Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1905, p. 8

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I TUB NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE -A- A mothers love fttarU man or on the right path The right at right fits a raolber for the ordeal Motherhood is often looked forward to with feelings of yreat dread by most wom en At such a time when she is nervous irritable and in of a uterine tonic something which will calm the system through the special organs and strength builder she wilt find Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription just what is Deeded Here is a medicine that has stood the test of a third of a century with approval In that time it has sold more largely than other remedy put up specially for woman is guaranteed by the pro prietors cot to contain a panicle of alcohol could only do harm to a sensitive The Worlds Dispensary Medical Associa tion of Buffalo Y proprietors of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription offer a reward for women who cannot be cured of Female Weakness or Falling of Womb All they ask a fair and reasonable trial of means of core Dr Piercers Pleasant Pellets cure coa- headache The Sovereign Bank of Canada Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance lie Hub I Milne Fred Kava- Era I COS TO KESWICK The Sons of Temperance or the Dis trict of North York will hold their summer session at Keswick on Tues day July The business session will open at 1030 am and continue I Tab Alma Milne Ethel Sedorc nagh Oscar Watson Albert j Basil Edna Morrison Char- Dan With III Tab Sandy Milne Mildred Watson Katie Mary Jane Mealies Tab Doris Stephens Flossie Lewis Fred Hay Wait Willbce Violet Thompson The Dairy Farmer in the afternoon There will be a Flossie Curtis Mary Vio- lor the public in the evening jla Hill when addresses and a popular proDoanc gram will be rendered With pleas ant weather there will be a very large turnout on this occasion AND- Compounded Four Times a Year without presentation of Boole viz January April 31st July and lift October of each year KETTLEHY The Union picnic of the Methodist and Christian Church Sunday Schools will be held in Horn Lake Park on Wednesday June A large turnout Twelve new phones arc being in stalled on the King Township Tele phone extension this week Mr A Love of Aurora is doing the work There has been some deiay in getting the supplies but it is expected that everything will be in working order by the end of the present week AURORA this Cement will be laid year to the extent The Sons of England of this place have decided to hold a grand demon stration in the town park on Do minion Day Saturday July 1st In addition to the usual games of la crosse football and baseball races etc there will be a sham battle be tween the GovernorGenerals Body Guard and the Regiment which no doubt will attract a large gather ing Music during the day will be supplied by the 12th Regiment Hand A promenade concert will be held in the Drill Hall in the evening at the conclusion of which a grand display of fireworks will be Lancelot Wright Ralph HARRIS Teacher 4 given i S No 3 Gwillimbury Standing for May Sr Edna Salter Ross Squires Alfred Jr Dorothy Pearl Woods III Ernie Hazel Salter Flo Salter and Ernest Arnold equal Inez Fuller Curtis Inter III Wesley Squires Irene Kelley Jr Ill Bertie Salter Wood ing May Woods Jr Squires Harford Pt Pearl Harford Oliver Birch Roland Tab Roy Alfred Birch Frances Birch Harry Wil liams Salter Garfield Ward Edith Present every day Edna Sailer Ross Squires Dorothy Ernie Peg Flo Salter Inez Fuller Irene Kcllcy Wesley Squires Amy Hi WILLIAMS Teacher Letter from a Wisconsin Town For the Era WEST FRANKLIN busy Courteous Modern Treatment Faculties Methods Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Hacker Mount Albert Branch J ivfcvv Strictly firiteUaa in ail depart ments Magnificent catalogue lite Students admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Yooge Alexander he farmers around here are preparing their root ground and her mother were visiting friends on the con Sunday evening Mrs and daughter An nie were calling on Mrs Sunday evening Mrs K son and daughter were in the city last Saturday We are pleased to see Mrs George Graham out again after her sickness Mr Win has been laid up with a sore throat Mr Geo Grose is going to work out in Scott Mr Simmerson is going to work on the new railroad The road machine in town did not suit some very well hut I guess it makes no difference Choir practice Wednesday night Please dont forget Miss is home her mother not being well We are having fine weather now what we have been wanting for some time M Cook spent Sunday un der the parental roof No service in the church here next Sunday owing to Conference Messrs and Oldham have nearly finished their job sawing THE JOKER PROMPTLY Write tor our Invent Help it I How swindled End a sketch of vt wllltellyoa it Rejected sicceMfuIly by us fully cjuijp1 In if to work AtcnU fstroU jcoired thresh Mi- receive over tj4nei ana MARION MARION Export School Reports Frank nd Solicitor Vibf Vn NOTICE Will take In a limited cattle for pasture Good flowing well of pure water accessible flu Government will not consent to the leading of Kite Lake to wealthy Mr dropped dead in a More at on Saturday Report for May No K Margaret Smith Smith III Micks Jr HI Willie Black Johnny Al- Willie Austin Jr J I Glen Micks Jr Pt Cecil Foster Ruth Richardson PL J Melville Int I Stanley Jr Pt I Nellie Present every day Russell Austin Average A Teacher Olive Medical Examination Free By of In or ft gaituay- doctor ex- your iJXtU of physical and rtotor to axd tony vto would hay all their hair age 1B flyttca The May was Decoration Day