ONTARIO BANK Stock Paid up Total Office Toronto I ladies will think General Manager twice about walking on soft pave- after this Some impressions WFVVMARKET BRANCH boots led to a severe reprimand being administered by P A General Bute- cpL TRANSACTED S The Methodist will hold their Interest Allowed On annual picnic on Saturday to Wilcox IT CCRKEST Everybody come bring lots ISSUED have a good time Two special cars will leave the Metropolis tB Stationone at 115 on which go attended Manager LEGAL the second at 215 the balance on the regular Bus at Summit Hill will convey the crowd to the Jake Round trip adults children under J Robertson Notary Ac Newmarket to loan on good F 8ccur Conveyancers c over Parlor Herbert Aurora will also beat on Saturday and Court J Rosa Co Banker an Bank Aurorfi prank I Shupc Estate Agency IxtiKht and on done on easy terms- Monty to loan at Office library Reformer Block Money to Loan J A Agent for add Life Money at Current At the Newmarket R fl Ramsay Plre Insurance Agent on and Town Property Sovereign Newmarket Simpson Main 8i and Note of It There is an advertisement in some of the city daily papers Drunkenness cured in one day in which the statement is made that any lady can use it upon the per son addicted thereto Newmarket has two or three subjects for some one to experiment upon If it proves efficacious we will give the preparation a free because we dislike to see worthy citizens become victims of a disgusting habit Produce Lots of cherries and berries on the market last Saturday Following were the ruling prices Butter to to din Cherries SO to SI per pail Red Raspberries lb and box Red Currants 5 and qt White Currants to Black Currants 10c Gooseberries quart Potatoes new peck Beans quart Green Peas peck Cauliflower to head Cabbages to head Spring Chickens to Old Hens Id to Ducks to Hides and Calfskins to Sheepskins 10c lb Dunoon AUCTIONEER- Collected- Practical Painter PaperHanger and Corner Church Street and John A Broker and Agent Bonds an Auditor Parma or exchanged for City Property Mortgage Manning Arcade Klnjrilt ty fu TOBONTOONr A Ellis and Sanitary Manning on all at will receive prompt THE NEWMARKET Toronto tetter It is understood that Hon Not son Muntcith Minister of Agriculture has ordered thai the I liymah Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private Patera at realdece If wired The North York Livery tad keep up a look Our look look baa a treat People look at you the and happy people And to save that you like a nice new buggy out In the mud and dirt all old been kept on Jit wo have some tawdust to require In wt line call or call up or Carting alto A Proprietor Public School Board Special meeting called by chairman to receive applications and general Present Dr Scot I chair man Messrs Bruce Manning Mc Kay If The following accounts were order ed to be paid ExpressHerald sheets paper Pearson lumber 2 K5 J A drawing coal Marshall repairs Permission was granted theOtazel Tennis Club to use the grounds as a tennis court Miss Job was engaged at as sistant for the principals room the ensuing model term at for the term Ten applications were received in reply to advertisement for a teacher to fill vacancy caused resignation of Miss Kelly That of Miss Ellison of Brampton was accepted On moti Board adjourne Baseball After throwing the game away about three times the officials at the game last Saturday showed their quality of sport by robbing the vis itors The game was very ragged Toronto started with a twobagger and a home run hut were then shut off till the fifth when runs started to come chiefly on errors was given three chances and muffed all Donahue dropped a nice infield fly right to his and How ard missed two easy ones In the ninth missed a hot ground er which should have concluded the game and four more came in Had Newmarkets pitcher had good sup port the visitors score should have been about as he struck out eight men in the first four innings and altogether Vox had a nice sleep at first or it may have been the ef fect of being hit by a thrown ball- but It looked suspicious when he took another snooze the follow ing innings After the fourth in nings when they had to they failed to connect and were three be hind in the last half of the ilth By crooked work and a very decision which didnt go without a dispute and a scrap the lo cals pulled In runs thus winning out The score Arctics Newmarket i Batteries Moran Umpire Weir Struck by A on balls by Pepplatt by JTU fcj Fry BARONESS The Worlds Greatest Philanthropist Angela Georgiana Baroness the lady bountiful of Eng land one of the partners in the great banking house of Couttaaecond only In wealth to the Bank of England and one of the richest peeresses In the kingdom has had a romantic and remarkable career In her ninetyone years She was a close friend of Queen Victoria and Edward said of her Next to my mother she is the most wonderful