rf rtW ft Total rest Head OH NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Baste TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits IT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ftn3 American bought and attended to- BOSS LEGAL J Barrister Notary Ac Main Newmarket to loan on Farm Chopping Barrister fl over Billiard Parlor Newmarket Herbert Aurora will be at on Saturdays and Court J I Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora Foods to i Frank I Shupe rotate Agency Proper bought and aoldl on shortest notice done on easy terms Monty to loan at loweat rates Office- over Free Library Barrister Reformer Block 17 Money Loan J A Agent for Fire Life Auarance Money to Loan inter eat at Current Hate At Newmarket R Ramsay Fire Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Sovereign Bank Simpson Sundries and Fa nor Goods AUCTIONEER Collected Street Newmarket Bolton Painter and House Decorator Corner Millards On arch Street Lane and John A Broker and Financial Agent Auditor Insurance Farms sold or exchanged for Property Mortgage Loans i2 Manning Arcade Klngrit TORONTO Weeks Local Collision On Thursday of last week one of the Metropolitan cats was smashed in a collision with the twin at the junction at Lake fipieflets Mrs P Pearson was laid a week with a scalded foot The rain on Friday night washed a nig hole on the corner of Queen and Raglan Streets Home The Commissioners met on Thurs day of last week and passed usual monthly accounts amounting to about The foundation new barn is being made of cement and is progress ing The carpenters hare the framework neatly ready for the raising An old man named Henry Bowser who came from Bast and has been in the Home for or years died last week and was bur ied at Newmarket Cemetery A tad flwttrr Eocfa Toronto made all at Office will receive prompt attention Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At ta OSes me Private Papers at private reeMence if wired The north York Ltvery look Our bora look sorry look And a look you sit aM popple to Vi from you 4orVt to a lyigr in xu4 and dirt all ones fcYo Wit to If you anything in Hob toil us err up or M also A It Proprietor Berkshire Crown trod by of will bo kept for service Also a tew of good ba typo of bone and for The late J Stokes who was Superintendent the York County Industrial Home left an estate of to be distributed among his wife and children Some peculiar clauses in the will are as follows also wish to leave on record and give to my son my last advice and that is to do unto others what he would that others should do unto him under conditions I forgive all wrongs done to by any and every person and hope that others will not be less charita ble to my memory is further my will and wish that my wife nor my children wear that outward mockery grief called mourning it being in my opinion one of the greatest follies of the present as well as the past ages Produce Lots of butter eggs and potatoes on the market last Saturday Mr Thompson of Holland Landing had a number of cattle on the mar ket and sold some at lb live weight The following were the rul ing prices fot produce Butter to 17c lb Eggs to Apples to basket Potatoes to Live Chickens from to 125 Spring chickens pair Old Hens GO to Live Ducks pair Turkeys to lb Pigeons pair Young pair Hides to Calfskins to to Lamb Skins to each Tallow ft vegetables as usual One of the city buyers bought over ton of butter and eggs which formed part of the first shipment from the new Metropolitan Station By this means it would be delivered perfectly fresh to customers in the city before evening June the Great Northern Com edy Co are to appear in Newmarket in the play Engaged a brilliant burlesque comedy by Gilbert the famous author of the Mikado The cast includes Miss Hamilton who was with Whitney and Knovlcs of New York before joining the Great Northern and Miss Violet a cousin of the great English actor Charles whose company she is joining in September The Otti lia News latter speaks of the play An audience of five hundred people greeted the Great Northern Comedy Co In their presentation of W Gilberts farce comedy Engaged in the Opera House on Friday evening The performance was the most en joyable witnessed at the Opera House this Reason and it can be literally said that there was not a dull mo ment from the rise of the curtain to Its fall The story of the play con cerns one Cheviot Hill a young man of property whose weakness is in love with and proposing mar riage to every pretty girl he meets His father who knows Cheviots weakness haw engaged a man of the world to keep an eye up on Cheviot and prevent him marry ing Ik to receive a thou sand pounds a year long as Che viot remains single As against this an uncle of Cheviots is to come into the thousand pounds a year on Cheviots marriage The possibilities of the piece are fine and were amply taken advantage of by the members of the company