i T I r Jfie ERA gives ipore home every week tnan any Iwo papers in York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper i YORK INTELLIGENCER AND Give us the liberty to know to uttc to freely to coaccienco above all liberty No paper sent outside of North York paid in advance LTV No Copies Jo each Newmarket Ont Friday June TERMS per annum paid in advance A HOT IRON A COLD HANDLE Women Who to have their working utensils handsome and comforta ble as well useful appreciate A TOS SAD IRONS Why continue to torture yourself on ironing day with the oldfashioned flat iron The ASBESTOS SAD IKON makes ironing because the handle is al ways cool The polish is so smooth that the iron will glide over the article you are ironing without a sign of sticking A Trial will Convince Allow us to demonstrate the Asbestos Iron to you SHELF AND HEAVY Furnace Work Plumbing and General NEWMARKET PHONE Reports nay Bug Potato Plants Oils will be the worst year in the history of the Potato Is PARIS OR We are handling only the very best the only sure thing to kill them It is no experiment At aris Green 25c per lb and guarantee It give satisfaction every time Agent for Parkers Dye Works Canadian Express Office Baggage and from trains handled with despatch TIMOTHY TURNIP CLOVER SEED- A LSI KB MANGOLDS CEMENT NATIONAL PORTLAND Screened Hard oar Toronto Letter At the International Conven tion last week speaking the wide spread character of the Worlds Sun day School movement the Enroll ment Secretary said As near as can get the figures up to June 1st there are members in the 263000 Sunday Schools throughout the world This includes the Sun day Schools of the colored people of America and the Evangelical Protest ant Sunday Schools in the world wide realm North America leads with members in nearly schools Canada at last reports had schools and nearly members At a convention of liquor license holders in this city last week a pol icy of campaign was adopted of mak ing a demand for compensation to all license holders lor all licenses for feited without any offence being prov ed against the holder How men who have held a privilege on suffer ance could think demanding com pensation for the withdrawal of that privilege beats the Jews and how about the hundreds who have been cut off during the past years Two hundred and filly infantry at Stanley Barracks have received orders to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Halifax for garrison duty Net fishing for carp in Toronto Bay will be permitted by the Government Hon Dr announced a few days ago that this decision had been arrived at Carp are becoming so numerous in the bay that they are driving other fish out Another batch of citizens were up before Police Cadi last week for not securing tags for their dogs The dog catchers will soon be on the trail The daughter of Mr J one day last week fell from a window on Wilton Avenue a distance of feet to the ground She died at the Hospital the same evening The International Convention was the great event of the past week It was the largest ever held and ex ceeds that of last year at Denver by over It was a grand gathering of S workers A new fire escape has been invented which promises to be the most effec tive ever introduced to public atten tion Its chief merit consists in its simplicity and effectiveness The CASE Of Catarrhal Cured Canada I Home By P Canada glorious home Name ever dear to me land so rare but ever fair Land of true liberty No slaves within its borders dwell No tyrants ever reign And lor such freedom let us swell In chorus to its name laws are by the people made For all the peoples good mm And by the people well obeyed As all good people should We truly love our mothers flag Her history do admire And with its aid are not afraid Its trailing in the mire thai letter in could notes during next would have thought you found in it Very few would trouble themselves tent Stanley kept et and if his have com par- I few days they that he was suffering from a mania that took the form of an acute desire to learn if his auditor knew a certain Miss Joan He himself had only been in the city a few months after an absence sev eral years He thought she must be newcomer and the address given out among the I It was a week before he met a mu tual acquaintance Then Jim Dent Ive been tification letter I went for a carried in a constant state of three months ahout that left it in the book while I a drive to take away a blue- headache Mother knew I had finish ed the hook and sent it to the library before I returned Didnt you think awful when you found it He wrapped the fluffy black train around her feet so that the fear of it would not keep him at an unrea sonable distance Darling he said sitting on tho- of her chair was seized with a feeling of most abject humility his idea that she was not desire was to be The class known Man T Wert his question Know Miss Tib true were lady of the snows- Certainly I do She takes dinner with us tonight Do you want to come old man When Stanley was getting into his evening clothes he carried on his usual conversation with the dog Don old chappie Im going sec Emblem of And lady of the sunshine too Health wealth security We love our snow and glad sunshine All loyal to our home We love our land so full of mines Of health and wealth to come and Agent of Augusta G anu We always take In loving Christianity For fallen mankind plead Then in glad song with loyal heart We sing Jehovahs praise And pray that He may take our part And lengthen out our days writes With many others I want to add my testimonial to tho wonderful good has clone me I have been a great sufferer from catarrhal I tried many physicians visited a good many Springs