v- iii iii4tl ft THE JUARDIAN OP OUR BODY The foremost biologist of our Bis- shown the of Oat there ire leucocytes in oar Wood act as scavengers or These policemen which are called look out for the noxious or poisonous elements our blood- Various offending elements are picked out of the blood tissues by policemen and destroyed Therefore our lives are protected by these bloodcellpolictmco the phagocytes and we enjoy immunity disease SO as our blood contains plenty of phago cytes and red blood corpuscles A new broom sweeps clean and in order to put our own in order we must get rid of all the poisons in the blood with a new broom such as an alterative extract made from roots and the use of alcohol as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery a specific for making rich red blood for eradicating the poisons from the blood In some way the policemen in the are increased in number and thai we arc put in the best possible to resist disease to cure colds catarrh and in cipient consumption The more study and time is given to the subject more we find that the blood is the center of life says Dr K V Pierce the noted specialist of Buffalo the health and comfort of the average person depends entirely on this blood for the heart must have pure blood or it will not pump and keep the body supplied like the beautiful automatic engine it is The roust be fed pure Mood or we anffer the pain of neuralgia which is the cry of the starved nerves for food Head aches cold in the bead many other things are due to stagnation of the blood Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are a mild laxative No other medicine equals them for gentleness and thoroughness The Sovereign Back of Canada Savings Bank life he Hub AND COR- TO BRADFORD Master Herb Low broke his arm other day by falling oft a wagon Mrs is in very poor health with- nervous prostration She living with her son Robert Civic holiday in Bradford on June the day of the Excursion to Niagara Falls The annual Union School Picnic will be held at Lake on June A good program is being pre pared Each school is expected to pay to defray expenses Those wishing to compete for prizes should communicate with the Secretary Miss UNION street The ladies in connection with the Christian Church oil Union Street East propose to hold the first Garden Party of the sea son on Tuesday evening June on the beautiful and spacious lawn of Councilor John Smith Tea will be served from to oclock Brad ford Brass Band has been secured for the evening together with other good talent Come and have a got unit- See Switwr Bros ad KING CITY Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and a wards received and Interest Allowed Daily Balance Compounded Times a Year without of Book viz At April July October year Courteous Treatment f- Unexcelled Fa cm Hob Modern Methods W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Manager Mount Albert Branch A service of Sacred Song was in tin- Church afternoon last The music was rendered by the Aurora Baptist choir The pastor- gave the history of sev eral of the most familiar and popu lar hymns of the church The Anglican churches of King City and Maple intend running a grand allrail excursion to Niagara Falls on June in aid of the church funds AURORA TORONTO OUT Strictly nrtircuu in ail catalogue free Student admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alexander The Sons of have decided to hold a demonstration in the town park on Dominion Day July A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs- Lot Yonge St on May when the twentyfifth anniver sary of their wedding was celebrated Guests to the number of sixty were present On Friday afternoon Mr Moss of Toronto representing the York Ra dial Railway Company met at Mr Lennoxs office some of the farmers whose claims for right of way the School berg Railway have not been settled for the purpose of trying to settle these claims They were suc cessful in settling Messrs sons and Proctors claim for each Banner PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our bo Invent- invent- Help an How ytv arc swindled Bend a rough sketch t I of your In dention v opinion to I Ip electable Rejected en prefaced by We fully offset In jed work aatotdatthelDcsiuDfvhettrefrecoea procured through Mutton Ma rlon over its a of Manufac turer anl MARION MARION Expert Solicitor NOTICE Will take In a limited number of cattle for pasture Good lowing well of pure accessible wI3 CORNERS I he Metropolitan extension is being rushed along very rapidly The Free Methodist Church of the Toronto District will Providence permitting hold their Annual Camp Meeting at commencing on the evening of Tuesday June and closing June 20th The meeting will be held in Mr William giovi on the base line miles west of Sutton Persons com ing by rail should purchase a Tour ist Ticket via to Point and gel at Sutton where passengers will he met and conveyed to the grounds at opening of meeting and at of charge Ministeis from abroad will be It Wayne of the Pittsburg Con ference with other help also the Ministers from the district are ex pected to preach the Word of Life meeting not intended as a picnic nor a camp for rest or or entertainment of any It is a meeting simply and solely for the salvation of sinners and the tUication of The preach ing will be the pure plain simple gospel and no side no huck stering no stands for Icecream and refreshment stands of any kind will not be allowed on or near the ground nor any disorderly conduct Bring your lunch with you The order of service will be as follows lied mV imnd 9M wbllt Itwdma whtat It tl w a at Hie elevator A bulkhead gave Way precipitating fcfx thousand bushels upon and smothering Clin He leaves a wife family of email children Canadian Best Devon Demanding Offices Ash and Fred Meyers The roll as amended was adopted by the Court