Newmarket Era , September 1, 1905, p. 4

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m Ki -rf- r i v CI CASH ALE CAS a SUIT Suits for 00 Suits for Suits for Suits for Suits for 10 Suits for 8600 Suits for oys Suits and Raincoats Off Mens Boots Boots for Boots for Boots for Boots for 82 ISO 33 Shoes for Shoes for Shoes for Shoes for AND DOTS Per Cent iTIME SHOE POLISH FOR Twenty Per Cent Off All Get First Choice it means Money to you The Largest Stock of Clothing Gents Furnishings and Shoes in North York at Slaughter RAINCOAT Raincoats Raincoats 10 81200 Raincoats 00 Raincoats Raincoats 6 Ladies Shoes Prices This For weeks we will sell any Hat in the house at price WM Sale Will Last for Tvo Weeks vhere you get what is Advertised OPPOSITE TH Only Any in the house at 8100 This means Hats were 0U to OVfeftEIGN BANK NEWMARKET Lumber for Sale MATTY deputation from the Agricultural This 20th century is shoving things tJJIl Society of waited on at a remarkable pace and discoveries Association will held in Bill Stuff i Dawson City wants to send an ex pedition lo discover the north pole The of its newspapers are prophesying that it in an im mense socket of unalloyed gold with goldbucks or a pedestal The annual meeting o the General held Whitney last week asking that made that would make the fore-fa- Assembly Hall of the Labor the Provincial Government make an of the present generation stand Temple Toronto on the Sept em- appropriation of to the Society amazed At the Toronto Exhibition Presidents and Secretaries of to repair damage to crops and build- now on by the marvellous use of the various Dominion and Provincial sustained by the recent hail- id air eggs arc boiled tea and col- storm The Premier promised con- i fee made steaks roasted and then sideration of the request Reform Associations are invited to attend As a Liberal representative A cablegram from London says Discussing the manner in which the Privy Council might be de veloped as a bond of union the Bam Morning Post suggests the appoint ment of Hon Jake as a Ca nadian representative Casings and Mouldings DRESSED LUMBER FINISH AND BASK QUEEN ANNE FINISH PEAR80N PARK AVE For Sale That desirable Brickclad Dwelling and large lot formerly known as the Methodist parsonage Apply on premises to DONALD Prospect Avenue Newmarket House with Stable on Local hotel men and capitalists says the Hamilton Herald have subscribed towards a brewery independent of the syndicate All they are waiting for now is to see what the Whitney Governments liq uor policy is going to be there is to he a general slash in the num ber of licenses the brewery will not be established but if thing are al lowed to go on pretty much as at present it is settled that the new brewery will be built The Ottawa Government has ap pointed Hon A Forget at pres ent of the Territories to be the first LieutGovernor of the Province of Saskatchewan and Hon G LIyea for several years Commis sioner of Public Works in the Terri torial Government lo be the Lieut Governor of Alberta Way We Grow frozen solid all by the same pro- Association Senate reform and the cess Liquid air so it is prophesied salary grab ought to receive will soon be utilized for common do- special consideration purposes Verily things arc moving along It is stated that the survey of that portion of the proposed Georgian THAT PALE TIRED GIRL is in society in business at For tale situated on Queen St East about mile will be formally inaugurated from Newmarket teres of land a province today Sept 1st at well cultivated Good Orchard and and Alberta on Monday not all kinds of Email fruits Apply to at Edmonton JOHN Sharon Officials connected with the James Railway had an interview with Premier Whitney recently respecting course of the line at Lake The original plans locate it on the east shore of that lake while the plans on which the Ontario Government guaranteed Its bonds for per mile at per cent run it on the west shore through It is an adherence to the original Brick rooms hard for which the railway officials a water Good tardea good l or route seven miles si Chandiiers for Sale JACKSON marked There has never been a cracker made in Canada thai won friends Cream They have cracker hungry made double the of our factory the first year and made every body think of PERFECTION CREAM SODAS when they of delicious crackeri Item iiorler A WILLIAMS despatch from Winnipeg stales of the gang which the recent trouble at York ton have been tent to jail for Hicks the noted weath er forecaster of St Louis Mo has for eighteen years past wilted a monthly journal of national reputa tion Word and Works Prof Hicks has just decided to change his family monthly to magazine form and with the October number the monthly will be a beautiful magazine profusely Il lustrated with halftone engraving One of early fall numbers of this magazine will contain Prof Hicks weather forecasts for the first six months of These two numbers costs fifty cents at any hug store Bay Canal route between Desjoacbims everywhere you see her but and the mouth of the French always worn and fatigued She has River is advanced that by the l beard of or she time the ice is formed the details of be perfectly well How quickly it the entire section will probably have Strengthens what an appetite it been completed There is not much fl what a glow it brings to pal- danger of the work proceeding be- ji The nutriment contain- yond the survey Indications are puts into that the project will largely exceed anybody Laughing eyes rosy lips the contemplated cost of all tell of originally suggested The chances thc vitality Ferrozone produces are that double that sum would be Thousands of attractive happy wo- much nearer the mark mm not you A The present Government with two A members for Toronto is playing a generous part with the peoples mon ey for the benefit of the citys muni cipal treasury Hon Dr Minister of public Works has notified the Hoard of Control that the city will lay concrete sidewalks on Vic toria Gould and Streets around Normal School grounds the Provincial Government will pay whole cost of the work This is the entering of the thin edge of the wedge College Street along the Parliament Buildings Queen Street along the Asylum and over the Don by the Jail will probably a second chapter in Dr notification of the char lia ble donation of Provincial money for the special b of the city ARE YOUR KIDNEYS of the magazine will