Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1905, p. 3

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v f i j j THE FRIDAY- a Weeks WHAT IS OK IK Nay Vocal Teacher from Toronto has arranged for a Vocal Studio at the residence of Miss Main St where she will receive her pupils on Friday of each week bodies book Younger Which is the desire of one and ail Take the trouble of visiting Prof Dorenwends private show rooms at Hotel Newmarket on Friday July and see the many beauti ful inventions in styles of Human Hair Coverings Wigs Clangs Switches etc and inspect his new patent structure The ecu eat Article Mr John Millard undertaker is always uptodate The latest ac quisition to his outfit is a device for lowering caskets into the grave It is adjustable to different size of caskets and runs automatically un der control of a thumb screw The mechanism is very complete can be used on sloping ground or level and does away with any confusion at the grave side Mr Millard is to be commended on his enterprise On account of the track being too heavy- the third heat of the bicycle race was postponed until Wednesday of next week r m Regular meeting of the will be held at the home of Mrs Hughes next Tuesday afternoon 3 pm Surprises industrial Home Mr W Webster the genial and The County Councillors attended popular York Radial conductor bam raising at the Home Thurs- turned home on Thursday from a day There was a large crowd pres- weeks vacation in bringing and everything passed satis- with him to the surprise of his many friends a wife Not to be outdone in the way of surprises his on him at his mothers residence Victoria Ave and presented him with a Morris Chair Mr and Mrs Webster will reside in Newmarket Plymouth The famous Gold Medal Brand the most- satisfactory twine ever used Dont delay your orders Twine has advanced per ft We are selling at old prices while stock lasts A Still They Come On Saturday last another industry on a small scale was established in town The Feather Company of To ronto set up their machinery last week in the house formerly occupied by Mrs Alex Fletcher Lot St and on Monday opened their doors for business The company has done business for years in Toronto buying and cleaning feathers Now is your chance to get your pillows and beds cleaned up Two teams are on the road gathering feathers Look out for them Fly Time Demands Screens for doors and windows Big stock low prices at Hardware The drain between and Timothy on Main has been fix ed The lowering of thewater mains on St will be completed this week New crossing are being put in at the Metropolitan station and at residence Racine had the end of bis in dex finger taken by a ripsaw in the stave department United Fac tories Thursday morning The Ag Society have had the track plowed up levelled and rolled When packed again it ought to be in good condition Mr Ford shipped a load of cattle on Monday Mr Eves sent a car of hogs on Tuesday Another tennis Club in town the Grasshoppers Summer Goods Ladies White Belts Black and Col ored Silk and Net Ties Stock and large Collars Lace Gloves white and black Lisle Thread Lace Hose Parasols Boys Bathing Trunks c at Hughes Debenture A bylaw to raise is to be submitted to the ratepayers of the on Wednesday July for their approval or rejection The proposed improvements include The completion of the grano- R Calgary The ever popular Jack of the road These sidewalks must now hotel proprietor at Calgary was be repaired and the increasing traf- surprised at the hands of his fie in the town the rising price of Conservative friends by the of a lumber and the unsatisfactory char- valuable mantle clock and ornaments affected the delighted recipi ent made a suitable reply and some of plank walks demand a walk of a more permanent nature Sever al yards of asphalt walk is bottles of bubbles were pined before J also to be laid in different parts of our old friend John unfortunately the town ie Lot St Second St covered that the handsome gifts had J etc The a string tied to them jokers will have to on Timothy St is to be repaired as well as the side live until their on the street compliment is returned as it awtred- 1 Increasing the water supply In will be by a pastmaster of the the last eight years an average of art from 25 to taps have been install ed each year The wells also are not yielding nearly so much as form erly and from now on during the he Church Rev of the Epsom circuit summer the pumps will have to preached very acceptably both morn- kept going almost incessantly and evening last Sunday In the er the old wells will have to he ckan- line the congregation enjoyed out or a new one bored as the supply of water scarcely fills the de mand quite a treat At the morning ser vice Miss Abbey sang My God and Father most superbly In the Installment of a new heater at the evening Miss Abbeys rendering of Water Works The exhaust steam The Homeland was exquisite through these healers warms the strong baritone voice of Mr the water before it is put into the Green of Bradford delighted all in boilers in this way saving a large The Coming of the King The j now in use