Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1905, p. 3

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-ERA- FRJOA- JUNfe Weeks WHAT IS R Prize Animal A very fine bull months old was shipped from Sir Hillocks farm to Niagara Falls on Monday The aniroarts- from stock owned by the King of England Tffld ice cream yet this- parlor is crowded nearly son The Auxiliary will hold Its regular meeting next Wednesday every night which is a pretty good afternoon at the home of Mrs A E indication of its quality Pearson at 3 pm Public Meeting The Canadian Peace and of the Season The Ladies Aid and Christian tion Society will hold a meeting in deavor Society of the Christian the Town Hall Newmarket on Wed- Church intend holding a garden party June at pm to be ad- on tne evening of June dressed by Rev Mayor titulars later will preside The first schedule match for the Senior this season was ar ranged to take place at Exhibition Park yesterday afternoon with Rich mond Hill A very exciting game after preaching service Mention was fit an unfortunate accident by which Mr Ellis lost his house and almost his entire household effects through fire Mr Ellis and family bad arrived but two weeks previously from the Old Country and by this event were rendered almost destitute taking up a subscription to help meet Par- necessary expenses the people have done much to relieve that bitterness of feeling between English immigrants and Canadians so much evidence in much of the recent newspaper correspondence from this Bus Change of Time Boyds Livery received a fine new The officers and teachers of the Omnibus direct from the has already been rais- Sunday School on Tuesday to accommodate the follows to hold the school immediately hotel and Town traffic to and from the undersigned contribute the in the morn- the trains The bus is com- opposite our respective names commencing on June which and uptodate Mr Boyd of Mr Ellis who was arrangement during the to be congratulated on his enter- s0 unfortunate lately as to lose most hot weather if satisfactory prise of household effects by fire Malcolm Mr SNOWBALL Smith Thompsons machine shop and giving Word has been sent out from the v Macintosh perfect satisfaction Another Parliament Buildings Toronto that Snowball Football team has organ- tie is now added to the life of the Hon J- Hanna has decided that for the season with the follow- Town at goingtowork time numbers for automobiles shall officers Hon Leu- A Comer I be by inches vulcanized in white J Walton Etc- Walter was anticipated Noise A fine new engine and new f boiler are now installed at tocnobHe on black rubber and hung in a con- Treas Clare Aurora Cap- J Smith taihS Baker Com Miss Nellie St John Junior Championship Ispicuous placeon the back These Last Saturday afternoon the Taia- July and all Garnet Williams Kennedy goo Junior put up a splendid game los of lacrosse against the Young Toron- with Ail commutations challenges the first quarter the the property addressed to the will re s I During won three straights After that there was considerable rough ness and a number of players were sent to the fence The game re sulted in a score of to in favor Newmarket of the Government prompt attention in the success All loam are Business cars of ties for the Metropolitan Extension arrived here on Monday There are about ties on a car which makes about ties This Is the first consignment on a con- re- United ectopics Between loading and unloading cars the teams and men in connection with the Factory are handling on an average ten cars a day now I A- consignment of three new of washboards each row being shipped The i requested to attend practice Thurs day and Saturday evenings at Auro ra park SUTTON William St John Harry St John SI Fred St John Charles St John Young SI- Fleming Young 50c Grant Jl William Flanagan 91 Rose 1 We heartily this family New Muslins In Newest Designs and Colors from to These Muslins are about half the regular price as owing to the backward season we are enabled to make a large purchase at a big bargain House Furnishings We carry the largest stock of Carpets Floor Oil Cloth Linole ums Blinds Curtains- Furniture Coverings in the trade Our Carpet Special Union Carpet double warp at yard regular Parasols mi Umbrellas From tooO Two Leaders In Bleached Sheeting twilled Plain I Groceries and yards wide regular Visit oar Dress Goods Dept And see the many pretty things we have to show you Canned Peas 5c per tin Peerless Cream in tins Imported Kippered Herring One pound Coffee with China Cup and Saucer Cooked Meats IceCold slic ed to suit you Hams Rolls and Bacon THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Rose re gravel Con to the sympathy- or the community Hamilton re gravel Con and feel sure the people will respond nobly in this cause Further Mips Blanche Bailey is visiting in coaled Toronto with brass and copper piling Mr and Mrs Lapp of are subscriptions will be thankfully re a very durable as well as retire of surface and we make no doubt they Express charges re tile moulds Expenses of delegates re Ra dial J Simpson re gravel Con Geo Lin pad re gravel Con t I John re to gravel Con will capture the of the frame is con- much their daughter Mrs and duly acknowledged by Norton care Erastus Rose ad to meet July tract for ties which will cars to deliver them iirf- stronger than the old pattern Messrs Osborne Bros are deliver- lbs of meat per to the different construction camps between for here and Keswick and the