Newmarket Era , August 25, 1905, p. 1

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The ERA gives I INTELLIGENCEE AND Give us the liberty to know to freely to abovo all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in LTV No Atomic So each Per Cent To display the large stock of Stoves Ranges and Heaters arriving daily and must get the balance of the summer goods away quick The following lines will be sold at per cent discount to clear out Refrigerators Freezers Hammocks Screen Doors Screen Windows Lacrosse Baseball and all Sporting Goods Childrens Wagons Wheelbarrows Carts and RAMBLER BICYCLE WITH BRAKE WOOD COOK STOVE TANK RANGE WITH RESERVOIR GOOD CHEER FAVORITE RANGE COST 25 SHELF AND HEAVY Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing and General NEWMARKET PHONE ICE FOR I Sauces Catsups and Relishes Our Spices such as Cinnamon Cayenne Cloves Curry Powder Gin ger Mace Mired Spice Mustard Nutmegs Peppers Turmeric Ac Ac are the very best at grocers prices ooo ALL K LITTLE I BIG SHORT LONG THICK THIN Agent for Parkers Dye Works Express Office Baggage to from trains hand led with despatch OUR What makes our Parlor crowded at night our Ice Cream Is of THE BEST It la made from the purest Cream not adulterated In any form Our Bricks 1 r Are like our IceCream the BEST arid Try Them SIMPSON FARMERS OFT GOAL FOR per ton -ALSO- END Newmarket Ont Friday Aug 25 J TERMS 9125 per annum 1 if paid In advance 1 Greatest City In World We could not afiord to come all the way across the ocean without visit ing the greatest city of modern times and therefore as soon as felt Westminster rested we left Glasgow for London the city of six million itants almost as many people as occupy the entire Dominion of Cana da Like other tourists we concluded alter being comfortably located at our hotel that nothing would enable us to ascertain our bearings better and give us an insight into the laby rinthine topography of the city as well as to dispel the first oppressive feeling and insignificance than an omnibus ride through the principal quarters This we therefore did taking our seats en the top close to the driver and stayed there to the end of bis journey across London ridge conveyance occupying the whole ing We will not attempt to de scribe the several rooms but may say that neither the Commons mem bers nor the House of Lords are as comfortably provided for as our members of Parliament at Ottawa or even at Toronto Our next point of interest was just act the road and here felt we lin ger for hours The Abbey with its royal burial vaults and long series of monuments to celebrated men is not unreasonably regarded as the ra tions Valhalla or Temple Fame and interment within its talis is considered the last and greatest hon or which the nation can on the most deserving of its miming The exterior of the Abbey which is in the form of a Latin is very fine in its carvings and beautiful proportions while in terior is lined on all sides as well as some of the transepts completely filled with statues of prominent nors and statesmen the tombs of finding our way back by sin- royalty to 1837 The inter- with this peculiarity of lion- raen in the Abbey was in CIO Much the in the royal tombs was I here are no streetcars in the destroyed by Cromwells soldiers who heart of the city and everybody US the building to stable their omnibus their the underground vels by cab or ber is legion railway There is so much to be seen so many interesting historical associa tions at every step that we would The Coronation Chair is kept in this transept and has been used for this purpose ever since 111 was crowned Queen Victoria sat it on two occasions at her too much space to go into hcr mysteries of last time it was used details One of the received shall carry with us for many a day The congregational singing was very hearty led by a single male voice We leave today Monday for Par is G JACKSON Prize Winners at Flower Show PLANTS IN BLOOM Begonia Tuberous Mrs 2nd Begonia Wright Begonia any kind Mrs Jones 2nd Miss Forsyth Wtight 2nd Ceo Trjvctt Geranium double bloom J Smith 2nd Mrs I Lepard Geranium single bloom Mrs Geranium Ivy Mrs Jones I Allinis Tobacco J 2nd Jos Oleander Wright 2nd Bert Gardner Petunia double Mrs Rose J Smith 2nd A Hill Summer Flowering Bulbous Plant Mrs Jones Specimen Plant Miss Forsyth PLANTS NOT NECESSARILY IN BLOOM Asparagus Kern J H 2nd Mrs M London is how the drivers manage to V was crowned King of England J 2nd George thread their way through the crowd- edifice Is sacred to by ed streets without taking each thousand wheels on memories not attempt to particularize would Cactus Miss 2nd In our first morning drive we look in Trafalgar Square and Nelsons I Monument a