here aday that is ob served by all Americans when busi ness is suspended and the people pay their tribute to their departed friends and to the heroes the bat tlefield As I have some spare time today I am taking the opportunity to tell you something ol Kewanee I came almost directly here from Newmarket and soon obtained a cler ical position with The Western Cube Co This is a very extensive steel plant The Co employ about five thousand men and their buildings and grounds cover thirty five acres of land They produce radiators iron pipe and brass and Iron steam fittings every description This is the only place in America where square pipe is made- It was a no vel experience to to see how pipe was made When blocks ol have been heated in the large furnaces to a glow they are taken out and rushed to the rolls men are stationed on each side who rapidly pass it back and forth between rolls diminishing thickness and in a very lev seconds it comes writhing out a flat piece of iron about thirtyfive feet long ami of varying Widths according to the size of the pipe It is intended for It is then taken to another rnjll again heated and then rolled and welded Husky giants with water streaming oft them in torrents and grim faces are madly rushing in these mills hut they cannot stand it long at a lime and are relieved by others while they go out and rest Tracks run all through the buildings and grounds and small electric motor cars draw the freight around while powerful cranes arc placed all over hoisting and moving heavy weights The Malleable iron grey iron and brass foundries machine shops and galvanizing departments are very large and it would lake a person three or lour days or possibly a week to see over the plant proper ly but the Company are very strict and impartial about visitors and uni formed policemen are stationed all over guarding the interests of the Company The plant runs night and day except Sunday There are about clerks In the office which is equipped in the most modern style was fortunate enough to receive a promotion about the first of this month and have now clerical charge of what is known as The Drive Well Point Depart ment These points which are used for driving or sinking wells and to those used by who were boring for It would the chief of the Industry formers view nrc- Not enough return In some to son for labor capital expended- During a great part of of the received for and cheese did not pay the man who milked the cower and grow would as if thero bo way to prevent these discouraging soaeons The chief cause la speculation How to la a subject well worth attention of political of spying When one considers how difficult it fa to obtain and maintain a herd of must Ixj made for thd man poor cows But of thi greatest to the securing Of better cowsis the lack orfryetem- for a doflulte purpose Is togot nor too muchf hit and mis in the methods adopted In lircriloff dairy stock The use of brad sires and tfia sticking to one breed rather than ml the are two main requisites success in establishing a- dairy hard Lack of proper reward or efforts la anothor weakness Kim the viQwpoiDt of dairy fanner Wo lad th for ail of and Its true value as result of this many of the best and most progressive pat- of our factories are leaving factory and making tho up at home or pJHng milk and cream to the clty In consequence wo find like Toronto flood- with dairy butter which often bells for a price that can Leave little or tho former yet he considers this bettor than Injustice out at factor- lea Grading of at creameries and payjrieot for milk according to Its or butter valuOfitre that bo taken by own er in order to justice to ill and to retain of beet farmers The farmer who good of his and cream by cooling it and delivering to craamory or factory in physical con dition no pay for extra cure an1 labor then argues that it does not pay him to tjoUhls ash no more for share of finished product than does his neighbor who no of raw All share alike according to and regard less of quality This Is manifestly unfair and retards Improvement In Canadian dairy product Grading and testing would seem to the remedy for this tho patrons of cream collecting creameries can produoo a tetter quality of cream by using the hand separator and cooling the cream after The pre est to be favorahlo time to separators as various comjsninles a rate war on and prices are reduced labor problem Is also a difficult for dairy jpllklng or borlous question Wa hoped to a milking In the dairy ntablo at College lofore the begun In June but It looks now as though wo should be disappointed The firm from whom wo expected got machine making wn Improvements In the which do not ox- poet to for sometime yet however that a practical milking jnuchlno will he placed on near future In the meantime dairy farmers should not grow discouraged as Is and will continue to be tho beet paying of agricul ture throughout a of years Fruit Crop Report The general conditions for fruit of nil kinds excellent The winter cold has not renultodln damage to trcs and vines The only are girdling by mice mutilation of trees by the heavy tin Maritime Provinces Minor loo- sea by winter killing In Eastern Can ada are in caseaof treea Injured but not kilted outright by winter of us In a r- a cases of trws tliat Overloaded In are almost unanimous that the show for bloom excellent It must hot bo forgotten that leal period of sotting not yt I reported over any large erea Thoj weather has been very unfavourable tor for past two weeks in Western Ontario It la too early to report on fungus and tha destructive Inaeeta Pear oo bloom is moat Plums The plum sections nil the outlook favourable light crop last year good weather conditions for growth has