Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1905, p. 8

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Pi HAY ffSJj third of a century Dr Fierce Golden Medical told more fergelj blood or ever be fore Is tbtt not the true Us If Cores oth ers why not Make rich red An of of of impover ishment of the blood force is used when alterative extract of beibs roots without the of alcohol like Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discover- This vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive functions helps in the assimilation of food or rather takes from the food just the nutri ment the blood requires Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery purifier the blood and entirely eradicates the poisons that breed and feed disease It thus cures scrofula ere ma erysipelas boils pimples and other eruptions that mar and scar the skin Pare blood is essential to good health The weak run down debilitated condition which so many f Me die COS- AURORA conditions was reasonably and judgment for the Insurance Co An appeal was made dis missed on Saturday at Kail with costs against plaint in After an illness of about three weeks duration Mr and Mrs David little son Marshall aged five years died Tuesday morning The cause of death was rheumatism of the heart Explosion of Dynamite Waterspout Feet High Cairo June worlds record in submarine explosions has been made at Alexandria with a ment of explosives from Glas gow which was being shipped to Cairo native boats One of the and The Railway was put tons of dynamite was wrecked experience is commonly effect of impure blood Dr Pierces Golden Medical DiscoTerr not only cleanses blood of impurities but it increases ac tivity of blood- making glands and it enriches body with abundant of pare rich matter bow powerful the intellect or resources of intellectual poorer it most be backed up by physical force Every day the youth or man must out of business on Wednesday While attempting to- take the old locomo tive which has stood on the siding at since last fall to Bond Lake the rails spread near herewith the result that the engine and tender were derailed The tender into the bank and was damaged Fortunately no person was injured Had the accident occurred on the embankment a short distance away doubt some of train hands would have been killed Great in Moscow June A fire that broke out today in a mineral water factory spread to four adjoining army depots where provisions were stored await ing despatch to the Far East All were destroyed W T Saws We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- EDglisli on Public Trusts The debate in the Senate on Pub lic House Trusts Earl Greys public and private utterances I doing just what our English friends ward for any ease of Catarrh that viz bringing this scheme for cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Contro1 the Drink Traffic Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo fore the Canadian people Wo think following ought to put a quietus upon attempt to establish on of the undersigned have known Canadian soil such a form J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in before the time Earl Grey business transactions ana financially tended in Canada The British any obligations able to carry out made by his firm MARVIN A number of young people from this vicinity took in the excursion to They report a good time Mr is erecting a neat little barn which is nearly finished Mr Henry Fry is putting up a ttVcSlae ak barn W will bo raised build tissues that were destroyed in on Thursday yesterdays work I James is remodelling bis Pierces Pellets care building A large bank barn will be the outcome of the opera tions Wilfrid Snider and Councillor J Wells have been greatly improving the appearance of their dwellings by the application of paint and other materia The community was shocked on Wednesday to learn of the death of Mrs Thomas Scott Mrs Scott was stricken with paralysis last week from which she never recovered ceased whose maiden name was Mary Wilson Steele was born in Glasgow Scotland fiftyseven years ago She came to this country Sovereign Bank of Canada Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENT8 and upwards received and Interest Allowed on pally Balance AND The explosives were salved and taken to Owing to contact with the water however the dynamite had generated gases which made the explosive a public danger So it was conveyed a quarter of a mile out into the bay from Fort on Nelsons Island and sunk in fifteen of water Then it was explod ed by electricity The sight was one that never will be forgotten by those who saw it The sea was per- calm but all of a sudden without any visible warning there was a tremendous upheaval of water The sea became a churning mass for a great distance around and a water spout of gigantic height arose toward the sky The sun shining upon or rather through the mass