S CHI I H A L THE NEWMARKET A AUGUST Towfe Aug The Canada fiail Yearly Meeting of Friends will be held in the White Meeting House on St Sept 3rd and 4th AH arc cordially in vited Business Changes Mr Proctor has disposed of his livery business at and has bought out Mr Norman Wesley- A Proctor has purchased the Forsyth House from the Forsyth estate Baseball Last Saturday the A Clark Co- jTeam winners of Eastern- League Toronto- were to have played hut the rain after they had got out on the grounds the game bad to be called Next Spring and Summer consign- day a team is expected from Allan- of Dinner and Toilet Sets are dale pretty well to hand now we for quick Bale fln Old Boy Prosperous A Mr has recently in stalled in his barber shop a new chair called the Royal Hydraulic It is of modem design handsomely gotten up and one of the best arti cles of the kind to be seen outside of the big cities Robert has recently fitted up his shop at considerable an evidence that he is hound to keep abreast of the times Brad ford Witness Tie Council rivfb tori Monday even- Mayor chair Other Cane awl Hunter The of wore and approved accounts or dered to be D Tcflcrreirtv Co A Wlckj A Co Freight A Yule Co Lioy4 IW Continued- from last CLASS and over Sept aaittt I 14 11044 25 05 fi77 Section 1 Ram one shear Ram Lamb Aged Ewes pen of two Yearling Ewes pen of two 1st by James Burke Lambs pen of two 1st given by County Engineer Prize 2nd 300 3 f GLASS SHEEP Judged Sept tit Prize 3 Much Below Regular Prices One line we for regular perfect set of good quail- For we give you one of our W50 Toilet Set and for we give you a handsome set regular price Is I A SNAP IN PRUNES to clear them out quick Our regular quality lbs for 25c Excelsior Coffee has the teat for years and baa perfect sa tisfaction Do You Use It Japan Tea is Good North York Fall Four weeks more and the North York County Fair will be here This years fair promises to be as good as the best Everything pos sible is being done to make all de partments an unqualified success amusements and attractions are of the finest Prize lists are out this week Look them over and pre pare your entries You will need all the time there is now for com petition will be keen Thieves Quite a lew complaints have been handed in of boys and even stealing apples from orchards about town whose proprietors are away holidaying Not so much would be thought of the matter were the of fenders at all modest in their hauls but when they climb the trees break of limbs and off bushels of fruit it is time to call a halt Per haps some of these youths forget that thev are liable to a term at should anyone com plaint A Van Can J A Allan SETT J- A J for electric light from Mr Jtlcmrdson was prospntcd On motion rfippllcattlon was granted Clerk instructed to order a iteter for ame Communication read from Sir J meeting of fin Committee A requisition from Separate School Board levy of referred to Commit toe account of McKay for printing was ordered to be paid By of Cane Introduced a to Mayor and Treaeiirer to borrow money to- meet enrrent ex Theby law a first and Moved by Mr Cane by Mr villa that the teuden of thf Foundry Co for one Fire derwrltere Pump and- Pipes and to fitted per an rind specb Icationw for the at 1480 be provided thOj company giro their that will be put In as good ordex new one and tested to the satisfaction of the Moved by Mr by Mr that tlioCferkbe hereby Instructed to advertise for tenders for of the debentures to write to tho Tenders be by 1st The lowest any tender not acreptoL On motion the Council udjourned Prize 3 00 2nd 200 2nd Prize 200 Section Aged Ram Ram one shear 3 Ram Lamb Aged Ewes pen of two Mi- 5 Yearling Ewes pen of two 1st by T Gardner Son pen of two 1st Hardy Market Grocery Newmarket 7 Best Flock consisting of I Ram Ewes Shear lings and 3 Lambs CLASS 17 OXFORD DOWN SHEEP Section Judged Sept 1st Ram one shear and over 2nd by Burns County Constable Toronto Ram Lamb I 3 2nd given by H E Barrie Aged Ewes peri of two T 3 2nd given by Toronto Yearling Ewes pen of two 3 Ewe Lambs pen of two 1st given