placed the trees In lent condition for a crop this year if frost or not Intervene- Is not too early to make preparations for an exception al crop and prevent a repetition of the disastrous losses of Peaches now plantings have scarcely balanced the or and so that even fwlth a outlook for this on healthy tres the aggregate crop will bo large Other Cherries arid bush fruits alt In good condition Strawberries are reported In fair condition but with some winterIt ling The spring frosts to date not seriously hurt- crop except in very Raspberries well but no Spraying r The spraying of tbe Departments of Agriculture and Provincial togother with the teaching of the fruit are making an Impres sion Spraying Is more general than ever before Power sprayers oper ated by parties for hire reported in several sections Foreign Countries The of the apple crop in I United States would Indicate to good crop crop Is medium with prospect of being than average- It is good tea because it Is made of the young tender juicy leaves of the tea plants Northern India and Cey lon These leaves contain a large percentage of which is a mild stimulant and an aid to digestion is why Red Rose Tea is good not only while you are drinking it but is alter you drink it Ui do work mnsi not You remombcr the fable of dog who dropped a real bono for ita which ho saw in water Bear in mind that alt is Gold Dust that glitters under the name of washing powder Dont accept a shadowy substitute get real Washing with tho Gold Dust Twins on package floors clwnlne wood work oil cloth and tlnwAie work room pices itc and soft soap- by THE K COMPANY Montreal P of FAIRY SOAP makes water soft OTHER GENERAL USES FOR GOLD DUST ooo Isomevhat ftlmlla Tin No Kin Harry Proctor Proctor Waller Travis Dunne A Virile Brown Stanley III Ira Morning I Isle At Ml Olive Cousins Stanley Morning Stanley Morning Koikes KM Toole Lincoln II Proctor Delia Willie I Willie Powell Mary Myrtle I Frank S Mo i Sr Kell er Fred Wed del Albert Mar lon Watson Mora Clara Kevante is a very pretty Utile city of about 18000 Inhabitants and Is situate about miles vast of Chicago It is thickly dotted with trees with some nice parks which might he kept in better condition The service might be improved also hut cannot expect everything to come up to Canadian standard Wo had our Union Jack floating on the but very few knew what meant Yours respectfully Nobody can help being born stu pid but anybody cari help becoming stupid than ho was born Lady Helen Forbes A woman In the States wxn a prize by giving the best answer to the conundrum Why a newspa per like a woman Her answer was man should have one of bis own and not run after his neighbors Sompeimc8 the hair is not properly nourished It suffers for food starves Then If falls out turns prematurely gray Ayers Hair Vigor Is a Iff hair food It feeds nourishes The hair stops falling long all daqr draff disappears Mr I Hi fcl4 to A lift for I Awtll SPRAINED ANKLE STIFF NECK LAME are three common ailments for which Chamberlains Pain Halm Is especially valuable If promptly applied it will save you money and fluttering when troubled with any one of these ailments For by Lloyd -ooo- Excursionists in a Panic Winnipeg Man June 1 1 It being Ascension Day the society of La old country of St Don I face chartered the river boat Alexandria for a trip up the Red River to St On reaching River Park however the boat ran Kilo and as the apparently were in her plates the captain ran her onto the river bank till the dam age could be ascertained whereat many of th passengers concluded she was sinking and vlld panic ensued for a few minutes people Jumping overboard into tho mud and getting ashore as best they could Some of these started hack to Win nipeg afoot live miles away and spread alarming reports of the foun dering of the boat which were not allayed until the Alexandria having broken out of the logs steamed hack to city with a much party of excursionists A SATISFACTORY PILE REMEDY Will cure the conditions causing the piled Try Dr Hamiltons of Mandrake Butternut Their prevents piled No known where the use of Dr Hamilton Pills failed Price Percy of Paris was drowned white canoeing The Lines big freighter is aground ftt Montreal A reckless chauffeur drove a ma- chine Into an open draw bridge a Chicago and three people vc drowned it lh A W Kilt I THE DUKE 25375 STANDARD AND REGISTERED POTTING STALLION Tho Duke is a Seal Drown Imported Trotting Stallion about hands and weighs about Race record trial driven quar ters In secondsa 158 gait Tho Duke is a large looking horse and for three combined quali ties size breeding and Speeding ho Is one of the finest Trotting In tho world MONDAY noon ho will bo at Monday night at Albert TUESDAY noon Zephyr night WEDNESDAY noon night Mr John Kays farm Virginia THURSDAY noon Queens Hotel Sutton night Delhaven FRIDAY noon Keswick and Friday from to pm Fri day night Royal Hotel where he will remain until Sat urday afternoon SATURDAY evening ho will bo at Lemons Hotel Aurora where he will remain until Monday morning Insures Living Colt days after foals If Colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will be made Anyone who will inspect this Horse before selecting a sire wo will guarantee to them a present and a Colt without charge if this Is not just as represented REYNOLDS Proprietor J in McGill St Toronto Mr Reynolds will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays to arrange loans for fanners at per cent No fees Taylor Safe For Stands about three It high Terms reasonable Ill bo sold at a bargain Apply to R6nt Furnished at Orchard Beach Lake Within min utes walk of post and JACKSON telephone Apply at this

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