but I done more for me than all of above put together I feel a now person I have taken and together and always expect to have a bottle in my home LEONARD of Virginia Congressman B from Wheeling West Virginia in a letter written from Washington her tonight We are going to solve a problem Re good old fellow and dont get lonely and Ill tell you about her when get home J He brought a rug from the bedroom and put it in front of the grate ihc dog looked on knowingly mil then Remarkable steel Much interest is evinced in the man ufacturing world over the discovery of a new process for manufacturing steel said to he the most important development for many years and which will have a most important bearing upon the future of the tool- steel industry The new steel is produced by the Sheffield Steel Mak ers Limited Sheffield- England and is called Unor To anneal Unor steel for easy The Unknown Man By Troy Allison lay down on it to take the hum bene machining all that is required is to that his master left as a spe- heat cherry red let the heat cial treat when he went out to din- over the fire to a very dark red The pretty waitress in he cafe 0 it in the water had a habit of coaxing the elevator Experiments have proved that it can I hoy to give the nice hones to the nice or softened any dog that belonged to the nice man on limes and that the wearing the fourth floor quality of this new tool material j Don heat the floor with bis tail in does not deteriorate in any way in Stanley wondered how it had hap- satisfied approval while Stanley put the course of these processes who she was and all about it is overcoat patted him on the The Sheffield Steel Makers Ltd letter had dropped out ol the head went j will shortly place upon the market that he had hastily in that night the dog another remarkable invention which way home The sheets at the is likely to arouse as much curiosity Paper were unfolded and the let- has already been manifested in the cure and case of Unor lie join with my colleagues la pj of Representatives la his way home The sheets paper were unfolded and the let ter commenced in a way that made dressing different lnat mUcn a to read it as anv one else It was took he dogs head between his knees steel capable- of maintaining a keen and the palms of his hands before lie cutting edge longer than anything J il ay nv C material in assumes different phases In slippers sat down before the lire and question is a waterhardening tool stomach and bowels suffer lo as as tho seat of trouble ove etlcr undoubtedly the whole cares catarrh wherever located heart of a woman was in it but it If you do not derive prompt and commenced Dear Unknown Man factory results from tho use of Before he read it he thought some write at to Dr giving a silly schoolgirl had put it in the hook full statement of your ease and ho will with the intention of getting up a than kind hitherto produced A If 1 number of tests have been made re- should vcahng the astonishing cutting and have believed that she was staying power of this material lonely I dont sec how such a beau- which have been made from it spoke Shes all right old hoy hadnt read that letter I never pleased to give you flirtation hut he realized that been found to wear four times as gratis schoolgirl could not rom Address Br of written roaster took to mean that Of steel woman was tired and Neighbor 1511 pointed She had evidently expected more than she had found and through some whim had written all her disap- tall and slender and gray- eyed Donald and she is about i ly- eight years old She has slender and to the only I Babys A mother cannot watch her little Tommy had been at work pulling person that could fully understand it rf fl ones too carefully during the hot trained after her oil the floor I gen- IT for Mr Kay At sunset Mr her ideal man Hay paid him for his days work and was a longing for an undcr- of escaping from the building sec any way out the strong snap belt around trouble person i wrap his body under the arms and clam bers out of the window The power ful spring within the spool pays out the steel wire which is neither af fected by rot or flame as a rope would he slowly enough to let the person to the ground without shock As soon as the belt is released the steel wire winds itself up again just as a spring roller blind runs up lo the top when released time it is released therefore it is ready for the use of anyone else waiting to escape A team of horses attached to a de livery wagon the Co frightened by a passing train on Es planade St plunged into the lake and almost got beyond their depth when a policeman jumped into the wagon and turned the team for the The Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows In their conven- cy by putting her thoughts in paper on the same principle that he talked lo his dog or smoked an extra Then Hay danced along say- thing he could not understand help you believe youre capable of such my neighbor so Ill help you depths of intellect and feeling should How did happen to think of had so silly an impulse ami put her neighbor that day Her la- thcr had read the tenth chapter of i There was no name or address at Luke at morning prayers that day expected no reply and had explained to her about her neighbor He told her Your neighbor is everybody you can help He got up from his easy chair and walked to the window A cold driz zling sleet heat against the pane and See how many neighbors you can find fi lhc today found a neighbor She said Ill help you carry one side Tommy looked shy You aint big enough Im afraid twill spoil your dress Hig enough Im the tallest So she was a quarter of an inch And my dress will wash Besides youre the first neighbor