as finally revised and the Court adjourned sine die Council Organized Communication from Clerk of on to the present Whitney and Bills were presented by cross tey and hangs a wile was unfolded by Mr Alfred J the weltknowu butter and exporter who 150 300 The generally crtdted According to a Toronto special with being the originator of most to- the Hamilton the the sharp tricks that tiro Government is having a picnic going fa lrobnW3 that porters who are -in- grant of 100 of butter rt give a few line of thewe who belong to to the wealthy classy in Kngiand his colleagues it appears have been attending P do not feat making considerable resistance to t Young and family while nothing bat the kind are looking for promts- Quarantined with la their own country jobs and in the public boy it in beat rolls marked The HeiaM Special says J Marsh bridge Devon eat It enjoy interval between the washout that it is toe product of the Devon- power in Ontario arid the session of full amount Legislature the Government culvert were fairly bombarded with Hester shovelling snow t j price cantspersonal and by The J price ft has jus to city alter Premier put off most of say- cedar plank a two vlat to the Old Coon- he did not desire to make Charles gravel try any changes until after session P A good deal of butter desirable that the Gov- Sb0Uld beC ft prop and the Legislature before any sweeping fences road re made Bufnow that manufacturing It the House has been prorogued the ft wtnnglH and statement is made in the despatch cedar and 20 round put lilt lingUB but- dated June that a determined at- It la up neat roLa tack is being made by Jacob claimed damage and labedeu butter and on the representatives of the for one sheep killed by dogs appear to be constituencies and they are do- The following appropriations were ing everything in their power to lo the roads between lots Con 6 make the Government remove Leathers Co r ills division court officers Con Civil servants Income lot S3 Con quite di it Montreal Care Straw- Plantation berry court officers and other civil servants In some cases his demand has gone so far as Opposite a threat to demand the resignation of the member unless the devotees of the late Liberal Government Comr opposite lot Con arc May the thc public Rusnel ins a We are not favorably impressed setting the ground be with the spoils system and if the cultivated to a about two above despatch be true in its detail Trie Reeve was empowered to re- inches in order to up and the Premier is manfully resist- lots and should be the unreasonable demands of heel- between lots and Con 1 soil uttailou be Councillor Thompson was instruct- at intervals of about ten l at lot ifi lowing who arc clamoring for- l0 at lot ion during summer a 1 as the reward of partisanship the dry eartn mule may be more will Councillor was instructed to the held In check Runt resisting such demands repair bridge at lot Con i tiers root more quickly in loose This country is not favorably Treasurer was instructed to than in widen 1b pressed with American system in presented and Any blossoms may this regard and it will be a sorry thirds thc claim for sheep killed by be out before day for the future of the Province Fruiting the first season an of the Dominion when the princi- 1 Council to meet at Van- the and reduces obtains in regard to the civil scr- vice that to the victors belongs crop for the succeeding year the spoils runners should 10 Hall on day of July Wednesday the o Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor and Councillors Robertson Smith and grow as tne earlier runueia root the stronger the plants will The Salary bill of Legislators be An average of eight or ten one Bet should give The of was to a row thick for a good the member of the Ontario Coombs of fruit Late formed Cloture Indemnity their Following bills passed should be cut off form departure at of the recent work at ficaklon of the House I House In when thofiret of Impress on meters the Legislature after Confederation WtUS held the received by was so that the plants too weak to bo of value and they also draw merit the plante already formed Mulching of Importance in strawberry iulture As soon ah ground fairly hard 3B night duty as constable Duncan night duty as con stable Increase in to our legiftla work at p in the fall the be torfl lWrtaiit epoch has Co me wl with a mulch of manure 3520 or marsh hay Thin will protect the ground from the alternate freezing After the census ot the mem- A supplies L of the house was Bell Telephone Co tolls to The paid to Medical pm Childrens Meeting pm Preaching pm King Meeting 730 pm Preaching No gate fee will be charged A free 7ill will be taken up at the eloe of the morning vices to defray the expense of the and thawing which the plants of the soil breaking their and causing reduced yields Then about the middle of preferably on a cloudy day mulch should be raked off the rowa into the between the fruiting season approaches more mulch should be put between the rows to In holding the and to keep thc Band off the berries and the pickers It seldom adviaitblo to harvest notably more than ono crop from a plantar but If one to take crop the year the old rows should be narrowed to about inches the weeds and many of the old plant taken out and Just enough old plants left to a new the ground well cultivated encourage the forma- tlon of new runners the plants which will bear the next scnaonH crop Then mulch again In fall the the year A A man can make or Jose a fortune while two women are saying gootj- to each other Hunter Jr streetwatering 13 then It now 16 freight car coal The pre as follows Indicate A that with a largely i Cartage on coal for all Department of car coal j Government trv actual coat freight on coal of our annum has A Yule coal hut once a to ex- C Smith cartage on coal tremu That was In