i -i-l- i THE pC S Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST Will at Albert Block 2nd Tuesday of month Plymouth Binder Twine We keep the best the most reliable Twine in the market at reasonable prices Come and see us before you buy Once you use our Twined you will have no other SHIELDS Albert Joe an English farm labor- had Gorman our hotelkeeper up before week on a charge of assault As the evidence Was all in the favor the case was dismissed Mrs Phillips who- has been visiting her daughter Sirs Draper had Jersey Grades fOr Sale the misfortune to fall down the cel- liar stairs and was badly braised a seemed as though the flood gates W Heifer from month to 1 The barber shop was closed nn fears old have Fresh Cows For apply to Mr and Mrs Arthur Cuttle and young son of were here Another strip of cement walk is be- over Sunday at bis fathers laid this week The part which Miss Annie Bradford of Winnipeg was put down last year is in the who has Spent three weeks in Sutton very best condition not a crack or and vicinity left for home on break in the whole length Next Saturday morning year we hope to have cement walks Mr Chester also left here j Doc Daley Veterinary Surgeon all our streets which Improve- on Saturday morning for Winnipeg turning from J Kesters after will add greatly to the appear- where we hear be intends attending jsuccessfuj effort to save a Valuable of our village Jthe Normal School horse A call in time and Daley can Mr P Marshall who taught do as much as any otter VS Hes I of the bull ring 1 merely referred to it as a news item thats all Who Comes There At glimpse I thota clergy man for be bad a clerical cut no but as he drew nigh and ex tended hand twas our friend Tools of Kinds MOUNT i Timber Lot for Sale The West of East of Lot Con- Scott on which is a large quantity of hardwood hemlock ce- their produce and tamarack For and We arc forced destroyed by lightning not one equipped with lightning rods Tuesday was the dreariest ma day ever known in Mount Albert It- rained heaviiy all forenoon and very few braved the elements to bring out of eel- Mr Greenwood and Miss Clark of Sharon were the guests of Mr and to the conclusion and flooding quite a number in the village I was At Home airs on Sunday as were a number of her young friends on also and Miss Miss day evening last intends remaining for a Miss of Toronto is while visiting friends in- the village this Saturday to be apply to W DAVIDSON Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Balance of Subscribed HEAD CANADA MONTttktU fiOAKn Of P Chairman J Deputy man Samuel Ckmfr- lon Esq Alex Risk at Current States G FCSMITH lit Albert Agent for Dominion that muchvaunted Newmarket Miss Bond Toronto is or on to the guest came on of Mrs i We Have Noticed One thing particularly lately that is when people buy Bedsteads nine times in ten they decide to have an IRON one We think this is a wise deci sion Iron Bedsteads are than wooden ones They are more healthful cleanly and they will last a lifetime Yes we a lot of bed steads And because we sell a lot we a lot We will be glad to them to you at any time ALLAN THEAKER ROSS MOUNT ALBERT baseball team are to Mount Albert wish to take no prefer easy teams from the city afraid to venture laying at her home here Mr and They evidently Toron to are also visiting at Mr Bonds Percy Rev and Mrs on a visit for a Mrs Houston of and Mr and Miss- of in Toronto this week McKerrol are here few weeks Mr aiso visiting at Mr Bonds K Rev R Barbour Mr and Mrs Luck of arc arc taking each others visiting at J J Terrys Mrs A T and Master Ray j j and went to the city on Wednesday of Mrs who has been vis- j Richard Mrs returne to her Bond of Toronto was the than Baldwin girls popular Little a winning way pleasant smile dressed so neat but quite in style Just so the same for Baldwin girls Mrs Jacob Taylor Newmarket is visiting relatives the Taylors here Birth is grandson Mr and Mrs Thompson the parents How doth the busy little bee im prove each shining hour Our honey men are extracting quite frequently now Fair crop A big rush Threshing grain ting and storing in bags Farmers are too busy to talk to an agent DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool invaluable This Year Sell to were visitors at the home of Mr Hunter last week Miss of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Robert of Newmar ket were visitors at the home of Mr Brooks on Sunday Mrs and Miss of Barrie were visiting friends in town week iin of his sister Mrs Osborn beginning of the week Rev and family SuDdcrland were camping out last Miss Cole and Miss of To- Pacing an ronto and Miss of Wood- public