THE NEWARKET ERA FRIDAY- JT5NE CHINA HALL Weeks Hems Friday Market At the request of the hucksters market will he held next week pa Friday on account of Saturday July 1st being a public holiday Might Hove Been While Rev J and two children were driving on Eagle St Court of Revision Met June with following members present Messrs chairman Robertson and new names were added to the roll Lake Doyle changed from tenant of Eagle Hotel to owner of Queen St John Ough changed from tenant pi Central Hotel to Eagle Hotel Court adjourned sine die Change in Time Table There has been a change a few June Saturday afternoon one of the hind minutes in the time the passenger wheels of the buggy- came off drop- trains leave Newmarket station ping the rig down to the axle- A Which the travelling public will do little inconvenience was the only re- to bear in mind The train suit but had the horse been skittish formerly going south at now there is no telling what would have leaves at going north happened at going south leaves at 132 going north leaves at trains cross here at Friends Church instead of Just enough difference to cause a long wait The church was filled full on Sun day morning it being a united ser vice of the Friends and Christian Festival congregations occasioned by the Spring and Summer consign- of Rev pastor mi of Dinner and Toilet Sets are Church at the Con ference at Rev Cor nell preached a very interesting ser mon based on Judging from well to hand now we for quick sale R- SETS Much Below Regnlar Prices One line wo sell for regular price a perfect set of good quali ty For we give yon one of our tegular Toilet Sets and for we give you a handsome set regular price is I A SNAP IN PRUNES to clear them out quick Our regular quality lbs for 25c Excelsior Coffee has stood the test for 15 years with and has given perfect sa tisfaction Do You Use It Cur Japan Tea is Good The Leading Sellable UptoDate Telephone A present to be bought maybe More than likely that you will buy It at a Jewelry Store Have you ever looked over our stock of For presents for brides June Weddings we have some especially suitable such as Pearl Brooches and Pendants Pearl Rings Pearl Stick Pins Our stock of regulation ding Rings In all and prices No use trying to tell you all about them here so the Invitation for you to CALL as soon as poelble ATKINSON CO JBWELBRB CWCOLE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT and the congregation listened with intense interest to the earnest exhortation of the preacher who treated his text thoroughly and fast ened the truths of his subject on the hearts of his hearers Mr and Mrs returned missionaries from Japan were to ad dress a meeting in the Friends Church last evening appearing in Japanese costume A Strawberry Festival will be held on the lawn of the Christian Parson age the joint auspices of the Ladies Aid and Christian Societies on the evening of Wednes day June The price of ad mission has been fixed at which will entitle holder to Strawber ries and cream at the tables A booth on the grounds will supply other fruits and icecream As the proceeds arc for the repair fund of the church the Societies hope for a large gathering and extend a hearty welcome to all comers Methodist Church The choir furnished some good mu sic last Sunday In the morning Miss and Mr Young sang a duett and Mr Walter Stephens led in The Glory Song In the evening Miss Maud Richardson took the solo part of the anthem Consider the Lilies and Mr Barker gave Rock of Ages all of which were very well Hughes window No great damage was done lately been singing in New York The pastor gave a sketch of the work of Conference in the morning and Rev Bedford of Aurora preached in the evening Next Sunday Rev R J takes the anniversary services on Another An accident which might have re sulted seriously occurred on Main St about noon Saturday in front of Hughes Millinery store Just as the Metropolitan freight car was coming up the street two horses on the west side of the track started to cut up A mixup occurred and when the smoke cleared away one rig was on its side in the road and the other was on the sidewalk the horse the in Decoration Day At a meeting of the Cemetery Board last Friday it was decided to the Epsom circuit Rev Wheat ley hold the annual decoration of preaching here both morning and cemetery on July at pm evening committee was appointed to ar range for speakers and music suitable for the occasion The directors have seen to it that the grounds arc in order and it is to be hoped the general public will manifest the al interest in cooperating with the A new carter in Town got into trouble last week because he com menced business before taking out a license for inserting obituary g city the dead as beautiful as poetry County Councillor Jos Rogers possible on this yearly day show- a f u respect to the memory of King tied his horse in one of the ho- sheds on Wednesday of last week It broke the halter and was a free- Passed ficuay After about two years of patient commoner for a couple of days The new transformer at the corner of Main and Timothy was tawUSS William Cockcrill pass ed out Tuesday night The Davis Leather Co Football Jun 8th team will enter in the tournament Warwickshire at Lake on Saturday and Ryan one of their players had Newmarket and vicinity leg injured at practice Tuesday night since Wier in the umpires box in the Jjail Deceased leaves a widow and nine game