Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1905, p. 3

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i Weeks iioeal Hems WHAT OH IK Firemen Attention I A special meeting of the Brigade will take place at the Fire Hall his evening at oclock sharp to dis cuss business importance Every member is requested to attend Public AH the new books just added to the Library are in circulation and the readers are well pleased with the selection There will be a meeting of the Library Board this evening Falling Into bine The employees of the Clothing Fac tory began last week to work at am in order to secure the Saturday afternoon halfholiday which will continue lor the next three months The at present numbers twentyseven Methodist It is announced that an oldfashion ed Methodist camprnecting will be held at the Pine Grove commencing June and extending to June Among other minis ters who will take part we notice that Rev J Kerr of Toronto will be in attendance from the to the 55th- A large tent to be used will he lighted by electricity this will be an innovation on the old- time tallow candle for lighting poancl A man named from New market- was found dead in the Hotel stable at Aurora on Monday rooming Coroner Wesley was noti fied ami after a short investigation considered an inquest was unneces sary The man been drinking considerable of late He was a from New York Stateand had recently received his allowance Cycling Arch Goring is reviving the interest in the wheel around were also appointed Inspectors Day As Dominion Day this year falls on Saturday the local market day the merchants of the town and To ronto buyers have arranged to hold Toronto the market on June stead of Saturday July JTeeUngof The creditors the Lloyd estate met here on Tuesday and confirmed the appointment of Mr H S Cane as Assignee Mayor Road- house Messrs especially among the boys by offer ing a cup for the winner of three mile boats out of five open for boys won by a spokt Wednesday night by Heal Changes under years The first heat was J Ted Millet druggist has purchased the premises at the corner Hartford Jack second these of Main and Timothy Sts from Mr being the only two entries Samuel Sykes for next heat will be next Wednesday McGuire has bought he store evening and one each week till the property occupied by Mr Bo- race is wonj Methodist Church Rev J was absent at Conference last Sunday Rev Wilkinson Tof took his place and preached two very accept ably sermons Next Sabbath the Sunday School will be held immediately after the morning preaching service Mr Oscar Barker of New York will assist in quartette work on Sunday evening next and also sing a solo This will be a rare treat as he has a rich baritone voice of much com pass and power wearing new metropolitan The conductors are uniforms this week About lbs of butter and lbs eggs were shipped from Newmar ket to Toronto last Saturday The extension to Lake is making fine progress A gang has started to break ground immediately behind Orchard Beach on farm By the end of this week the grading from Newmarket to ville will be practically completed except for one big cut The grade is not as heavy from here to Kes wick as the present one to corner There will be no curves which will not allow a speed of miles per hour That means from Newmarket to Orchard Beach in lit tle over half an hour Brief lets About took in the Agricultural Excursion to yesterday They had a very fine day The rapidly growing grass on the lawns keeps the lawn mowers buzzing these days Disputed Horse Deal Thomas of Toronto was ar rested by Detective Forrest on Wed nesday charged with obtaining a horse and a set of harness on false pretences from of New market was in the city some days ago when he met who bargained with him for the horse and harness at alleges that the prisoner gave him in The Fishing Season The open season for bass fishing commences today Under the regu lations bass to the number of eight may be taken by any one person in one day by rod reel and Hue but they must not be less than ten inches in length The open season extends to Sept are also in season up to the lasc mentioned date Time for Peace A public meeting was The Friends The Yearly Meeting of Friends now in session wish through paper to express their gratitude for the kindness shown them on every hand by the Friends who have so- kindly preferred them their meeting house and by all who make our visit a pleasant one The meet- Improve Mr has greatly improved the appearance his corner Pros pect and Gotham by the appli cation of the paint brush on the wo rounded verandahs on the east and front of his house and on the new fence The sodding of the ground in front of the house has completed the job Mr is to be congrat ulated on the modernized appearance of his residence Mr Robert Manning