highway stock were visiting Mrs J rook last week Miss Munns of Toronto was in town last week on a visit to her uncle Mr Hunter Mrs has gone to New to spend a few weeks with her sister Mrs J A Miller Miss Bess Harris of City camping week at Arrested by an indignant j Graham and wife of Brock who charges him with placing Miss Leigh a rail across the road up in the Sunday lastj J Sutton Arksey spent the first a farmers sod is in custody on a of this week in Toronto A very heavy followed the j eclipse on the night of the also Mr Frank Wilson and a fried were returning to the city in Mr Ali sons machine last night when thev came upon the rail aid a young watching from behind a fence skirt ing the road They him Ihm the fields and bush uutil they taught him Then they untile J him into the auto and hunted a nest day accompanied with wind BALDWIN BREEZES high Mich and Miss Vclma of They tried four justices of the peace Newmarket were the guests of the district but none them Forrest for a few days would listen to thiir complaint Mr FOR Mrs Cunningham widow of the late Joseph Cunningham and grand son who have been camping at Jacksons Point spent Wilson then drove his prisoner to Toronto Junction and roused Mag istrate Ellis at am this- morng Mr Ellis detained Arksey a few days at the home of Mr at his house until lhe PEGSALMLU I Hobby Clothing AND- a Boots and Shoes COME TO RO88 Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pails Cream Cans Churns AMD Butter Bowls J ROWLAND Mount Albert Cunningham Holt Mr of Toronto was in Town over Sunday on a visit to his friend Mr Mr returned from his holiday trip on Monday Mr and Mrs Hunter spent Sunday with friends in UNION Many farmers are complaining about their poultry dying If the farmer will give the same care to his hens that he gives to his cows there will be no cause to complain I venture to say that the actual fig ures would show a great increase for the money and time invested in the poultry yard than in the dairy It is estimated says wise poultry- man who studies the comfort his poultry if all or nearly all of the farmers could be induced to discard the scrubs and use only pure breeds there would be a great increase in the value of their poultry There are a lew points that are applicable to the poultry business Availabil ity adaptability efficiency cleanli ness and economy A large was present at the on Sunday but to their surprise found no minister there AND DIARRHOEA A REM- THAT IK PROMPT AND PLEASANT The Prompt results produced by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy together with its pleasant taste have won for it a place in many households Mr W Taylor a merchant of Ala writes 1 have used Chamber lains Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and also with men on my place for diarrhoea and colic and it always gives relief promptly and pleasantly For sale by The Brandon Binder Twine Com pany a farmers corporation will he wound up The assets arc estimat ed at and the liabilities at arrival of County Constable Burns who took him to the City Hall was remanded for a week He says his father is a farmer near Sutton The baseball match here on Tues day week between Newmarket and Sutton resulted in victory for tiers in Baldwin The Yates family returned on Rev Jos of TburIiy came here on Tuesday of last week returning on Wednesday Mrs Cliff and children To ronto are spending a few days at Squire Mrs Walker and son of Detroit are visiting her mother and sisters the Crawfords here It is twenty years since she left home Mr and Mrs John Fountain are visiting their daughter Mrs Moore Toronto Mrs Chapman an aged and wellknown resident of Baldwin for many years died at her daughters Mrs John Wilfrid and bur ied at test week Deceas ed and her husband pioneer set- There was an excursion by Steamer from on Tuesday week Miss Furlong teacher from Chica go is the guest of Mrs Mrs John Donnell is laid up with an attack of rheumatism in one knee Rev J Boyd took several holi days last week There was a large excursion by steamer from on Thurs day week being the annual ex cursion of the Carriage loaded down with- their spoils ike the spies sent out by the children of Israel They got slews of Their canvascovered frame on wagon was a very comfortable travelling outfit The patty comprised Me Yates and my wife son Geo and his wife Us four and several more For the Owl Notes kind wishes and some beautiful views of the old mother land including picture room where Bobbie Burns first saw the day arrived from the man No trip to a Canadian Employees Mrs Fred oil could he more interesting or took advantage of the trip than this With a comprehensive