beautiful tribute claimed our attention It is a hero Temple Bar Fleet aU St Old Ludgate Prison J Luudy 2nd Mrs the schools of art comprising House Bank of ideal occupying Royal Exchange Bridge 22 Gardner J 2nd Martin Begonia Rex Miss Forsyth Begonia AOV Mrs gest ft long ft broad inner donte is ft high the pavement to top of saw and the From the cross that the dome is ft We were fortunate in entering while service was in progress and heard the lovely singing of a male choir of over SO voices half of whom were boys The London Tower next claimed our attention historically one of the most famous spots in all I Among the many things which our guide pointed out may mention a few the tower where Queen was imprisoned the room where Guy was tried the traitors handsome of 3 miles around and through the Park much more than one on the jaunting car in nfx Park Dublin Thc greatest at traction in Regent Park is the Zoo- As we still had hours to spare we employed them very profitably in specting Madame exhibi tion of Wax Works including the Chamber Horrors and listening to the music of an excellent orchestra We noticed that in the east part of London they use horse cars and in south part across the Thames they have cable cars Sunday since left home we have spent in a different place gate the bloody lower where the two London and princes were smothered the White enjoyed a rare treat tower built by Win the Conqueror in with battlements ft high In the morning we attended service in the Foundling Hospital and heard ser Hanging Basket 2nd W J Lundy Window Box J Smith Ivy any kind Mrs I M 2nd J Palm any kind Geo 2nd Specimen Plant J 2nd Miss L Newton Foliage Plants Feins Palms etc Miss N Forsyth 2nd Mrs Jones House Plants Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs Prosscr House Plants J Smith 2nd Miss Forsyth Model Flower Bed has Mrs I Prosscr Mrs Jones CUT FLOWKHS Asters J Smith Sweet Peas Pink 2nd J Smith Sweet Peas Mauve Mis 2nd J Smith Sweet Peas Variegated or Striped Mrs Hand Bouquet J ft Martin 2nd J Table Bouquet J 2nd Miss Forsyth Brides Bouquet Martin 2nd Mrs F Jones Wild Flowers Bouquet Carl Mar tin 2nd Garnet Peas Mignonette Bouquet Bert Gardner 2nd Martin Floral Design for Table Mrs Prosser Funeral Design W J 2nd Mrs Basket Cut Flowers Mrs 2nd Miss Newton SCHOOL CHILDRENS COMPETI TION Best Bunch Sweet Peas more than Spikes pupils any ago- Ar thur 2nd Caldwell Brown 3rd Sherman Kirby John Ran I GARDEN VEGETABLES Beins wax In Smith 2nd Bean In Mrs- Kirby 2nd in pod A HVl 2nd J Smith half 2nd Smith 2nd Mrs 2nd J H Carrots garden stump 2nd S 2nd Mousey I Mouwley 2nd All- Starr 2nd J G Lettuce Geo in 2nd Mrs Peas 2nd Onions from white or Klrhy 2nd Geo ROBERT H3 tie of Eta Ed and walls It thick gun-car- a Tine choir assisted by children Martin Ho Binder Twine feet 550 feet feet Portland Cement The national Cement Is the beat for foundations and other work AT J Huron Storehouse that conveyed the remains of in uniform also a splendid sermon on Her late Majesty to the Observance axe and block used in in the ex- In afternoon we visited in of Lord Lovctt the spot day School in John Wesleys where Anne Queen Katharine ami also the Class Saw the pulpit Howard and Lady Jane Grey were that the founder Methodist executed the Kings Crown valued preached in the bouse he lived in at and many of the royal afterwards visited his grave and Our jewels soldiers are kept on J crave of his imrtjier In this unused the Tower premises constantly One the could spend a whole day in the there are people Interred not alone I to mention the hundreds that were Crossing Tower Bridge and the far- burled in pits at the time of the famed London Bridge we made our great London plague Among the way to The Maul Buckingham Pal- other distinguished graves we noticed ace St James Palace across Green that of John author of to Piccadilly and on to Progress and Daniel the British Museum where we spent author of Robinson Crusoe the balance of the day among the We then drove Hyde Park and antiquities gathered from all parts Kensington Gardens Inspected the of the world in the British Museum statue of Queen Victoria Saturday being visitors day at by her daughter wife of the House of Parliament we Marquis of Lome which is located our way to this beautiful building awl arrived about ten minutes before fj opening time hut we were to the throne was first there were probably illy he- known to her fore s ami before the doois were Wft opened there were more Mian Albert Memorial but times that number collected I he do Justice to this building covers acres contains maK monument feet in courts Mi staircases and HO apart- gorgeously embellished a merits and cost over of bronze and marble sta- The clock tower