THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE Prom the Ovens to You We bridge distance with our moistureproof dust proof packages Hat fax and Vancouver are brought to the ovens doors Farms and small towns are put on the same plane with the big cities Mooneyes Perfection Cream Sodas in I reach in the tarn con no you AT ALL GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Muskoka connecting with boats for points on Lakes OrillU North Bay and am Daily except Sunday for Stayner Colling- Orillia Wharf 307 pm Daily for AHandaie Colllngwood Huntsville North Bay and points In the Canadian pm except Sunday for Colling- wood Meaford and Orillia ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and am Daily except Sunday from CollisKWood tanjr Orillia and pm Daily from points in Cana dian NorthWest North Bay Orillia and pm Daily except Sunday from and The Butcher Business Of the late Win Bond with Store and Alto Slaughter House to rent Good Refrigerator with Complete Set of Tools and all necessary rigs IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Apply to Newmarket Strayed From my camp wagon on May the near on Klnnons farm one dark bay horse over eyes with small tie rope around neck small scar on fleshy part of right leg Last seen on May on Joseph Farmers place near Any person returning horse to Mr John camp wagon on Mr McKfnnons farm near will receive large reward NOTICE Any person holding horse will he prosecuted JOHN P Sizing Up the Man During the recent byeelections to the Dominion House for London and North Oxford a personage appeared on the scene from the NorthWest making speeches predicting rebellion bloodshed and cannonading- sensa tions by the name of Bennett The way he declaimed against the autonomy bills and the dire conse quences which he declared was follow the result of the above elections in case Government candi dates should be returned seemed to forebode the most distressing situa tion for Ibis fair Dominion But notwithstanding Mr Bennetts pre dictions and walling the people had more confidence in the Premier than in his Conservative opponents and returned Hon Mr for Lon don and Mr Smith for North Ox- ford both avowed Liberals and Mr Bennett made a quiet exit from the Province for his western home Did this political evangel find a warm welcome to his downtrodden and ter ribly coerced Province which he de clared was being strangled at its birth Let the furnish the answer is as follows Bennett returned to Cal gary yesterday morning He was returning from Ontario where he created something of a sensation by proclaiming that the West was on the eve a rebellion and that there would be a cannonade if certain things were not done When Mr Bennett stepped oft the train he was met by no sentry As he walked up the streets of the city in the dull hours the morning there were no enraged citizens training for battle As he came down to his office yester day morning he looked into the face of no cannon All had been peaceful in the part that one would expect to be the headquar ters of a rebellion And every thing had been peaceful and quiet since Mr Bennett left for the east in fact peace and quiet reigned here even when Mr Ben nett was with us In a few days Mr Bennett will learn that the only Alberta school question talk there has been here since he left for the east was a discussion of his absurdities and extravagant language and actions when in the vast It is evident from the that Mr Bennett and men of his ilk have not only misrepresented the views of the West but have done much to give Edmonton an advantage over Calgary of becoming fa- vored location for the seat of Pro vincial Government It is the old old story zeal without knowledge Mothers In buying Clothing for your boys try and bring the boys along It is much e to get a proper fi when you have a large stock to choose urn and ho doubt the like to help choose the Suit they are to wear Boys Women Suffer At All Ages They Need Pure Blood to Secure Health and Happiness l A woman needs medicine more than a man Her organism is more com plex her system more delicate Her health is disturbed regularly in the course of nature If anything hap pens to interfere with that natural course she goes through unspeak able suffering In fact the health of every function and the happiness of every moment of a womans life de pends upon the richness and the reg ularity of her blood supply That is the simple scientific reason why Dr Williams Pink Pills are worth more than their weight in gold to women of all ages from fifteen to fifty These pills actually make the rich red blood that brings health and happiness and freedom from pain to every woman Mrs Neil Fergu son says Injustice to you and in the hope that what I say may benefit