Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1905, p. 2

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r i i Found Main St Saturday June Owner may have same by calling at office Room for Boarders Gentlemen preferred who are quiet and steady Enquire at Era Office ftp The ExpressHerald of last week devotes another column to abuse the Era and in txfts arrogance of the edi tor forgets the claims of common We have already given a full and ample statement of the facte but by the multiplication words be seeks to divert attention from his misrepresentation If the quota tions already given are not sufficient to penetrate bis abstruse brain here is another one from Hamilton Herald dated Chatham May re ferring to the investigation concern- Rent In the Block better known as Block store lately occu pied by Wm two doors the Kent License Board north of Timothy St Possession at once Apply at Drug Store Lost I Supposed to bo lost in Newmarket Cemetery a Brown Hand Satchel containing a watch chain with sove reign attached pair of silver specta cles and a few receipts Liberal re ward to finder MRS HULSE Bradford Public Decoration Day in Queens Cemetery on the 24th day of Juno on the Cemetery Ground at oclock in the afternoon for the pur- pose of planting trees shrubs and Flowers and otherwise decorating the ground MAHLONDOAN J J TERRY J H Strayed From my camp wagon on May the near on Mc- farm one dark bay horse grey over eyes with small tie rope around neck small scar on fleshy part of right leg Last seen on May SI on yr Joseph Farmers place near Any person returning Mr John camp wagon on Mr farm near will receive large reward NOTICE Any person holding horse will be prosecuted JOHN P O New Telephone DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Co of Canada Ltd Is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the district ot Eastern Ontario including the town ol T Orders for new connections changes of Arm name changes of street esses or for duplicate entries should be handed to the Local Man ager at once It STARR Local Manager Three charges are being ven tilated one against for bribery one against the commis sioners for corrupt negotiations with Ambrose Patterson and Carl to take money and one against tie commissioners that they had been appointed os condition that they withhold li censes As a result of the investigation one of the License Commissioners was dismissed and another resigned We could very easily lengthen this article but feet confident that the public have had enough on the sub ject and we are quite prepared to leave the matter to their judgment as to whether we have proven our position or displayed the insensate hate charged by the scribe who would fain make this country believe that he keeping of the Premiers po litical reputation was committed to his special care Oxford and The Government on Top The byeelections in London and North Oxford on Tuesday last were decided victories for the Government candidates With hopes elated be yond anything that has occurred po litically since the last Provincial elections the Mail and Empire was so sure that London and North Ox- ford would accept its advice and bow to the cry of racial prejudice on the day previous to polling it announced to its readers the con tests were the most momentous ones that have occurred in many years Of course it was the constituencies would go Tory In deed so much elated had our totem become during the campaign and realizing the importance of the two contests it announced that a spe cial wire had been engaged to bul letin the result in front of the Mail Building The wires however re fused to bring the anticipated com fort and consolation The vote was as follows LONDON Liberal Gray Tory What will be known as Horse The Horse depot In the west would be establish- either at Calgary or Medicine Hat- probably the former Canada has now opened the door towards the formation of a standing army for the Dominion Last year a force was considered adequate this year power has been granted to make it and like debt seems destined to grow to still greater proportions Chief of the General Staff P Lake lays stress on the fact that the future policy of the militia contemplates a consider able expansion of the force An outline as to the distribution of the permanent corps was given the Parliament as follows One squadron each of the Royal Canadian Dragoons will be stationed at Toronto St Johns Que and At the two latter places they will replace the Royal Canadian Infantry The infantry heretofore maintained at St Johns will be moved to Montreal one squadron of the Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles will be stationed at Winnipeg two squadrons in Saskat chewan and three squadrons in Alber ta Two batteries of the Horse Ar tillery will be stationed at Kingston half a battery at Winnipeg arid half a battery in Alberta probably at Cal gary Two companies of the Garri son Artillery will be stationed at Halifax one company at Esquimau and two companies at Quebec One company of the Engineers will be stationed at Halifax one at Esqui mau and one distributed among the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry depots Four companies of the lat ter would be stationed at Halifax two at Quebec one at Montreal one at Toronto one at London one at Fort William one at Esquimau a detachment in Manitoba and one in Alberta The other corps will be distributed among the various per manent corps depots Oar Society ERA FRIDAY JUNE POINTS PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPHED The Misses Kelty spent over Sun day in King Township Miss Elsie Thomson of Toronto spent the week end at home Mr and Mrs Geo Mortimer of Toronto were in town Saturday The Misses Thompson of Aurora were visiting in town last Saturday Mr Ben of the staff is spending his holidays at home Mr Murray a boy underwent an operation on Wednesday Mr of Pittsburg la visiting friends town for a few days Miss of Aurora is visiting this week with her sister Mrs J Mrs Peter left on Tues day for Schenectady to visit her brother Mr J English bile Watt of Fergus is spending this week with her sister and leaves tomorrow for her summer homo near Bruce Mines Mr Barker a former High School pupil now singing in an opera in New York is visiting with Mr J this week Mr Lawrence is spending a short vacation in town before tour ing the Maritime Provinces as agent for Lyman Bros wholesale drug gists Last Sunday Watson took a trip to in his gasoline launch and was accompanied by C Ross A Howard and Stewart Mrs Miller received a tele gram from her son Sgt Frank Miller who has been in the Islands stating that he had arrived safe at San Francisco on the Mr Bert Cane Toronto has been here for several days owing to the serious illness of his wife who was visiting at Mr Canes At noon yesterday she was very low Her mother sister and brother arts also here owing to her critical con dition The following is clipped from the Daily Planet Chatham A foot ball match was played Saturday evening between teams of the west and east ends of North Chatham captained by and Clarence High which resulted in fa vor of Captain team by to Mr left the next morning for Newmarket Ont where he has secured a lucrative position in the jewelry establishment of T Watson Mr Stiver VS of Elgin Man formerly of Mt Albert writes think Manitoba is a great pro vince I like it fine up here and think it is the place for any young man with lots of energy The crops are looking fine around here and old settlers say that there is every pros pect of a very large crop We are having fine weather and it always rains just about the time it is need ed I WHOOPING COUGH IN JAMAICA Mr J Riley Bennett a chemist of Browns Town Jamaica West India Islands writes- I cannot speak too highly of Chamberlains Cough Mr and Mrs McLenan of Al- It has proved itself to be the RAILWAY SINGLE FARE For Dominion Day Good going June July I and 3rd returning until July be tween all stations in Canada also to Bridge and Buffalo Huron and Detroit Mich to Portland Exposition Good going daily returning within days Special side trips to Cali fornia points Home Seekers Eicnrsion flymans majority 329 NORTH OXFORD Smith Liberal 28fr5 Wallace Tory 2506 to to points In Manito ba Saskatchewan Alber- good going June 27lh and July returning within dayu For tickets and full information call on A ROACH Agent Smiths majority Considering the kind of contest waged both of the gentlemen elected are to be congratulated This the third time Mr Wallace has sus tained defeat In his efforts to obtain parliamentary distinction Now bigotry has run Us race let us hope that Parliament will do the right thing along the lines of Provincial rights It the autonomy bills are all right pass them and let Parliament adjourn but the pro visions of said hills Infringe on the liberty of the people as understood by the term of Provincial rights we sincerely trust that such amendments will made as will remove cause for complaint ioo Military The House of Commons at Ottawa during the week passed a reso lution empowering the Government to Increase the permanent military force of the country to five thousand The were visiting friends in Town on Sunday Miss Brunlon left with the Man ufacturers Excursion for Europe on Friday last Rev J Wilkinson visited his motherinlaw Mrs Geo Richardson over Sunday Miss Ross is spending a few weeks with her uncle Rev Canon Miss stenographer at the Davis Tannery spent Sunday at her home in King City Mr Well Toronto spent the week end with his uncle Mr W Prospect Ave Miss Edna returned from the city Tuesday where she was visiting for the past week Mr Ernest V Hughes left for the city on Tuesday He expects to go into the contracting business Mr and Mrs who arc summering at Jacksons Point were in Town a couple of days this week Mrs A JO Coombs chaperoned a picnic parly of High School girls at Wilcox Lake on Saturday afternoon Mrs Manning gave an inform al tea on Wednesday in honor of her guest Miss Bertha Wallace ol Lind say Miss Paisley of who spent a week at Dr Pattersons returned home on Tuesday via Newmarket Mrs Savage will visit Mrs Ellas Thompson nee Smith Calgary this summer She left for the West on Tuesday morning Elder and several dele gates left on Wednesday attend the Ontario Christian Church Confer ence at Father Hayes of was the guest of Father Whitney a couple of days this week also Father Kidd of on Wednesday Editor and Mrs Jackson attend- best remedy for whooping cough which is prevalent on this end of the globe It has never failed to re lieve in any case where I have re commended it and grateful mothers after using it are daily thanking mo for advising them This remedy Is for sale by T Lloyd Speaking of the contest in London last Tuesday the Advertiser of that city says London has spoken and In tones of thunder has rebuked the Toronto agitators who have essayed to ferment a sectarian war in this community and this country If the Canadian General Service and Colonization Company carry out the proposition embodied in their prospectus it will undoubtedly bo a good thing for Canada