Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1905, p. 5

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I ri JUNE Iftqa BEST Total ACKtt General branch A General BosLaess TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED American bought and W Collections attended to Weeks Baseball The locals are getting Id some good practice this week There will be a game here on Saturday with the Century Clothing Companys team Turn out and help the town win the first of the season BY ANNIE Toronto Letter Manager LEGAL J Barrister Public Ac to Main loan on good Farm Chopping Barrister Converancer Ac Chopin otct Billiard Parlor Aurora will on Saturdays Court Boiidtort for J Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora I Real Agency Properties bought and done on terms to loan at lowest rates OfHce Free Library Tennis Lawn tennis is on the in town The 1145 Club have organiz ed a club and are now getting in some good practice in order to meet the Lightning Bug Club in a tourna ment arrangements for which are be ing made Chelation Rev will be absent at Con ference next Sunday In the morn ing the congregation will assemble for worship with the Friends In the evening the service for the two congregations will be held in the Christian Church Rev Cornell will preach in both places Reformer Block Money Loan INSURANCE J A Agent for and Life Companies to Loaninterest at Current Kates Mr Well- photographer formerly ol this town has been here for a few days lately obtaining views to go with a Newmarket Sup plement to the Toronto World He has grouped the employees of the dif ferent factories as well as the stu dents at tie High and Model Schools together with many of the other in teresting and beautiful points about town the store of Burgess corner of King and Kates R Ramsay Insurance Agent and Isolated on Farm Town Property Sovereign Bank Newmarket l MPs Simpson Main Sundries and Fancy Goods The The six months November to April just completed have made a low- temperature record The mean tem perature for the six months was 243 deg which is below the av erage for the last twentythree years December January arid February went considerably below heir respec tive averages of temperature March averaged a little above its mean while November and April were about normal The total precipitation of moisture was inches below the normal every month being deficient February especially prank AUCTIONEER tenia Street Newmarket Bolton Practical PaperHang and Decora Street Millards Lane and Do you know the place not your pleasure has suffered Take a free trip a mental little journey thru by asking for that hand some Folder issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System it contains a large map nineteen views and a fund of facts Take the jour ney some evening after supper with your wife and children Then slam the door on the doctor for by taking your family on a real journey through the District this summer The Ideal Family Resort For particulars apply to agents com BARONESS OF The Widow of Canadas Great Statesman The of the lives of great men reveate In countless Instances that their inspiration stimulus and constant source of new strength was the love and companionship of a devoted woman The debt of helpfulness that the late Sir John A Canadas great Premier and statesman owed to Lady Macdonald bis second wife cannot be overestimated according to the testimony of those who knew them both All that was to the Conservative Premier of England bays one Lady was to the Conservative Premier of Canada Their understanding of each other was complete On the Island of Jamaica the birthplace of two other brilliant women the Empress Josephine and the third Lady Holland Lady daughter of Hon T J Bernard a member of the Privy Council was born In The death of her father while she was still a child made It neces sary to her to England for her education When she was eighteen she came to Canada with her mother for a visit her two brothers Richard and Hewitt Bernard having entered the legal profession at Ottawa and there she met Sir John Thirteen years later i they were married in London It was a redletter year in the calendar of their lives and the history of Canada for it was the year in which the British North American Provinces were united into a federation Sir John becoming Premier and governing the New Dominion through its trying first years Lady Macdonald accompanied her husband to Washington and was with him during the long deliberations of the Joint High Commission which resulted In the Treaty of Washington In She was with him too on that great trip over the new Canadian Pacific Railway whose very exist ence was so largely due to him and the steel rails of which bound and unified Canada into one great dominion as no bonds of law could ever do On the death of Sir John In recognizing his splendid services to the Empire and the devotion of his widow to all the public interests Queen Victoria was graciously pleased to raise her to the by making her a Baroness In her own right the only Colonial thus honored with the Baroness of Besides her social and philanthropic work Lady Macdonald has written frequently for the maga zines on Canadian topics dear to her heart Since when she disposed of her beautiful home in Ottawa has resided In England la lU John A Broker Auditor or exchanged for Property Room Manning Arcade At Jos A awl aW and estimate a4e til of at Era Office