Newmarket Era , August 18, 1905, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 1905 fireao to Comfortable rent Apply to Mrs Today Friday it expected there will be a big rush lot Cobalt It the sale of surface rights on town sites along the- Tetnisfcaroihg Hallway topic wanting mining claims this clans should be on hand the sale of course ft advocates senators A free ad House to The Hamilton Herald fa or elective instead of nominative Sen- The Cedars Newmarket representing Cornet ns con and their election Card of Mrs David wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for their kind assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of her husband Card Port Arthur election trial is terms part at a time We also fa- to take place the nth of ao elective Senate it is more September Mr W A in accord with enlightened Conservative defeated at the new of Dominion appointed as successor to Mr is Mr John jwho for many years has held an im portant position in the Finance He- no general elections is endeavoring to unseat Mr H Kennedy Lib eral who was his successful rhal Mr Preston thinks the protest will bo successful his opponents Otherwise Mr and Mrs A wish to at Ottawa He is a ra- express their sincere thanks tor the Glengarry and was appointed many kindnesses shown them by clerkship in that branch of the their friends during their recent Strayed Came on Lot 11 rear of Con somewhere about the of August white The Mail and Empire takes a drive at the for East York to a clerkship in that branch of the loe fashion Having Federal service by the Mackenzie Hy Macleans latest tirade Government For some time past the Conservative party and he has been known as Chief Dominion the Montreal Witness Bookkeeper He is fiftythree years Evidently the Conservative of age and is said to be well Party is unfit to lead the country in for his new position present despicable condition cm the only paper United States Indians arc about as that can be gulled by Mr Maclean cheeky as California miners in the and it is taken in merely Yearling Steer all A number of them wants to be The Maclean tirades gainst the Conservative nary are Hog Astray have crossed over Into Ontario ami sweet to the Government side are hunting and fishing on the Pine River between Port Arthur the Bystander other words boundary Dr has Smith referring to the re I 27 Con res SwUty the In- cent plaster salary the terior Hitchcock of the United States Federal Government to er Government asking bin to Mil this conscience of take away lribc resme so long as the s expenses and animals been notified that the matter is ue has this to is no dealt with use of saying te position leader of a Wanted Immediately Husband and wife to work farm near the must be practical farmer wife prac tical dairy and housekeeper Ad dress MRS M ISA GLOVER Not- I tawa PO to a the The installing of a of prosper- government witt be by tors on the townsite of Cobalt the receipt a w the TemiskamiDR Commission Says A dissolution which unit hold town of Man s the upon the IcacIerViJp is unqualified approval of the mines SU might jeopardize his and settlers of he locality As it is quite likely these Government em- Mr Bordm must he will strike rich finds the con tention is that the Government invading a field of operation that For Sale or Rent jshouldbe left to the enterprising in dividual The Government has not Blacksmith Shop in Holt with yet announced its procedure provided ling house and acres of land in connection also farm being lot Con East For par ticulars apply to GfNEY Jr Albert NT Ml discoveries are made whether it work lease or sell the mines The commission it hclj will likely operate the claims itself As it has undertaken to I he railroad pay it may properly utilize the of the district this end prised if the feebleness of the oppo sition to the measure 0 last session is ascribed partly to his knowledge a prospect of sal ary for himself depended on the con tinuance of the government suspicion may he Mr dens character high when a man nuts himself in vocal position as Mr Borden by aeceptingqthis motives are sure to he ascribed the finish line was fully a mile astern Charlotte Aug With a fine fresh breeze increasing from miles to miles an hour the Cana dian challenger for the Canadas Cup was again in her element today and won the third race of the series by over two minutes The fourth race was called off on Wednesday on account of no wind With any kind of good luck the Tcmeratre should win in any steady and it would be almost to make her lose in a strong wind The cup has therefore a good chance of coming back to this side of the line Oof Society POINTS PLEASANTLY Miss Watson of Toronto is visiting with Mrs Geo Miss Is visiting her sis ter Mrs Scott Sutton- for a few days Miss Velma has entered the Huron St Hospital Cleveland Ohio Mrs left yesterday for where she will spend a month Daughters of Mrs from Vancouver and Toronto are home for holidays Master John is spending his holidays in Newmarket Examiner Mr and Mrs Mills of Toronto were visiting with Mrs M Horner last week Miss Gertrude Muir of Toronto is at home with her parents for a cou ple of weeks Bromley of Toronto of Mrs McArtlmr the examination of our fine new cata logue if you have any idea of a Col lege course It explains all about our modern methods fine equipment