by Rice Lewis A Son Wholesale Hardware Toronto CLASS 18 Section Judged Sept Prize 2nd 1 Pair Fat Ewes any breed 1st given by Trent 2nd by J J McCaffrey Pair Fat Wethers any breed 1st given by John Richardson County Clerk JLAHS la- BERKSHIRE SWINE Committee of Management Messrs Eves J H Proctor Webb and J A Cody Section Judged Sept 21st Prize 2nd Aged Boar 2nd given by Win Wright Brood Sow 3 2nd given by J R Y Druggist New market 3 Boar Pig or aged five or over 3 Sow Pig of aged five months or over 3 CLASS 0 CHESTER WHITE SWINE Section Judged Sept Prize 2nd Prize Aged Boar 2nd given by Roche 2 Brood Sow 2nd given by A Williams Newmarket 3 Boar Pig of aged five months or over Sow Pig of aged five months or over CLASS SWJNE- Section Judged Sept Prize 2nd Prize HON Agents for Prepared Sugar for Canning Frnit An ideal Fruit Preserver box preserves No Cooking No Firing Saves Labor WITHOUT COOKING lbs fruit PICKLING Vinegars White Wine anil Cider Absolutely Pure and of Pull Strength Pickling Spices Quality Guaranteed Laundry Soap 10 bars Glycerine Sanitary Soap for 15c Fine Tar cakes for 10c lib tin English Breakfast ltilee Imperial quart bottle Imported Pickles At Our Provision Counter Green Smoked and Cooked Meats large variety Sliced to please you Our Cooked are leeCold lbs Butchers Sausage for Saturday Toronto pound Try them Oranges Large Sweet MYERS Cattle Poultry Spice A SNAP- Prize J Corner Drug Store 2 Open Sundays PURE DRUGS TED MULLETT Druggist Corner Main Timothy Streets For Necessities Except Church and Meal Hours PRICES NEWMARKET I Aged Boar HBO The Leading Reliable telephone Ccuncih 3 3 00 2nd given by Dr Clark Dentist Newmarket Brood Sow 2nd given by Win Dairy Newmarket Boar Pig of aged five months or over Sow Pig of aged five months or over 3 2 Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Gold and JEWELRY The most attractive novelties and all the Staple lines are here Rich Cut Glass We are adding new and beautiful patterns In Cut Glass very moderate prices Fountain Pens Our New SelfFilling Pen is the latest ATKINSON CO JEWELERS The recent heavy rains made a bad washout near Mr residence St a number from here look in the Match at Bradford on Wednesday The Davis Leather Co fooibil team competed with Snowball for the prize at King City Wednesday lor the Tannery Mr Morgan has installed a hot water beating system la bis res idence Mr Bolt Hewitt Is rubbing up his paint brushes on his residence Mr Lehman Is recoating his bouse Fast Railway In conversation with those who ought to know the purpose of the York Radial Co it was stated that the new line between Newmarket Lake watering resorts would not be opened till next We also learned the Company were plac ing heavier rails the extension than those laid on St as to enable increased speed on that por tion of the line Indeed Manager Hawkins said that with power connection Niagara just bow fast the trains will travel had not yet decided but it was they would take no dust- from the steam roads Passengers will be able to leave Jacksons Point reach Toronto via Newmarket in shorter time and less cost than via over the Sharon Aug Meeting of Council day AM members Minuter of previous meeting read confirmed Petition received from owners of requewtlnK the of cement ireoBrw VL I Graham heard In in of petition The Council favorable to where- the greater portion tof walks of the wild con tructed of Cement and the therefore extended over a term of Com from the following mimed to whom payment ordered an fir 5 I Hall CO re Tile and Kiwi tthitw re J P Inn Greenwood re work Con Cement a Calvert Con GOLE SWIOK KEEPS THE BEST OK EVERYTHING AT FRIGE moil Cora Two new mail have just been placed on the Toronto and North Hay line of the and are models of what mailcars should when compared with those In service In the past indeed are said to be far superior to any cars previously on the road The new arrangement of the racks for let lets registered matter and parcels Is also regarded with favor while there is an improv ed catcher for catching Urn mall bags while the car Is In