Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1905, p. 6

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A THE ERA JUNE rf- NEWMARKET DENTIST Will bo at Albert 2nd aid Tuesday of each month V Seed Peas Received car of seed peas from the North all Price per bushel Also have on hand the very choicest Red Clover and for SHIELDS Albert Jersey Grades for Sale Heller from month to Fresh old have been bred also Cows For further partUuIars to Mount Albert MANAGER PERSONAL Mr and Mrs J 1 Rowland spent Monday in Toronto Miss Walton spent Sunday at Jacksons Point- Mrs Brewer of is spend ing a few days at the home of her brother Mr Grose Mr of was in town on Monday Mr Robert of is spending a few days at the home of his brother John Mr James Paisley of St Paul Minn is in town at the home of his sister Mrs Terry Timber Lot for Sale West of East of Lot Con Scott which la a large quantity of hardwood hemlock except in regard attendance tamarack For terms and Rain fell nearly all day and continued SUCCESSFUL CONCERT The concert in aid of the choir held in the Methodist Church on Friday night was successful in every respect ftax and tamarack particulars apply to DAVIDSON Albert falling up to the hour for commenc- the concert Those who attend ed were well repaid for braving the elements as the entertainment was a most enjoyable one Mr Oscar Barker of the Silver Slipper Co New York gave several t selections which delighted the audience Miss Tile Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Terry and Mr Allison also Capital acccJlably Mr Available HEAD CANADA OKA BOARD Or Gauli Cuilrniao J Deputy Samuel Clous- ton Alex Accepted tU Current Davidson Albert for Dominion Mails fer of Newmarket gave a number of selections on the which were well received There were also some good selections by the orchestra as sisted by Mr A and Mr A J Hughes Sharon which were much enjoyed Try Oar Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark Ail Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT COLLEGE CORNERS I am gratified to note tho rapidly increasing interest being token in fancy poultry culture which now oc cupies minds of many Canadians in all parts of the Dominion evidenc ed by the numerous poultry showy which take place It is a and decidedly interesting hobby whilst it is full of diversity and offers a fund of pleasure and recreation for our spare moments and if a fair amount of energy and perseverance be devoted to fancy poultry it is assuredly most remunerative and profitable The name of Mr J is well known the lovers of fancy poultry inasmuch as for many years he has cleared the board at most of our local poultry shows Mr delights in advancing his hobby and is fortunate in getting eggs from the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream it preserves the leather We sell the celebrated J time Shoe Polish Once used always used also a full line of Tan Polish Fine Shoe Repairing and Ordered Work NOTICE Public Decoration Day in Queens- ville Cemetery on the 24th day of June on the Cemetery Ground at oclock in the afternoon for the pur- Flowers and otherwise decorating the ground Prcs J J TERRY Treas J AYLWARD Voters List Notice H ROSS MOUNT ALBERT FOR SPECIAL I Nobby Clothing AND Boots and Shoes COME TO H ROSS ALBERT The excursion to on Monday was taken in by several from this vicinity Mr Brooks is making good progress with his cement block expects to have the roof on by the end of next week weather permitting Mr H Ross has built a summer cottage on his lot down by the creek The architectural design is decidedly original being a happy combination of the ancient mediaeval and modern Mr Barker has kindly con tented to sing in the Methodist Church at the evening service next Sunday Tne Methodist Church are consider ing holding another concert on the evening July 1st The Presbyterians have decided not to hold their annual garden party this year Mr If is building a verandah in front of his store The Sutton flyer made its first trip to the lake on Saturday Mr Stephen Grose has gone to Sutton for a few days Mr who has been princi pal of the Public School for the past two years has resigned and will leave at the of the present term Our hawball learn will go to Sut ton on July 1st Messrs and Byron For rest returned this week front Saska toon where they have been for the past two months Mr Eugene Holt disposed of a fine team of horses to Mr- Tor rance of J Morgan will deliver his farewell sermon on Sunday next He goes to Brampton and Rev wards is his successor on this cir cuit Mr Joseph barn on the concession of East was struck by lightning and burned on Sunday A number our young people held a picnic at Jacksons Point on Wed nesday Spring Goods Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pails Cream Cans Churns AND Butter Bowls J ROWLAND Mount Albert TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH County of York Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned in sections and of the Ontario Voters List Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the lists made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of said municipality to be entitled to vote In the munici pality for members the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first post ed up in my office on the day of July and remains there for in spection Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take Immediate proceedings to have the said corrected according to law J Clerk of Whitchurch Dated this day of June most experienced breeders of this country His valuable now consists of Plymouth Buff Or pingtons and White Leghorns The Rev McDonald will take up the duties of at McMillans corners on Sunday next- at pm The farmers around this district have started their mowers they are asking for now is fine weather SUTTON Mr John returned here from Winnipeg on Tuesday of week Wo hear that they intend to live here of Toronto hae visit ing her sister Mrs McKay Her health is not much better than when she was here in the winter Mrs a daughter of Mr Jos Matt who in Color ado was brought home and buried in St Anthonys Cemetery on Wednes day Mrs Boadway who has been vis ing friends in came homo on Monday week Mrs who has been visiting her daughter Mrs Rev Stanley Robinson at returned home Mr Scott spent Sunday under parental roof We understand that the Silk Company which he has been engaged with for several years intend Bonding him to England to introduce their wares into that part of the world Rev Geo Yeomans preached for Rev McArthur last Sunday as the latter gentleman has gone out to the West for the benefit of his wifes health Rev Neil McDonald is to take charge of the field in the mean