and strong A postal will bring it Address Yonge fcGerrard Sts Toronto SHAW Principal Fall Term From Sept Word comes from Ottawa that ar rangements arc about completed for an artillery camp to be held during October next at All the batteries within reach will under go training in gunlaying and shell target practice Brigade command ers with their adjutants will be pres ent to observe the firing but each battery will work as an independent unit This is the first shell practice any of the field batteries have had for two years It is intended Hat hereafter batteries will lake their training in shell practice as brigade divisions but it was not practical to attempt such complicated tines for the present year The Misses arc the guests St Miss Kelly has left town and intends making her home in Man Miss Winnie Belfry of is visiting with friends and relatives in town this week May is visiting with friends at and Allandale for a few weeks Mr A A Ramsay has been a guest for the past week at Orchard Beach Miss Braid and Miss Christie of Toronto visited with Miss on Friday last Mrs Lehman and daughter Ida visited in Richmond Hill last week with Mr and Mrs Brown Miss Florence Thomson spend ing a couple of weeks in Bradford action as we are convinced visiting the Misses Garrett that it could do nothing more unwise Miss Lottie is visiting or more than to with Miss Louise Richardson Vic- The Toronto News recently tender ed some wholesome advice to the On tario Premier respecting the dismiss al of Liberals from oflice After re counting fact that when the Blake and Governments took office in Ontario it left these men in the enjoyment of their positions the observes We do not com plain of dismissals for patent active and offensive hut we do not think the Government should he active in finding evidences of in Ontario by the present it i is not went Canadian national Exhibition out following contradiction to preys TORONTO August to Sept From Newmarket Going Aug to Sept 95c Aug SepU All Valid Returning Until Sept Farm Laborers Excursion To points in Manitoba mid Good Going from Kewmarket Sept For tickets illustrated literature and information call on Agent to the greedy patronagehunting element who now threaten Mr Whit ney and his ministers with withdraw- The reported wholesale and retail dismissal of Justices of the fa general ejectment of Liberal office- Miters Mr Whitney if he surren ders further to this demand will find Shi placate certain noisy placehunters he will alienate that ANTED Caretaker for Rresbvtetian duties to commence Sept I to J When inde- ports I wish to correct the cur- ne impression that the Ontario thieve in a permanent civil service Government is dismissing air the old contempt for the of Peace In the strict rival factions over the the term not a single builon of patronage vidual some names are being dropped ou These appointments arc made the meeting after this fashion the gen- issue of a general commission of era public can readily understand peace for each county The last that the officehunting crowd of general appointment was made in is being dismissed although pendent journals like the News with antes are dropped out Conservative leanings talk out in the I Appiy it is natural to suppose many of the old appointees are by this time incapacitated through old age or have removed from the county of their jurisdiction How ever in the of cases all the old Magistrates names appear in the commission The AttorneyGen eral in fact given instructions to the dispensers of patronage to wherever possible include the old names in the from which the va rious commissions are prepared Conservative persuasion arc using pressure in favor of the spoils For Sale Tie Canada Cup Aug In a and shifty breeze which around to every point of the com pass Iroquois on Saturday won the first of the neries of rates for the Ca nada Cup The Canadian yachtsmen are not at all jiauntwl by the result as the race is not considered have been anything like a good test of the two yachtH The defender prac- desirable Brickdad and large lot formerly known as the Methodist parsonage Apply on premiss to DONALD Prospect Avenue There has been considerable regarding the western of the GTI a recent published froin Victoria RC race at the start and appears the residents of that part the experts are of opinion that of the Dominion think Islinf would have won if had Is to be the crossed the line ahead of Iroquois states that bland cap mile and llotliwter Yacht Club bat Tucks Inlet Is to be with M- or City he western K ta J the the awl lid mrUill IK found in the contents the jioaslUe to a win Audrey Campbell minute council ol the provincial Charlotte NY attached to the of aire the Canadian MM I her ten ibowud land exclude- Cup had no Indian upon the the JroqiolK CLASS IN MUSIC to the company at a price was a fine fresh breeze varying 1 10m will b to meet anyone of one dollar per acre Van Ibou- to miles an hour and quite a for terms the first and sand acres In all are as heavy sea was roi in wu Saturday in September at the able tor town site purposes and il s which was Id as residence of Mr upon the best wU he towle conditional little the better the upon the selected site ade lit three seconds it lui I Farm TO Rent permanent western terminus the lead was wiped art In short wr new railway with divisional