Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1905, p. 1

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The BRA gives Give us the liberty to to to to above all otter liberty No Copies So Newmarket Friday June i6 igos I TERMS paid In advance CI iiwr 3S to paint be saw use will do tie job for the the same time give greatest satisfaction and longest wear a these results every time Its a pure lead zinc and linseed oil paint Its mixed thor oughly and ground very fine by powerful It covers most surface to gallon and wears for the longest time Its a paint yon can depend on it and youll be satisfied COLOR CARDS TOR OF GOOD AT SHELF AND HEAVY HARD WAR Furnace Work Plumbing and General Toronto Premier Whitney has issued an or der which will go into effect at once This is to the effect that all civil servants must be in their respective offices at the Parliament Buildings by in the morning and remain there in the evening with one hour for lunch City Clerk Municipal HandBook for just issued is not a municipal statistical text book but it will answer innumerable questions which citizens of all classes are continually asking about matters and things municipal and blank- pages for memoranda A young couple were sent away on their honeymoon a lew days ago to a ragtime wedding march The groom is despatchr and at the depot they reached the station and passed up the arch way the din of a locomotive bell sounded above their heads while a hand organ played by a friend peal ed forth a ragtime refrain The I crowd was hilariously happy The fruit merchants predict a good strawberry crop if the weather con tinues to keep warm from how on But the succession of rain threatens the output The Ontario Historical Society met at Niagara Falls one day last week and as the guests of the Lane Historical Society visited sev eral points of interest Jennie Anderson a demented young girl was found wandering about station last Friday She told police she had- been given a ticket and twentyfive cents by some one at Falls The City Relief Offi cer sent her back to Falls same night poor demented girl made gay of Opportunity Address oft Jackson At the Confepenee Published by Request The importance of Sunday School no doubt many of you are ac- demands our most at- tells this apt incident tentiOn and consideration We are Some boys were running down a banded together in the greatest street one day when one boy ran up grandest work in the universe the and kissed a doorplate on a of taking the young children dwelling and then ran down to and training them for eternity iom the One said 1 Tom that was a funny thing We read in the sacred book that Jf PHONE Your otato Plants Reports Bug this will be the worst year in the history the Potato PARIS ORE We arc handling only the very best English At the only sure thing to kill them It is no experiment Green per lb and guarantee it to give satisfaction every time to Agent for Parkers Dye Works Canadian Express Office Baggage to and from trains hand with despatch timothy turnip Clover carrot seed A LSI KB MANGOLDS NATIONAL PORTLAND also LIME Screened Hard OUR College was last Friday A large number of friends of the institution gathered in the garden and the girls of the col lege entertained them with drill and sports The girls were attired to their gymnastic costumes The races and games were amusing Garments watches and other arti cles have recently been missed from the rooms On Friday last a young man not a member of the named Co rod as was arrested as the No trouble since The garden party given by the Chancellor ViceChancellor and Sen ate and the President and Council of the University of Toronto on Friday last was a large and brilliant func tion Some five hundred guests as sembled in the fine quadrangle many of them arriving early to watch the cricket match in the close The pro ceedings began with the commence ment day conferring ol degrees and many charming lady and M appeared with their honors upon ihem and wearing gown and cap over their pretty light dresses The Chan cellor was most kind moving about in his gorgeous robes black atid gold Ford aged and unmarried committed suicide Friday night He appears to have been drinking heavily lately until life became mis erable and he took poison A youthful immigrant years old strolling along the water front a few days ago fell oil the wharf into the water His father being near saved him from drowning by jumping into the water after him They dried their clothes In a nearby engine- room Jane Force a middleaged woman employed as a domestic at 29H Queen St west vas arrested last Friday night by Detective Duncan on a charge of stealing from Mrs Cavariagh who is visiting friends in the house where the theft occurred The money was found hidden beneath a mattress in a bedroom Michael a Grand Trunk en gineer was knocked down and badly when was sojourning at Jeri cho and the people of the place learned that lie was there a deputa tion waited upon the prophet very likely what would call the Mayor and Aldermen the place similar to the cordial reception accorded to this Conference last Thursday after noon by the civic and cleric delega tions and they told the prophet that the situation of the city was pleas- ant but unlike the beautiful Town of the water was naught and the ground was barren The prophet asked or a new cruqe and told them to put salt Into it then he took this to ine mountain gorges where the of the river rose and threw it in saying From henceforth there shall be no more death or barren land So arc engaged at the very spring of life We take the salt of Gods Word and put it in the minds and the hearts of the young and teach the children how to serve Christ The hope of our country is in train ing the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord While it may be truly said that the only textbook of the Sunday School is the bible yet how great Is its power As an educator it is fitted to teach and train the conscience and to stimulate the neglected powers It exercises its power on the imagin ation and regulating the conscience character to do doorplate What did you kiss the for And he said Why dont you know my Sunday School teacher lives up there and I tcil you shes a daisy I tell you dear friends a hoy that thinks his Sunday School teacher is a daisy will be glad to do anything for that teacher and that is the way