It proposes to headquarters in New York in such way as will ben efit all commercial agricultural and industrial interests The Butcher Business Of the late Bond with Store and Dwelling Slaughter House to rent Good Refrigerator vith Complete Bet of and all fitceaastry rig POSSESSION Apply to y it Choice Building Lots For at En quire at office minister explained that last session the authorized strength of this force Toronto fifty last Friday They remained over the week In the city was raised from one to two thou sand ft Is not intended to at once the right to enlist force up to five thousand strength As the House was aware however the Ca nadian Government had recently as sumed responsibility of maintain ing the garrisons at Halifax and which number at present some officers and men Accord ing to- General chief of the general star a smaller number will serve all purposes In addition to the men required for Halifax and a permanent corps depot to be established at Montreal and one the Territories for J MAIN ST NORTH NEWUARKET All Orders will receive Careful Prompt Attention The Cradle May at J to Mr and Mrs Herb ert Lewis a son CROSS In Newmarket on June to Mr and Mrs Cecil Cross a son on June to Mr and Mrs Art a son Mr Jan Hodge was visiting his mother over Sunday Mrs Hodge and daughter are arranging to occu py their cabin on shore of Cooks Bay the end of this month Miss Lehman who has been holidaying at home for several weeks returned to Philadelphia hos pital on Monday where she is train ing for a nurse Mr John who for over years has been a servant years as Councillor and has resigned after occu pying position f Township Clerk for years He Is a cousin of Mr Lehman town and wan born THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash I Embalming A SPECIALTY attended to ay Biggest This for goods of high quality at moderate prices Sale of Mens suits continues ft r Many wonder and even our competitors are puzzled as to how and where hold of many special lines the Oil the that gets them for us Every week one of our buyers Is on the market bright and early to pick up lines that may bo going The large houses and factories have gotten so used to seeing our buyer each week and now know so well tbe quantities we can handle that they are continually holding lines one of Hunter Bros buyers comes along If the goods are of Standard in quality and the price Is rig why theres no trouble about quantities so the goods ev find themselves on one or other of Hunt store tables This is the story in a nutshell To boil it all down into one sentence Hunter Bros Three Store Buying and Talks it to Your Advantage To buy your goods Where you can get the best value at the least price Thats the way of the world We think we can prove to you that at this store you can buy to better advantage than elsewhere Put Us to the Test New Range of Pink Blue OxBlood Green and Linen fast colors yard Yard Wide Prints 7c A range of full yardwide Prints good patterns yard Summer Weight Cashmere Hose dozen SummerWeight Cashmere Hose and regular 25c pair Saturday pair Corsets A special line of Summer Corsets all sizes 50c pair Flannels So A big range of Shaker Flannels and 30 inches wide regular and Saturday 7c yard A Table Linen 60inch Table Linen half yard bleached GROCERY Hams Rolls and Bacon Long Clear Bacon Cold Cooked Meats Special for Saturday picnic Hams weighing to lbs lb Anchor Brand Black Tea Victor Chop Japan Tea The flltof COLE on the by Elder of Newmarket at home of the bride Mr Cole to Miss No WHITCHURCH Robert Na thaniel Merle Moore both of Mark- mack Roy ham Inaln Grose Jr Stewart Gladys Brooks Clara Grose 76 III Florence Mabel Ruby 31 Jr III Frederic Gladys Myers Scott Lottie Bradford Brooks Vivian McCormack Tcna Myers Montgomery Scott GLOVERSUTHERLAND In To ronto on Juno Frank Glover son of Glover to Miss Agnes Suth erland of Cleveland Ohio DAVEY St Johns Church Newmarket on June by Father P Whitney Mr M of Toronto to Miss Maud Howard of Newmar ket DAVIDSON At the Chris tian Parsonage by Rev on Juno Mr Walter Pcrrin youngest son of Mr Newmarket to Mls Anna May Davidson Mcaford The Tomb residence of his brotherinlaw Mr John Maries on Juno Joshua a of England aged years In East on June Eva Chris daughter of Archie and Annlo Elizabeth aged 3 days At her residence Toronto on Juno beloved wife of A J and daughter of the late Mat thews of King REYNOLDS On Juno Mary Ann- relict of Ed Reynold in nor year Burled at Pino Orchard Llewellyn Peterson 44 Tyn- Jr Oliver 82 Jes sie Smart 79 Nova Jaynes Jr Good Herbert Calm I Robert Muriel Good Clarence Myers Jr I Smart Karlyle Pe terson Carl The Worlds figures on the day be fore the polling in North Oxford gave Conservative candidate a major ity of over but when the votes counted poll stood for Liberal nominee only one short in the result everybody to Sunlight It child of We have used Sunlight Soap and wo want to tell you that it is the best soap made thats why we are writing found out that the Sunlight way is the best way to was with Sunlight Soap At fust we used to wash with Sunlight Soap in old way as we did with common soap but after washed according to directions printed on the package we would never wash the old way again We first soap the articles leave them to soak and then rub out lightly on the wash board Not much to do and it makes the clothes white as snow FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap washes the white and wont injur the hands LEVER LIMITED TORONTO r John Millard Township

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