motion The new form of sliding doors Is another ad vance on older method The lighting arrangements are bel ter and a marked Improvement Is to A CLASS it IMPROVED YORKSHIRE WHITE SWINE Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Aged Boar 3 2nd given by Marble Works New market Brood Sow 2nd given by A Thompson Machinist New market Boar Pig of aged five moaths or over Sow Pig of aged five months or over CLASS SPECIAL Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Best pafr Bacon Hogs 1st special given by Eves Newmarket 2nd by Society POULTRY ETC Committee of Management Messrs and Bert Gardner AH poultry intended for exhibition must be on the grounds at Sept and remain until pm last day of Fair All fowls must be In ihe Coops of the Society when will be furnished free Exhibitors must lie lo enter fowl in Fowl Class and chicks in Chick Class wrongly entered they will be ruled out if the Judges have completed their duties in the class to which they belong Poultry showing symptoms of disease will be excluded from the Exhibition The Association Card will he placed on each Coop giving variety of exhibit hut no othr card will be allowed upon any coop until the Judges have completed their awards Exhibitors desiring to dispone o their stock may attach a card on the coop after the awards have been made POULTRY Judged Sept 20th 1st Prize 2nd 3rd Prize Plymouth Rock Buff Plymouth Hock 39 Plymouth Rock White Plymouth Rock White Red Caps Red Caps Hen Rhode Island Reds Cock Rhode Island Reds Spanish Black Spanish Black Buff Buff Golden Wyandottes Golden Silver Wyandottes Silver White 3rd Prize White lien Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock I 3rd Prize BANTAM Game Any Variety Cock 56 Game Any Variety Hen 57 Cochin Bun Cock Cochin Buff Hen r Partridge Cochin White Cochin White 63 Any Other Variety CO Any Other Variety Cock Hen Cock Hen v Hen Hen 00 Red Feather Tea Palate found in sanitary construction conditions There ate also Paints the tars which the men ttwIriK on to when warned of dagger Millinery I a brake valve by Cub Purchasers tie car can be Mopped any liCc ears went Free Delivery last week Toronto COLE KESWICK thereat are much rfltqhft Mt A A ftWcwAlkir Cook A grjil or foment In A f J Centre Boyd work Con A yd gravel 51 HZ ferAvd 20 J K A Lapp J A JajiiT ffd T I yd fravol 0 Con yd Con Ed Con S Clerk wiur lnotracte4 up the- and ft By- re- ol ths Road from Con iff the of the Holland Hirer The lntruotl ft Levy for Current rejiirly Rate being- ah County Rate mUI In Rate mirjs In jtie CIO to And Wired by The motion opted vis That In of Council County Conneilw ed HO that In future Council cnlwt ft Townaips and vlllnteef and Council to meet In n at am on Friday Section Light 2 Light Bark Brahman Bark Cochin BufT Cochin Cochin Partridge Cochin Partridge Dorking Any Variety Dorking Any Variety Game Bed Game B Red Game Any Other Variety Game Any Other Variety Leghorn While 20 Leghorn White Leghorn Buff Leghorn Buff Leghorn Brown 24 Leghorn Brown Black Black Hen 2Ci White Cock White 3rd Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock Hen Cock till ft I I Bun Cock it Bun jj 3rd Black 30 Black Spangled Spangled 33 Polish Any Variety Polish Any Variety Plymouth Bock Barred 3rd Plymouth Barred Hen tiki Hen Cock- Hen Cock Hen Cock i i CO 50 75 75 50 50 50 75 50 75 75 1t to 75 76 50 50 75 CHICK CLASS 67 Light or Dark Cockerel fi8 Bruhmas Light or Dark Pullet Cochin Buff 70 Cochin Buff Pullet 71 Cochin Partridge Cockerel Cochin Partridge Pullet Dorkings Any Variety Cockerel Dorkings Any Variety Pullet Game Any Variety Cockerel Concluded on Page 25 50- 75 50 50 25 26 50 25 25 25 50 26 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 can to look good a new by waning In a of Sunlight Soap They will and glitter thus helping to nuke tin bright and inviting Soap meant half ihc labor required In warning with com everything Sun hi Soap Is made of pure oil ami no ingredient to the or clothing ASK FOB THE OCTAGON BAB Sunlight Soap ihe and wont ihe Hands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO p t