receive prompt luuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At ode rriy at rMtfence if The North York Livery keep up a fiiSwatful Our look sorry you too And a People took you at the bored aid fcappy And to yci from feeling you like a nice nw out la the and dirt we ail Save been kept on wo have If you require anything fa line on or up or done- A I Proprietor bred of will be kept tot Alto a It ones of od type with plenty of bone and length for A number of High School girls en joyed a pinnic at Wilcox Lake Sat urday The show which was to play here last Saturday night did not turn up They expect to come litre later June wedding parties and the weather man are not on speaking terms The drain at corner Main and Timothy streets was fixed on Mon day and Tuesday The High School promotion begin next week Some of our countrys brave de fenders showed the spirit that was in them down town Saturday night Ontario Bonk The annual report of this Bank for the year ending May shows very gratifying profits after deduct ing charges of management interest accrued on deposits and making am ple allowance for all bad and doubt ful debts amounting to Out of profits was added to the rest account and car ried forward to credit of profit and loss The reserve now amounts to on a capital of were shown equal to over per cent on the capital It is understood that the net profits would have shown considerably larger but for a large amount written on under the conservative direction of the hoard THE FASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA We know diseases and weaknesses of men like an open book We have been curlng them for years We have given our lives to and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality are today Jiving monuments to the skill knowledge and success of Kennedy Kergan Wo never hold out false hopes we never undertake a case we cannot cure Wo havo so thorough a study of all tho diseases of men of Varicocele Stricture Poisons Hydrocele Nervous Debility Paralyse Bladder Urinary and Kidney Diseases General Weakness Loss of Vitality have cured bo many thousands of cases that if there Is a cure for you will find It here When we undertake a case there Is no such thing as failure We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge skill and experience are at your service We will explain to you How and Why Ve Can Cure You why the diseases of men require the knowledge and of Master Specialists We do not require to experiment with your case as we know from experience In treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms Dont bo discouraged If you have treated without success with Quacks Fakirs Electric Free Trials etc You must get cured and Doctors alone can cure you Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test for years why should It fall in your case Should your caso prove Incurable you need not pay us a dollar We refer you to any Bank in this as to our financial standing If you cannot call write for a Questlori Blank for Homo Treatment Consultation Free Booklets Free RSI I3 STREET DETROIT Corner Drug Store The spirit of the old Club is hovering over the Town Once more the prowess of Newmarkets Indians Is heard the country nor do they in any way dim the lustre of the glory which still to the name of Talagoo The team is now properly getting in to shape ah evidenced by ihe score last Thursday afternoon when goals to ft Kent Richmond roof ers home rather dejected Kennedys work on the defence was the feature Another home feigned last week and Newmarkets team has now no thing fear at least in the Junior series The team went with the Ex cursion to play an exhibition game with The Club who were de fcaltd at Bradford are trying For Necessities During Church Hours Open Sundays PURE PRICES MODERATE NEWMARKET i TED Druggist Corner Main Timothy Streets R Sea Serpent New York June The Tribune i For robbing Powell Co Yonge been i sent to the Central Prison for one year Sixteen hundred delegates are to be in attendance at the International Sunday School tion to be held in this city on the to The Lieutenant Governor his Bishop of Toronto the Hon J St John Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and Mayor Urqubart have been re quested to speak at the evening gath erings A little baby boy months old- while playing in the yard one towards the close of last week of Bates Gordon Street toddled over to where some post holes had been dug The mother not hearing him in the yard went out to look where he was Not see ing him a search was made when she discovered the poor little fellow face uppermost in one ol the post- holes in which there were several inches of water and a thick layer of soft mud The child was so far gone that all efforts to resuscitate ailed to bring him back to life Arrangements have been completed for the Black Watch Band to be in attendance at the approaching Indus trial Fair in Toronto Albert Bromley Borden St who is in charge of the press depart ment the Alexander and Cable Lithographing Company lost his and was severely burned while slaking lime in a she in rear his home on Saturday afternoon He was removed to the Hospital for treatment and it is now expected his sight may be partially restored In fighting a fire in the cellar be neath the cutting room of Crawford Bros tailors and early Sunday morning Assist ant District Chief Frank Forsyth Point on Russell of the Bay street truck and of the Lombard