it a superb glistening appearance and I Calgary June produced a wonderful effect The worst June snowstorm in Alberta Monopoly rising water lasted nearly two ruin- history prevailed all night all over Philanthropic and religious It was estimated by a this section Grave fears are en- be induced to join in the cal spectator that the waterspout at- for young lambs and calves of stalled Reformed tamed a height of two thousand feet The high wind was accompanied by UDllc Trust System or iri while its base was two hundred feet heavy wet snow between Red Deer Ration of a State or Mimic Temperance Federation pub lished a manifesto addressedto The Temperance Organizations of Druggists Toledo The Federation embraces 33 Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- temperance societies of England acting directly upon the blood Scotland and Wales and in- and mucous surfaces of the system eludes the large bulk of the working sent free Price for of this great reform The bottle Sold by all Drug- President is A Cameron P and- amongst the VicePresidents Take Halls Family Pills for con- are the Countess of Carlisle of the English twen tyseven members of Parliament Let the manifesto speak for itself To the Temperance Organizations of Canada Dear Friends hear with deep regret of a disposition on the part of some in Ontario to favor the VTt f f 1A of- Snoui and Rain at in diameter j lhc Monopoly in or for These details coupled with the fact High River on the south and drinks- the explosive consisted of on the west A great deal the entire community onehalf tons of and ten damage has been done in Calgary in the liquor tons of blasting gelatine which con- many houses and stores being flood- Proving its con tains cent of down many of applying par Of US to gelatine which con- many houses and stores per cent of cd The wind has torn and is therefore one of the most pow- signs and is blowing miles an and RestContains neither nor Mineral Wot Narcotic gogInfant8 The Kind You Always Bought Bears the A perfect Remedy Sour SlorchDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions and OP StEEF Simile Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER TMC of explosives made the profits to counteractive Compounded Times a Year KS flW hcr ilo- hour Another report received a at Aboukir a record It is be- pie of days later says no great of the sacred cause to have been the greatest sub- age was done and of the good name explosion that had taken C0Untc and its influence motherland and other coun- place since explosives were invented She his fldviee on tries on behalf of the enormous w of temperance people members without premutation of Pays nc viz January April 3l8t July and lnt October of each year Courteous Treatment Facilities Modern Methods Wallace Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Mount Albert Branch ELLIOTT She is band and six children J of Chi cago George A Toronto Thomas A of Indian Assa and Kelson Jennie and Bella at home The fun eral will lake place on Friday after noon to Laurel Hilt Cemetery Bol ton OHT Strictly fixittAi In all depart Magnificent catalogue free Students admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Comer A Alexander 9 Write for Invent- or Help How you arc awlnJtcd of and opinion to It appllcatlorahaveoftea en by w a iS too quickly a- cure J J lfce through Marlon Ma- receive pClslrvtlc charge In the Specialty of MARION J Expert and NOTICE Will take In a limited of cattle lor pasture flowing well of pure water accessible Mrs John of London so badly burned by an ex plosion of gasoline that her recovery doubtful Mr ft Hoover of Atha sold to Mr Renfrew of Toronto this week a hackney lor the sum of Mr Smith of was thrown from a colt on Sunday last and had his collar bone broken and it will be some months before be will be able to resume work again Chicken thieves on Tuesday evening visited Mrs premises and took all her fowls Last year a sim ilar occurrence took place The guilty party is devoid of all manli ness when he can so low as to rob a widow A very pleasing event took place in the Christian Church on Friday last at the conclusion of the service when their pastor Rev A was presented with a set of beautiful harness and a plush rug accompanied by an ad dress Two of our most highly respected young people Mr Cook of the firm of Todd Cook and Miss Williamson daughter of Mr and Mrs Williamson were on June united in marriage in Toronto by Rev Or Cleaver After the cere mony they journeyed on to Chicago where they will spend a couple of weeks with friends before settling in our midst The congregation of the Church held services in their own church building on Sabbath Ser vices of a special nature were con ducted by the pastor The interior of the church has been completely renovated and presents a very invit ing appearance A new baptistry has been put In and two robing rooms added as well as new pulpit and choir