take the place The license the Garner House Peanuts is the only of the Hicks Almanac which will be Chatham about which there was discontinued Send cents for a trouble with the fc4 connection we copy of the October number which ban been transferred to Messrs Kith- Ottawa Government Is gives you full- particulars of how the arda and dealing with these The weather for a year Globes correspondent says The In advance will now be given to the Minister of the Interior has decided public Word and Works Publishing to adopt a firm policy regard to the Hereafter any of THIS IS Thats why it Is Mire to cure Ca You we it goes direct to the them tbat offend against the laws of source of healing the country or the rules of good repairs lh damage caused by will be treated as ordinary Calurrho- offenders and as misguided always cures because It goes lowers of a peculiar religious belief those tiny cells and passages Instructions to this effect have been that ordinary remedies cant reach to Mounted Police It is goes where the actually to throw open to home- for Catarrhovne to leaders any unoccupied lands in ixi any doctor will tell you Mocks were reserved for Dont be mUlod into thinking there It is thought if Is anything w RO aa there Ik a movement of it youll fiOonay outsiders among will wean to catarrh them from objectionable ways Co 2201 Locust St St Louis Wo A SUCCESSFUL allows bis horse to suiter pain He always uses which Is noted for curing stiffness rheumatism swellings and strains Is just as good Inside as outside For cramps colic and in ternal pain Its a perfect marvel In the good racing stables Is always used because it makes toiler and smaller veterinary Twentyfive Cents buys a large bottle of try it your morning urine hours in a or vtiliiiid if l is or cloudy or contains a diab or If parti cle or float about It yonr arc If the are lby filter much blood- but if they are sick or weak any cauee they leave the in the blood and ftbtlro It it natural to paw Urine a day but many who regard healthy arc obliged to pxt to ten daily and are obliged to during the They alcK kidney and bladder and cure all Kidney and Bladder dUeaea and make new rich blood will tend you a generou aambta paid together on the above Co St Montreal CarUdi The Toronto News rises to remark Mr Bergeron says Sir Wilfrid is a traitor to his race be cause the Autonomy Dills did not go far enough Dr says Sir Wilfrid Laurlcr is a traitor to Cana da because they went too far Thus does the Conservative party present an unbroken front having cast Hilly Maclean into outer darkness For a Case of Incurable Constipation To a person who cant he cured of constipation by Dr Hamiltons Pills the above reward will be paid No cathartic medicine gives such satisfaction or effects such marvel lous cures as Dr Hamiltons Pills Relief immediately follows for head ache biliousness and stomach disor ders No griping pains no burning sensations nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr Hamiltons Pills others not so good Price 25c a box at all deal ers R In ordinary feeding the steer consumes about of its ordinary feed the balance is un digested or wasted This undigested balance can be made to give to I lb extra sain per day and at a profit by the sail pepper and gravy to its food to make it lasty You like these on your own food why not animal Like ourselves the animal longs for a tasty meal It starts the mouth watering before eat ing and the stomach fills with digestive fluids to thoroughly dissolve the food This extra amount of digestive fluid dis solves an extra amount of food This is where the extra gain comes in Clydesdale Stock Food is the salt pepper and gravy that rnakesthe animal water It is equally good for Horses Sheep and Hogs Nothing injurious in it andean stop feeding it without harmful effects Human beings can take it with benefit We take it every day We know Its contents It is made clean If not satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded by the dealer TRY FOOD STOCK HOOD CO limited Stray Sheep Strayed into the premises of the undersigned lot Con Mast about July ami their lambs Owner is re quested to prove property pay ex penses and take them away 1 JOHN Zephyr FOR BALE Registered Large English Boars and Sows Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also a choice lot of Yearling hat red Rock Breeding Mens J ft Quoensvillo I Farm to Let West end of Lot 3rd Con J Wilson For several years with Mr Poole St Catharines Leading Photograph er has taken charge of For John All FORMS BLADDER I I Following the pace set by both parties in the Dominion Parliament pensions the Telegram says The Retired Farmer of On tario deserves a small pension better than the Retired Cabinet Minister of Canada deserves a large annuity The Retired Farmer vote next elec tion will be understood when the bal lots arc counted to a cold in day Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money It it falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box and For delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to A a Aurora SMITH Photo Studio and will bo pleased to you call High grade work and careful atten tion will bo watchword Satis faction guaranteed Developing and finishing for amateurs promt done NEED Ed AnmijtlfV t All new if YotiitaMrt3tadlftofoodhib1wto Learn Telegraphy and It Accounting in Our nix In uy y Wo a Bond to Very him pillion a u of or to a month in of upon enter at any time No vaca tions full any of our wrlto direct to our Horse School of MY Qa 01 King buildings mostly cleared and under cultivation fair orchard Well watered Terms reasonable further particulars apply to Mack on premises or to proprietor J 2Mf Seafort Farm to Sate or to Rent A west hall of lot No 31 in the Con of Township of King A desirable property For particulars apply to A Sander- Son Richmond Hill or to A WILLIAMS Newmarket Farm for Sale Being composed of the north east part of lot No I the sixth con cession of tho Township West In the County of coe and part of tho north half of lot No I concession of the said township containing about acres The buildings are good and the farm Is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm Is in good condition Most of vlllago Bond Head is on the lots Terms as may be agreed on Apply to CROSS Head- A trading steamer sank off coast of Florida and twenty of the crow woro drowned ft

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