Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1905, p. 5

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fr ONTARIO BAH Weeks Local Capital Stock Paid up Total Head The usual Sunday storm was on severe as last week caused some MPVAM BRANCH The fuse in the NbWMAKNGI Church was burned out in the middle of the sermon which was con- A General eluded in darkness Theiranstorm- TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits tin R A FTS ISSUED iTkfitn At it I at the corner of Park Ave and Church was also burned out Mr P Morgan has had a rnent floor put in his cellar fine and in town considering the area cul tivated LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Notary 0ncz Main Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security Ltennox Banliter Conveyancers o Choplo Parlor a Herbert Lennox Aurora will alto be at on Saturday or Ho and Ontario Bank Aurora tends putting in a furnace Mr S has the finest attended C Let your colors float in the breeze tomorrow This is Market Day Saturday being a holiday A wedding was solemnized on Wed nesday June at four oclock at the home of Mrs Strong when her daughter Strong was united in marriage to Mr Harvey Graham or in the presence of immediate relatives and friends The ceremony was performed by Rev Young uncle of the of the bride assisted by Rev Joseph Young of the Methodist Church The bride who was given away by her brother was attended by her sister Miss Florence Strong and groom was supported by his brother Mr Victor Graham The wedding march was played by Miss Maude Strong of Toronto After the wedding break fast and the usual toasts to the bride and groom Mr and Mrs Gra ham left on the evening train for To ronto and a trip down the St Lawr ence to Montreal Many handsome and useful presents attested the pop ularity of the young couple Mrs is a cousin of Mrs J Brought on Newmarket prank I Properties and old on notice Monty to loan over Free Library Barrister Reformer Slock Loan INSURANCE J A Agent for a ire Honey to interest at Com leu fl Ramsay Fire Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property Sovereign Bank Newmarket Mrs- Simpson Bundnta and AUCTIONEER Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Fainter and Home Lane and John A Broker and Financial Agent Bond an J Auditor Parma aod or exchanged for City Property at by Manning Arcade TORONTO A Ellis AtcbJUct and Engineer Room Manning Toronto and estimates made on all glad at Era Office will receive attention JaeksQrj MARRIAGE At the ferlvn Papers at private reafdence It fleered On Thursday last the went to Richmond Hill to play a league game but when they got there that club had been unable to get the bunch of ringers Ihey expected and defaulted the game This places the at the head of the district with one game to play with the Young Torontos at As the were anxious to try two new men they had with them a dozen Richmond Hill men were picked out and an exhibition game was played for forty minutes in which the locals had to hustle con- to for Newmar ket The new men did some fine work and the management is entirely satisfied with them The grounds were exceedingly deceptive as found out when he took to the race track Owing to defaults the following is the standing in the junior league of this district Won Lost To Play Newmarket 3 Young Torontos I Richmond Hill Obituary The following from an exchange is straight to the point All newspa pers hut especially the local country papers arc pestered with what is styled obituary rhymes made on the dead We like to accommo date subscribers hut we must draw the line at publication of this kind of matter never poetry seldom sense these productions arc invariably a medley of sacrilege and nonsense that is neither credible to the writer nor interesting or useful to the Rhyme is not poetry It is thought expressed not the jingle of in which it is expressed that give the matter its poetic quality If you are tempted to write poe try dont You havent the literary training and you are likely without poetic sentiment ft is no lion to say you are not a poet To this we might v- taking a piece of rhyme and changing a word here and there to suit does not make person a poet Neither Is it a compliment to the editor to ask him to fix up some effusion- that would be better never seen in type The North York Livery and a too Our loo d you loot gay And bat a great Impression look you then at the what happy And to lave you from feeling that you dont like to a nice new out in mud and dirt in all old Our nave been on we have to you require anytblfig la our line or call up phone or Tow Carting done A Proprietor Crown bred by of Brampton will bo kept tor Alto a choice of good ba ton type with plenty of bone and Ivifcth for aJe Of ARK The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls j Catarrh Cure in