platorms The seals have been recovered and newly grained New electric fixtures have been Installed with prismatic shades making the one of the most brilliantly lighted In the village The town of a sub- of Montreal was the scene wo day night of a big blaze when a big f at the factory belonging the Royal Shoe ile you to A young married woman who be- Company was completely destroyed flames The loss will be l n against and op pose it no matter from what quar ter such evil counsels may come We Hence in this district had I esteem and of all lo club sometimes 7 the was very much afraid of beine stoo- stop ped and robbed Her husband dis liked to provide with a revolver but he bought a and showed her how to use her fists and where to place the most telling blow in case of Below the belt mind you he The loss to LAME SHOULDER These are three common ailments for which Chamberlains Pain Balm have had a similar agitation to face SPRAINED ANKLE STIFF J the cn- ouc opposition grows with our increased knowledge of its evil tendencies We enclose for your pamphlets on the question and Is especially valuable If promptly trust that every branch of each Tern- j applied it will save you time money Organization will 9 Monopoly whereby whole com- would become a partner in in FIcsherton June John the ever deadly and out Harder of Park who was so fie in intoxicating drinks of seriously injured in a runaway The alleged successful rcsults OF PUBLIC OPINION Is the best article every time Thats why Putnams Corn Extrac tor has been In the lead for past half century It cures corns pain- upoii her shoulder in twentyfour hours and never time in which to say any- Putnams lor corns you your course will be easy if he comes up behind you swing round in your tracks suddenly and strike hard The robber will his evil ways in hurry I dent on Wednesday morning died lowing the creation or a State night was the brides late early this morning lie is survived Monopoly in Russia have been by a widow and two young children cited but the Russian National Med ical Congress meeting this year in St Petersburg has ventured to pass the following resolution of remon strance The Spirit Monopoly only does not check alcoholism in Russia hut it actually favors its growth be cause of its value in filling the cof fers of the State An active and successful conflict against alcoholism which is in Russia a social evil of the first magnitude is only possible if we had full guarantees of liberty for our persons and words and free dom of the press and public meet ings It is only under these condi tions that it would be possible to spread widely among the people In struction as to the injury caused by alcoholism and the real evening and she happened to be com ing up the street just in front of her husband when he saw her and the spirit mischief took possession of him Wonder if shed really do as I told her or if her little fists would hurt any one he pondered Two seconds later he found out Walking up behind his wife he laid a heavy hand He bad no K Established 25 XT NO NAMES USED WITH OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He wm at how the ore I took your Now Method Treatment for a serious blood disease with which I had been for had consulted a of phy sicians taken all kinds of blood medicine visited Hot springs and other mineral water re- but only got temporary They would help me for a time but discontinuing the medicines symptoms would break out again running Treatment blotches rheumatic pains After looseness of hair swellings of glands palms of hands wealing Itchiness of tic stomach etc had given HP In despair when a friend to consult you you had him of a similar I hod no hut took In weeks tin commenced to heal up and I became encouraged I Method Treatment for four months and end of thai symptom had disappeared I cured 7 years ago and no disease alnco My boy threo years old Is sound and can recommend your treatment with all my bear refer person to mo but you can lids na you wish WO treat Varicocele Stricture In diseases Bladder Kidney men and womtn ftp AH CD y ft victim lost hope to marry your blood been diseased weakness Our New Method v- ill cure y has done for others It will do for you CONSULTATION matter who treated you write for nil honest Charge Charges reasonable Tho and warts the of thing and she made no effort in that direction She simply obeyed his instructions lo the fetter swung Seven men were drowned in round with a suddenness which com- River by the wrecking disconcerted him and deliver- their canoe a that made all the rest of his predictions come true Then she sped borne with the speed RACKING PAIN IN TUB JOINTS and energy a frightened deer not ami the real causes of its even waiting to cast a single glance Also every form of rheumatism development wwsc us at the discomfited man had as neuralgia and sciatica are beat cured supposed endeavored to rob her the quickest relief for