THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE- Dp S Richardson DENTIST Will bo at Albert Brooks Block 2nd Tuesday each month- Seed Peas Received ear of seed peas from North all Price per bushel Also have on band tbe very choicest Red Clover and for SHIELDS Mount Albert Jersey Grades for Sale Heifer from month to years old nave been bred also 4 Fresh Cows For further particulars apply to STOKES Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West J East of Lot Scott which is a large quantity of hardwood hemlock ce dar and tamarack For terms and particulars apply to DAVIDSON Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Balance of Capital HEAD CANADA Or Andrew P Chairman J Deputy Kj Clout- ton Alex ftUkj at Current Rata Q P SMITH Agent Albert Chief for Dominion THE MARKET There was a record crowd- at the market on Tuesday Prices as fol lows butter to 16c eggs to Ira On PERSONAL Messrs Campbell and ham of were- in Friday Mr I Hamilton and family of Locust Hilt were visitors at the home of Mr A Jones on Sunday Mrs- John McLean left on Tuesday morning for a months visit with friends in Muskoka and elsewhere no A football match was played here on Thursday evening between teams from Holt and Franklin struggling until almost dark goals were scored on either side Rev J Morgan preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening to a large congregation There will be an ice cream social on the lawn of Mrs Lloyd on the evening of Saturday July 1st in connection with the Methodist church The ladies of the Methodist Church will hold a social at the home of Mr VandcwaUr on Friday evening July The lCntranee was held in our school this week com mencing Wednesday THE BUSY BEG On Thursday morning of last week Mr Brooks who is building a new duous duties of the strong sympathy and friendship existing between your self and your Mount Albert friends We pray that as you have decided to leave us to seek another field of operation you may he divinely di rected and that in the provi dence of God your may find a con genial sphere of action Signed by your pupils and friends Albert June 23 19C6 SUTTON Mr who is on the en gineering staff of the James Bay Railway work going on now on that line in the vicinity of Albert was a guest at the home of Rev on Tuesday week Mr Pfover is a son of Rev Peek- over Presbyterian minister of Sun derland Last Tuesday Week an afternoon tea was given by Miss Alma and Miss Helen Moore in honor Miss Louden of Toronto The other guests were Mrs Barker Mrs Len no Mrs Moore Miss Moore Mrs Williams Mrs Cameron and Miss Cameron Dr Charles Nobles infant son died on Wednesday week of bronchial pneumonia On Wednesday of last week there was a large excursion at the Point from being the annual ex cursion of the Methodist Sunday School Mrs J Anderson whose husband taught school here a few years ago was among the number of excursion- OUR PRIG Prices carry weight with Fur niture buyers Nobody dis putes that for a single min ute All prices here are boa est fair and Vie sell nothing for less than it costs and we charge not a single cent more than we have to We think that is good busi ness Prove it by anything that is sold here Prove it by the goodness- prove it by the price ALLAN ROSS ALBERT cement block in our town secured as were also her daughters Mr Hogg and his team to draw she was up in the village calling a load of lumber from the planing factory While loading the team was attacked by a swarm of bees and the horses became unmanageable Mr Hogg got rattled by so many of the angry little insects buzzing round his head and ran Mr Brooks cour ageously stayed with the team which soon got up among a number of logs The timely arrival of Mr John Steeper with a smoker prevent ed what might have been a serious accident to the team on FOR I Hobby Clothing AND Boots and Shoes COMB TO H ROSS MOUNT ALBERT ring Goods Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pails Cream Cans Churns AND Butter Bowls J ROWLAND Mount Albert LIGHTNING The most severe electric storm the season visited this locality on Sunday evening last In the village the chimney on Trios Critten dens house was demolished but no fire ensued Mr barn on the concession of Whitchurch was burned also three barns in the township of Reach Mr Amos Lapps convinced that were it not roof was protected with rods One tip was melted and a hole the depth of a rake handle was made at the foot of the rod Lappis convinced that were it not for the rods his barn would have been burned Mr Arnold barn on the town line which had a tip on the lightning rod melted about half way down a year ago and replaced had the same tip melted on Sunday Many other prominent farmers including Messrs M- and faith in lightning rods and their barns thus protected old friends Mrs James Wright and Miss Annie of also Miss were feasts Mrs James Bailey on Wednesday week The made a social visit to Mrs Henry on Tuesday last week The Presbyterian Choir held a pic nic at Morton Park last Friday and had a most enjoyable time One of the horses which was here for the races last Friday was found dead causing much distress of mind to the owner who seemed to of suspect that the horse had been poi soned During the