Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1905, p. 8

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t i TDK JKRA FRIDAY- 3C J i i Id around the Bab erecting a Work will coal shed and elevator be at once as to weather and esc Backed up by a third of a of remarkable end am- form cures a record ft so other remedy for the irmei ana f collar to women on proceeds bein building and with their com- n pi an the potion an ttaUHWncat experience a boom should death of Mr A Thompson TO I U Collin and much respected citizen of town IJUUKNaVlLLB r I A strawberry festival under the Program ior the League auspices the Methodist Ladies Aid July Christian and will be held on the church grounds on July 5th atUlned he proprietors and maker in of Dr Favorite Prescription now Hborn arc pulling in feci fully warranted in offering to pay new cement stables and will nave one in money of United of the best barns the township to L accommodate their fine herd of well- bred cattle oet Miss or the Public School stall intends giving up her duties at the summer holidays j The old post office and one of the oldest land marks in the village just east of Mrs Stocks at the cast end has been sold and is being removed I The Womans Institute will meet i States for any case of Female Weakness or Falling of Womb which they cannot core AH they aak a fair and reaionable trial of their means of cure No other medicine than Dr Pierces Fa vorite Prescription could possibly win oat as the Raying goes on a proposi tion but they know whereof they speak They have the most remarkable record of cares made by this worldfamed remedy ever placed to the credit of any prepara tion especially designed for the cure of womans peculiar ailments This wonder ful remedy therefore stands absolutely alone as the only one possessed of such unrivaled properties as to fully warrant its makers in publishing the remarkable offer I above made in the utmost good faith A short time ago I was almost with Sin Rom Mrs Fogg Consecration Pauls Testimony Before Kins-cts- lis ease and rest Mr Richardson Literary GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES blind- bleeding or protrud ing piles Druggists refund if OINTMENT fails to pun any do matter of bow long standing in to days First send stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo The Abolish the Bar the cry of The Message of the Flowers I general debitor and female the home Of Mrs J Hare Moneo- writes Mr Webster of ha- on July Sub ject for discussion Pickling and Canning All are cordially invited Virginia Ave Lexiaglcn Worthy of Templars Pierce Favorite Prescription was to as a and fcnind this to be true for I obtained splendid results securing fine health Women ought to be to thick there safe and cure then for their trouble I every sick and suffering woman to spending money and waiting time with doctors prescriptions when a few bottles of your remedy Is to I am the happy mother of two children boy aged sixteen and girl eight Do not permit the dealer to insult your intelligence by suggesting some other com pound which he just as good because he makes it himself Dr Favorite Prescription has stood the test of and experience Thou sands speak well of It because thousand have been cured by It Sovereign Bank of Canada Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND Compounded Poor Times a Year without presentation of Pass Book viz January April July and 31st October of each year 24 A Matt J5rs J Social Ministry in I Net That Kind voice of the temp ted despair features that once were so pleas ing and fair Now marked by the bruise and the scar The lives that are wasting in and pain To us are appealing in language most plain To rise and bar The And Program for the League July The Christian and Si Rom 6 214 Mr Hamilton Consecration Pauls Testimony Before KingsActs Mr Rose A lively influx of campers are ex- at this summer resort the be ginning of next week Cottagers having their summer homes put in order Many regrets are expressed both at Roachs Point and from campers at Rev Dr Wardens ill health He arrived at the Point this week here a a is hoped he will regain bis wont- July Christian Among Men- vigor The general agent church but his Christian efforts and sympathies are An old farmer who by hard work Bonds and and parsimonious habits had got to- Results Acts 21 a little fortune decided that 30 the time had at length arrived when Phil he was justified in ordering a family Rev Partridge- carriage He went to a carriage 31 The Native Ministry builders and described in detail what Chap of The Heart kind of a vehicle he wished to buy of Japan Now I suppose you want rubber Miss Sprague tires said the carriage builder Missionary No sir replied the old farmer in tones of resentment My folks I aint that kind- When theyre BEACH they want to Mrs J Social A in Bonds and its Results Acts 24 28 Phil I Rev Partridge broader than his denominational Fishing is said to fair on the eastern and southern shore of the Bay CHOLERA INFANTUM Child Not Expected to Live From One Hour to Another but Cured by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Ruth the little daughter of Dewey of was seri ously ill of cholera infantum last summer We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another he says I happened to think of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store In the tide intemperance will flow bear on its bosom destruction and woe And discord and sorrow and war And brightest of prospects in dark ness will sink And homes will be blasted and ruined by drink Unless we abolish the bar The message of justice we carefully read Which bids us in paths of all fair ness proceed The mandate is heard from And therefore with boldness and and zeal To voters and rulers alike we appeal To rise and abolish the bar The fruits of contentment will richly abound With bountiful seasons the