is congregational singing was good Audrey Campbell of Toronto most efficiently at the I Duplication of the pumping sys- Sabbath the pastor wiU he I The present pump is not working at home and the iatisfaclor repair Meeting at clock constantly needed As the Following are on protection the town is relying on the work this pump it Is very any longer in the School Honor Hoi quarter Maw Douglas Smaliey Carl Murray Davis Douglas Scott Percy Clarice Garnet Kirhy Roy Cody Ross Millie RoidlQi Storm It appears the traffic on the Metro politan has from the city thru Toronto and Deer Park that a double track has necessity- The Company can Lowering of the water mains on street below the frost line Every vinter these pipes give trou ble and the expense of thawing them out and repairing burst pipes can easily be avoided by the proposed plan Changing the electric light system on Main Street and adding new lights The arc lights on Main Street are not by any means satis- come a IT rot doubletrack the line Without factory ami as these arc the best arc content of the municipalities and light lamps made It has been North Toronto and York Town- elded to change the whole system to Council arc a unit in demand- that which is giving such universal revocation of certain powers satisfaction on the side streets Ie privileges secured in- the original large number of incandescent lamps in the County Council bo- spread out at frequent Intervals ltr handed over the York is proposed to put from to privilege charter from lamps between Water and Huron to Here too has a hint In the future privileges the Metropoli tan may demand from the Corpora tion and among others the perpetu al franchise without compensation should he among the first revoca tions North Toronto and Deer Park demand a five cent half and a fifteen minute York ve are looking for a rate and to help other municipalities obtain who render them against Metropolitan is widening and nubile Ming owing more and more a the days go by The City Council decided on day to draw up a fctatejiient of upon wMch the radial will he allowed an entrance to the city streets on Main St and some are also to added along the limits of the town as on Second St north Til changes and improvements are absolutely necessary and if not made now costs of law suit may he added The bylaw is to permit tile raising of W00 on the credit of the town at per cent Interest to he paid off in twenty equal annual pay ment Only WM- Is required each year to pay this which means an increase of About on each The voting lakes on the of July when every fcWuW register his approval of the bylav for if not carried now it will heavier next time 26e Rubbetr Blinds At Just call and look at photo collection when you are at Jacksons Point wjth your lady friends on Dominion Day Bees On Sunday last a hive of bees swarmed a limb of atrce in the garden of John Ifartry DArcy St Mr Partridge hived them and as the owner is unknown is so much in Savers Oil Stoves at Mr Meads is applying the paint brush to his residence Park Ave Mr OBrien Prospect Ave has torn down the high fence on the south of his premises replacing it with a low one He has also put in new walks Why cant the corporation have ma terial enough on hand to complete a job East Council meets at Sharon next Friday July Inspector Anderson will be after some youths who use the sidewalk to wheel on It is becoming a nuisance on Park Ave of Council will meet on Wednesday July at The business placed of will be closed tomorrow dominion Day till 630 pm m Garden Party The Presbyterian Church of this Town purpose holding their annual Garden Party on the beautiful lawn of Mr Robert Schmidt St on the of July The Band of the York Rangers and Piper Richardson of Toronto have been se cured to render appropriate music for the occasion Refreshments will be served from pm to pm Admission children 10c Straw- terries and Ice Cream extra These annual gatherings in the past have been very successful and we learn the one announced the above date promises to in interest and pleasure all pluvious occasions Refrigerators To suit all purposes Prices at A Hard ware Successful The Christian Church Garden Par ty Wednesday evening was eminently successful The grounds were bril liantly lighted with electric lamps a good supper was served and the crowd satisfied Proceeds about Baseball Another exciting though rather ragged game was played here on Sat urday the locals winning out from the AmericanAbeJI team in ten in nings by a score of to Cochenour was hit on the head by a thrown hall in the first innings and was out of business for a few minutes but it did not interfere witli his fine game at first base Weirs decisions were not all satisfactory but as the play was exceedingly close he was as fair as possible The score J 10 Am Abel I 10 Newmarket 8 Batteries Mcintosh Connolly on halls Melntoslrl On Wednesday the Curling Club re tained their reputation by hatting Shupc Co real estate agents all over the Jot The whole play was sharp and snappy as may be seen from the score Co Curlers Howard The Curlers are now anxious for a game with the town nine just to