Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1905, p. 7

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rV y i a J THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE CHINA r HALL GOIKO NTARtO- BANK Dominion Day Post office will be open on day July I from am noon only The Sovereign Bank The Sovereign Bank is this week- distributing among its many custom ers a very neat and book called The Farmers Handy Account Book A copy may be obtained by calling at the Bank June Our Spring and of Dinner and Toilet Sets well to hand Just now cfler for Bale Yet The turkey hen belonging to John Stevens reported a couple of weeks ago as having laid eggs has again been heard from She has now got to her credit and Summer consign- apparently intention of twentyfour is the usu al number laid are we Below Regular Prices One line we sell for regular a perfect set of good For we give you one of our regular Toilet Sets and for we give you handsome set regular price Is A SNAP IN PRUNES to clear them out quick Our regular quality 4 lbs for 25c Excelsior Coffee has stood the test for years as and has given perfect sa tisfaction Do You Use It Cur Japan is Good Gentlemen Bald Or have thin hair should call on Prof at Eagle Hotel Newmarket on Friday July and see his wonderful devices in Tou pees and Wigs worn on over beads Explanation and demonstra tion free Private apartments at Hotel Dont fail to see his new in vention patented all over the world m Horse Injured Col Lloyds horse has had quite ex citing experiences the past two weeks When being shipped to Niag ara it broke down part of fence at the depot mo on the return trip the horses were loose in the car and the door in some way had been left open Another horse bit at the Colonels and the latter backed out through the door In the fall a vertebral joint was broken depriving the nse its tail The Leading Telephone 43 Public School kids are free for two months Saturday is the last day for school trustees to report to the inspector regarding continuation classes Exams are over today The Presbyterian Church is getting a new roof this week The Sharon school won the prize at the Union School Picnic last Satur day for going the longest distance Some people in trimming their lawns get green grass on the side walk and leave it there- Next to a banana peel this green cut grass is one the most slippery things to step on Hot Millinery Orders promptly filled at Hughes A present to be bought maybe- More than likely that you will buy It at a Jewelry Store Have you ever looked over our stock of For presents for brides of June Weddings we have some especially suitable such as Pearl Brooches and Pendants Pearl Rings Pearl Stick Pins c Our stock ol regulation Wed ding Rings in all sizes cud prices No use trying to tell you all about here so make the invitation for you to CALL as booh as possible L ATKINSON CO JEWELERS GWCOLE KESWICK Report of Annual fleeting of Shareholders The annual meeting of the of the Ontario Ban was held at the Banking House Toronto on Tuesday June those present were Powiy Henry Grass Peary David Smith Bartow Cumberland J Ramsey Cephas Cootie JK- larwi Spry and others On Mr was called to chair and Mr GU1 was requested to act J Macdorialri Henry and P were ap pointed ecrutlneorH At the request of the chairman the secretary read the following r The beg present to the the Annual Report for May 1005 together with the usual statement of- Assets and Liabilities Profit and brought from May net profits after deducting of Management In tercet accrued upon deposits making for bad and doubtful were Which been apportioned Dividend per cent- paid 1st December Dividend jwrcent- payable let June Added to rest Reserved for Officers Fund Balance of profits carried forward The Rest Account bus been increased by which now stands at and the amount carried forward to the credit of Profit and Loss Account is The Deposits have increased since our Annual Meet log and the General Business of the Bank continues to ly Improve iwhjch must oe regarded as A Branch of the Bank opened at All ton Officer the Bank nave during the year President Statement LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid up Rest Balance of carried forward Dividend Unclaimed Dividends payable 1st June Reserved for interest and Exchange 1 Note In Circulation Deposits not bearing Interest bearing Interest Due to of Bank in Great Britain ff i 71 118080 1560102 21 17 13348580 ASSETS and Silver Coin Government and Demand Notes and Cheque on Other Banks Balances Due Banks In Canada Balances Due from Banks in United State Deposit Dominion Government for security of 85821 T Note Circulation Bond and Securities Call Loans on Stocks and Bonds Discounted and Current Loans Debts Real Estate other than Bank Premises Mortgages Real Estate sold Bank Premises Including