years will be crowned And nothing their progress will mar The tempted will know that they yet have a chance And kindness and learning and wealth will advance When we have abolished the bar of Mr has sold the lot former- hours I saw a change lor the occupied by Dr for the sum foe Sunday if AURORA before she had taken the half of This great Dominion is dotted over with encroachments on the Sab bath said Rev T Albert Moore secretary of the Lords Day Alliance speaking in the Central Methodist by The boarding houses are now ready for summer guests and guests are ex- S pected in considerable numbers the The Baptist Sunday School held coming week its annual picnic at Wilcox Lake Both storekeepers Keswick arc Saturday June 24th preparing to calt ants and The town council have purchased a requirements Lake campers new and uptodate sprinkler during the season one small bottle she was well This Church street Toronto last Lloyd The One Wasnt in a large school and one of A meeting the Public School At the close of the camping season tlC some grave Courteous Modern Treatment Facilities A t WWallace Bruce Manager BRANCH URQUHART Manager Mount Albert Branch TORONTO 0NT Strictly In all depart ment Magnificent Students at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Yonge A Alexander Bin Board was held on Tuesday evening year considerable talk was all the members being present Com- reference to the had the council to munieations were received from the owners cottages to commute principal Thompson and the their statute labor and appoint a first assistant Miss asking of their number to oversee the the Board to reconsider their deci- aiong lhe Shore in regard to the increase in their lo lht improvements to respective salaries thc camping It would be well if some of peo- instead of middle How pie in town would remember that the work sidewalks were built to walk on and not to drive on as some of them of discipline The teacher announced that he would thrash the whole class if some one did not tell him who had committed offence All were silent and he began with the first hoy and thrashed every one in the class until finally he reached I perform thc last one- Then he said Now bath Sunday night Do you ask me where the en croachments are the worst I am almost afraid that thc Sab bath is encroached upon more in On tario than in any other Province Scarcely any person in Canada he went on can call the Sabbath his day of rest There is toiling in Canada on Sundays an army of more than men not to speak of the multi tude who stay at home to feed the Sunday visitors or army of hoys girls and women who arc obliged to minor work on the Sab- pear to think If it is absolutely necessary to drive across the cement sidewalk pieces of plank or scantling should laid down on each side of who BRADFORD his PROMPTLY SECURED Write for Invent lor Help How you are a rough or model of your or improvement and It lip ijxenfutiy We Icondwt fully In Montreal and Waihtntoj to prompt Rev Young preached rarcwcll sermon last Sunday the walk to prevent breaking it c Several more or less serious understand a bylaw will dcnts town at the next meeting of the daughter of Mr I man does not save 10 council across it Mr ten per cent of his earnings lki across any tfiw manse yard and received l if you will tell me wont thrash you All I did it was the reply did this I right sir ONE DOLLAR SAVED SIONTS DOLLARS Sixty thousand of these workers arc employed on the rail roads of Canada- Twentythree thousand are in the smelters and rolling mills Thirteen thousand arc employed id operating Sunday street cars An army of 150000 men who arc robbed their spiritual and religious privileges he for all concerned than half holiday which the has ard quickly the Invention reference throyh Marlon Ma- pi notice wit charce In loo distributed itfce Specialty MARION MARION Expert nnd Solloltorn Mew York fortunate as to sever an artery In his foot lie was unpacking some in vogue for past two years- broken glass penetrated his boot ami entered the foot I The fourth anniversary of the of the corner stone of the new Trinity Church was appropriately Case How much your little boy your husband I bald the cunning politician Ive always heard she that people grow to look like those they are much with hut this Is quite a remarkable case only adopted the little fellow last Chicago RecordHerald GlairvoyantPsycbic Medical Examination Free UK of Relieving in or not there no gainfcay- the fact that the doctor can ex plain thft source and of your either mental or and ha restored to health and happiness many who would invalids all their Uvea Send lock of hair name age fctarnp to yUTTBRFIELD Syracuse Market day in town has been chang ed from Friday to Wednesday which change come in force on the first Wednesday in July Our football boys practising hard evenings in preparation for the football tournament at St Johns picnic on July 1st Mr Adam Smart recently purchas ed from Hughes the house store and lot situated on Main St north He is placing a stone foun dation under the store and Is other- Wise engaged in making Improve ments on the property Mr J A Armstrong of Lloyd- town has secured the building form- replied oily occupied Mr John as a tailor shop has had It painted and fitted up and in future will use It as an office In which he will carry on his of conveyancing insurance work etc We understand extensive prepara tions arc being made by local and outside gentlemen for the building of elevators coal piggeries this fiurmner to have them ready for the fall and winter trade The sites for buildings have been pur chased and the materia for some of them being placed on the grounds Mr of Tottenham erecting a piggery and by its side Mr Courtney will build an ele vator Men and tenderers were at work on preparing ground for building It Is said a new will have to I open ed up to make an entry to