could be heard all over Town children to mourn the loss of a Saturday He makes a aml official from the spectators stand point The family consists of six sons and three daughters Mrs Win The Volunteers will he home from Newmarket Ensign camp tomorrow Homegrown wherries good size were selling yesterday at two baskets lor 22c and 25c The longest day is passed again and now the daylight will diminish New Voters Lists for the of Whitchurch are out June Minutes of County Council will be ready next week Thc tile drain on Queen St west which the property holders along the street are putting in was completed this week Last Saturday Mr and fam ily of King were shopping in New market and at the conclusion of his of Saratoga Springs Albert Newmarket at Michigan Arthur Newmarket of Wellington of Toronto Mrs A Miner Toronto Junction Mrs Ward New market and one brother Mr Sri ol Newmarket funeral services which were held on Saturday were conducted by the Iter and largely attended the employees of the Office Specialty attending in a body The many floral tributes which de corated the casket showed the es teem in which the deceased was held Toronto Exhibition The Prize List for Canadian business he drove to Mr Saunders National Exhibition Toronto nt residence Millard Ave where they which this year will be held from all got out the rig two lit- Aug 29th to Sept 90i both days tie sons Mr Saunders boylike inclusive has come to hand climbed into the buggy and Mr premiums to be distributed amount thinking to give the horse some grass including medals plate and specials attempted to take oil the bridle at to upwards of In value which the horse jumped at him which is In actual cash knocked him down drew the buggy j Field Marshal Lord Roberts VO 1st over him and started off on a tour to officiate at thc opening around town It ran up Millard Ave ceremonies on Tuesday August down Lome Ave and turned at and to be a constant vJb- St where it collided during the first week The la the sidewalk throwing the eldest boy hand of the Irish Guards con- over Mr fence and the the finest military musical one into the road The horse in the United Kingdom Red Feather Tea ShermanWill lama Faints Paints Millinery to Cash Purchasers Free Delivery here took the sidewalk until the front wheel caught In a tie post when It broke oft almost turning the buggy over and was free I to run to Main St where it turned south and followed the Metropolitan ear track as far aa the bridge across the entrance to Dutchmans Hay thru which It fell When taken out the horse walked rather though a few cuts and scratches were IvlKlMe ft was taken to the Royal Hotel stables where it died before midnight being hurt Internally Mr Perm was not seriously hurt hut little Saunders left side was severely bruised The buggy which been hut two or times Manager Canadian National COLE KESWICK badly damaged iifoji Oily Haft Toronto and the household hand of His Majesty the King will give two concerts on the grounds Pic tures and art treasures loaned by the King Abbeys great Coronation pic ture being included the Corporation of the City of London the Republic of France South Kensington Museum Right Hon Lord Strathcona and o Ontario Hon Mortimer Clarke will contribute to the most magnificent and most his torical display of art ever made On this continent Entries close Aug Copies of the list and entry blanks can bo had on applica tion to J Secretary and THIRD ANNUAL REPORT The third Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Sovereign Bank of Canada twos at the Head Office Toronto on ton Inst and was largely attended Amongst present wore Randolph A Allan If Stewart Hon I McMillan Arch Campbell P John A B Dement P Beck PyfceyT rank Turner John Ant drew Smith Hon vine Young J Junkln Alex Grattam Graham Browne P Snyder and others DIRECTORS REPORT The Directors beg to present to the Shareholders the Third Annual showing the of the of for the year end ed April Balance at credit Of Profit and Account on April Net profits for the year April after deducting Charges of Management Municipal Taxes all Advertising Expenses and accrued on lt8 and after making full provision for all Bad and Doubt ful Debts Thia has been appropriated Follows Quarterly Dividends at per cent per annum- No paid August 1625000 No paid November No paid No paid Amy Transferrin to Fund Written off Bank Premises Reserved for Rebate of Discount on 1000000 Bills not yet ttue Balance carried f lit RESERVE FUND A Large Variety of J Smoked and J Clear Bacon WHAT COOKED MEATS ON ICE -oo- Our Japan Tea has vanquished all Adversa ries preeminently superior to any 25c Japan Tea on the Market It is a brave sturdy Tea Strong in the cup Monster at credit of account April Transferred from Profit nd Account Total April Branches Or sabagencles have been opened at the following places dur ing the past year Dunham Gait London St Toronto Tweed Wyoming At four of places ttiennk took over the businestf of private and at ell ol them the Outlook The crope Id Ontario were below the average last year and the past winter was one the hardest for many years but tin or circumstances every department of the Banks has mode Rood progress- and the outlook the present Is distinctly favorable The Increase of in and in note circula tion cannot fall to be gratifying to the as It affords convincing evidence of a growth of public confidence In fche Bank of which any Canadian Institution might be assets