Newmarket Era , August 25, 1905, p. 3

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a flEWMAiaaigiaR ri V J i r i Weeks Hews WHAT IB OK A ABOUT What supposed a barn burning down one evening last- week turned out on investigation bo a large on Mr Fred Wesleys place in honor of Lennox I more Footcueop A has made a new Churoh departure He has ins a toe o boots and shoes and an obi congregation has had salesman Mr J Mr reputation in other lines will guarantee the quality goods He will have open by Sept I several different supplies Last day an old Newmarket boy this depart- Scott preached very acceptably Sun- Rev I For the past few weeks the pastor Engine Last Friday as Mr was Wilcox Lake Next Sunday Rev taking his engine out Gorham St will be home to occupy lie had a slight mishap Between the pulpit the Christian Church at removing a hydrant and the heavy both services rains of last week the foundation of the road was weakened and hind wheel of the engine sank to hub High bo in mud Its removal required con- Preparations are being made to meet increased demands for both room and higher education at New- markets brain factory Fourth Fop Better op for Worse likely up Some time ago a resident of the of this years matriculants as well North advertised for something as others expressing a desire lo con- to love and cherish He got what their studies A large entrance be asked for as most advertisers do class is expected but after a few months he has single blessedness is much more to be desired than double He is looking for the first airship to take him to Turkey where thou art di vorced from the husband breaks that bond which in this country no man can put asunder An unfortunate circumstance lias delayed the boring a day or two Last Friday it was observed that af ter sinking feet of pipe it was not going down as it should On being removed it was found that the first pipe in was bent and the steel shoe on the bottom badly damaged After procuring a new shoe opera tions were again started This is the first accident of the kind Mr Harvey has encountered in bis years experience ii Home An inmate by the name of died Aug and his son came and claimed the body for bur ial Then again on Mrs died and was sent to or- burial I The new barn is nearly completed and contains the farm crop There is now ample accommodation or all that grows on the farm Constable Duncan housed an escap ed lunatic from in the coop v around Hie Jink A number of gentlemen from Sut ton and Zephyr were the guests of Dr Graham on Tuesday afternoon last They were all Knights of the Rifle and a very enjoyable afternoon and was spent at markshooting on the range on F farm Mrs is visiting her friends in Bradford Mrs T P Stewart of Toronto is visiting sister Miss Pearson Rev Warren is in town this week He is moving into the house lately vacated by Mis Warren will make her home here Mrs J Wight gave birth to a son on Saturday last Both are do ing nicely Mr and Mrs Trivett of New market visited at J on Sunday last Word was received this week from who is with Surveyor Speight in New Ontario George says they are miles from the railway and they intended going about miles farther on north This will land them almost to James Bay- He reports excellent health and lots of work for all members of the gang m KESWICK Rev Rankin of Toronto will occupy the the Methodist Church next Sunday morning He will also speak at the Christian Endeavor meeting in the evening We arc sorry to chronicle the death the city Mrs Willis and daughter who have been spending- the summer with Mrs J at left tot their home on account the death of Mrs Willis brother Mr A of New York is the guest of Mr and Mrs- this week One of the most thunder storms of the season passed over Or- chard Beach on Monday evening For over thirty minutes the whole hea vens was almost one complete blare of light and the artillery of the ments made many of the cottagers shake Rain came down for some thing aver an hour in torrents The storm appeared to come up Irony both the West and north and to meet over this locality It was indeed the storm of the summer The Misses Marrow who have been spending the holidays with their sis ter Mrs Cane at cottage returned to the city on Tuesday A lady friend from the city is visit ing with Mrs this week will not be done till campers leave their summer cottages This decision on the part of the au thorities has given satisfaction BENEFIT CONCERT The Benefit Concert tendered to Mr James Pollock of Keswick took place at Bay View Villa the residence of Mr 0 Sunday afternoon last and was en joyed most thoroughly by a large audience It was to have been giv en on Saturday evening but incle ment weather made an adjournment necessary The program was an excellent all the numbers being of merit Those who so Forecasts I The storms which Rev Hicks promised for this month have come to hand all K The fore casts for September say the conclud ing storms of August will be pro longed into the first two weeks of September