has torn down his front verandah He proposes to for worship have been occasions of genuine refreshment through the ar rounded verandah with us of Mary of balcony presence with Philadelphia who has given us so freely of her loving spirit so rich with loving truth The services of Isaac Wilson both in a religious and business capacity have done much to strengthen us while the presence of Frank Cornell pastor of the Friends Church has been most welcome The business sessions during which the condition of the Society have been reviewed brought forth much interesting- discussion In connection with the meeting of the Philanthropic Committee especial attention was given to the subject of social purity intemperance and cigar ette smoking Many helpful sug gestions were given which hope may bear fruit in our several com munities Com held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening in the interests of the Canadian Peace and Arbitration Society About one hundred people were present half of cash and cheque for 170 Upon ffhoin ladies Mr G Jack- presentation at the bank he occupied the chair and made a that the cheque was a note pa remarks showing that his able in thirty days The complain- pathies were strongly in favor of ant swore out a warrant wired to movement and introduced the the city and Lacey was arrested speaker of the evening Rev Br The harness was recovered but the Court ice of Toronto exeditor of horse was not found the Christian Guardian who deliver- J an admirable address He very clearly showed that the old adage To preserve peace prepare for war was not true and regretted that the opening of the Century was marked by the greatest land and naval battles in the history of the world He took the ground that war is ethically wrong and con trary to the spirit of both the Old and New Testament Mr Isaac of and Rev Cornell endorsed the address and a committee composed of Mayor RoadhouseMtssrs Phillips Webb and Jackson was ap pointed to promote the object of the Canadian Peace Society In hav ing all questions of national differ ences settled by means of arbitration and take steps to organize a branch in Newmarket We omitted to mention that Dr Courtice is giving his valuable ser vices to this work gratuitously in the interests of humanity Blizzard is having the work on her new cement house Mr A residence looks swell in its new coat Or is sodding his front lawn New roof on Mrs Haines resi dence A hod Conference The Toronto Conference which as sembled in last week com pleted it- business on Tuesday night Rev J J who was born in King Township was elected Presi dent on the first ballot The most important item before Conference was the selling of the St Church in Toronto against which there Is a debt of ft was shown that the con was gradually diminishing perm Produce Although it was rather wet Satur day there was a very good market here with a large supply of produce Prices as follows Butter to lb hi to doz Apples to basket Potatoes to Live Chickens from to 25 Spring chickens to pair Old Hens to Live Bucks pair Turkeys to lb pigeons pair Young Pigs pair Hides to Calfskin to 10c to each Lamb Skins 25 to each Tallow lb Garden vegetables as usual in Bohemia of a i Canada Is Safe I In Bohemia every whatever sex or age must have work book which contains his per sonal description and history and his employers indorsements Permis sion to travel in search of work must be indorsed by the local authorities In changing locations a certificate from original place of must be secured and filed at the now loca tion owing to many families moving from Even Japan with all its recent practice in military matters would hesitate to attack Canada her representatives seen Company of the York Rangers marching to the station en route to Niagara lor the annual drill in Seldom has Newmarkets quota appeared to better advantage Although there no prize given for the smartest looking private the company as a whole seemed to be considerably spruced up and will stand a good chance for the company prize at Ni agara The company Is at its full strength which has been reduced by the new regulations to men In cluding officers Major Allan ha been crippled for the past few days a shin bruised by a blow from the stirrup while he was riding practice was able to get on his hoot on Tues day morning and accompanied the regiment to camp If the present warm weather con- Unites there be a welltanned crowd of soldiers returning In two weeks Very fortunately there is no band in town an organgrinder with a monkey appeared In town and the doughty dele nil era of Canada manned away to- his strains the locality which was now largely a boardinghouse section but there was great loyalty and activity among the young people who were also do ing a splendid work among the Chin ese of the city The