show an Increase of year to Of this there is In actual cash or at credit with our bankers or more than the entire capital the bank The Increase In the Bank Premises account Is chiefly rlue to the pur chase of a valuable site on the principal financial thoroughfare dn Montreal and the erection of a first class tenstorey building the ground floor of which will be occupied by the Montreal Branch and the first floor by the General Manager and staff Mr Holt President and Mr- Director retired from the Board during the year and the vacancies thereby created wore filled by the election of K ono of the original share liolders of the Bank and P M Stewart The was filled by the VicePresident Mr Randolph and Mr Alexander A Allan because VicePresident whilst Mr- Stewart In recognition of Ids nervines wan made 2nd as General Manager The number of Shareholders on April was 887 as compared with In representing an average holding of 1464 shams per This Is very wide distribution satisfactory bo- to the public Tho Director again wish toplaceon record their appreciation of the teal and energy displayed by thy of the Bank from Junior up to and Including tho General Manager RANDOLPH President Catsup for 3 Tins lbs each Baked Beans Tins Domestic Sardines 25c 1gallon Tin Apples 20c lbs Dark Brown Sugar lb Tin Baking Powder 1 lb Tin Turkish Coffee 15c Pineapples are at their best we have made a large purchase of extra fine stock and are offering at reasonable prices Buy today For Saturday Strawberries Ripe Bananas Cucumbers Celery etc lbs Choice Butter lb To Tho COMPARATIVE STATEMENT April 20tlt April Note of the In cir culation Deposit in terest Interest In Great 004327070 T Capital Block up Kami Mo pajablo Dividend May Former of wirrbyl forward 130000000 40000000 and coin 15123743 of Dominion wltb Do minion Government for of note circula tion I of and on other duo by other In Canada Duo In Foreign Countries Hallway Municipal and otlier Call and otlier by Grain eto 4884870 5874191 Current rebate of count 475880298 Due good no to tor Bank Of floe Furniture I Other 47403080 00244O517 28544701 Montreal April D if 2nd VicoPrri4ont and Manager CHOICE NAVAL ORANGES Phone 35 HARDY President PRESIDENTS ADDRESS In the adoption of spoke follows I of the applicants for Charter Of Incorporation of this institution and it is with of pride that I stand you its President The conservative principles which have al ways governed the bonk will not be from while I hold of floe As you have been Informed It was found Issue 825000 ad- stock and the manner In which this has been taken gratifying The Directors and myself feel that the actual earning and position of the Bank are new sufficient to warrant an Increase In dividend Tho rate for the present quarter will be percent or per cent per fully expect to bo able to this rate and also make handsome additions to Fund and otherwise strengthen tho Bank The General Manager three months in Great Britain and Continent and woe successful In furthering Interests of the Bank England and in financial centres of Europe The Mr A A seconding motion adopting the Directors Report referred lo glowing terms to the energy and ability dis played by and that the Board always had pleasure in making a of money for conference of the and managerial which did to promote in good esprit do corps the officers and advance the Interests of the Bank MANAGERS ADDRESS The General Mauagor hoped that statements submitted would bo found satisfactory and that further Information now given would enable thp shareholders to form accurate estimate of the actual of the Bank The all public 1 labilities was and over por cent of assets immediately available the proportion of latter being per sent of the total deposits which was a highly satisfactory showing Tho overdo debts good and only th Bank having or provided for all bad and doubtful debts out of tho years profits The Bank had depositors Anil customers making a total of which ho considered a splendid cllontelle to I I red In three years deposits average but 811 per customer and show an average of per borrower which ought tho most exacting shareholder Til Genera Manager stated that he hod intended from Banks in that It should not bo local but that if it should become Institution with business connections all oveo the This had boon largely accomplished already and Mi Banks American and foreign business liad attained very important Wlthlii a week after slmrehoWon hod been notified of new allotment of stock applications had than Issue and although first Installment la not duo until the Juno 126000 had boon reoolvud making paidup capl 1400000 alio Better Fund Excluding ap plications the Bank received subscriptions for nearly p000 shares out of a total Issue of There wero only shares loft and for nearly ten times ring to these ftcts Mr stated that greatest com- management of the Sovereign Bank received and It should be In further establishing th confidence of the public in the institution Id Mr Stewart said that too results a oh Loved by Sov ereign Bunk were to hist own immediate and the staff generally staff of tho The usual votes of thanks to and were made and refer re1 to lu euloglstlo terms by The wore elected Randolph A A Allan Stewart McMillan Hod Peter McLaron Campbell P John At a subsequent mooting of Board Mr Randolph President Mr A A Allan First and Mr VlcoProsidont and Contra Manager DP DENTIST Hals St Newmarket OF LICENSES BUTION