Mr Stephen Interpretation of Cheviot Hill was exceedingly droll and humorous As Belinda who in the end marries Hill Miss Hamilton had full scope for her ex ceptional abilities and her acting was very finished She has a wonderful- clear voice which carries well Miss Violet portrayal of daughter was also a clever piece of acting Mr A Cam eron Grant made an excellent vawnoy The rest of the was also up to the mark Toronto kete A v RALPH CONNOR Trie Story of the Man and Books In the Highland settlement of Glengarry In the heart of a Canadian forest Rev Charles Gordon better known to reading world as Ralph Connor was born in In his career the markings of heredity and environment are more manifest than In most men as hands show veins more strongly than others To virility Individuality and of his father Rev Daniel Gordon a Scotch preacher and teller of stories In the primitive pioneer days of Canadas backwoods forty years ago was united in him the sympathy mental keenness literary temperament spir itual Insight for helpfulness that distinguished bis mother In the woods through which he went to school and where early childhood days were spent he grew Into that close reverent love and com munion with that has become part of his very life and pulsates through all his pages- At eleven the removal of his family to anothersec- gave him better school advantages and prepared him his course at Toronto University- He earned money in the fields to pay for his educa tion he was not a hard student but passed bis examinations seemingly by instinct After a three years course at Knox College where prizes and scholarships dropped Into his hands when he was not looking he spent a year In Edinburgh and on the Continent to gain back his fleeting health On his return he went to Banff the National Park of Canada inhaling the pure clear air of the mountains and the spiritual atmosphere that seemed nearer to God because nearer to unspoiled Nature On Sundays he preached In the little Presbyterian Church to an audience of villagers and tourists and St was while a home missionary in the Northwest that he grew discouraged over the small appropriation made for the work among the miners His friend the editor of The Westminster of Toronto Invited him to wage his war for funds through the pages of his paper and In accepting Mr Gordon decided that a strongly human story might win Its way to the hearts and purses the people The story was Black Rock that virile crisp series of pictures of life In the mining camps that made their author famous Then came The Pilot The Man Prom Glengarry Beyond the Marshes and The Prospector all tingling with vitality stories tender humorous picturesque pathetic strenuous in action and simple In thought Eatm4 vttriii l Art It 1 ft 0 Rather than give up dealing in real estate three Old members of the To ronto police force have resigned Orders have been received by the officers and men of the Royal Canadian Regiment of infantry stationed at Stanley Bar racks to be in readiness to proceed to Halifax to go into garrison there It is expected the company will leave about July Public opinion will endorse the To ronto Railway Companys order that the front Vestibule each car must he kept clear of passengers An excursion under the auspices of the Waterloo Musical Association visited the city from Stratford on Saturday The party numbered nearly They held a picnic the Island Mr Arthurs of Shaw Street has been appointed storekeeper for the Central Prison in succession to the late Campbell One of the Eaton Co horses at tached to a delivery rig ran away on Saturdaystarting on Esplanade St Not much injury was done Climatic changes is given by the Board of Health as the cause or the reported increase in diphtheria during past mouth J ASON WHY YOU SHOULD USE 1 Because it Is Economic Red Rose Tea is composed of what are known in the trade as highgrown Ceylon and Indian teas These teas are grown at high altitudes on the mountain slopes where the tea bushes grow slowly and are more carefully cultivated than in the valleys where the climate is warm and humid Highgrown tea is not only a finer quality but con tains much more tea juice or extract than valleygrown tea This can be easily proved by comparing a draw ing of Red Rose with any other tea By doing so you will find that a pound of Red Rose Tea will spend as far as i to lbs of other teas The saving is most apparent in the Blue Label and better grades buy a pound and make the test St John B TORONTO Corner Drug Store For During Church Hours Open Sundays PURE DRUGS PRICES MODERATE TED Druggist NEWMARKET Comer Main Timothy Streets Many a man goes forth In the evening and spends enough to buy bis wife a seal Jacket but when he awakens the next he has nothing to show tor it fur on his tongue SPRAINED ANKLE STIFF NKCK These three common for which Chamberlains Pain Is especially valuable If promptly applied It will savo you time money