debate contin ued for several hours awl were subscribed In the Conference to save the church but the Ixan Co holding the mortgage would not With hold proceedings unless l2006 were guaranteed in five yearn by responsi ble The Conference was therelore compelled amidst a pathe tic scene to allow the property to slip out of their hands changes were made in the last craft of the Stationing Com mittee Maple J and Geo Oxbridge Harper J Aikmhead Union Lee 1 Leonard ML AlbertTrios wards Button West A Bond I J Sparling Owen Sound T Jos Young Well wood Toronto St north J Kit We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHUNKY Co Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Pills for con stipation -ooft- Toronto June White Wheat per bush The first Chinese Christian Church In Toronto an undenominational enterprise opened- its doors last Sunday at the old colored Baptist Church at Richmond St west under the pastorate of Mr Robert Brown has tolled for many years among the Chinese in Toronto and who was the moving spirit in the task of securing a church About Chinamen of the city aresupporting this enterprise The directors the and em ployees of the Printing Co gave a banquet to the President Mr Robert on Saturday- evening at and presented him with a handsome silver service on the completion of a quarter of a cen tury term on the Board of Directors Hon Ross made the presenta tion The great International S Con vention which is to be held in this city from the to 7th is now receiving much attention by the billeting committee Over del egates are expected from the States City papers state that Hon Nel son Minister of Agricul ture gave out to press reporters on Tuesday that efforts to secure the necessary land in Toronto district as a nursery for trees for reforestry purposes had been unsuccessful and the scheme had fallen through for the present In The meantime he said the work would be carried on in experimental stages at Agri cultural College He hoped to be able to establish a nursery in To ronto district as the climate and soil were better adapted to the pur pose than any place in province Excursions to Manitoba and the NorthWest have commenced Last Tuesday afternoon four special trains left the Union Station with col onists Seven cars of the York Ra dial System carried five hundred members of the St Paul Episcopal Sunday School to Bond Lake At the Police Court two or three days ago George Westman the young hardware clerk who is under arrest on a charge of robbing of Barrie of and also with whom he was formerly employ ed was remanded till Friday The Property Committee of the of Education have recommend ed the acceptance of the tender of the Office Specialty Co for a number of wooden chairs Samuel a young married man who lives at King Street west was taken to the Emergency Hospital Monday evening with a bad cut in his right arm He and his wife were fooling when he slipped and fell against a window The redcoats made a splendid in city on Wednesday the way to camp The two steamer now plying this city and Hamilton started a four trip service on Saturday It takes a little longer time but the is pile cheaper than the rail way York County Council showed its military spirit by voting from the a day to the country members of the GovernorGen erals while they are in camp at Niagara Rupert was given GO days in jail by breaking into the or House cellar Warners father used to of hotel but Mr A Campbell now bouse While Mrs Sheriff Miss Mr Bigger awl Mr Oliver were viewing the Park day wek with the view of delecting for Oliver monument they were joined Premier Whitney Hon J J Toy and Lennox A location was not definitely decided upon but lite spot most favored is the corner of the lawn at the west end of the building to the north of the drive- Judge Snider of Hamilton would not grant he application of Mr for a postponement till August of taking evidence in the suit between the city mid the Toronto Railway Company He ordered the case to bo proceeded with on Juno In North Toronto liin assessment of the Metropolitan Railway rained this year from to under the of new assess ment act ESSSli New Muslins In Newest Designs and Colors from to 15c These Muslins are about half the regular price as owing to the backward season we are enabled to make a large purchase at a big bargain House Furnishings We carry the largest stock of Carpets Floor Oil Cloth Linole ums Blinds Curtains Furniture Coverings in the trade Our Garnet Special Union Carpet double yard regular warp- at Parasols and Umbrellas From to Two Leader In Bleached Sbeeting plain yards wide twilled and regular oar Dress Goods And sec the many pretty things we have to show you Canned Peas per tin Peerless Cream in tins Imported Kippered Herring 10c One pound Coffee with China Cup and Saucer Cooked- Meats