other suffering wo men I take pleasure in stating that I have found wonderful benefit from the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills When I began using the pills I was so badly run down that I could scarcely go about at times I sufler- very much and felt that life was a burden Thanks to Dr Williams Pink Pills I can now say I am en joying better health than I ever ex pected to have again and I can most heartily recommend these pills to other suffering women Dr Williams Pink Pills cured Mrs Ferguson because they filled her veins with the rich pure blood so necessary to the health and happi ness of every human being It is for this reason that these pills al ways cure such troubles as anaemia neuralgia heart trouble indigestion rheumatism sciatica St Vitus dance paralysis kidney and liver troubles and the special ailments of growing girls and women of middle age You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine but you should be care ful to see that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple is on the wrapper each box If you wish you can the pills by mail at cents a hex or six boxes for by writing the Dr Williams ville A press despatch from Ottawa states that the bills respecting the District of Mackenzie and to amend the Act will he dropped for said Town and to endeavor to this session The Governments in- obtain an additional supply ol water is to provide for- these mat- for the Towns Water System and by uniting all the remaining for other improvements of a under the nature Suits ranging In price from to pairs Boys Knickers regular 75c to cts O If you are not buy ing your Clothing here and satisfied with the Clothing you are getting see our Brand You can have your Suit or Raincoat Ready- Made Order or Made to Mens Suits ranging from pairs Mens Pants in to price 20 regular 160 for SI WE ARE GETTING MORE NESS EVERY DAY BECAUSE HAVE SO MUCH ALREADY Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket BYLAW NO To sum of in each year 3 For the purpose of paying the Raise the Sum of Six Thousand said debt or Six Thousand Dollars and to cover interest on the said amount as aforesaid the sum of shall be levied by a special rate over and above all other rates in the same manner and at the same Whereas it is desirable to lay down time as other taxes arc levied upon Dollars for Certain Permanent Improvements in the Town Newmarket The drowning is reported of Wil liam a boy Wil liam Burns a Scottish orphan in Beverley Lake and Miss Marie Pare a Montreal waitress ALMOST EVERY TOMAN Is inclined to habitual coilpaUon and should use Dr 3 Phi considerable amount granolithic the whole rateable property of J SfuUJS and sidewalk of other sub- said Town liable to be rated therefor and in each year for the period of Iml and stances of a more permanent nature than lumber and to improve the street lighting on the Main Street ly years from the date hereinafter mentioned for this bylaw to take ef fect during which the said debentures have to run This ByLaw shall come into force and take effect on the first day of December previously i stomach and bowels For sure relief use only Dr Hamiltons Pills Price Superstitious A cynic was asked the other day objected to being one of the And whereas for such purposes and Rented to the voters of this Cor- dinner to carry out the same will require legally qualified to vote i do under certain circumstances The discovery of coal in the clay expenditure of six thousand dol- thereon belt of New Ontario seems almost aod Municipal Council of This ByLaw shall be submitted too good to be true However an Newmarket consider it for the assent of the electors of the When there is only dinner enough NOTES The Globe of Tuesday observes The radial railways should give up their perpetual franchises for rea sonable doubletrack privileges The people will soon regard perpetual franchises as stolen goods and re- store them to the rightful owners Who will he compensated the holders or the owners be true- However an application has been made to advisable to enter upon such expenjsaid Town under provisions of the for twelve proper department at the Parliament to Municipal Act and on Monday the Buildings Toronto for the right to the Town of develop coal lands on the the said sum of six River Whitney township which dollars is in new Ontarios famous clay belt j The who make dcemg advisablo on are confident that a good quail- t of coal in large quantities is con- J tamed in the property and they con- template carrying on extensive amJ BOO day of July at the J hour of nine oclock in the forenoon CATARRHAL DEAFNESS the poll will open to take the votes the qualified electors the said Municipality on the said ByLaw and By a thickening of the lining mem- work