woman in England She was the daughter of Sir Francis and Sophia Coutts her maternal grandfather Thomas died ignoring his children and leav ing bis great to his second wife who was Miss Mellon a wellknown The widow later married the of St Albans whose relatives treated her with ridicule and contempt for her verbal inaccuracies her quaint speeches and her Inability to master the social code of her set Her will revealed her revenge when It was found that every penny of her went to her stepgranddaughter Angela then twentythree with the understanding that she should add a hyphen and to her name Then Miss In the year Victoria became Queen began her life of benevolence and limiting herself to no one phase of helpfulness but wherever she could benefit humanity her heart and her purse were open She built and endowed St Stephens Church Westminster endowed three colonial bishoprics secured the government adoption of traveling Inspectors of schools gave funds for the topographic survey of Jerusalem aided emigrants on a large scale established a home for women fitted out hundreds of boys for the navy the formation of the East London Weavers Association erected model tenements aided Sir Thomas Brooke In his work In Sarawak helped the starving fishermen of Cape Clear Island and the poor of and Scotland organized the Turkish Compassionate Fund to help the peasantry during the war and for nearly seventy years has devoted herself to charities In the Queen made Miss a peeress and ten years later when she was sixtyseven years of age she married a young American now a member of Parliament thirtyseven years her junior settling on an annuity of a year Surprise became consternation and later genuine hostility when it became known that the Baroness after nuraing young through a long illness Incident to work on her Turkish charity bad married him Art la IKS a ibr All is not Pure That is the reason why reward will be paid by Lever Brothers Limited Toronto to any person who can prove that contains any form of adulteration whatsoever or contains any in jurious chemicals en woolens frayed linens and sore chapped hands arc evidence that soaps arc not pure soaps Sunlight Soap is guaranteed to be a pure soap Dealers are authorized to return purchase money to any one finding cause for complaint Sunlight Soap is good in hard or soft water TORONTO wattling ahead for Maid In the first quarter Bradford tallied In the fourth Larry Doyles teg In one minute followed by another gave out and he had to retire in minutes Newmarket scored the Coombs going off with him The next their only one in seven in hi- dropped out of the race at utt8 and again the in blue and this stage but Bradford never tot up white chased up the field and bulged and piled up three more- the net for the third lime The game was only fairly clean Newmarket had the down grata In putting up a line of the second and it was expected they shinny had his hands would pull up but only one goal was full ami missed a good many ugly scored and that by Bradford hotly checks For Newmarket the Clapper while stopping a shot in town especially the defence the third dropped it and It rolled In played the whole game Against Germs Crown bred by WhV of Brampton will be teat tor Alto a tew choice of rood type of and for tale Clark Bradford Newmarket Buffered a bad defeat at the hands of Bradford last Thursday afternoon in the second game of the Intermediate series In District No The Bradford ex pected work to win but partly through bad grounds and mostly through poor work the outsiders form the bulk of Newmarkets they simply played i around thy Talagooe Keep Well by the in In time ol war the most fermentation rests upon the guard any disease germs which Is lacking in vigilance can will he overtake the army Proved and fowl will be so readily that a and healthy With the individual life- the Morn in flesh will result may well represent the guard Nervousness and sleeplessness against sickness If it is strong tomach and vigilant any disease germs that may be swallowed will be neutralised ana rheumatism pains are by the digestive Juices or else driven directly caused by an acid condlttoi from the system corrects Everyone with weak all this prevents the formation should use Mtona at this reason adds and nervousness kidney and so strengthen the stomach that or rheumatism is quickly cured disease germs have no effect Ask J It Y to show whatever This remarkable remedy you guarantee under which ho puts the digestive system In sells Price cents It healthy clean and a state costs nothing unlets It cures who turned the hose on ladies sleeping on the verandah shall be expelled that institution is that the military camp this year At Niagara is the last to be hold there Six miles square has been secured not far from ton as the future place for military camps South will feel humpy over this selection Owen who was arrested on Friday last