Thunder storms are due from to Frosts between and storms cen tre about the after which a cpol wave will come from the North- West Between the and violent storms will visit the CoBoss A darkred dehorned a- year- old steer has been touring Whitchurch and incidentally brewing trouble be tween two farmers the owner Harry Crawford and the accused seller Mr Starr who is held for theft Qf Wesley Cooke of the animal The case was heard tC an before Judge Morgan in the County but was hJ respected in this vil lage and a great favorite among his schoolmates Mr Carman Marritt son of John jr is very ill with Criminal Court Wednesday not finished vv i Two pecial Leaders yards Mill Ends Saxony Flannelette regular for yard Check Gingham Shirt ing 5c yard Ladles Night Robes Flannelette Night Robes at 50c Ladies Wrappers Made of English Dimity in Black and White only regular for Will be in Full Swing Everything New and makes and the best values you ever saw The best A THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER PINE ORCHARD Harvest is slowly being garnered in Wet weather has hindered it greatly A firstclass social will be given next Thursday evening Aug on the lawn of Mr J Hall under the auspices of the Sons of Temper- j ancc ft00d PfOKam talent rtinl Kettleby will he tributed to the success of the after- A chairman Come and en- Mrs slipped as she was about to descend the cellar stairs last Sunday and fell to the bottom She sustained severe injuries to her face and bead but is now improving nicely and will be around again in a day or two Master Roy Cocker ill was a horse last week and slipped off and fell with his arm twisted under him It broke in two places Bradford Beat Blooked Bradford Aug 23 The first of the games to decide who During the storm Monday the fa lhe JWW large willow tree at the comer of and Church was blown down It fell directly across the road completely blocking road and sidewalk The weight on the ate championship was played here today and resulted in favor of Bradford by the score of to I The score gives no indication of the play which was even and dose electric light and telephone was however being to great as to break off he pole at acCQUnl the corner about six feet rom the iu ground Although the flicker- considerably at the time of the fall he circuit was not broken The debris was cleared away morning were put off Score at half lime Church Good congregations were picas- corner Yonge During Should you be in Toronto this week for exhibition you are invited to call on the British American Col- A with two fine last college that has calls for Sunday delivered Mr Albert help every year is worth looking up Vorke of Aurora Fall term opens Sept Next Sunday Rev J graduates and among them vho has been having a few Toronto business men No rent will occupy the pulpit both college in Canada has such a record morning and evening A YMCA Miss E Coon Toronto will send the hand- is proving to be an excellent organ- some illustrated catalogue 10 1st She has had several years ex- address in the work and has sis of the spine Master Ross had the mis fortune to slip and hurt his knee which turned to a slight touch of bloodpoisoning and as his system was somewhat shattered erysipelas has since set in hut since being under the care of Dr Greenwood lie is get ting somewhat better i few from here attended the matched colt race in Sutton on Tues day j We understand that little Squire is on the road to recov ery family left here for their home in on Tuesday We understand that the illhealth of T caused their early departure Some from here intend taking in the farmers excursions to the next week The Railroad men are grading be tween Keswick and the lake now are looking forward to toot of the locomotive Mr barber of Newmar ket is spending a few days with Mr Mann noon were Mr R Iigott Mrs Grace CarterMerry and Miss Nan Huston Miss Adelaide of Miss Murphy and Mr Murphy of Washing ton Miss Olive and Francis Howard of Toronto Mr Harold run ton of Mr group of songs from A Lover in Damascus were ingty He sang with a power and expression beyond cism Mrs CarterMerry sang The Home Land her full contralto voice sounding to great advantage Miss Adelaide Sheppards rendering of The Happy Song was most and enthusiastically received Toyland a duet was prcttilv sung by Miss Murphy Mr Francis Howard Miss Olive pleased the audience with her bright song Times Hoses The GoodNight chorus led by Mr Harold was given with good effect Miss Nan Huston of to displayed fine arid inter pretation both piano and her accompaniments Mr Pollock recited one of his or iginal poems with great feeling Mr V Murphy of Washington was an admirable chairman his re marks being most happy hefit ting the occasion The afternoon was conclude vith a vote of thanks lo Mr and Mrs who so kindly gave their beautiful lawn for the recital Another detailed account of the concert has been received too late for publication joy the fun Admission A WARNING TO MOTHERS Too much care cannot be used