the only positive cure now known to the medical Catarrh being a constitu tional disease require a constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure taken internally acting Upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the thereby the foundation of the jeahe and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work The proprietor have no much faith curative powers that they of fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure Bend for list of Address I CO Toledo I Hold by all I Take Family Pills for con stipation THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE iiirfiijair BY FANNIE by New York- AGNES A Successful Young Canadian Novelist Of too Canadian novelets who have won reputation and recognition during the past few year nearly half of the number have been women and In this list the splendid work of Miss Agnes C deserves high place She was horn In Winnipeg in and while In Jier junior year at the Mani toba University her health proved so delicate that she was ordered to pack up her school boots and go out into the wild free regenerating Of the Selkirk to sec what these noble mountains of Canada could do for her There In a atmosphere every breath Is a natural tonic she rode and her way to health defying the decrees and prophecies of her physicians found an Indian reservation ooatpl In the of the mountains material for her first book Lords of the North Miss was the first woman to invade the mnlng camps of the Cana dim Rockies and to study the life thero at range Her virile graphic newspaper on this subject were not signed and editors of mining journals Into hands they chanced to come- praised them with and wondered why other Eastern writers did not picture mining life as It really was like the man whose articles were appearing in the Winni peg Free Press and other papers To man in tho rough as Miss I ant found him In these camps by civilization she pays tribute when she says There I learned to appreciate the chlvalrv and courtesy of a class receiving small credit for traits this I was entirely slop without Instance of disrespect or annoyance On for literary material Miss has had many experiences among tero an eight weeks In a the northward from St Johns She mads many later vlts to the Sekfrks where the natural from the trammels of social convention apneaVd to her Beside her hooks of Empire The Story of the Trapper and the Pathfinders of Weft Ml a Laut has written strong articles on politics and soal questions subjects rarely handled women and still more rarely with the clearness and force which seem to per meate with vitality she writes Her contributions to the New York Sun the New York Evening Post the Review of Reviews and the Century show a virility from the pen of a woman so feminine and so unspoiled by success as Miss l Art 4 Reason YOU SHOULD USE care in Selection and Blending My agents in the east are expert tea tasters and every lot of tea that is sent down from the Gardens has to pass their inspection Th take from the cheats and carefully taste them then if the tea Is fully up to the Red Rose standard it is accepted and shipped If not it is rejected i The most important test of all however is when the tea arrives as during the passage through the Red Sea the great beat often affects the Tea very Immediately oh arrival samples are from each lot and subjected to the most rigid testa and only those teas which retained all their original flavor and strength are used for Red Rose the balance is jobbed off in bulk When blended and ready to be put into seated pack ages it is tested again just to make sure no mistake has been made the blending nothing is left to chance Will you test us by ordering a package St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG Corner Drug Store Open Sundays or Necessities Except Church and Meal Hours PURE DRUGS PRICES MODERATE Ti3D NBWMARKHT Corner Main Timothy Streets I Toronto Daniel Clark caught in the act of sending out false fire alarms on Fri day night and causing useless runs for firemen was lined and costs or four months at the Central This is paying pretty dear for fun but served him right A regatta will take place on To ronto Bay on Dominion Day The Temperance Legislation League Executive announce a vigorous fall campaign involving a huge petition asking the Ontario Legislature to make useful amendments to the Lo cal Option Act James Gardner Wilton Crescent an Nicholson and Brock bird seed merchants had his right arm wrenched of while attempting to put a belt on a fly wheel Friday morn ing Wit is died on the train last Friday between North Pay and He was on his to his home in Exeter Through the generous gilt Mar garet Vail of Niagara She was enriched by two each four feet long Mrs Vail has had them eleven years The missionaries of the Toronto City Mission took out on Thursday