Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1905, p. 1

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The ERA gives more home news every week than any two other papers in fc the Leading County Paper intelligencer and Give us the liberty to know to utter to according to above all other liberty FA No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies each- A HOT IRON A COLD HANDLE Women Who Wish to have their working utensils and comforta ble as well as useful appreciate ASBESTOS SAD IRONS continue to torture yourself on ironing clay with the oldfashioned flat iron The SAD IKON makes ironing pleasant because the handle is al ways cool The polish is so smooth that the iron will glide over the article you are ironing without a sign of sticking A Trial will Convinc Allow us to demonstrate the Asbestos Iron to you SHELF AND HEAVY WAR Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing and General NEWMARKET PHONE AND IS BETTER IK THAN EVER AGENTS FOR Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express Baggage for Trains Handled Despatch TIMOTHY TURNIP CARROT MANGOLDS OUR CEMENT NATIONAL PORTLAND LIME But Hard HUT AT J Huron Storehouse Newmarket Ont Friday June J per annum J If paid in advance What makes our Parlor crowded so at night Be cause our Ice Cream Is of THE BEST It is wade from the purest Cream and not adulterated In any form Our I Are like IceCream the and Try SIMPSON SOUTH Oar Toronto The Kilties Band Canada which has just had a most successful visit to Great Britain and Ireland arrived in Montreal on Saturday and opened their Canadian tour in Montreal They will be in Toronto at Hall for three holiday concerts on June and Saturday afternoon and evening July 1st One day last week it is estimated no less than forty newlywedded cou ples came to the city on wedding trips by the various evening trains At one downtown hotel no less than nine bridal parties were registered A citizen who does not wish his name mentioned made a peculiar find in his back yard last week He was doing sonic work round the premises when lie happened lift a board ly ing close to the back fence when his attention was attracted by a parcel with newspaper wrappings Unfold ing the paper he was surprised to find four gold watches A closer in spection showed that they were gold filled but an expert to whom they shown estimated that two of these were worth from to MO and the other two from to The openair Horse Show and pa rade on Dominion Day to be held in the Queens Park promises to be a grand success Of the fortyone classes provided in the prize list arc devoted to the light harness horse six to the saddle horse three to appointment classes including one for lady drivers The balance are commercial classes Hon Frank Cochrane the new Min ister of Lands and Mines has enter ed upon his duties at the Parliament Buildings Various Old Boys Associations are making arrangements for outings lo their respective home counties but North York dont seem to be in the run up to the present Possibly ar rangements may be made for an ex cursion to Newmarket at the time of the Fall Fair Hundreds are looking for an announcement- The new general tax on manufac turers machinery will not he collect ed this year by the city the manu facturers being called upon only lo pay school taxes on their equipment This is because the taxes for rti levied on last years assessment The Ontario Society for the Refor mation of Inebriates will commence active operations at an early day The work of organizing was complet ed towards the close of last week The Society has received an offer from the Western Hospital supply a tent and hoard patients at r per week The Government licenses places to make inebriates and char ity tries to cure the wellies The Highlanders Baud go to Hunts ville for the 1st of July At a social event up in a western city called a garden party in aid of a Parish Guild an item the was a game of Aunt Sally now three or four church organ isations here are asking pastors if they can have a game of Aunt Sally charging a a throw and giv ing a piece of pie or dish of ice cream lo winners Parliament has passed an appropri ation of for a westerly ex tension of the Island breakwater It is to be IU0O A movement is on foot to have a portrait of Hon Henry Sherwood who was Mayor of this oily from to placed in the City Hall He also represented the city in the old parliament of Upper Canada and was AttorneyGeneral when the deci mal currency system was taken up in Ontario An early morning fire on Saturday in a storage building lie foot of street did WW damage The Fairies Milling Co John Gilchrist and Palmer Piano Co were chief sufferers Cause of fire a mys tery The public schools of the city will close June reopen Sept Special train leaves the Union De pot every Wednesday and Saturday at for Point Heturning leaves for the city every Monday and Thursday at am Mrs gave a small dinner dance on Thursday night last week at her house in street The table a Jong one was decorated with red and white roses Premier Whitney has been visiting his old home at Morrlshyrg the past few days Michael Sullivan While bathing In the Don River on the Inst was drowned He resided in Kant York A Scotch Immigrant named John Henderson was relieved of by a confidence man at the Union Sta tion PERU INVIGORATES REFRESHES Council Council met June with fol lowing members present Mayor Councillors Robertson Cane Coombs hunter and ville Following accounts were ordered to be paid United Factories cartage Keg Office registering deed old Reg Office Can Ex Co electric supplies Can Gen Co supplies GTR charity ticket to Bar- Toronto