to draw them it is just lov ing them There is more gospel in the palm of the hand and in the smile than in many a welltaught lesson When we draw them to us in this way then we are ready to bring them with us to the very arms of the Great Shepherd of the sheep and of the lambs Every thoughtful man eels that if the battle of life is to be fought scssliilly by those who are on the side of righteousness and purity and truth it must be done in the way that all of Gods good things come and that is by gradual growth just- as the good things from field and orchard spring not to life in one in stant but during the months of Spring and Summer and on into the fruitful Fall gradually ripen by the long fingers of the suns activity in conjunction with the influences of mother earth so in the hearts and lives of men there must he the seed planted when the soil is ready to re ceive it in childish days anil ripen ed by the clouds of adversity and the sunshine of prosperity until at last and will it forms noble the object of all good teaching All our civilization there stands a goodly tree planted am sure worker feels true progress made in our civilization Is due to this hook and to it must look as our guide in the future The field is immense and every Sabbath School that whatever the strain and tax is he can go to his Sabbath School with a feeling confidence that the work which he has undertaken is one which the Master recognises and although it may be a seedling here or a seed ling there although sometimes the seed may fall upon barren ground yet it is impossible that the result will be entirely fruitless as if the moral tone of this country is rising steadily I believe that Car is better than it was years ago believe it will be better years hence than it is today and at the foundation of its lies the work the Sabbath School and the training of our boys and girls in those principles that the sacred book contains between the thuich as in the garden of the Lord bring ing forth unit to His honor and glory and to the welfare and bless ing of humanity Such is our faith in the Sabbath School work and all honor I say to such heroic laborers as late J J Pearson of New market who was a teacher and su perintendent for 25 years also Mr Harrison of Richmond Hill who for over a quarter of a cen tury has filled the of su perintendent also Mr Win Kerr in Toronto who has made the record of hall a century as Superintendent and not forgetting that noble woman the late Susan Grcciy of who continuously taught a bi bleclass for over years May name be always kept green in the annals of S literature Let each teacher be persuaded that in the in dividual pupils there Is the possibili ty of a great strong heroic man hood of a kindly loving gracious to us all to make the Sabbath School a greater influence for good than it has been in the past We want com petent teachers teachers who will de vote themselves to the work teach ers who will not only study the les son itself but things in connection with the lesson teachers who will ask the guidance and blessing of God in the discharge their duties and will take the time necessary lo fit them to efficiently and properly dis cbarge these most important duties We do not want to confine our opera tions to the children want the adults in the and wc want the whole community to take an interest iniits operations I trust may realize tonight that a duty rests upon every man and woman to do what lies in their power to make of Canada what we hope it may be come a noble righteous and God fearing nation There is a good deal of significance in a name and I am not sure but the appellation Sunday School carries with it the idea that it is a place for the instruction of children they called Bible Schools the term would probably have a wider scope and possibly the sphere of usefulness would be more readily extended to older people The presents this latter class I believe is one of the methods by which might retain our larger scholars The boys and girls as they grow lo manhood and womanhood would then not feel that they were getting too large to at tend And if Hie idea of Supplemen tary Lessons now so successfully in troduced into some of our schools was universally adopted the interest the school sessions would be great ly increased then when once in at tendance they would not absent them selves on some paltry excuse Parents and grownup members of the family should all be in the Sun day School It is the spiritual least of the week- where the higher nature may be fed by an actual study of the Word Of course it requires time but any attainment of value requires time Let me say to the adults cast oft indiflcrcnce seize the oppor tunity and assist in this great no ble and inspiring work of building up the Kingdom of God and great will he your reward in heaven Oh we know not when we scatter Where the precious seed will fall But work and trust in Jesus For He over all DYSPEPSIA THREE YEARS Effected a Prompt The relation wonaimo0I which and Sabbath School is The S School is the quarry where the Church finds stones that are for Gods building where the Church is to procure tim ber for pillars in the the Lord the mine where i the precious metal is often found the sculptors room where the Chiselling ami polish- not In the work Irig Is done the arc ter Hie under Gods good providence- It is ours to drop the seed to water it and to care for It until the results shall be manifested agree with you that sometimes the duties of the S teacher call for strenuous efforts and if thclnait pottery where ves- would not be so dillgcnt- to convey the wa- discharged hut the privilege and to fact the opportunity of doing good and the great workshop Therefore pleasure of enjoying the confidence of Church is responsible for the ma- those whom they try to serve at the and spiritual equipment She same time being actuated by lave much more- careful su- selfsacrificing spirit the Master of the work and Workers is a true delight to the ncrvlhlon of the aim than she does The Church should cere worker Then again the eel that relation Is a very In- influence on the teachers own lie one because she gets the pro- and character Is worth all the What makes crowded at our Parlor night i our Ice Cream Is of THE BEST It Is made from the Cream and not adulterated in any form Our IceCrepm Bricks I IceCream the Are like our HUT STOVE