Street division were rendered unconscious by the dense smoke The other firemen carried them out into the fresh air where they soon recovered Too for last week Miss Olive Beatrice of Sut ton inherits the estate of her father the late Frederick of Sutton fanner Deceaseds estate is valued at of which is real estate being laud in The personalty is life insurance and cattle A young man- who lingered too long on the steamer talking with a couple of ladies on Monday made a rush for the gangway as the vessel began steaming nut and jump ed distance between Hie boat and wharf was too great for him to cover and he fell the water Some people on the wharf pulled him out slightly disfigured but not seri ously injured lie wont chat so long on the boat when next taking leave of lady friends President of the Agricultural College was a visitor at the Parliament Buildings Monday He says the excursions to the exper imental farm this year will be the largest on record Geo J and John Cook arc suing Mr Peter auctioneer for commission on the sale of a tim ber limit near Koolcnay BC Mr they al lege agreed to sell his share for if they could find a purchas er at that price They did and now demand their commission of 25 cent or Two canals is visional pro ject of certain promoters to connect Bay and Lake Ontario one for the local freight and Hie other for through traffic The scheme was brought before the County Council at its whiter session and rejected This week the promoters are ill it again and have been talking to the Co Council again but from the way they questioned the deputation it is not likely the project will meet any better favor than previously When the promoter said private capital must hiiihl this canal with there was a broad smile on the face of Councillors as one repeated assist ance Past visions of came up before the Council while Mr Sparling theorized Josephine has been committed for trial at the fall Assizes for the murder of the Murray baby that gels hurt on the Street Hallway or an elevator a runs right off to some lawyer for Jaw and damages Most of the accidents ire from peoples own care lessness At least troops will take part the annual training at Lake from the to of this mouth The advance parties of the various units will proceed on I BUILDERS Spring will soon be here so if you intending to build tils year now is time to commence buying your Building Material We have a complete supply of all kinds Builders Hardware such PUTTY NAILS VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Stoves Furnaces Tinware J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET OUR SALES I N Have doubled any former season Something New Every Week AT THE- JOBBING ESTABLISHED OUR STOCK OFFERS SUGGESTIONS SILVERWARE IS ALWAYS APPROPRIATE Wo arc showing a complete assortment Plenty ol pleasing present at pleasing prices WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician 7 Sale took Ids departure The old whalers to a man declar ed that the body on the sands was prints this special despatch from Old animal or fish they had ever the for the purpose of laying out Orchard Me A real sea serpent seen The tail and upper the grounds c This will be the cad oil the missing but the lower Jaw largest camp ever held at Niagara sea captains declare Ilea dear beach here more than feet sinuous body Is stretched along the sands from Vale and Harvard will arrive and will attempt to classify the monster which floated in on a high tide The object was discovered by who was walking along the shore when he saw what he took to be a huge mass of Ho approached nearer and was within a few feet of it when he was terror- stricken at the sight two mam moth eyes did not Archdeacon Noddy rector emeritus of St Peters Church died last Tues- hack feet The tongue more like a shakes tongue than that of an animal was feel long and as big day afternoon at the advanced age of as a mans leg being encased In a seventynine years The end was kind of bone not unexpected Dr Henry Reynolds who is The funeral of the late A Cock ered an expert In sea life is Of the burn on Tuesday was opinion that the sea serpent by friends from Toronto and the has been found It was without district of doubt over a hundred feet long when At the annual meeting the he said It has evidently Medical Association Dr A been dead for several weeks It advocated the appointment not unlikely that it died somewhere a Minister of Health If the pol- the Arctic Ocean and has been keep on they will have half he could recover use of his limbs ever since Eggs for Hatching From of Barred Ply mouth Rocks and Thomp sons Ringing Strains and White Ducka Eggs per cot- ting ten chicks or re place at half price Also large English Berkshire J Nelson LTaylor Son for the Saskatchewan Val ley Land Co and Pearson Co who control Last Mountain Valley District Farm for sale in the Dauphin Diet acre an Ideal ranching farm Good buildlnga and every convenience a for a small rancher Write for particulars TAYLOR SON Aahville Man Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora Good loca tion Terms easy For particular apply to J Newmarket FOE SALE The convenient comfortable clad Dwelling on Newmarket occupied by the J A Farm For Being Lot No In 1st Coo of comprising acres Fair well watered drained and in a fair state culti vationfour acres In the Corporation of Nowmajket Apply on prem- OBADIAH ROGERS

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