take a little swelling off their heads Death of George The Mail of Friday gives the fol lowing account of the death of Geo formerly of Newmarket George a contractor Carlton Street while engaged at work on the new Berkeley street fire hall died suddenly of heart failure about oclock yesterday after noon He was employed as foreman over the workmen on the new hall and his friends noticed that hi long complained of trouble with his heart He went to work as usual yesterday and having occasion to call at the old- fire hall about mlnules to oclock he stated to some of the men there that he was suffering from a pain near his heart Ten minutes afterwards he reiterated his com plaints to a workman standing near the table where he was laboring man said You are not look ing well George and I advise you to go home But deceased thought he would be able to endure his ail ment till quitting time and the man went away He returned a few min utes afterwards and discovered Mr lying in a swoom beside his work table expired shortly af terwards John Noble who was summoned could arrive he doctor upon examination salJ that death was due to heart failure i he remains verc removed to un dertaking establishment King street east Deceased leaves a wid ow and two children The remans were brought here on Saturday Tor interment in Newmarket Cemetery Church The pastor will be from home next Sabbath and the congregation will worship with the people of the Chris tian Church Service will be held in the Christian Church in the morn ing and in the Friends Church in the evening Church In the absence of Rev Cornell the Friends and Christians will unite next Sunday In the morning ser vice will be in the Christian Church preaching by Rev Julian West pastor of the Methodist Church Mich Mr West is a of the late W Howard and formerly a resident of West In the evening Rev Chid ley will preach in the Friends Church Childrens Day service will be held on the third Sunday in July i ball Last Saturday afternoon at the Union School Picnic lantrae Franklin and the Davis Leather Co teams entered the foot- hall competition The Tannery eleven won out by a score of being the On Tuesday the Tannery team went to the Garden Party at Strange and played with Maple till dark the score then being 1 to In the draw for the winners the Tannery won Single fare good going June to July inclusive and returning Up to July Cars leave Newmarket and Toron to at pm Dominion Day All cars on July will leave from New market station and will not go north of Street An early car will leave Newmarket at am for Toronto and interme diate points on Monday July on Metropolitan Division to accommo date who may he visiting along the line oh Dominion Day and wish to return on Monday in time for busi ness On Saturday the shipping of pro duce to the city via the Metropolitan amounted to lbs of butter and doz eggs Twelve teams arrived here from on Monday en route for Sutton where they will work on that end of the Metropolitan exten sion They made quite a stir at the Dominion Hotel KKTTLKBY Much sympathy is felt in this vi cinity- for the family of Mr Mount Jf who suffered the loss of a wife and mother at a comparative ly early age The eldest of a fam ily of five is a girl years of age The remains were interred in the township of from which they moved to lot 29 in the 4th con cession this spring Major Stephenson of the con cession has been considerably incapa citated of late from illness from which it will take time to recover a pleasant time was spent by some of the young people at Mr Watsons new barn on Friday evening of last week Messrs Jos Rogers and J M Terry are seriously considering a deal in real estate Mr Terry may purchase Mr Rogers farm soon Mr It shop Is completed as far as the cement work Is con cerned The wlndowu and doors are yet to be put In Mr J Brown raised a building last week for Mr A Edwards prepara tory to putting- a stone pig pen under it Quite a lot of hay was wet by the Sunday evening rain The Methodist people will hold a festival on the church grounds on the evening of July Rev Mr Brace of Toronto has New Muslin Our Oar pet Special Union Carpet double warp at yard regular In Newest Designs and Colors from to These Muslins are about half the regular price PafaSOlS as owing to the backward season we are enabled to make a large purchase at a big bargain From to House Furnishings We carry the largest stork of Carpets Floor Oil Cloth Linole ums Blinds Curtains Furniture Coverings in the trade Leaders In Bleached Sheeting twilled and plain yards wide regular Visit our Dress Goods And see the many pretty things we have to show you Canned Peas per tin Peerless Cream in tins Kippered Herring One pound Coffee with China Cup and Saucer Cooked Meats IceCold slic ed to suit you Hams Rolls and Bacon I J THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER consented to be present and give an address Miss Shaw of Toronto was the guest of Miss Elliott last week Miss Delia Stephenson of Aurora accompanied by her sister Mrs of Port Huron was calling on and relatives in this sec tion last week Mrs M Howard is visiting in Hamilton this