Soon after crossing the starting line The east ball of lot No Con round bouses etc and that showed that she was owned by Wilton tons ruction the railway in her element and Dd more or works the Pacific end he comment that she carried lull sail UA buildings and soil prior to June I and com- ihe defender bad a ml in ma For apply at once to pitted within two years thereafter she Mood up tetter to VflJUIIKfl The terms of Ibis would appear to use a Solicitor for Wilton to end the multitude of conjectures yelled tor more The race was a Newmarket that Simpson was the ultimate pradualiy raw- and Kalin a merely away from her rival until tune road end for speculative per- was a quarter of a mile a halfmile poses such as Moody was lo threctjiiajtcrs a mile thc When Tcincrairc THE BUSY CASH STORE NEWMARKET Gives Firm an outlet such as is enjoyed by w retail firms in So when it to putting down sit the mills or factories money talks because they are able to handle larger quantities than most dealers We receive price concessions from the wholesale houses that would never be granted a small purchaser There is no getting away from this argument you can make money go further at Hunter Bros than elsewhere because we can and do yell for less than other tames Slippers Regular 150 mid pair Rens tejiflu Flannel Stilus Sizes to On Saturday Bids oft All s Siiiiinhty each Lbis 15c Sat yard Hew Fail At 8c Sale of Samples At i Regular Prices 12jc tin Golden Net Salmon tin Headquarters for Pickling Spice Meat for for 25c Malta Vita Shaker Salt pkg capable of the Cottage Orchard Beach Mrs Sheriff Bramp ton visited with Mrs A Coombs during the sickness of Miss Alice Mi Harold Davis left last Fri day Fort William he be employed on the OTI survey Miss Simpson has been spending a few days the Misses Advance Mr of is sjencIinK his vacation with his parents at Orchard Mrs Walter Scott of Sutton Miss Morrison and Mr Walter Camp- hell of Toronto spent Sunday at Mrs Mr Coney Mrs and Miss of Toronto and Mrs of Vancouver were taking in the of Newmarket yesterday Mrs Hacking of Detroit accom panied by her daughter an I grandson is visiting net brother Mr J for a feu weeks Miss May Mullen of and her sister of- Hamilton spent part of their holidays with their Mrs Driver Park Ave Mrs Amos Kipling of ne Miss Minnie Kennedy formerly ol Newmarket was visiting friends and relatives in town this week Miss Alva Taylor of Detroit who is spending summer at Orchard Death with Mrs Frank Lloyd is vis iting with Col Lloyd for a day or two Mr Verne Cane returned from on Tuesday where he has been working on the Canal Survey He Is now at for a few hol idays Mr and Mrs of villc visited with Mrs Herb over Sunday Relatives from Sun derland were also with Mrs Llvfdgc over Sunday Mr Henry Watson and wife formerly of St but now of Aaron Wellington visited her sister Horner Whit church last week Mr I of is spending his vacation at Orchard He expects lfviKt in next week Inspector Harold of the North West Mounted Police Is iust now enjoying a lengthy furlough under the parental eaves and Inhal ing the ozone at Orchard P Win of Toronto formerly of Newmarket again figuring In the Police antes 3rd In 65pound weight and In putting shot Hon and Mrs J Davis and Industrial and agrarian troubles Miss Davis who have been touring in some parts of Spain arc Causing Europe with the Canadian great suffering j arrived home Saturday I FOR SALE Registered Large English Herb- man stamps his value on Boars and Sows price We challenge for V himself ourselves is given others Man is made great or little by his own will Schiller LAST YEARS Silk or brand new cleaned WILL CLEAR THEM OUT Of The Cradle ORR In Whitchurch Aug to Mr and Mrs Fred a son In East on Aug to Mr and Mrs Henry a daugh ter flltot the Metho dist parsonage Aoig 10 Ida to John Martin Shanks both of Newmarket THE 5r Undertaking House REM IT EVAPORATES Odorless Work or Kills In etc all color now airing AH In a few for a a do with new unit 1 jfTtnO 1 1 fteporcio ft Tootcr Toronto Jersey Dull Several Heifers t Also a choice lot of Yearling Rock Breeding Hens J Farm to Let West cud of Lot 3rd Con King Good buildings mostly cleared and under cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable fuitjicr particulars apply to on premises or to proprietor J 29if Mayor Cowan of Chatham was swindled out of 520 and a pair of boots by a stranger a bogus check Joseph who on the inst at Aylmer shot Mrs and then the revolver upon slf is dead NEEDED You votir Cheap For Cash AND A SPECIALTY Night attended to at residence John Millard Phono 17 and The Tomb In on Aug David years 8 months ADDISON On Tuesday at the residence ol her sen Dr T Addison Mary A Addison I wife of Rev Addison BOWMAN In Town on Aug Velma daughter of Bowman aged 11 years mos Industrial Home Aug George Hague Interred at Markham Aniiullv rill by Young to Learn Telegraphy and Accounting Wo Operator And In Our lArj8t exclusive In by Wo to every tudcnt to him or her In of he ftrmintalnB or to a month In of upon enter any time No vaca tions For full ctihtrs of our direct to our free ft J ft MAIN ST NORTH Careful and Prompt Attention The Horse School of Buffalo Y Co MUSIC CLASS Mrs Bayly will resume her Music Class on Tuesday Aug 1st ST OLD NEWSPAPERS Pot Sale at Office

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