night he attempt ed to leave the stable by one of the windows but fell and was seriously injured Mr Archie Ward and family of To ronto were guests over Sunday at the home of his father Mr John Ward Mr Thatcher and little son of To ronto were the guests of Mr and Mrs Fisk over Sunday Rev I McKcrroI of was in the village over Sunday Mr Will Percy brought up the spe cial on Saturday Rev Geo Yeomans preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday even ing A heavy rainstorm occurred here on Sunday evening about seven oclock There was some hail and a great have TUB On Friday afternoon last Mr W who has been principal of Our public school for the past two years was agreeably surprised and delight ed by the action of his pupils who presented him with an address and a beautiful cane suitably engraved The address was read by Miss Clara Walton and Millard Steep er made the presentation Mr who was taken completely by sur prise replied in suitable terms The following is the address To Mr Lavr Dear TcacherrIt is with regret that we the pupils of the Mount Al bert of your resignation H Principal of our School Your management of the school has been very satisfactory to both the pupils and to the ratepayers of the section most sincerely hope that your future career may be Increasingly suc cessful in your chosen profession and that many may date their education al advancement to your fidelity and aptness to each and that your influ ence in a high moral sense may tell on the future manhood and woman hood of those who may come in con tact with you as thefr Instructor We ask you to accept this slight token of our esteem and good will Let It remind you in your future ar- Albert Planing and Sawing Mills p Doors and all kinds of Dressed Lumber on rand Get the material for your house ready this spring and save money Lumber and Shingles deal of thunder and lightning are putting their Mrs Graham of Toronto was a guest at her mothers Mrs over Sunday Miss Ethel is away taking her holidays Mrs is visiting her son Mr J Smalley Mrs Foster is visiting the home of her daughter Mrs Dr gle Mrs Percy and her son Mr Will Percy were out at Jersey Sun day visiting her mother There was an excursion of the so ciety of the Chosen Friends from To ronto to Jacksons Point on Satur day BALDWIN BREEZES Where were the Breezes last week was the persistent inquiry of many Era readers So Ill Just re mind you that the Editor and The Owl are holidaying The Editor is off and away over the big herring pond on a visit to to sec the Queen The Owls empty exchequer precluded the possibility of such ex travagance o I the Owl went on a ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green nought In bulk and put up to packages by ourselves Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot CUT CHEAPER THAN ANT PLACE NORTH OP TORONTO WOODCOCK We alto carry a full lino of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Re ceipts receive personal attention day or night LLOYD bender out to our station a magnifi cent structure eight feet by twelve I found assembled many of Baldwins sweet maids playful as kittens who tickled mine ear mit a straw Arising with dignity I strolled down the track for silent meditation A bossy little fairy came flitting up Youd better clear the track Mr Owl the trains coming she gurgled So solicitous are those dear girls for my welfare So I pottered off home My holiday was over Mrs Geo Tomlinson reports a very enjoyable Conference at The people were exceedingly sociable From her I receive news of many be loved old Christian friends Squire all preparations made for putting in a cement conduit pipe Hume to his mill It will be quite an expensive and under taking The Squire has his lawn in superb form It is unexcelled byany in the rural districts Its soft velvety car pet of virgin green is a sore tempta tion for one to play up bear and roll and tumble about but our dignity vetoes such enjoyment Three of our good Methodist friends in Egypt are erecting new barns this summer raised his on Friday The day was delightful and the affair was pulled oft without a hitch winding up with an elegant spread to refresh the inner man Kay and Philip Snooks will fol low suit later on Excursions up our line is now the order of the day It pays the Lyman Miller and his gramophone have to Montreal for the bal ance the navigation season He is employed on a boat used for har bor improvements Walter Coomer has an unceasing de mand for lime lie burns a kiln every fortnight Races at Sutton on Friday at tracted our spotting fraternity Such shows have no charm for me Unless they can go a two- minute clip Ive no use for them Id rather sec a footrace An who took them in loit ered long at lowing bowl till his wits lost their accustomed cun ning and on his journey he became inextricably confused- lost He made a invasion of the home of a Baldwin burgher who set him straight When a girl gets her first billet- doux what a delightful flutter ec static bliss shes in She trembles like a leal in her haste to open it She devours the sweet little nothings and tallied phrases as an epicure de vours the luscious bivalve Some day perhaps the glamor wears oil and love Hies out of the window A friend