week attending the wedding of her eldest son Rev Al lan Howard of Cayuga to Miss Aw- of Hamilton Mrs Henry of Newmarket is visit ing her sister Mrs Wilfred here Mr Frank Foster of Toronto was the guest of his sister Mrs L Watson last week JUST WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD DO Mr J T Barber of always keeps a bottle of Chamber lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use Attacks of colic cholera mor bus and diarrhoea come on so sud denly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine Mr Barber says I have tried Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of- the best medicines I ever saw keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used Sold by Lloyd ttt Stock Market Cattle trade at Toronto this week is dull Hogs and sheep are lower although the market is steady Export cattle to 525 Butchering cattle to Good calves poorer to Export ewes to bucks to spring lambs 350 to Select hogs lights and fats The horse market continues firm horses of all classes in demand Military horses 115 to drivers to delivery to general purpose to draft iU to Q Our Insures satisfaction as to STYLE FIT and FABRIC of any garment you may order Each Suit and Overcoat is fashioned with Care and Skill Our Prices Speak for emselves All New Goods to Select From F NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON WILLIS MAIN STREET Summer School during July and August in our school ale by Tender -OF- packets j White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Oats per bush Rye per bush Barley per bush Egg per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per hag Dressed Hogs per cwt Hay per ton Chickens per lb Chickens per pair Beef Beef hind Ft 20 1 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 TORONTO affords a splendid opportunity for teachers and others to spend a por tion of the holiday season in a most profitable manner Write at once for particulars Address W 11 SHAW Principal and Streets Toronto Out LKMONV1LLU Mrs L Williams and her two child ren of Kingston arc spending a few weeks relatives here Miss French is spending a few days with friends in Amber Mrs Kcisner of Colorado spent a week with her uncle Mr J P Da vis Mrs and son of Toronto are visiting Mr John Phillips Mr and Mrs of New market spent Sunday at Mr Saunders Mr and Mrs Croft of Buffalo arc visiting her mother Mrs A Mahon Miss Wfntcrsteiu of Sand- ford spent a few days under the pa rental roof A few from this neighborhood took Valuable Town Property to the Estate of H Lloyd Insolvent in the excursion to Niagara Falls on and enjoyed the trip J Mr Pinker and sister of were home over Sunday A large number from here attend ed the picnic at Lake on Saturday and several won prizes for racing Of our hoys JSleuumafket June Flour per barrel White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat Rye per bush Barley per 0 Oats per bush Buckwheat Hay per ton 8 Bran per ton Shorts per ton Butter roll per lb 0 per do 0 MIIV Apples per Apples per basket Chickens per pair K- 1005 20 85- 00 0 fi5 fiO I I Vi V M 15- 0 00 LET THE BABY SL WILSONS FLY PA your friend or relatives li Vital Dance or Falling ft trial loHIc and valuable realise on uch disease to Tim Co Street W Toronto Canada All cell or can obtain you To Gore a Cold In Bay Tenders will he received addressed to the undersigned Solicitor for Cane Assignee of the estate of the said T Lloyd insolvent up to and including Mon day the tenth day of July for the purchase of any one or more of the following properties namely Part of lot No on the west side of Main Street Newmarket plan at the northwest corner of Queen and Main Streets There are three good frame houses on stone founda tions on said property all well rent ed Tenders be received for them separately or in block 2 Part of A Plan for the Town of Newmarket known as the there arc good farm buildings thereon The soil is clay loam and contains about acres of land This is an exception ally fine piece of land for market gardening That piece of pasture land lying Just cast of the mill poad In New market containing about ten acres with the right of way to and over the floating bridge across said pond This is a desirable piece of land for pasture Lot No on the North sido of Street according to Plan There Is a roughcast cottage on foundation situate thereon There Is an excellent garden and good well and cistern thereon All the right title and interest of the Insolvent under ah agreement of purchase made between the Insol vent and one Fred for tho to said of the Woollen Mill property situate on the South side of Street- Newmarket The above properties will be sold subject to- existing tenancies and also to the right and title of the wifo of the Insolvent to dower therein No tender necessarily accepted For terms and conditions of sale apply to Assignee or WIDDIFIELD Solicitor for Assignee Newmarket The Canadian Governments agri cultural exhibition car is one of features of the Park Royal Show In London TZ3X- Laxative Quinine Tablets com fa post This signature f Seven eh every box I

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