g and suffering when troubled with any one of ailments For rale by J Sign Watts Tebscm bo awfully afraid of his wife Is alwaya tell ing us how she will give him fits It he the A tree planted in the Queens Park years ago by King Edward has died The Star comments thereon It just drooped and withered since the moment the Whitney Government got into power Even Dr could do nothing for it Mr A Cock burn Secretary the Lakes Navigation Ho tel Company and widely known out the Province for his long connec tion with the development the district died suddenly at his residence street Fri day night He only arrived home that evening from ap parently as well as usual but alter retiring to bed was suddenly taken ill and died before medical aid could be summoned Heart failure Charged with the robbery pf in bills and silver and a solid bar o silver weighing onequarter of a pound from the BurgessPowell Com panys drug store on Yonge St early Friday morning Rupert a young married man ami a former em ployee of the Company was arrested at his boarding house confessed that he had broken into the store and stole the money from the cash register Miss of St George street whose health has not yet been fully restored has returned to Clifton Springs for a few weeks Street Methodist Church will it is expected be sold for The matter is cally completed and only awaits the confirmation of the Toronto Confer ence A horse belonging to wholesale fruit dealer was drowned in the dock of the Toronto Ferry Company last Friday The rig was backed to the edge of the dock to enable the unloading of a consignment of fruit The hind wheels of the rig went over the edge pulling the horse into the water with it Two horses were recently destroy ed in this city by order of the Do minion Live Stock Inspector under the Compensation Act The animals were afflicted with David was fatally injured last week by being run over by a street car at subway Storey states he was knocked down on Avenue the other night by a highwayman who held Mm fast while another accomplice robbed him of A woman named Murray wan arrested during the latter part of last week charged with attempting to get three forged checks cashed at store durg store was bur glarized on Friday night of and worth of goods Entrance was gained thru the fanlight over the front door Several business firms who arc do ing a delivery agency business are about to be squeezed for violation the postal law The tenyearold girl Titus one of the seven in league with who now stands charged with being the cause of the Murray babys death was convicted of stealing a bi cycle last She got a suspend ed sentence under the promise of the father to remove her from the city Ale proprietor of the Muni cipal Hotel corner of Bay ami Queen Streets was arraigned on Friday charged with passing a counterfeit Ontario Bank bill which a man gave to to place on the races at the Woodbine and which found Its way Into the hands of the bookmak ers TO A COLD IH DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab- tots All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure Groves signature la on each box The reckless extravagance of wo mens dress at the present day is doesnt hurry homo j tic short of criminal Insanity Mario the best sign In the world that he is Corel not afraid of her at all The who Is bossed by his wlie never says a word about it CASTOR A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought WW Boars Spring will be here so if you are intending to build this year now Is the time to commence buying your Building Material We have a complete supply all kinds of Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS j VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE Repairing Harness Made to Order Furnaces Tinware J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET OUR SALES I Have doubled any former season Something New Every Week AT THE- TORONTO JOBBING HO I ESTABLISHED o a OUR STOCK OFFERS MANY SUGGESTIONS SILVERWARE IS ALWAYS We arc showing a complete assortment Plenty of pleasing presents at pleasing prices WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician For Sale Eggs for Hatching From nuttings of Barred Ply mouth and Ringlet Strains Buff Buff and and Ducks Eggs per Guarantee- ten chicks or at- half Also largo Berkshire rigs Springer J Kelson Taylor Son AgenU for Saskatchewan Val ley Land Co and tho Pearson Co who control Last Mountain Valley Farm for In the Dauphin of an ideal ranching farm Good buildings tod every convenience a for a small rancher Write for particulars L TAYLOR A SON r Man For Sale Tho residence of late Joseph on Queen St West Newmar ket Comfortable House and good Stable with lawn and garden A K Administrator Spencer Ave Toronto Or apply to Newman Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora Good loco Terms easy For particulars apply to J Newmarket FOR convenient comfortable Dwelling on occupied by the J