was telling me that the Free Methodist Camp Meeting at Base Line North was one of the most profitable and en joyable they have ever held One or two of the most pleasing features was the harmony and Christian good- fellowship shown by other denomina tions and the entire absence of dis orderly characters whiskey usually is the key to that Amongst the large attendance ministers were two American divines whose clear simple exposition the Word was the wonder many They made it plain as A was an apple pie bit it cut etc etc Miss Whowhowhoo is another of our young ladies who aspires to reach a niche in the Temple Fame as a cook and baker She has en idea that she can take the shine off our other girls in compounding John ny Cake and after sampling a sam ple Im leaning towards that opin ion too Her implied threat No more cake for you young man if you tell is quite enough to cause me to maintain silence Next Brer Fox has gobbled up those geese Such was the solil oquy of your friend the Owl as he cast his eye over the goose pasture but no there they are yet naturally think that a goose brought up In the lap of luxury and under the benign influences a Christian home would avoid trespassing on foreign SOU Theyll find out me that what is sauce for the goose Is for lire gander and they will get it where the chicken got the axe A good way to maintain neighborly relationskill of the troublesome geese and turkeys Did you over sec a fox carry off goose Hell a tenpound goose or turkey over his back and trot on with it far easier than an ordinary man would a bag peas A card of invitation from Mrs Tomlinson ladles Aid at her residence on Tuesday evening July Come all my friends A pleasant smile and a social cup o tea- awaltH you body wel come If you get there before I do tell Mrs Im coining too A number our citizens hate In cubators which they arc working overtime hoping to boom chicken market this fall moderate rewards their efforts Dont Judge a man by his color An Ethiopian a white fiearfana ft white may have a heart black as do black man gnats are setting the cat tle wild -CO- Haymakers will have their little troubles this year wet wet wet Almanac man says dont cut much at a time Messrs J Kester and Pringlc and the Misses and Kester are in Muskok having a glor ious fishing holiday I love to see our young en joying life It is not necessary to be desperately wicked in order to enjoy it In fact those who live the most devoted Christian lives appear to extract the greatest amount of pleasure from it One evening last week a bus load of giggling girls and amorous swains passed through here after a jolly days outing In the twilight I ob served the young chaps arms firmly entwined about his Miss Lawdy- trim waist and she seemed to be enjoying an electric thrill They dont need a school master theyre learning fast An honest confession is good for the soul What do you think of this Two wellknown Christian pastors have admitted that they read the Breezes first on the arrival Era Scores of other people say the same What conclusion am I to draw from this fiattery eh Automobiles quite frequently sweep through our burg- Gee whiz they Paints lis GOOD VARIETY AND QUALITY AT THE MOUNT ALBERT HARDWARE STORE I J I DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool Is Valuable This Year Sell to A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A T HAIOH a SON MOUNT ALBERT ana- are a regal conveyance Our codfish aristocracy and ladies throw on style right up to the han dle when they have the opportunity Mr Fred Thompson Brownhill had his handsome driver worth terribly cut up by getting entangled in a wire fence Two vacant houses in Baldwin now The Owl A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream it preserves the leather We sell the celebrated J time Shoe Polish Once used always used also a full line of Tan lish Fine Shoe Repairing and Ordered Work Lehman Mount Albert I NEW LINOLEUMS J OIL CLOTHS CURTAINS ALBERT I We are also Buyers of Butter Lard Honey Potatoes and Fresh Fruit Currants Strawberries Raspberries Gooseberries Cherries and Plums ens and Suits for 496 Youths 5 for 398 Boys 5 for 376 Little Gents 8uits reg 3 for est Fine Windsor Salt Barrel Carload just arrived Windsor flno Salt very special GROCERY SPECIALS 3 largo bottles Mixed Pickles 26c Pickles In palls very special pall Malta Vita pkg for pkgB Force for 25c Apitezotho food with Plant Iron In it pkg Wells Richardson Butter Color 25c for 20c Yeast Cakes box bottles best Extracts for Best Soda lie lb lbs finest Pearl Tapioca lbs Fresh Clean Corn Meal 25c Imported Sardines 15c tin for Honey lb for Pork and Beans special tin Christies Ginger Snaps lb for Christies Fancy Mixed Biscuits lb for Christies Lemon Biscuits reg for TipTop Soap Chips Canned Apples largo tin Canned Plums can Mlnco Meat pics ean Canned Pears can Finest Red Salmon can Lady Charlotte Gelatine pkg at for 26c Good Blended tin Breakfast Blend 25c tin Crushed Mocha and Java Hie lb for 30c Victoria Square Blue for Corned Beef tin each for Figs lb Good Dates lb Tomato Catsup ting for Wo on hand a full supply of Seed Mangold Sugar Turnip Flax Rape- and Field Corn Highest prices for Produce 9 Carrot Johnstons Gash Store Button J t