable way The months cash revenue will be rather larger than under the rate At the same time it has enabled the town to extend the system to a num ber new subscribers without im pairing the efficiency of the plant The temptation to steal light has also been removed which is no un important consideration on the devilstrip and was forced back beneath the rear trucks of the trolley The girl was dead when ex tricated She was 13 years old The disappearance of Kate lings seventeen years old from her by her criminal neglect and treatment caused the childs death on the evening of May or morn ing of May 20th and that death was due to drowning Mr Isaac Suckling one of the old est and most respected citizens of Toronto died Tuesday morning at his residence College St in his ninety- fourth year W COLE KEEPS THE BEST OK EVERYTHING AT RIGHT PRICES Red Feather Tea fihermanVflllama Paints Paints UptoDate Millinery to Free Delivery Committed for At the Police Court on Monday af ternoon the proceedings In connection with the arrest of Mr Lloyd did not last five Previous to the opening of the Court the law yers had arranged that Mr Warren of Toronto who appeared for the accused should enter a plea of not guilty for his client and wave ex amination This was done before Col Lloyd and Mr T Woodcock Mr Slight who represented the Crown making no objection Mr Lloyd who had recovered from Ms nervous hock and was present was then committed for trial Hall given In two sureties as before by David Lloyd and Jesse Wal ton for each and the accused released Although he has privilege In the meantime of electing to bo tried before a Judge It Ik be lieved that Lloyd will leave his fate hands of a Judge and Jury at the Sessions which be held at Toronto Mr Lloyd in back In Ills office as- elating the assignee to straighten up the business Rev Saunders Victoria University a former junior pastor here has been visiting at Rev War rens the past week He occupied the pulpit in Methodist Church on Sunday and preached very acceptably to a large congregation Miss Gladys and Master Pearson Large are visiting at their grand fathers Dr Pearson at Cedar Brae teacher in the junior room hay sent in her resignation much to the regret of those interest ed She has accepted a position nearer her home at Richmond Hill Mr Geo is home from To ronto Medical his examinations be ing over Misses Aylward and Pear son attended the teachers excursion to on Friday and report an exceedingly pleasant time The railway men have the fence completed as far as the Mr McKenzfe is at Preston Springs for the benefit of his health The Methodist Church Is undergo ing a thorough cleaning Mr Hewitt is papering painting Ac When you are ready to place your order for your SPRING SUIT doat let the price be the only considera tion QUALITY MEANS MORE TODAY than ever before An wo have always held our reputation In fair dealings good workmanship and styles wo Intend to keep It by still carrying the and best line of Woollens that are on the market this present season INSPECTION INVITED to con vince you of the tact that we are to compete with ail competitors in Price Workmanship and Quality Mclaughlin NEWMARKET THE DUKE 26375 STANDARD AND REGISTERED TROTTING STALLION The Duke Is Seal Drown Imported Trotting Stallion about hands and weighs about Race record driven quar ters seconds a gait The is a large fine looking and for three combined quali ties size breeding and Speeding he Is one of the finest Trotting Stal lions In the world MONDAY noon he at Monday night at Albert TUESDAY noon Zephyr night WEDNESDAY noon night Mr John Kays farm Virginia THURSDAY noon Queens Hotel Sutton night FRIDAY noon Keswick and Friday from to pm Fri day night Royal Hotel Newmarket where he will remain until Sat urday afternoon SATURDAY evening he will be at Lemons Hotel Aurora where he will remain until Monday morning Insures Living Colt payable days after mare If Colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will be made Anyone who will inspect this Horse before a sire we guarantee to make them a present of and a Colt without if this Horse in not just as represented r Reynolds Proprietor J In charge St Toronto Button F Toronto tlvl At Inclusively he Junc tor the Toronto Plans and BpeclAcatloiit ho and forms or tender obtain at this on application to Hamilton Resident Kxamlny Warehouse Toronto Persons tendering arc that ten era will not bo considered mad on the- printed form And aliened with actual signature tender must bo Accompanied by an on a chartered ban to the order of ihtt Honorable ho Works to ten per cent p of the amount of tender will bo forfeited If the party tender- Inst to enter Into a contract when called upon to do so or If bo falltooompleto the work contracted for If tender bo not accepted will bo returned Department does not bind to ac cept or an fender 8fcreur Department of Public Works Ottawa May Newspapers Inserting without authority from not be paid for It this advertisement Choice For sale at reasonable prices En quire at office Ladys Bicycle for Good as now only run part of one season Cost Will almost give It away Enquire at this office For Brick House six rooms hard and water Good garden good lo cation Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket NEWMARKET works LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Dossil Allan r i I

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