J Huron St Com and Try Them BOOTH Wo asked him If ho a detec tive When be replied that he was not one of the men struck him on the with a piece of Iron while other knocked him down and kick ed him He had to be taken to the Hospital and wan unconscious for hours A mild case- of smallpox at Parliament street ban bet discover ed by Dr Shear The victim a young bank clerk who has been Kick five days has been removed to the Isolation hospital and the quar antined York County Council offer a re ward of for information leading to the prosecution and conviction of vtio go scorching along the highway Infringing the Act of last session ft the Ontario In the work The Church Is that those eeW lead may not In need Uvifc something that would not men and women many the correspond with our teaching est moKt ready and most 8 worker Is doubly repaid for Ms workers are those who have develop- or her- labor and It Is a surprise to l strong mental and spiritual char- that there Is such a lack ol aeters through their efforts In the teachers In a 1 our Sunday Schools Sunday School In the work of the Sabbath School we need enthusiastic men and young women who believe In the bible in Christ the Son of God and in the Holy Spirit Oh the wondrous power of the teacher who In the power the Spirit shall use power the Word Then there must bo love for the work and in the work arid If this Is the case it will make manifest Mr Marlon Lawrence one of the travel ling Secretaries of work One would think from the selfish mo tive that naturally prompts us that Superintendents would be besieg ed with requests such as this Let try the next class you have va cant Oil what a delight to be of such a school Young peo ple you have it Gentle words of patient kindness Though unheeded oft they seem To the Told of grace may gather Souls of which wc little dream When our busy toil is over From the vineyard home we We shall find a store of blessing That on earth we could not know shall wonder at the brightness 01 the crowns we then shall wear But the Lord Himself will tell us Why He placed the jewels there j There was a special meeting of the Council last Monday night called by Mayor Present Mayor Coun cillors Robertson Cane Smith and Coombs Report of Finance Committee was presented showing a total proposed expenditure of nearly for granolithic walks water supply low ering water mains below frost line another heater and pump at changing electric light system on Main Street to Incandescent lights and adding new lights grants to Public Library and Agricultural So ciety Adopted Discussion on proposed bylaw to raise by debentures No ac tion was taken pending revision assessment list to prevent spitting on high ways ami In public places in New market which was read a first time last fall was read a second and third time ami unanimous ly passed to come Into effect July Mr Smith proposed to make Fri day June Market Day instead of Saturday July Dominion Day Mr Cane Introduced a discussion regarding the censure of the Firemen by Mr Albert in an adver tisement which appeared In the Era last week No action was taken Council adjourned Of Secretary of Court of tho Ancient Order of Interested Red Men and of P and a rising young politician writes from West street New am glad to have an opportunity to testify to too value ot as tonic I suffered from a disordered stomach and a constant foe two or three years This was by a nervous Irritation kept mo In misery by day and bright I had heard and read so much about thai I decided to give It a After bad taken Peruna regularly fop a month the symptoms all disappeared to me St was like waking up from a terrible nightmare My stomach Is now In Its natural condition est well and I sleep well I take this to recommend Perunj tut Q tonic for a system out of THOMAS you do not prompt and factory results from at to Dr giving oil statement of your case and ho wiU pleased to give yon bis gratis Address Dr President Jbo Columbus Prominent Journalists Coming to Canada Through the courtesy of the Grand Trunk Railway System Ontario and Quebec is to be favored with a visit from an influential body of journal ists known as the Washington Cor respondents and which comprises some of the best known newspaper men on the continent of America majority of the pail mem bers of the exclusive organization wise young people and dont and church It dis- your power to the preacher you must do make It so will you do It The Sabbath School Is the open door of opportunity for religious and moral education and if properly used for education It is the school where the foundation of good something hold hands it dont make any known as The Gridiron Club Washington and represent leading journals of the United States Their trip to Canada is made under the auspices of the Western Canadian Immigration Association with a view of giving these wellinformed writers some conception of the resources and developments of the farming and com mercial industries of the Dominion and the unlimited possibilities that are store for the future in Cana da There will be about In the party leaving Washington on June over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Philadelphia Pa Philadelphia and Reading to South Bethlehem Pa Valley Railroad to Suspension Bridge and thence over the Grand Trunk Rail road Systems double through the Garden of Canada to Toronto where a stop of a couple of hours will bo made lor a drive thru Queen City tendered by tho Toronto Press Club Leaving To- J about eleven oclock on morning of the twentysecond party will proceed over the Grand Trunk to Montreal arriving about seven oclock in the evening After remaining In Montreal until the following afternoon correspond ents will leave for Ottawa and West ern Canada The original Intention was for tho correspondents to proceed from Wash ington to Western Canada hut thru the good of the Grand Trunk whose guests they will bo while tra velling over their railway were In duced to sec a portion of older Can ada and to travel over the only track railway in the Dominion and one that compares second to none on the continent A special train Pullman sleeping and dining cars will be at their disposal irom Wash ington lo Montreal Secretaries the border and a gentleman with can be laid It is open of 3 x y i A Bur a Era till Christmas flrV

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