with small children during the hot ler of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles As a rule it is only necessary to give the child j a dose of castor oil to correct any disorders of the bowels Do not use any substitute but give the old- fashioned castor oil and see that it is fresh as rancid oil and has a tendency to gripe If this does not check the bowels give Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil and the disease may be checked in its and all dan ger avoided The castor oil and this remedy should procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears This is the most successful treatment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum For sale by T Lloyd I ORCHARD I at Toronto Conservatory of Music She purposes giving lessons in pipe- organ piano and harmony During- last week the wind strong part of the time making the water boisterous Skipper of the Roachs and Belle Ferry line had a rough sea to eon- tend against whole days together Dont know what campers would do were it not for the regular supply jour vegetables etc furnished by Mrs and the abundant supply of excellent delivered with great regularity by Mr Friend Morton Exhibition Rates consequence wet weather the The Metropolitan Division will is- Sutton baker missed his rounds by a return tickets at single fare good day last week and almost caused a August up to September along the Beach It is nth and returning until September said the trolley will bring a dally There died at her home in car will leave supply of breadtimber next year Mich oh Aug Catherine Newmarket for Toronto calling at j Portsmouth cottage had a large Phillips widow of Oliver j points at each number of visitors on Sunday from lips Deceased was born rear Co- Late car will leave Newmarket her parents being Jona- t0 each evening for Mr It and family and Elizabeth Clark She Ik- Newmarket intermediate points rived last week at their came a member of the Society of June- home Friends while living near Zephyr Villa had a where with her husband she re- connecting number guests over Sunday with the JO pm from Toronto on was around this Labor Day Monday Sept and week collecting statute labor Farmers Day Wednesday from Orchard Beach cottagers This rate good only for passenger to The figures on the paysheet clearly Toronto shows that the assessor made quite a discrimination between permanent and summer Some B fief lets these days the cottager will go A private car of Unfa To- to the Legislature and ask for the came to town Tuesday fetter- same protection as now accorded noon summer tourists up In The Public School fence has been Rev Dr was the preacher ieale equal to the ever by painted at the evening religious services at the Westminster Kennel Club New a car Of cement has been stored at the Beach last Sunday Mb- address York or any other kennel club in Newmarket ready to go on with the was helpful and well received America There he fceven or granolithic an bow as the MoCordlek J and Mrs hundred including wme contractor Mr Brown can went to Newmarket on have imported thou- proceed with the work returning the same day fintnshave Mm Srigley St had a Mr and Mrs Patterson by all the leading in On Saturday last Mr Jtogers Mr and Canada In the the storm a week ago Mr Howard Mr and Mrs A Statu An exceptionally the awning in front of the Toronto Mr John Morgan and Mr feature will be the Stiti rfoy triajii jobbing House wax demolished Mr A were among the take on September fi replaced It Willi a market visitor at Orchard Beach on th Will WiV It looks Sunday several- remaining over the for about twenty years when they moved from that place to J aU l Her husband died in and Iter son lvo years later She leaves many friends to mourn their Sheep Dog Trial at Toronto The exhibit of dogs at the Canadi an National will he a SUMMER CLOTHES Get hard wear and should be carefully made good materials if you would look well have them OUR U ITS Look well because we it pays to use the very best of materials and satisfy our Customers Our prices never theless are very attractive WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET i Go Sale Register Fall Term opens Sept Stock JVlafkefc Cattle trade at Toronto this week is duller Hogs are down but lambs advance Export cattle to Good butchering cattle Milch cows to 51 Calves J33C to Export ewes bucks to spring lambs to each Select hogs lights and fats The horse market looks good for the fall trade Large shipments are reported from Scotland Heavy horses are in good demand fine prices being realized SATUKDAY Aug deuce Main St North hold effects of Mrs M Scully be offered for sale by public lion at pm Terms cash Duncan Auctioneer HOLLAND LANDING her resi- house- will Miss turned to at her Four L Smith of Detroit has re- after spending a pleasant week Mr John Smith lady friends from Toronto have been spending their holidays Mrs John Smith A JT ELLIOTT TORONTO One of the largest and best commercial schools in Canada All ol our graduates get