etc I The Ontario Bank Toronto 31st May 1005 12120160 22 7308 25000 00 00 ij 15742673 General Manager fleeting One of- the most interesting of mis sionary meetings was held on Thurs day evening of last week in the Friends Meeting House when Mr and his wife who have returned to this country from Japan on a years furlough spoke to a full house for two hours Mrs who has spent five years as a missionarys wife in Japan illus trated the customs the country in a very pleasing manner Mr Bin- ford who lias spent eleven years in that country told of the doors God had opened for them in their work Both were dressed in native costume and their singing and salutations in Japanese were very interesting Should they return lo Newmarket which they hope to do we bespeak for them a still larger audience Death To Mr Bug if you use Paris Green purchased at Hardware The Pa Independent last week chronicle the demise of Mr who passed away at his home on Street on Deceased was the young est of seventeen children William and Sarah he was born on a farm near Toronto on Aug WW and in his younger days up to about the year I860 and labored as A farm hand In North York chiefly In King Town ship He went over to Pa in that year to visit relatives and decided to remain among them Two years later he married and the Independent says He began family I life on a farm on- Town Line Head Mr was for a good home a good name and a wellfilled pocket hook He In his enterprises and died leaving ample provision for the support of his be reaved family He was known far Paints wide as Canada nam ed to distinguish him from a of his fatherWf the same name who came here before deceased Home five years ago he made an open pro fession of faith in the Saviour of After a few remarks by the chulrman the report was adopted By resolution the sum of was granted to the Officer Pension Fund of the Ontario Bank A vote of thanks was tendered to the General Manager and other officers of tte Bank for satisfactory discharge of their respective dut ies during the vast twelve months The appointed at the meeting eubsequently reported the following gentlemen duly fleeted Director for the year viz George It Cock burn Perry Hon T John Flett The Board met the afternoon wheu Mr George Cock- burn woe President and Mr Donald Manager The Ontario Bank Toronto June raft logs containing T Lobh fell into a vat of feet broke up at the foot of Lake Huron the St Clair river was filled with runaway logs sulphuric acid at the London Chemi cal Works and was so burned that his life is despaired da KEKP8 THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT RIGHT PRICES Red Feather Tea r Late hours and anxious pursuits with immoderate eating weakness nervousness and overwork or worry responsible for the alarming increase of headache Women are more subject to this ailment than men Their delicate con stitution and nervous temperament induces a condition of the system that sooner or later brings on the periodical attacks of headache PsYCiUNK is the remedy of all others for the complete cure of headache It builds up the nervous system restores vitality cleanses the stomach from all bile settles the nerves starts the blood into the proper channels and in most cases the attacks can be warded off by careful attention in following directions Dont destroy the system by frequent use of dangerous powders that give only temporary relief Begin the Psych ink treatment now and fortify the system against attacks This is the only way to permanently dispose of periodica headaches OF ALL TONIC Millinery Free to Free Delivery xniKix a I I I a Lr the world and lived in such a man as to adorn that profession Be ceased leaves a widow and three J limited to their low PRONOUNCED King Improved Quality of Ghees Nature And of Intrtructlon The official for and butter located at Montreal reports to Chief for Ontario oat- of one ttuTv5rd a eleven lota of faulted only wero from whlcti wero receiving In The above shows strongly In favor of following the efforts of last year and this The Chief Instructors for both the eastern and western sections report that every factory which took Instruction hist has made more or less improvement In build ings or equipment The following clipped from a card recently Issued by the Depart ment of Agriculture for distribution among makers and Objects of Instruction- In the production of cheese It Is essential that be clean and free from foreign flavor upon reaching factory Bad In milk not only tend to lessen the value of the manufactured pro duct bat make the process of man ufacture much more difficult Bob the quantity and the quality of the product will suffer when the raw material is Inferior- the patrons supply milk of Rood Quality they cannot In justice loW trie mak er for the class of goods made therefrom health of your cows the