those buildings from Main This road will probably be built from Main St Mr Taylor lot Mr dark will also join in building we understand he intends served on Sunday three special services Rev Mr of Toronto assisted Hector Rev J several dollars Lloyd For sale by i floo Too Costly to Give Among the firstclass passengers on a homebound transAtlantic steamer was a young woman whose- Heme Morley and delivered three excel- economy had not any lav- lent addresses The afternoon expenditure during the foreign vice was particularly a flower service tour It was with for the children the floral offer rigs pride that she very beautiful On Monday referred to the material for two evening the annual garden party In connection with the anniversary was held In the church grounds and prov ed to be a most successful affair both until we have done what we could to accomplish this object When this has been done it will found that there arc not many open barrooms in land That part of enemy over against us is part we are responsible for defeating Let Christian temperance workers remove personal responsibility carrying Local Option bylaws their own municipalities a a v Photography Two artists were regarding in a gallery a print of Chill Oc tober One of them said Sir John Millals once showed me Do you like your thin rough short hair Of course you dont Do you like thick heavy smooth hair Of courao you do Then why silk dresses purchased at a bargain which she was bringing home to her mother and sister the sug gestion of one sympathetic of Chill October and that would probably lave topay ho told me a story duty produced merely a restraint in complacency with I aid that as he sat painting which she viewed her proposed afternoon among reeds and rushes of a voice from At last when the steamer New York and the honse received plain young woman at hie her fellow passengers were curl- ho continue to paint slowly I Its a quicker I Man did yo ever try the V the cabin la- never said Sir John and Bald Jlclng asked the usual questions voice air pleased Hair beautiful thats the whole Sold for years A art Hair for wodtxfa iitS to ih aeaJa for fcfi Weak Haiti dutiable property she replied stoutly and defiantly that she had material for two silk dresses Are they for yoursell the In spector demanded declared they arc not bringing them home for since they arc not for your use I bo to charge you duly arid he announced the re quired amount I Later she wan 111 a vindictive manner That has simply made IhpHcdfessei cost so much that afford to give them away now Im lust going to keep them I suppose so Then the voice said An Its like place A Pill in Time save a serious sickness to people subject to Bilious attacks Headaches suffer from Stomach disorders A pill In need is a friend Indeed end you should never be without a box of ATA j a j for 4Cc Mousey Sunlight Scop pure Kcncine and free fldBltcrjtionalluMlTiricaulvjrizUiJ anyone finding vr com pi Jr nothing by trying and will with of other women that the Sunlight only way clothes reward will be lo who can prove that Sunlight Soap contains any form of or contains any injurioas chcm Just Sunlight Soip on clonics and let them irk tepid rinse out fresh it equally good in or toft then BROTHERS LIMITED- TORONTO Maid do not rob And boll their to they with way YOU CAN PAY CURED NO NAMES USED VITHOUT WRIT Tell CONSENT STRICTURE DI3EA0E CURED I bad rears It finally brought en years Disease olebe I ilie and feeling iboucbsomelbiof back weak and I could over Urine of sedi ment Had Family medicines electric I I Kennedy Kernin as the last bad bend a deal them and tho fact bad at thmirdersiood I with iharrm- In cne nrek I tler is a fen weeks cured Ilavo weight G E WRIGHT patent coaraged I bid of In OR NO PAY HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED BLOOD Tory lira blood of I rethft ixost and or victim and frcm the will It oar cores ll blood diseases forever YOUNG OR MIDDLEAGED bare your system feel over yea you arooot the man you used lobe should Artsyou Hive you lost hope to marry Has roar blood been discted Have wesVoeisrOof Mew Method will euro Whit CONSULTATlOH Ho matter jou for aobooeaopioIooFrea of Charge Cbsrfeireasooible HOOKS FREE Golden en of Scaled Book on Diseases of MO WITHOUT thing Question for Homo S3 M noil Cor Ave and Detroit Mich THE DUKE 25376 STANDARD AND is a Seal Drown Trotting Stallion about hands and weighs about Race record trial 217 driven quar ters In seconds a gait Is a large fine looking and for three combined quali ties breeding and Speeding he is of finest Trotting Stal lions In world MONDAY noon he wilt at Dallantrao Monday night at Albert TUESDAY noon Zephyr night WtiDNKSDAY noon night Mr John Kays farm Virginia THURSDAY noon Queens Hotel Sutton night FRIDAY noon Keswick and Friday from 3 to pm- Fri day night Royal Hotel Newmarket ho will remain until Sat urday afternoon SATURDAY bo will be at Lemons Hotel Aurora where he will remain until Monday morning Insures Living Colt days alter marc foals If Colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will be made who will inspect this selecting a sire wo will guarantee to make them a present of and a Colt without if this Is not lust as represented REYNOLDS J St Toronto Mr Reynolds will bo at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays to arrange loans for armors at per cent No fees BUY IT NOW Now Is Iho to buy -Chamber- Colic and Diarrhoea Sold Everywhere In boxes cents 1 j i It Is better to bo and your wile agree with you than to be right and try to convince nor Ma said a discouraged nun Avenue urchin I nC to school any more Why dear or later and when that time tenderly inquired his mother Cause you will need it no I can never to Will need it quickly Buy it no spell Tho teacher keeps changing may save life For by words on mo all time Lloyd A

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