Pottery Co sewer pipe loo GTR freight on sewer pipe Newmarket Era account Pay Sheet No Sheet No Pay Sheet No 25 Pay Sheet No B GO 10 For the Era The Sovereign Bank of the Sea BY A Some Features of a Unique Annual Report Sheet No I Lockup account received from Mr taxed persons When the mind Is Thompson and Mrs Miller for water the body will toon bo worn service Granted out also but Pervnahvlfcorates tbo Application of for body and refreshes the mind I have electric light was referred to also fauud It a relief in esses severe art never without tot home and consider It a houschoiJ Requisition of Public School Board j blessing Miss Maggie Becker for was referred to Finance Mrs Christopher iliehmann Com riant writes Bill of Andrew Hunter for have been sick catarrh of the repairs to water works furnace was stomach and pelvic for about ordered to be paid five years and had doctor but A on behalf of coold help me would the Firemen petitioned the Council j Dover get over it almanac I not to set apart a permanent day read of those who bad been cured by or a Civic Holiday as asked by a- then thought would try petition presented from Mr It I did and relief with the first Cassidy and others took and after two more On motion of Mr Coombs second- by Mr Cane it was resolved that j the petition of Mr he not The bottom of the sea in daces is The quantity of information given a scene of picturesque beauty and to shareholders and the public is adornment almost equalling the love- the striking the Sovereign terrestrial displays of natures Banks third annual report published lavish richness Perhaps the best in another column Few if any fir- idea of all this elegant and ornate institutions are so open about beauty can be gained the aquarium their affairs as is this one Almost at Naples which is reputed to be the everything is revealed except the con- finest though not the largest in the of the individual customers world accounts In fact the management Here arc a number of large seem to have adopted the new tically arranged tanks tenanted by trine of publicity up to the hilt varied denizens of the deep and in doing so we think it has made mous conger eels almost as large as a wise move towards maintaining the cobras some half concealed behind confidence of the public The more rocks their cunning eyes watching details regarding nances an for prey others contorted like a stitution gives to the people the less snake about to strike shoals of likely will the financial statements of beautiful Mediterranean fish such to in the cleverly arranged light cooking Not thai any of our rays as though formed of sparkling highclass hanks resort to such moth- gems while in other tanks arc large oils to make a good showing but specimens of that most repulsive of some other companies have done so all marine animals the octopus their For this reason pub thing great blear eyes leering with an ex- to be desired and encouraged of positive malignity and It may be due to the pursuit wickedness which as a good sized this frank policy that the bank crab is dropped near them changes boasts nearly shareholders with to a look of gloating rapacity as average of 15 shares apiece This to its insatiable maw But far more beautiful tanks arranged as gardens of the sea of Here is one a very fairygrove laid to out Ike a brilliant floral in tne catering to the small I was as well and strong as I was free Home Advice In view of the great multitude of women Buffering from some form of fern ale disease andyettmable to any Dr the reoormed specialist on female has announced hi willingness to direct the treatment of mm many case as granted Mr Robertson introduced a bylaw to raise the sum of for the purpose of making improvements in the town sidewalks Bylaw read a and third lime and passed unanimously Thus wishing to thc addreas The money to pay current expenditures Col umbos Ohio Boys at up so as to make the exist- such bylaw thoroughly Dangerous Diarrhoea Prevalent a in Summer Months What Mother Should Ho Ivor Use the bylaw to raise WMM in J the usual way and to have a number notices of the AntiSpitting By- Jaw put of known June IS Two drowning Mr Coombs presented a bylaw to accidents have happened here during provide for the removal certain the past twentyfour hours The trees on Park Ave between Victoria first took place last night about Ave and Lome Ave Oclock on Jake when the Council adjourned sevenyearold son of Mr James Smith lost his life The little fel low with a companion younger than was in bathing just north of the harbor The water is quite shallow for a few feet then takes a steep drop down In get ting beyond his depth he was I The lit lie fellow was a bright Children are more likely to he attractive boy and a meal fa- tacked by diarrhoea during the sum- vorite with the summer visitors at months that at any other water resort son It is one of the most second accident occurred this symptoms of illness in a child of afternoon about oclock the vieljm any age But it should be Byron thc seventeenyearold that diarrhoea Is a symptom sou of Mr William Davis of this not a disease Never try to stop town President of the South On- diarrhoea because it is an effort of lario Reform Association It nature to cleanse the bowels and get in the Creek at the ml of the decayed foodsi uffs in them rear of the Woollen Mills Diarrhoea bad hut things would in an old swimming hole known as worse for Hie child If diarrhoea grape vine On coming out didnt come While a mother should from school the young man with never try to stop diarrhoea she companions started for the slop the cause Diarrhoea is swimming hole On arriving there