turn per annum extending over the For Sab Brick House six rooms hard and water Good garden good lo cation Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket are regarded as par ticularly good for sciatica and gout About descendants of Benja min Mailman who emigrated from Montgomery county Pennsylvania to Waterloo county in held a re union at Berlin WHEN YOUR APPETITE KAILS And it you dizzy even of eating you need the of appettaiag tonic It builds up the whole iAy ire becomes of flavors in food you noticed before A relish flifcer la eating Is ex which digestion and convert ev- trytbitsg eaten Into for the and brain and on Tablet after meals easy to take fry Price at drug- Ktsts Mr Speaker Sutherland entertained the Washington Press Correspondents when in Ottawa on their way West He received the following telegram from them the other day Member of our party still talking of your hospitality it was deeply appreciat ed Newmarket boys know lo do things when they attempt to Few people have anything like an adequate conception of the mail traf fic from Great Britain to this conti nent On the vessels of the Ameri can White Star and lines there arrived from Great Britain dur ing May sacks of mail con taining about letters while the While Star line alone during that month brought sacks containing about letters The Minister Justice stated in the of Commons on Monday last that the Alien Act hav ing been declared Judge to be ultra vires of the Dominion Par liament It was the intention the Government to make application to the Privy Council for leave lo appeal that decision The Canadian eminent would be represented Mr of Toronto and Mr New- combe Deputy Minister Justice It Ik evident from this action law officers of the Crown do not agree with Mr Justice Anglln In his Judgment I Regarding the selection of a to the late Wade Chairman Of the National Transcontinental Railway Commission a concensus of opinion obtains at Ottawa ho a press report late that nothing will be done till after the The lat ent probability current Is that Hon ft will become chair man of the commission being suc ceeded at railways and canals by Hon Charles Hon I wiuld go to public works being succeeded In Inland revenues by Frank Carvel for The Mail and Empire charged period of twenty ycarB as aforesaid on the part of the repayable by annual instalments of ion Government for its proposition both principal and interest such distributing seats to Parliament in Instalments to he so arranged that the new Provinces of Alberta and the aggregate amount of principal Saskatchewan The Government has and interest payable in any one year effectively replied to this charge be equal to what Is payable for Were the accusation true however it principal and interest in each of the would only be administering a dose other years during the said term of Conservative medicine along lines And whereas the total amount to meted out to Liberals under the Tory be raised annually by special rates gerrymander which carved out the therefor upon all rateable late West Ontario Riding in the days property of the municipality for pay- gone by from Mast and North York the said debt and interest will be and South Ontarioa sort of chick- the sum of each year during ens coming home to roost said period twenty years I And whereas the amount of the Cannlngton Methodists have put whole rateable property liable to a hew pipe organ In their church If Your Liver is Wrong You are Wrong all Over taxation for such purposes of the Municipality according to the last re vised assessment roll being for the year Is the sum of And whereas the whole debenture debt of the Municipality amounts to of which no portion of principal or Interest is In arrears Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of New market hereby enacts as follows I The Municipal Council of the Town of Newmarket shall expend the sum of In and about such per manent improvements as aforesaid and for the purpose of raising such sum the Mayor of the Town Is here by authorized and required to issue the poll will close on the afternoon of same day at five oclock prolonged inflammation from Catarrh- The places for taking the said cure Is votes and the deputy Returning which is of the several polling lhe brealh to of the said Town shall be as for polling No cuc deputy returning officer Polling placeHose Keel house Pros- which has eHectd many wonderful cures You For Sing SubDivision No it healing Medicated remotest parts of the throat and ear It reaches the source of the trouble SINGLE FARE For Dominion Day Good going June July and 3rd returning until July ith be tween all stations in Canada also to Bridge and Buffalo Huron and Detroit Mich to Portland Exposition Good going daily returning within