to come over to see Mrs Williams Of I guide hook and an unlimited supply i a Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills r Doors and all kinds of Dressed Lumber on hand for your house ready spring and tave money and Shingles WOODCOCK this place Mrs Morrison had friends from as also did Mrs Percy on the same excursion A baseball match took place the same day between and Sut ton Score to in favor Bar- lie Mrs lieharriel Toronto spent Sunday and Monday week with el ends litre Mrs has returned to her own house Mrs Michael is taking care of her Mr Philadelphia who has been the guest of his cousin Mrs for a while returned on Saturday morning Mrs Wilis entertained the ladies belonging to the Knox Church last afternoon at her cottage Jacksons Miss ot Brampton is the guest of Mrs Greenwood of a chap can have a boss time in the old country I dont like to sec a man elfish when it comes to an outing Some will skjp out and leave his at home so there can be obstacle in the way of a flirtation The mans way is the best Another of our staunch old friends John Rogers has gone from us for ever Death sooner or later comes to all prepared or unprepared The man hails it with U release from a world trouble It is a wise man who his laup trimmed and brightly miming and ready for the cry Behold the Bride groom go ye forth to meet Him Very few are really properly quali fied to bring up a family Minigh al most anybodys willing to It requires great wisdom on high to discipline and Main the unfolding and expanding juvenile ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Id bulk and up package by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We alto carry a full Medicines among them grove and Cure 9 J nd Family receive attention or LLOYD mind A child ahould lift by parents whilst In a passion Youre a liar youre No more cruel thrust no more hitter taunt or one more calculated to j rouse all the evil venom of his spirit could be addressed to a man yet on mature consideration one must admit that half the portion of humanity are guilty of those grave offences I tell you what it needs to be drilled into the of every child He truthful be hon est let wealth if can but It you cant get it do without It An old fanner having a large family it gave this advice on their upon lifes struggle Oct wealth it honestly If you can but it ft has been said An honest mm Is the noblest work of The report of Nancy IftHO flKirinK as the heroine of a bull caused a great demand for the bun your In local circles here missed a WyE rf golden opportunity by not touching Item and making her Queen A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND GEO HAIGH SON MOUNT ALBERT V by at Nelson BC is surrounded forest fires Green Bros grain elevator Harrow was burned o A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream it preserves the feather We sell the celebrated J time Shoe J Polish Once used always used also a full line of Tan Polish Fine Shoe Repairing and Ordered Work Lehman Albert NEW CARPETS LINOLEUMS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS CURTAINS H D ALBERT Q o Paying Cents for Pound Prints PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT BUTTER MUST BE FULL WEIGHT c for New Laid Best White Wine Vinegar regular gal gals for Also on hand Mixed Turmeric Curry Powder Celery Seed Mustard Seed Garlic Chili Peppers Whole Pepper Whole All spice Fresh Green Peppers Fresh Red Peppers Crockery Half Price do wo sell at these prices Simply because we import our Crockery direct No middlemans profit no cost of repacking and the cheaper cost by buying direct from manufacturer These facts lied with our Spot Cash way of buying gives you the goods at these prices An assortment of Tea Breakfast and Dinner Plates worth and all at one price each 5 Kross Dishes regular do at Butter Pats regular at Teapots beautifully flowered in regular each for Fancy China Cuspidors regular each for 25c Covered Vegetable Dishes handsome decorations regular at very fine China Soup Plates very choice decoration at 8120 China Berry Sets in the popular Flown with very tfons regular set a at Cheese Dishes good size regular each for Fine Colored Tea Sets regular each for Fine Colored Dinner Sets about pieces in set at Fancy Toilet gold decoration colored in regular set for Dread and Dutter Plates very handsome decorations in colors and heavy stippled regular doz at Another very handsome line decorated in gilt special doz An assortment of Fancy Glassware at corresponding pricey We handle Fresh Ripe Tomatoes and Fruit In Large Quantities Johnstons Cash us regular fine gold decora- each sot regular Pink or Green fa tore Sutton f