charged with crapshooting was found partially- unconscious in his cell early next morning He turned on the gas jets without lighting apparently with suicidal design A residence for the nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children to cost is to be erected by Mr J A permit for the erect ion of the building was to Mr Robertson on Saturday and work will commence almost immediately The portrait of Col Sherwood who was Mayor of Toronto in 184123 was on Saturday in the corridor of the City Hall The portrait is said to be an exceedingly fine one and a faithful representation of the features The asphalt on Yonge street which was laid thirteen years ago was inches thick has now worn to fiveeight of an inch must be refold next year The original the contractors was only for five yeans Trip committee who are the arrangements for printers convention which will be held in To ronto from August to 19 almost completed their labors It is now twentyfour years since they met in Toronto The Secretary states that from Chicago a special train will bring over three hundred dele gates Two special excursions are being run from New York Another special will corne from Washington A foghorn to be used in case of fogs has been installed at the Island which can heard for miles in clear weather is made of boiler plate is feet in length with oval opening ft inches high by 3 ft inches across The opens auto matically for seconds in every min ute The air which operates the horn iscompressed in three of cubic feet each and two of cubic feet each The air compressors Operated by horsepower motors driven by electricity from the city Preparations are being made for giving Elliot of York Rangers thn hero of the at a big reception on his re turn home The Council will prob ably present him with Aud not word from opposit ion champion of corporations the extra was proposed to line his own pocketbook How is thu mighty fallen The Daughters of Empire want fireworks on Trafalgar day Manag er of Exhibition with his usual courtesy lias agreed to go as far as the Daughters desire Tho Ontario Gazette announces that permission has given the J Gage Company to increase its capital from to 00000 During the summer months a double with will take of the choir at Street Methodist Church Thin innovation was introduced by Mr Cop- pin the organist and choirmaster in to permit the of his to be away on holidays without materially effecting the choral singing The Anglican Synod of Ontario has adopted the report of the lords Day Alliance Committee which strongly commends work of the Alliance in helping to prevent increase of Sunday labor As soon as rela tive powers and authority of the Do minion and Province are determined by tho Privy Council tho Alliance will seek effectual legislation Olio hardly toll who to trust in these days of frauds Dyer of Marie who is staying at the Union Station hotel took pity on a man he had known at the who was in hard luck and took to his room to spend the night When Dyer awoke next morning his bed fel low had vanished so had his gold watch and about The police hope to capture tho ungrateful fraud Two young fellows who thought they knew all about handling a sail- In craft went out In a a few days ago and in turning about the boat upset They were some three miles from shore but to hang onto the boat and sails till help arrived They dont know half as much now about sailing as they lid before the accident A body was saved from the Ing knives of students at the To ronto Medical College last week by arrival of a Miss Gates of De troit The body was unidentified until recognized by the Detroit wo man It had not been dissected and was delivered up by the of the College was shipped for tho same day THE LEADING TV Harvest is hero and we are for it with a full line of all kinds of Harvesting requisites Binder Twine Oil Forks etc Secure your it once and avoid delays See our stock of Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE o Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Stoves Furnaces Tinware A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET v OF ALU AT THE TORONTO JOBBING HOU I ESTABLISHED YOU BUY A WATCH HOT You Can Depend On We sell only reliable ones at fair prices and guarantee them to give satisfaction And we arc HERB TO MAKB TUB GUARANTEE GOOD Our Watch Repairing is run on the same plan WATSON and Graduate Optician For Sale Eggs for Hatching choice of Barred and Thomp son Strains Burt and and Eggs per cot- ting Guarantee ten chicks or re place at halt price Also large English Berkshire I Irk Jersey Springe J ft Sand and Gravel by mall promptly attended to A WOOL Aurora House For sale per cent Investment Apply to Frank I NEWMARKET LATEST IN and Head Stones- Before Orderly Elsewhere FOB SALE The convenient comfortable on Newmarket occupied by J A Boyds Livery a Union Bus to ail for all of tte Town will prompt fcttcoUoo A BOYD Old