posi tions Write for handsome cat alogue J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alciandcr KETTTLEBY Some of our people of section the possibility of a potato there have found numerous ones Some of the late cut heavily end will nob yield as usual Those fields that aro not cut bo to make cutting a moat difficult Mr and Mrs of Dakota were calling on friends in this section this week Mian Hurling of Toronto and friend Mr Rao were visiting relatives and friends in this section the past Mrs Jan Seymour of Rochester is- Other treatments cant reach her and Mirk eased narts like Mm of goes to County also called on them on Friday last Mrs Archibald is viHiting stock with her daughter Mrs was taken ill on Wednesday Inst hut wo pleased that she has much improved Miss Mairnio Low spent a week with friend in the city Mr Murray of Baldwin was white Wheat per hush guest of friends hero over Sunday spring Wheat per bush feo SIR JAMES WATSONS OPINION He says that the commonest all disorders and one from which lew escape is Catarrh Sir James firm ly believes in local treatment which is best supplied by No case ol Catarrh can exist where is used it is a mira cleworker relieves almost instant and cures after other remedies fail the HOW TO GET CONSUMPTION Ninety per cent of the contract consumption by allowing power of resistance to fall so low that a favorable condition for the development of the is pro vided a healthy system con sumption cant take Hut where there is weakness and debility there you find tuberculosis For develop ing strength and building up the weak nothing equals It makes the blood nutritious and the nerves enduring The way It con verts food Into nutriment the appe tite it gives is surprising just what the man verging on tfon needs thats If tired and weak dont put off Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tablets at all dealers oOOO the source of rouble along with the air you breathe Catarrhozone is free from cocaine it leaves no bad it is simply natures own cure Ac cept no substitute lor which alone can cure oo Catarrh The Plymouth Cordage Company have purchased a site at and will erect large mills to manufacture binder twine and rope Mrs La was arrested at Chatham on a charge of breaking quarantine with child- who was till with diphtheria at Port Stanley Aug Mrs of Aurora was Red Wheat per bush visiting her friends for past ten days 4i0O the fcupervmon of a being especially ioied for f Lewis the high Intelligence of this etas be Era for harvest- apples has the thanks a basket of fine next day Mr Watson and family who had rooms at VanNomann resort lor weeks past left this week for Finest In the Dr Ham organist of St James Cathedral Toronto being In Wig- land seized opportunity to hear the Irish Guards Rami and at once cabled the Toronto Exhibition that it undoubtedly as the Bald the finest military mu sical organization In ilie Brit ish Empire James Ferguson William and Woods thecc fishermen of were drowned being caught In a storm no Oats per bush Rye per hush Barley per bush Eggs per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per Beef fore Beef hind Hay per ton Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb f KB JSIcrjumQttket Flour per barrel Aug 91 White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Ooose Wheat I Rye per Barley per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat I on 0 ft 10 if 0410 per ton Shorts per ton 0 00 Hay per ton Butter roll per lb 0 20 to 20 13 Potatoes 80 Chickens pet pair 0 Promoted Pake Company Toronto Swindler Arrested in Pitts burg The Interesting Career of Davis Aug Davis a Canadian who has beea posing in this city for some time as the presi dent of a syndicate and was arrested yesterday as a sus picious person by Detective Cecil was committed to jail this morning for a hearing by Magistrate George A Moke at Central Police Station on Tuesday Davis Is al leged to have been carrying on a swindling scheme on a wholesale plan and- several people who claim to have been fleeced by him are pre- paring to lodge complaints against Davis who gave his residence as Queen street east Toronto Out has been representing limself as a man of millions but when arretted only in actual money was found In his possession Of this amount was handed over to Mrs Ban ikard of No 6129 Howe street for room rent which Davis alleged to have neglected to pay COLIC AND THAT IS PROMPT AND PLEASANT The prompt results produced by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy together with its pleasant taste have won for It a place in many households Mr T Taylor a merchant of Winslow Ala writes I have used Chamber lains Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and also with men on my place for diarrhoea and colic and it always gives relief promptly and pleasantly For sale by T Lloyd -oeo- A representative National Assem bly wlUbc granted i Core a Col If Toko Laxative Tablets past nrisi signature box

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