time Mr John Walsh of Hastings is assistant at the Station Rev Mr Pickering preached Sun day evening in the Methodist Church Mr J W Yeomans accompanied his brother lastSunday There were a number of tickets sold on Monday for the excursion twentysix altogether Among the number who took advantage of cheap trip were Mrs Mrs Jerry Graham Mr and Mrs Walker Holboin Mr John Howard Lester Kemp Dr and Mrs Some of titan went only as far as Toronto returning by regular train Miss of Rochester arrived on Monday evening to be the guest of the Misses and We hear that the ladies of Sutton have decided to a club 1 County Engineer of Tor onto was hero lately examining the Town Hall Will likely have his re port in by this time JUST WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD DO Mr J Barber always keeps a bottle of Chamber lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use Attacks of colic cholera mor bus and diarrhoea come on so sud denly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine Mr says I have tried Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the beat medicines I ever saw I keep a bottle of it my room as I have bad eeveral attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever UEed Sold by Lloyd ALBERT I DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green i Bought in bulk and put up by Poison Fiy Paper and Tanglefoot At Kingston John guilty to changing the denomina tion of hills and parsing the bills ho Changed Me was sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills We alto carry a full lino Patent Medicines among them and Rheumatic Cure and Family Re- receive pergonal attention ft day or night T LLOYD r Doors 8ash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber on the material for your house this spring and have money JjUDiher Shingles north ok Toronto F OUR PRICES Prices weight with Fur niture buyers Nobody that for a single min ute All prices here are fair and honest Wo eel I for leas than It coats and we charge not a single cent more than wo have to We think that Is good busi ness Prove it by anything that is sola here Prove it by the goodness prove it by price ALLAN THEAKER Canadian Manufacturers Welcomed the King London June The wholn party of the Canadian Manufacturers journeyed to Windsor today and were received by the King All expressed themselves as delightedly surprised with the reception A special train was furnished at to take the visitors to Windsor Lord met the whole party and drove them to Mausoleum which was especially opened for the occasion thence through the park to the cas tle Lord Knollys the Kings pri- is Paints Oils Varnishes Window Shades GOOD VARIETY AND QUALITY AT THE MOUNT ALBERT HARDWARE STORE a bub MOUNT CM I vate secretary and Colonial Score- I DONT GIVE IT AWAY were present and on the approach of the party the King and Queen accompanied by the Prince of Wales and their two eldest child ren came on the terrace Lord and Sir William who accompanied the party engaged the King in conversation for a few moments and afterwards the officers or the association were introduced to the King and Queen who personally greeted them The King them en- tercd into conversation with Mr K George and seemed interested in the movements of the party express- ing pleasure at their safe arrival After a brief delay the party then divided into three groups and paid their respects to their Majesties The King addressed the manufactur ers saying I am greatly pleased at your presence here today I wel come you to England and to Windsor especially and I hope you will have a safe return after enjoying a pleas ant hour with us here After partaking of refreshments in the orangery the whole party was conducted through the State Apart ments of the castle after which roy al carriages took them to the sta tion The prisoners in the Toronto jail tried to organize a strike against earning their bread and water hut a dose of three or four days of soli tary confinement caused the recalci trants to think there is dignity in labor Wool Is Valuable This Year Sell to Ill ILL A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A GEO SON NEW LINOLEUMS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS H MT ALBERT The home of Mr and Mrs was on Tues day Juno of an interesting event when their eldest daughter Miss Mabel was united in to Mr Carman P of Toronto The ceremony performed at three oclock pm by J It Stevenson of in the pres ence of immediate friends of ho bride The was becomingly droned in cream ilk voile with tritium After partaking of a wedding the happy couple left in midst of the heartiest wishes of their friends on their nip to tho Thous and Islands and Rochester The bride a travelling of dark brown broadcloth with hat to match The bridegrooms gift to tho bride a largo gold crescent set with peailn On their return Mr and Mrs Matters will take up their res id eh in Toronto and will homo to their friends after August first AURORA A monitor Demonstration will bo bold hero on the of July by who making this bent of their annual celebrations Tho specialties include a between Regiment and Body Guard music- by the 12th Keg land a Concert in the evening concluded by a grand display of fireworks OOO 9 We arc also Buyers of Butter Lard Honey Potatoes and Fresh Fruit Currants Strawberries Raspberries Gooseberries Cherries and Plums ens and reg for 495 Youths 8ults reg for Boys Suits reg for Little Gents Suits reg for 0 Best Fine Windsor Salt Barrel Carload just arrived Windsor fine Salt very special A find of coal In the clay belt of New Ontario reported Prorogation in In the air and it la now confidently anticipated that Par liament will up tho business of present session on or before the of July The Dominion wont he although It may cause a pang to Ottawa social GROCERY SPECIAL largo bottles Mixed Pickles Pickles In palls very special pall for Malta Vita 15c for Force for 25c with Plant Iron In It Wells Butter Color 25c for Yeast Cakes box bottles best Extracts for 25c Best Soda lb lbs finest Pearl Tapioca Id Fresh Clean Corn Meal Kino Imported Sardines tin for Honey reg lb for Pork and Deans special tin Christies Ginger Snaps reg lb for Christies Fancy Mixed lb for Christies Lemon for TipTop Soap Chips Canned Apples large tin Canned can pics can Canned Pears can Finest Red Salmon can Lady at for Blended Coffee tin Breakfast Blend Coffee tin Crushed Mocha and Java lb for 30c Victoria Square for Corned Beef 2lb tin each for lb Dates lb Tomato Catsup tins for Wo have on hand a full supply of Mangold Sugar Turnip Flax and Field Corn Highest prices for Produce a Carrot Johnstons Cask Store 6 a 4 a

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