A Thompson repairs to the when the Indemnity mi United Factories fire buck was first raised to 9 con- Can Co supplies Mr A became Rubber Co coat able over this sthtry of and hoots lor Firemen more conscientious of that Morrison Co pipe for W gave their Surplus to W county and The bill of A Hunter for Tito was repairs at was referred to again 111 1870 but UOUL load again OS y 50 GO 3 10 J 12 6 a Hi a wi afterward In to ft I Whitchurch Council Pursuant to adjournment and ad vertisement Whitchurch Council met at and organized as a Court of Revision Councillor Leathers In the chair The following appeals were consid ered was referred to Inspector to be paid if found correct 1 Mayor and Messrs Cane and rtvie appointed a Committee lo manufacturers to locate In the Town Cot asked that the Property Coiinnlttec examine the LockUp and report on the matter better ers Examination Free DR of Believing kOaace or la no that the doctor can and of your of and for to and tay who would have alt their lock of hair name age to rented All llOfiH for lenta should be not later than June 1st to Oat Poles fctrav lumber etc be furnished on the any person at be address- DR to Camp Ontario A si ion and cordial invitation Is extended all of the sincere truth Bee Bros Ad page Why is I that Aycr8 Hair Vigor does so many remark able things Because It Is a food It feeds hair puts new life into it hair Hair Vigor Mr Robertson moved seconded by Mr Smith hat for purpose of any doubts which may exist That Herbert Arm luge be assessed the point It is as owner of lot Con In lieu installations for the purpose of ft I from the Towns lot Con In lighting plant the Council will only the all rest of tho expense from the side- lilKh Thai I as owner lieu of the Canada Landed ami UJ lloiial Investment Co sidewalk at the Towns expense Waller Sons farm assessed cannot keep from growing And gradually ail the dark rich color of early life comes back to gray hair- I flit raj Hat a A ai hick I Hi SCI AM all Hot rth I All a bxiJa it too iii property the John farm and up house and the side work house to be paid Silas Robinson residence and lot applicant Carried assessed too of Kennedy lor The appeals of Walter water service was granted but Sons John Silas Robinson application of J Roach was the Toronto York Radial for red to the L Committee Co were not and Percy Forester were as an owners of of lot Con John Nigh wan assessed as tenant for part ot lot No Con 2 the John Haines Estate Council adjourned John Ferris was assessed as owner of part of lot No Con The names of William A twelve year son of Colin McKln- had an that might ended seriously He Gray r Ing a cow with a rope around her neck and he lied the other end around his body In crowing a and fell and ran off dragging iuyuuy yards before some were erased from the toll approaching In a buggy headed Armstrong Hugh Ambrose i cow ftn rescued the lad Lundy anil Oscar Lawson were ad- j he stumbled ded to the roll as votcrw Dogs assessed to following par- the boy about r J a I Too Have Always Bought and which has been Sri for oyer years has borne the of bean made under his per- since infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and are Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment Is 0ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance age Is its guarantee destroys Worms and allays It cures Diarrhoea and Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the regulates and Bowels giving healthy and- natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend GENUINE Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years MUHPIAV VOX No other is to men as As It wllh nutrition of Ihe sexual It or the urine of the orpina pains In loins aching In Ihe ralpllatln of the Mart and comolmtisri tf remits In complete LOSS OP MANHOOD Thojmnda of mlOdleaKd ore troubled with STRICTURE If you you with It dont It It will ruin you Do on you by cutting or I Our MEW dlKtolvcs the hence It and Wo cure Varicocele Stricture without operation or of lime rnny lt taken at home for our Free Book on VARl- and WD TO CURE OR NO PAY combining ou oV let doctors exper- TREAT- reiurn- All affect the so organs hence the are Of Have you r over the of o J urinate dpoilt In urine coldness of or J the rrorolnjr- Dont neglect Our METHOD Is guaranteed to euro any disease lho or no pay No Names Used Without Written Consent tf Jackson Mich I had varicocele In llio atccndary and two of years I was operated twice Buffering but only tot relief I was finally advised to try the NEW METHOD TREATMENT of Dm K K enlarged vein disappeared In weeks the was removed la eight and my sexual energy and vitality returned to I was a man every JPcct I commend you doctors with my whole heart CURES HO CURE HO PAY Before We and for for After Treatment We euro Debility fltrleturc gjood and Urinary CoaaulUtlOn tree loas e STREET DETROIT MICH mm THE DUKE 26375 STANDARD AND TROTTING STALMON Duke is a Seal Drown Imported Trotting Stallion about hands and weighs about record 220 trial driven quar ters in seconds a gait Duke Is a large flno looking horse and or combined quali ties size breeding and Speeding he ol finest Trotting Stal lions In world MONDAY noon ho will bo at Monday night at Albert TUESDAY noon Zephyr night WEDNESDAY noon night Mr John Kays arm Virginia THURSDAY noon Queens Hotel Sutton night FRIDAY noon Keswick and Friday from to pm Quccnsvillo Fri day night Royal Hotel where ho will remain until Sat urday afternoon SATURDAY evening ho will bo at Lemons Hotel Aurora where ho will remain until Monday Insures Living Colt payable days after foals If Colt comes deformed or dies within that no charge whatever will bo Anyone who will this selecting a sire we will guarantee to a present of and a Colt without charge if this Horse Is not lust represented R REYNOLDS J in charge M9 McOill St Toronto