a symptom of indigestion having set young Davis dived and never came lo decay In the food that Is in the surface having dived- head first bowels and the way lo cure it is to Into a mud hole and stuck there Mile tender bowels with His companions dived In after him Own Tablets It would seem and found him as stated his feet lo treat diarrhoea with a sticking up In water They re- laxative if We didnt remember the leased him as soon as possible but diarrhoea and Con ine body was lifeless when recovered arc the result of young man was popular different forms and among the young people of the town arc Own Tab- and was preparing to write for his arc more than firstrcIasK certificate at the They arc absolutely High School next month for all the minor Ills that come to Infants and young children whether a newborn babe or a hoy or loklo June Core- years Heres a who were securing a torpedo that had been washed ashore on the Core- says my an coast were all blown to was he had diarrhoea by the explosion of thc torpedo vcry ftml The County Council passed a res- well I gave him Own Tab- that a peli to lets and was no more trouble the Ontario Government to pay more I now always give him the Tablets attention lo reforesterlng of old- when he has any little ailment and portions of the province he Is soon better At this season to reforest the poorer lands In no mother should be without townships of King Whitchurch and Own Tablets in the house You can in the county of get them from medicine or York by mail at a box by writing r Medicine Co Km moving out of lis den the hideous is wide distribution of stock and ungainly creature descends like a with this stands another fact ghoul upon the poor crustacean slmi character viz the is soon crushed and transferred Banks customers number the aggregate nearly arc the customers are depositors on that to the small sav- foreground a number of titan- has n0 lined seaanemones some resembling hc Japanese with long drooping ate and some more like inc heir terrestrial namesake the sear- ffl reiiuces jet anemone though the resemblance borrowed by each to immediately ceases if a shrimp or A rcs takcn togelhcr other small creature approaches too near those waving tentacles which immediately close over it and giv ing a deadly hug widen probably crushes it lo death lodge it in the tubelike body of the animal where it is devoured at leisure at the side are a la presumabl same genus of a beautiful deep or- atigc hue somewhat resembling the SSL W flowers o one of the orchids while paidup capital The past years on the y arranged racks e 0 3 around depend graceful droop- jtal is algae with long feathery fronds tic or other and varied forms of these J beautiful owers of the sea l nCttr And more striking than all is a Up J tank the back portion of which arranged as a gloomy dark cavern t perhaps to bring into greater extension might the extraordinary vivid hues- he pursued to the organisms in foreground 0 one in which is surely the most Ranches might thus opened up graeclul and most fascinating and f l but the president assures handsome object which can J the large field over which this young banks business has in three years been spread The rapidity with Which the new stock offered to the public has been subscribed for is I another thing worthy of note here Or a rock IvTlso of it months ended April rang perfect i most lovely seagreen carried forward to profit and loss this lavish how sublime during year Of and transcendent he those management has In actual realms on high where is the or Throne of Majestic Creator hc f all and where those and those institution Deposits last year grew alone who love and serve Him and the note circulation by who are redeemed through the indicating the extent vlours atonement for them will in favor enjoyed company with angels and with those whom they loved on earth revel in Three people were killed and sixty of till Christmas for the enjoyment pleasures and folic- wounded at Hungary ties which the mind of man cannot in Hot caused by a of show- conceive throughout the never end- ages of eternity I Joseph Corbeillc of Montreal died from sunstroke and several cases were reported among thc soldiers at Mrs Susan Diamond was com- London and Niagara camps for trial at Mndoe on a charge of Markham and of poisoning her sons wit Vaughan Metropolitan Railway and Adjatawlll wake up one of these York County will act in concert In fine mornings and find Itself famous raising grade of the roadbed at if it does not stop producing sensa- Thc total cost will bo Last week detectives ami countys share and Queer stepped of train here There were drownings last and hastened to Mayor Fishers of- Saturday In Canada There were flee where they secured a warrant canoeists in British Columbia an the arrest of an Adjala young Mayor at Ottawa a married man at man on a charge of making coins a Kingston a young man about to be business for which thc Government married at Place a fl-yr- holds a perpetual franchise They hoy at Toronto Junction and took Constable Williams in tow and of ago at Brampton soon located the scene of the pros- 1 years ago seven per peeled mint and Interviewed tho population lived in the priclor did not however fl rest him They did not see any dies or anything to show that he was iomH preparing lo set up in opposl- fiay on arms and lion to Government mint th of little shops at the It seems was directs to the young man soiiie correspond- account lor the change he is alleged have had with securing dies titer action may secure Herald be taken unless the further evidence it 33W

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