Is JI8 ft nigh and colored stones and each of four dials or the clock m0Ba are ft in circumference The great tail in the tower known as rooJor the mansions of Hen named after Sir Benja- to Tabernacle Hall chief ol works at the time of its erection for and Is one of the largest known thousands of people The tons The f ftf and two the river front Is ft In IoiirUi ftKd were filled but only a front of the palace where was born and where the news Balsam 2nd tt Wright Dahlias Miss Newton 2nd Mrs Hollyhocks Miss Newton Marigolds Miss L Newton 2nd J Smith Nasturtiums without foliage Mis 2nd J Smith with foliage Mai- tin 2nd J Smith 3rd wortb Petunias single Jos 2nd Mrs Petunias double MeCauley Jud W Wright Phlox Miss For syth 2nd Joseph Robinson Verbenas Mm Prosser 2nd J Robinson Zinnias Jos Robinson 2nd 3rd Mrs I Mrs I Prosur 2nd J Annuals- Jos Robinson 2nd Perennials hardy Miss Forsyth t Larkspur Mrs Jones 2nd Miss L Newton Miss L Newton Gladiolus Dcnne ud J Smith Geraniums col MeCauley 2nd J Smith Nasturtiums col J 2nd I Martin Poppies 2nd A J Smith 2nd Miss Forsyth J Smith Miss L Newton Snap Dragon J Smith 2nd Robert Tragedian Downing was recently Inter by the press on the subject of Mr Downing prompt emphBtlcally the credit of his splendid physical condition to saying 1 find it a preventive all sod- den Ills that swoop upon one In changing climates and water It Is the traveling companion and safeguard against malarial la flnences To sum it op has done more good than any tonlo I have taken Healthy mucous membranes protect the body against beat of rammer and the cold of winter Is sort to bring health Write for a copy of Dr la test book entlUedBammer Catarrh Address Dr Indeed An old Scottish minister it into his head to marry His precentor being ill on the day when thc banns were lo be proclaimed the minister not caring to make the intimation himself ar ranged with his to do it Now he said you must call out in a loud voice Proclamation of marriage between Rev Mr Murray from need redOeoof this parish and Jean Lowe and W Wright same Ha ha laughed the dutch AIL Starr 2nd as he concluded onions picWlngAlf 2nd came round and r congregation assembled When tne All I a j a ft moment lad who had Now- ton 2nd J Proclamation marriage between the Rev Mr Murray of this parish the same Ha ha he laughed thinking this to bo a part of the proclamation thocht it nearest matured- J- 2nd and Jean Lowe Mm long Rummer- i French broakfaHtC J lira Pnotfcir Rhubarb- 2nd Toledo Lucas County State of Ohio City of 88 adorned with of the top gallery Tim Miss N Forsyth Monarch from William the son or down to Queen Victor a t the The impression produced by Hie In- in way no less Imposing 2nd J J he taste- Stacks col Mrs D ind Miss L C J Smith Sweet Peas col J A Potatoes light Halt 2nd Geo dark akinMrs xr 2nd birgcHtS Moiislcyj 2nd Mrw Table turnip J Smith 2nd Col 2nd Wright 2nd Martin Col vogotjibIeGco 2nd FRUIT- J 2nd Wright cap- Mrs J router J A Ilnwlodo 2nd Miss white J A Nil rant black Mrs Kirby large J A any Kind Bert Gard ner Lord has resigned as Vice roy of India and Lord has been appointed to succeed him Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and Stato aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh Wiat cannot bo cured by the use of Hails Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In presence this day of De cember AD l8u A W Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send tor testimonials free J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family for con stipation Two miners were killed In CanadianAmerican mine at Frank Alberta Senator died at Frederic- ton aged years six months The peace conference adjourned tilt Tuesday presumably to consult Tokio and St Petersburg Contracts for thc construction of the National Transcontinental Rail way from Winnipeg to the coast and also the branch line from Fort Wil liam to Lake Superior Junction Junction have been awarded to National Construction Company than that of exterior tun ful fitting up of the rooms ft ike magnificent paint- like jlngx that adorn the wallH are in a voice verw keeping the dignity of the 2nd Peter Impressions Sweet Peas Red Miss Newton 2nd J Smith Sweet Peas White Miss For- syth 2nd J Smith Swet Peas MeCauley If you your or relatives rufferwiih St Vitu or Falling Sickness write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on to Tub Co Kin Street w Toronto Canada t sell or can obtain for you f r Every man owes It to himself and his family to master- a or pro fession Read display advertise ment of six Morse Schools of Tel egraphy In this and learn how a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position

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