IceCold slic ed to suit you Hams Rolls and Bacon THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER iUfcEfStSVlLLE subscriptions the Ellis ap- be total of open till July has receive further 1 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush per bush Rye per bush Barley per bush per do Ijuttcr roll per lb Potatoes per bag Pressed Hogs per cwt Hay per ton Chickens Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb Beef fore Beef bind 0 10 20- no GO- GO MT Tho Wonderful Will thrifty dollar Iwt of fabric- or Ilk belter COLOR Ilk no In ALL IN A A FEW And v child do It with Huffman A Co Toronto The funeral of the late Joshua took place on Tuesday afternoon of last week in charge of the in which organization deceased had a policy for There was a large attendance including all the family except Mrs Little of Hull Que Elder conducted the service and the remains were inter red at Cemetery Rev and Mrs left lor the on Tuesday Mrs jMcArthur hopes to he improved in health- Following additional have been received for Mrs Fred Taylor A Stewart 35c William Henry Mr Borrows Cowicson J Smith Rev Chitlley L Foster J A Rose J Cowieson C Clark Cunningham J Strong which now makes a The list will remain 3rd and Mr J kindly consented to contributions Rev M and Mrs thur left on Tuesday for Calgary Al berta expecting to a of weeks at ButtonMr Mi Arthurs home on the way Rev McDonald from will supply the pulpit during his absence The ladies of the church presented Mrs with a well filled on the eve of their Miss Barker and Miss Minnie White of Ravenshoe are visiting at Miss Miss Isa Wight of is at Mrs Geo Wights Miss McArtbur a sister Mrs J Wright is making her a visit Mrs Partridge is at her home at Meadowale during Mr Partridges absence at Conference Rev War ren is also at Conference Miss Patty is spending week in Toronto and attending the closing exercises of Whitby Ladles College The surveyors have gone and are now up Union St near the town line Most of the young people from the village attended the garden party on Union St last night and all enjoyed it an ideal night tor a lawn party One of those delightful Strawberry Festivals that sometimes read about to be held on the beautiful grounds of Mrs Crann on Thurs day evening June 22nd under the auspices of I he Ladies of the Pres byterian Church Bradford Brass Band will lie In attendance and a good program will be furnish ed Tea served from to This will he the Heat of the season dont miss liive Stock Market Sheep and cattle are going lower this week in Toronto live stock mar- ward Export cattle choice to medium Choice stocked are to dairy stockcrs to 13 Choice butchering cattle to medium to common to dry cows to 375 and butchering bulls to Calves to it Sheep in Toronto are selling at 5 to 760 for yearlings to for export ewes and to for bucks Spring lambs are to 5 Select hogs to 680 llRhts and fats eleven and twelve bun- boys employed in the li Coal Railway Company at Sprioghiil went out on strike over of a lamrctcancr A British ship was Honk by Russian auxiliary cruiser 0 o Insures satisfaction an to STYLE f FIT and FABRIC of any garment you may order Each Suit and Overcoat is with Care and Skill Our Prices Speak for Themselves I All New Goods to Select From O WILLI NEXT BOOR TO ATKINSON STREET O 00 It would be a sly old season in deed that would creep up on this Store unawares No matter how suddenly win ter may jump into spring or spring into summer we manage to beat it out by quite a bit When bur customers were having a Merry Xmas we were looking to and summer weather and buying so that we would be able to make just such an announcement as this Mens Robbers to 100 Ladles Fin Rubbers prices 15c to Childrens Kino Rubbers prices up Mens Patent Hals and Bluchers to 460 Mens Box Calf ana Balmorals and Bluchers Goodyear Welt to 4 Mens Pino Shoes Lace and Cong sewed to Ladies Fine Shoes sewed and turns and Goodyear Welts pricea 125 225 250 326 Ladles Kino and Oxlorda Fin and Fancy Patent Leath er and prices 125 to Boys Fin Box Calf and priced and Girls Fine Shoes 100 to 176 Childrens Fine Shoes to CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Our will be careful of your money TERRAS STRICTLY CASH AM HUB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Button west out Dp DENTIST Hal St Newmiulcot RoughCast House with Stable For sale situated on Queen St East about miles from Newmarket acres of land well cultivated Good Orchard and all kinds of small fruits Apply to JOHN Sharon PO markets Juno Flour per barrel 4 5 Wheat bush 0 Spring Wheat per bush 0 9 0 0 GO 8 Goose Wheat Ryo per bush per Oats per Buckwheat Hay per ton Bran per ton par ton 0 Butter roll per lb 0 18 per dor Apples Apples per oackot 0 IS 0 Chickens per 0 60 Turkeys wiii fc

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