water supply tlte quality of the food the fcondltion under which the milk drawn from the cow the uattl in seeing that It not exposed to dirt any kind proper handling etc all re quire unceasing watchfulness and care In order that the maker may instruction regularly and per- end that t may wherein he may Improve the production and care of milk the Department of Agriculture lias em ployed a staff of instructors to vUlt both factories and farm upon which the milk Is produced When an Instructor visits a farm it is not for the purpose of getting sampl es of milk to test adulteration but to direct the farmers In making Improvements and In taking proper care of the milk All tests for will be at the factory and action for prosecu tion for tampering and adulteration will be left with some official it con nection with the factory concernfd to attend to To dispel the which exists the minds of many as to the of tho Department of Agriculture and the Dairymens Association In providing Instructors a few statements to the work they are doing will here be given the makers In producing a article by a Pointing out defect In the cheese on hand and suggesting to the makers meant of overcoming defects Explaining to the as cieurly as Mm quality cheese require by the trade so far as acidity color are different stuges from the time Is received until the curd hat put to and the of cure fulness iUn nil tinier tiuggestlng needed meats lu equlpmeut drainage of of wley etc curing room and instructing as to so far as venllLutij degree of of etc are concerned Drawing attention to the easily for absolute cleaullneHs at all times and all stages of turo Making curd tests of each pat- milk In order that foreign flav ors and undesirable qualities be detected Testing milk for but fat content Doing anything and everything will tend to stimulate both maker nod patron to do their To visit tho of Mil- not in tho capacity of a but to the condition under which milk kept an1 give Instructions to Most effective and simple method of cooling and corlug for the milk Beat locatVon and for cooling purposes for abundant supply of pure water both for entile and cleaning purpose The desirability of not allowing cows to access to nsnt ponds weedy etc yltttblo for milking Cows not bo milked where they are to odors from hog or barnyards Urn m A Large Variety Smoked and J Clear COOKED ON ICE -00- Continually passing new goods into stock keeps this busy store bright and stocky and we stock first quality goods only SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Maple Leaf Salmon 15c per tin Horse Shoe Salmon flat onehalf tin Pork and Beans 3 lbs per tin Gallon Apples per tin Pie Peaches 3 lb 10c per tin Pears lbs per tin Raspberries 12c per tin lb pail Jam Raspberry Blk Currant Peach Plum Camping and Picnic Requisites A large variety of Canned and Potted Meats Fancy Pickles and Sauces Olives etc Try a Bottle of P Sauce or Pickles the Choicest make OUR PROVISION COUNTER to L ess than Strawberries Pineapples Bananas Fresh Tomatoes Oranges Etc Try Davies Tea Black or Mixed 25c lb Phone HARDY YOU HAVE HEARD OF AMERICAS GREATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST HE COMING Eagle Hotel Newmarket ON- AY JULY vsit gives you a cliance to consult Prof about your hair to choose from the stock of Hair Goods which carries with him just what you require You can try on any Switch Bang Pompa dour etc wi Professor can be upon to sell you only first qual ity Hair Goods You arc not forced to buy because you call to see ami examine these goods Id BALDNESS commend these as a head catarrh neuralgia you on the spot and show you wards as all men know disfigures and adds an aged expression to the face Why- remain Raid can fit you with a or TOUPEE which will hide all traces of and take the place your own hair Doctors colds in prevent alive will fit just how you look alter- This You will never have a better opportunity lo youixcll the beautiful assortment SWITCHES POMPADOURS WAVES WIGS etc which carries with him see for HANGS Professor Remember the Date and Dont Pall to call at Hotel and see PROFESSOR DORENWEND If you cannot call write for Prof Catalogue FREE The CO of Toronto Limited and YON OR ST TORONTO from It ho work of lntro It in pro tanker trotting tho With the hot Juneiand July an Increased core and In e that ell aw well the milk quickly for ft of chew to ft extent with Ordcra of Town the If falls to do hit interested are Invited to nil effort on part of tend wH ot In The Mayor and the Resident Clergy I Decoration Day ON Wednesday of July At Newmarket Cemetery P M product Department of Toronto Jut 21 John Williams arc years was by a train at Tottenham have been Invited to deliver and appropriate addresses JACKSON M President J Chairman Grounds Com

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