amount is to be increased to lbs shortly 1 Miss and Miss Foster of are tne guests of the Misses Graham of Toronto is visiting at the home of her grand parents Rev Varley preached his oo am in KETTLES Y Sharon oo- This to next Thursday Some- farewell sermon here on Sunday even- the Ag Society always man- Quite a few members from ages to give the biggest value for other appointments were present and the money The regular return tick- who at the close of the sermon to is about and the while bidding farewell to the excursion rate from Newmarket is only besides the privilege of remaining over until the next The train leaves Newmarket at It is much regretted that the phones being placed in this One Hundred Dollars the company have imped- anv that the service to a great extent but cannot he cured by Halls Catarrh almost unavoidable for a day money me regular reiurn i or so till the phones are installed I J CHENEY Oo s and th while bidding farewell to the pastor and the batteries are attached to Toledo A petition signed by of the bust- Newmarket is expressed their regrets at his depart- the wires again the undersigned have known people of the Town asking the thc privilege of ure Mr Varley himself showed vis- Strange to say that on Monday Council to fix the date Civic remaining over until the next day emotion at the breaking of the while the linemen were completing honorable in all day and suggesting the first Men- traiQ leaves at a tie The relations between himself the wire stretching no less than business transactions and financially day in August has not yet been act- ar and congregation here have been of a calls were made for medical aid at obligations upon Some of the Firemen arc very pleasant nature the central here Mrs J Curtis madc firm to the date because it is Returning leaves I Mr Fred Silver and his bride re- had a stroke and Mrs Lewis the day selected lor ioronto imc turned home at the beginning of the Mount was requiring medical aid Holiday and consequently impossible j Good moonlight week after a pleasant wedding trip to Mrs Davis required a a to go home to run an excursion on that day Monday suits the business people better than any other day and there can be no objection to the second Monday but date should be fixed that people could make mints accordingly in on Wednesday and will till Tuesday of next week Following are the changes in this section made by the first draft of the Toronto London and other places F Varley attended Confer- n soon he overcome and at on Tuesday arid Wed- service he speedily made good returning here on Wednesday T Watson raised his and leaving on Thursday morning for barn on Tuesday after noon his Mrs INN AN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken trouble ande- na actins the blood and mucous surfaces system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Our Tailoring satisfaction as to STYLE FIT and FABRIC of any garment you may order Each Suit and Overcoat is fashioned with Care and Skill Our Prices Speak for Themselves All New Goods to Select From F WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET new new home in the NorthWest Wilson a young con left at the same time from the line of King was BOO- the birthday of federated da By the union of the I from to i Nettie arrived at the cut oh brought about In enough from Albert to country to safely conduct it through those critical years of commercial crisis from to From and intends spending a few weeks at interred in the Lloydtown Church of her former home in before re- England Cemetery on Sabbath last joinin Mr in thc North- and notwithstanding the inclement West weather quite a few went from this Mrs Fred Cameron of Ottawa and section his death being by a the knee an adze with the Sheep and cattle Stock Marker are going lower UniODVille A to Lemon ville Herbert Lee to Albert then on prosperity and advancement to Sutton West have always been with us and ana- J to da now attracts the eyes of the viHe world the 20th century country Have we not great reason to remem ber our countrys natal day i Make preparations to remain at home and celebrate alter the fashion of our cousins across the border Jet busy Saturday The Office Specialty men quit at noon last Saturday in accordance with their custom of Saturday after- on noon off during June July and Messrs Taylor It shipped gust Volunteers go to Camp at Ni agara next Tuesday Recruits been drilling on the Market Square a few evenings Umbrellas are in great demand this week The Davis Tannery received anoth er car of foreign hides on Monday Mr Eves shipped la car of hogs car of cattle and hogs to Toronto owners were trying to get them customed to It Point last Friday evening where they sad result in Toronto live stock mar- will spend the summer in of Mr Miss Jefferson of the 3rd line of while hogs arc again moving up- D McDonalds cottages King and Roy also of ward Mr W and family have the 3rd line were united in marriage Export cattle choice to into one of cottages at Jack- on Wednesday at the Church of medium to sons Point and are now settled for land here by thc Rev Ayhviii of Choice are to 4 thej5Utnmer dairy to An interesting entertainment is to Miss is taking her Choice butchering cattle J525 to be held In Knox Church on Saturday musical examination this week at the medium 485 to common evening which promises to he a rare Toronto Conservatory Miss Laid- to dry cows to J4J26 and treat to those who will avail them- law accompanied her butchering bulls to 4 