Ive found today didnt answer- then he was orally hate to jumping to avoid amI is of the those trains Donald but I swear I make a jumping jack of myself c months and unless forever to stay where I could sec Went those eyes Im going to call to- morrow If you were a man you almost before you could go Willi me and see her smile fl serious At the Well old brute maybe youll be a ailments the lucky dog some day wise mother will give her little one As the weeks went by they reached Tablets which promptly a state of friendship that permitted hot weather ailments Mrs Don to go driving with them in the Lancaster North Porta J says My baby was attacked with diarrhoea and vomiting I at once gave Babys Own Tablets and smile to say nothing her gray the next day she was as well as ever eyes You know we never liked wo- am never without Tablets In men hut you dont think Im a fool the house as I find they are only to ask her what I intend asking her medicine a little one needs Other turned the night into a ghastly His dog had followed him and stood with his fore paws on the window ledge A sudden furious blast striking the pane made the dog rub his head against his master whine his dc- for companionship and affection our Parlor night BOO AT J St What makes crowded so at cause our Ice Cream Is of THE BEST It la made from the purest Cream and not adulterated In any form Our Ice Cream Bricks I heads of Government Departments Golden for shorter hours At present they Whew I work from am to pm and they ask a change to am lo 130 pm of Oxbridge wasnt worth a cent as a liquor tester and now the Government are trying Char ley Kelly as Inspector of licenses Col Bridge a remount officer id British army is city pur chasing horses for purposes For forcibly attempting to ride on Thought was Tommys comment world was happier and brighter from that morning Family ok Once Are like the Come and Try Them- SIMPSON A very marriage ceremony look place at the Church of St Ihe platform of a street car in dejscbo in Montreal recently a fiance of the Companys rule two mother and her tvo daughters were were fined each In the police married at same service The men Are you lonely too old fellow Two old bachelors like us living in a flat ought not to expect to be gay You ought to be glad that are not out In the ungrateful wretch Ho stroked thc dogs head and thought of thc loneliness express ed in letter he had just read By Jove she knows the real arti cle It must be the lonely in a crowd feeling She seemed to he a society woman the monogram on her paper didnt Indicate a poor girl working lor her living He went back to his chair before the fire and wondered if It would be possible for him to I6cate her He fancied he would like to meet her and study the woman aided by knowledge of her Inner thoughts expressed In erratic letter Suddenly he throw away his cigar with an expression of satisfaction Sherlock Holmes might have solved it In less time hut he have his as trap Old fellow he said that night youve seen her youve seen her tonight do you wise mothers will follow Mrs The dog whined a low melancholy casters example and keep Tab- lone that perhaps had a touch of lets always on hand their prompt ousy lusc may save a little life Sold by Theres only one thing that medicine dealers or sent by mall me he continued meditatively at cents a box by writing the Dr how could she have put that letter Williams Medicine Co in the book I dont believe she In- tended lo do it Donald do you Joan happened to have on the flim sy black dress when he asked her Its soft trailing length lay on white fur rug as she sat by open Are Stanley had forgotten there was going from church one Sunday aftcr- an ailment of loneliness in Moon did you meet a tall boy on the world r him to name lure he would have answered One I think I did he answered a clement happiness composed of Joan hoy with a short memory wasnt A Toll Boy ffiemopy Sir asked a man of a minister If any one had asked the road driving a cart with rakes in ami in It all the elements in na black dress white fur rug and light ho from a lamp with a pink shade What made you think ho had When are you going to write me short memory sir inquired he a man looking much surprised I think he had said tho minister and think he must belong to a KOUTH END BAKERY Ho court on Monday Some people who mother was Mrs J is thought of an easier method of find- to pay for a fivecent years of age and has been a wid- want oilier people think they for a few- years while two daugh- The next morning at library tic earth were aged respectively woman In charge gave Stanley A Conservative paper advises Sir three composed the entire house- the attention that his looks always Mackenzie Howell to say nothing and hold say wood But thc Star says he got tired sawing wood for a fire at which his enemies were warming their shins won from women gff The book was last returned by Thc Quebec Government sold Joan 2008 Massachusetts mites timber limits realizing avenue I am sure It will he very kind of you to return anything that you going your second love letter dear asked Joan looked surprised Happiness and excitement havent family that have short memories caused your mind to wander What in world makes you they dear boy she asked In as- think so asked man greatly lonishment I havent written thc puzzled first one yet I because said the minister in a lie took from his pocket the letter tone Ood has proclaimed Unknown Man Mount Sinai Remember the Heres the he said and Sabbath day to keep it holy and laughed at her confusion when that boy has forgotten all about it looked at It John so glad you found it fiturttb -A- frig of v V James Hardy aged was drowned in Lake Bum Wfl of aVI-