She passed the remainder of the even- pain yet discovered Its in alternately weeping out her because strikes in and ncrvousness upon her husbands J right to the core of the pain shoulder and wondering why he look- that gives such unbounded on Diseases Men Scaled Book Women WITHOUT iconndcatlal nod coat of C6rtMlchgc Ave so pale Mr Hoover has issued a writ from the County Court against the corporation of in con nection with the wells which he at the reservoir The sum claimed is two hundred and fifty dollars Medical Free lift of If y in or there fa no gainsay ing the flodor can plain the source and cause of your either mental or physical and last restored to health and happiness persons vho wuld have re- inaffyl helpless Invalids all their lock of name and fctamp to if if fop When I rush handle factory was burned several years ago the owner Mr Iount had Insurance on certain mat hint I shafting ard belting herein with the London Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany the statutory condi tions the defendants had added Jn red certain new provisions one of which that the secretary of the company and not their agent should be notified of any changes materially affecting the The plaintiff In stalled a steam engine and notified the local agent a I Whitby to that ef fect A lire occurred not arising from the engine and the mafinery waft destroyed sued in the County Court at and Judge held change in the slatu- tlon I caught cold In my shoul ders while driving and suffered great pain writes of Ber lin I used freely and was soon well I have found vllfne an excellent for rheuma tism and neuralgia as well for cold in the cheat I recommend highly and wouldnt be with out it Civic census figures now being taken for the city Winnipeg show indications of a- population of To be sure you arc growing old But why let everybody eftife In your gray hair Keep your hair dark and rich I and postpone age If you will if I onlyuse your gray soon have all the deep rich color of youth Sold for years tow W Iiu a thick fcl4 of I if to S atti a Mite MM lAtoUioy la j strongly by profesaion as a against Infectious diseases O The business portion Fort Frances was swept by Are Loss GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILES Iteming blind bleeding or log refund OINTMENT any case of bow In to plication gives and If your druggist It and it will be forwarded by hTediclae Co St For thus exposing the evil of this Slate Liquor Mono poly at the Medical Congress lean from the Vienna Abstinent that many of the scientists were- promptly seized and banished Si beria A year ago the great United King dom Alliance bad this subject of a proposed Public Liquor Monopoly be fore them the annual meeting and unanimously resolved That this Council discountenances an or proposals to create a Municipal Public Monopoly for the common sale of Intoxicants involving as it would the implication of local com munities in carrying on of traffic and in the drunkenness and other evils resulting therefrom and this Council deprecates the prospect of the people especially Christian and Temperance reformers being led to look to profits on the sale- of liquor as a means tor originating agencies to counteract the evils it creates This year it has unanimously above and National Federation baa also unanimously endorsed samp We commend the same to you for and publication In the good A P President of tho National Federation and President of the Scottish Permissive Bill and Temperance Association If our British- friends who have tried this method of control found It such an utter failure that the deem It necessary to warn Ca nadians against It ought it to find any advocates amongst temperance people hero THE DUKE 25375 STANDARD AND The Duke Is a Seal Brown Imported Trotting Stallion about and weighs about Race record trial driven quar ters in seconds a gait Tho Duke Is a largo looking horse and for three combined quali ties size breeding and Speeding ho is one the finest Trotting Stal lions in world MONDAY noon ho will be at Dallanlrao Monday night at Albert TUESDAY noon night WEDNESDAY noon night Mr John Kays farm Virginia THURSDAY noon Queens Hotel Sutton night FRIDAY noon Keswick and Friday from to pm Fri day night Royal Hotel Newmarket where he will remain until Sat urday afternoon SATURDAY ho will bo at Lemons Hotel Aurora where ho will remain until Monday morning Ml Insures Living Colt payable days after mare foals If Colt comes deformed or within that time no charge whatever will bo- mado Anyone who will Inspect this Horse before selecting a sire we- will guarantee to make them a present of and a Colt without charge If this Horse is not just as represented REYNOLDS Proprietor J In charge St Toronto Mr Reynolds will be at tbe Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays A to arrange loans tor farmers at per cent No fees

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