days Special side trips to Cali fornia points Home Seekers Excursion to points in Manito ba Saskatchewan Alber ta good going June and July returning within 60 days For tickets and full Information call on A ROACH Agent A torpid Inactive liver hand In liana with constipation Such a chronic condition require a tic to overcome it he I fa perfect body drxiuage Smith Pineapple and Butternut containing the two needed to Increase liver iWltT and go accu rately to lhe liver and bow el completely Supine your failed to for a week or ten Dont you know you would be quickly pro- debentures of the said Corporation to rated It la jual the differing the amount of Thousand Dollars when your wwv In which shall he marked and known as move you have a iuiiberfhhy and shall be scaled with the corporate Dont Jet aerlous conditions develop seal of the said Corporation and Pineapple and signed by the Mayor and Treasurer Pill will driYc Wei poUon out of thereof and shall be payable within ff 1 Twenty years from tho date mStn mentioned for this ByLaw to of come Into at tho office of tho free sealed and postpaid that Treasurer at the Town of you doubt with interest at the rate of four wonderful curative properties an1 per centum per annum ollow that Is to say Smith Pineapple and annual Instalments and at cure Constipation the rate aforesaid annually during end Headache one eight said term the aggregate amount of All dealer 25 cent A Cur i Instalments of principal and People Price payment of Interest shall be tho degree when your which shall he marked and known as ye at day You know Improvement become snd Kid and shall he In sums of not ir bid and i and sick alt over cSs One hundred dollars each John deputy returning officer Tolling place Market Building For polling SubDivision No A J Deputy Polling place the Hall That on Saturday the day of July A at the hour of eight oclock in the afternoon at the Council Chamber the said Town the Mayor shall appoint In writing the persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of lhe votes on behalf of the persons Interested In or opposing respectively the passing of the ByLaw That the Clerk of the Municipal- shall attend at the Council Cham- her in the said Town at twelve oclock noon on Wednesday the day of July A I to sum up votes given for and against this ByLaw NOTICE Is hereby given that the foregoing Is a true copy of pro- fortune on different tut In posed Bylaw which has been taken only one that had real merit was into consideration and which will be I used a few finally paused by the Council of tho and waa perfectly cured Corporation of the Town of recommend a ft sure in thocvent of the assent theeure for sciatica Its also electors being obtained thereto after for rheumatism and neuralgia Try one month from the first publication at all In the Newmarket Era and the New- market ExpressHerald the date of Which first publication will bo on the Well flnsuiered twentythird day of June and that at hour and places An American woman who had been herein fired for the votes of told by a Britisher that America was the electors the polling will beheld deficient In antiquities and curiosities vapor very easy and pleasant Do this and your hearing will be restor ed never falls It Is guaranteed Two months treatment- for at Womans Tears A shrewd observer says that some times a woman cries just to get her self petted a circumstance which shows that there may he a method in grief as well as in madness Bridge port Telegram HE DESERVED PITY Ills suffering from Sciatica waa to great but thanks to he was cured I suffered for years from Sciatica write S of Portland and do mat ever suffered more I spent a Body Maple delivered per cord Slabs and Mired Wood delivered per cord Cedar Posts and up COAL Coal is the Standard All Sizes in Stock SELECTED LUMP PER TON BEST PORTLAND CEMENT HOUSE SIDINGS BARN BEADED CEILING RUSTIC DRESSED PINE SHINGLES All Kinds LATH CEDAR PLANK HEMLOCK PINE BILL STUFF PEARSON PARK AVE Carting and Teaming undersigned Is prepared to do all kinds of Carting and Teaming at Right Prices Residence at Charles Huron St WALTER RANDALL Council Chamber June J HUGHES Clerk Tho Canadian Order of Oddfellow decided to meet In Ottawa next year The death list of the wreck of Twentieth Century Limited train at Mentor Ohio reaches nineteen J a remarked antiquities will come as for our curiosities we Import them CASTOR I A Kind You Have Bought Boars the of Boyds Livery is now a Union Bus to all trains by for all of the Tow prompt attention E A BOYD Old Stand RoughCast with Stable sale situated on Queen St East about miles from acres of land well cultivated Good Orchard and all kinds of small fruits Apply to JOHN Sharon PO Chandeliers for Sale JACKSON Tree Methodist Church