selves of the privilege of being Mr and Mrs Jos Rogers are at- Calves to 6c lb The program will consist of an tending the Wardens this Sheep in Toronto arc selling at Illustrated lecture on The shadows week to for yearlings to of a great city being scenes taken Miss Ella Irwin left Saturday export ewes and to from life also A last for McGregor Man com- or Spting Iambs are to tion of Moving Pictures which arc with Mrs Stewart of Lloyd- always l pleasing and attractive town Select hogs to lights Proceeds for the Sabbath School Master Watson an 25c An automobile on the street on tore bis leg a few days ago Saturday evening created quite an while getting over a fence excitement among the horses Thc proving ac- Mr and Mrs of Toronto The Davis Tannery men started to Wednesday customed to spent Sabbath last with friends in work on Monday at am and Directors of Newmarket who this locality 1235 pm for this week in order to on the grounds at oclock has just passed his final year in To- Miss Reynolds of Aurora call- Wheat per bush get the half holiday on Saturday If lh afternoon College was the guest on old friends here over Sunday Spring Wheat bush th plan is feasible it will probably Arthur is putting a of his brother Rev J Boyd over Master Howard Proctor of Aurora Wheat continue during the hot weather foundation under his house Runway and Monday After his ex- spent Sunday at bis home here per bush In line with the movement j the Sunday In aminatlons he intends to attend for to enjoy the every month Hospitals in fondon for a day halfholiday the Era 4 fctan will county Constable Stewart arrested year tut- Davis ln Monday She Mr J Ycomans Is on sick work the came hours as Davis on Monday She j next week and with stealing clothes In His brother Rev Geo g the will he closed on Saturday mans Is care of his business day after adjournment ftltemooii till the Telephone connections have been in the meantime on p made between Sutton and Mrs Scott has a niece vlsilln Ma t Keswick similar to that between her at present On Tuesday morning June at St Marys Church Darrie occurred made between Sutton and Keswick similar to that between her at present Newmarket and The steps leading up to the Metro- w Bank arc being repaired of Meeting of Council held this Court of resent confirmed Petitions received from Barley per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat Hay per ton Bran per ton June 20 4- 45 0 8 17 00- the marriage of Mr J University formerly of this Town to Miss Congratulations North Yorks Mary daughter of Mrs Rich- fcU atudenttt In the recent of After the at Toronto University an elaborate bedding break- The following have panted in Arts was at the home of the yj Davis Messrs A Mill- bride covers being laid for fifteen in philosophy from Shorts per ton Butter roll per lCggs per doz lit Maries and others opening A aide road between lots and i through with this week I communications received from the Mr Kay medical student following named persons to whom has obtained a situation in Ottawa payments were ordered as follows for the summer months Called on Marsh re STI Mends here last week A Jones irons re bridge 10 Arnold scantling A grading a general cleaning up has been Com Chickens per pair through with this week 1 Co 0 60 OX 15 Toronto June 8 White Wheat per bush 00J1 Red Wheat per bush and Ceo Queens- and Diarrhoea which is one town will mem- V J of the beat medicines ever saw groom Von y V and Rich- keep a bottle of It in room as I of late and Maria of West Hi Iff and I Con many here Fred and his flappings will Join In wish- attacks of colic and Jhos year In Medicine It proved tobe the medicine Ml son formerly of this town i ever used Hold by Lloyd BO and A of Albert parsed third year Medicine Bra till Christmas for Paul Chapelle- aid to Dougher ty family Five cars were smashed by a i bash engine running into I Trunk freight near r I a Grand Chatham and thc race horse Clear the was It would be a sly old season in deed that would creep up on this Store unawares No matter how suddenly win ter may jump into spring or spring into summer we manage to beat it out by quite a bit When our customers were having a Merry we were looking ihii to spring and summer weather and buying so that we would be able to make just such an announcement as this Fine to Rubbers prices to Childrens Fine Rubbers price up Mens Patent Leather Bala and to Mens Box Calf and Dongola Balmorals and Bluchers Goodyear Welt to Mens Fine Shoes Lace and Cong sewed to Ladies Shoes sewed and turns and Goodyear Welts 326 300 326 360 Ladles Kino and Oxlords Fine and Fancy Patent Leath er and prices 125 to Boys Fine Shoes Box Calf and prices 125 and Girls Flno Shoes to Childrens Fine to CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Our prices will be careful of your money or MARRIAGE LICENSES DENTIST St Newmarket House with Stable For sale situated on Queen St East about miles from Newmarket acres of land well cultivated Good Orchard and all kinds of small fruits Apply to JOHN Sharon PO WEST FRANKLIN Thc Garden Party held at Tblrsks proved a grand success receipts amounting to Tho Park contractors are about through with their Job on new track Mrs John Smith Is moving to Franklin for tho summer In house vacated by Mrs Fred has a now bike Glad to hear that Miss Read Is on the mead v A- I Threo Russian warships have ar- rived at Manilla a battered condi tion They will bo interned until tho close of war

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