of last week a large company old folks and weary mothers with a number of little children under six years of age to the vicinity of Port Credit and Lome Park for a two weeks outing under the of the Mission Outing and Fresh Air Fund John got four months in the Central for the theft of from Ante Scales of fieorgc St Hor sey was helping to move the com plainants furniture and advan tage her temporary absence to ab stract the money from her purse Magistrate imposed fines of 5 and costs each or ten days im prisonment upon three Hebrew bak ers last week for having short weight bread on sale Thousands of eyes turned upward on Friday and Saturday last as the throng passed along Queen St to take a Ion at Dudley and Wal ter Baker who were repairing the damage to the City Hall tower made by lightning some time ago It is a dizzy height feet above the street level and only men of strong nerve could look down from this ele vation without losing selfcontrol The Provincial Treasury will re ceive for succession duties from the estate of the late Hon James Suth erland between and Fred years old met with a painful accident Friday which may result in the amputation of one of his legs He was sitting en the back of a garbage cart with his legs hanging over the tailboard of the cart The cart swerved and the back collided with an oil tank which was going in the opposite direction Mastens right leg was caught in the collision Ills ankle was broken and the leg was badly crushed below the knee Lady Edgar and Miss have gone to their summer home on the shores of JUako Roachs Mr Osier has feceri appointed chairman of the Game Commission Sunday nights fierce rain and wind overturned a small building on Fish ermans Island utilized for church services and also blew down two trees The cottages on the Island rocked with the force of wind In consequence Of a poltl being struck by lightning on Sunday evening and thrown across the radial railway to traffic was sus pended till near noon next Three trains of coaches took the away on Tuesday There were over Ontario people who left for the pur pose of seeking new homes in the West Rev If Matthews and Miss Mat thews left for St Lake on Wednesday for a stay two mouths- The remains of three coffins con taining a few crumbled hones were dug up by workmen who were exca vating for the foundation of the new carriage factory on the Smith estate at Sunlight Park In the coffins too were half a dozen copper coins nearly a hundred years old which ft is presumed were placed the eyes of the deceased Many years ago there was a small grave yard on the property hut it was thought that all of the bodies inter red there had been removed DONT that little or your chlldicii the with their the flit Oil receptacle for The Twentieth Century Limited lib on the lookout for counterfeit wrecked Mar Mentor hank notes and also green- Were killed backs and Dominion of Canada notes A A number of ones have been raised to was bitten by a dog and arc not easy of detection developed symptoms by ordinary individual Remetii- of hydrophobia he was sent to the her that there are no Dominion of Institute All dogs running Canada 10 notes as none have ever unmuzzled in London hereafter will been issued by the police TO A COLD DAY Wise Disinfect- Laxative Quinine ant Soap Powder fa a boon to any lets Ail druggists refund tho money home It disinfects and cleans at It falls to cure same Groves signature on each box floor all DISEASE III In from Keep your IT fcll like All La a few moment aid a child dolt with Huffman Toronto Auk your grocer LEA will soon be here so if you are Intending to build tills year now is time commence buying your We have a complete supply of all kinds of Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS VAJRNISHES GLASS and all of SHELF HARDWARE Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Stoves Furnaces Tinware ALLAN NEWMARKET COO BLACK AND WHITE to GO i AT THE TORONTO JOBBING HO ESTABLISHED 1867 J OUR STOCK OFFERS MANY SUGGESTIONS a SILVERWARE I ALWAYS APPROPRIATH We are showing a complete assortment Plenty of pleasing meant it pleasing prices WATSON and Graduate Optician For Sale Eggs for Hatching From choice of Barred Ply mouth ft and Thomp- Strains Buff Bull and and Eggs per Bet ting ten chicks or re place at halt Also large Jersey Sprlogera J ft Sand and Gravel For delivered by mail promptly attended to A if 41 Auror for Sale On Tyler St Aurora Good loca tion Terms easy For particular apply to J Newmarket NEWMARKET MARBLE LATEST IN and FOR The comfortable on- BotafQrd Newmarket occupied by J A Farm For Sale Being Lot No OS In lit Coo of East acres Fair building well watered drained and In a fair state of cult vfltlon four acres In the Corporation of Newmarket Apply on the prem ises OBAPIAH ROGERS I

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