Newmarket Era , September 1, 1905, p. 6

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V i TV Tills KBA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER S Richardson Will NEWMARKET DENTIST bo at Albert Broods Block on aid Tuesday of each month Jersey Grades for Sale from to years old have been bred alio Freeh For further particulars apply to Mount Albert Farm for Sale acres close to Mount Albert having thereon good House Bank Barn well fenced well water ed and in good state of cultivation DAVIDSON Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY lM1315 Balance of Subscribed Capital THE MARKET AT REST Prices up at Tuesdays mar- The remains of the lalo Robert ket and the large crowd in attend- Rowland Esq who died in Toronto went home wearing the smile Friday were brought to the home of that wont come off for a while his son Mr Rowland VS made to Mr J Stevensons lawn a farmers son or performance occurred Reeve lugs I Of North was committed ley was also serenaded The trial by Magistrate Pcler for Butter in plain wrappers printed wrappers to 1 stamped in eggs left for home by boat What does on Saturday The funeral service charge of attempting to tho community think of a held in the Methodist Church Frank Wilsons automobile of this character on Sunday J Morgan and Ld- rail across Yongc St To put it mildly it is a positive wards officiating and was very large- intent to damage and discredit to all connected attended Among those who at- and commit an as- with it But this is the class of Mr A Mitchell has moved into a distance were Sir occasioning actual bodily men the public elect to the Legisla- Rowlands house Nelson of Quaker Hill the Wilson to frame our laws What can The Sutton flyer has made its last- and children of bast conslstn Mr Wilson and they hope for under these trip for the season S Now is the time when a great many Sixtyfive years ago he came from World people let their debts remain unpaid Armagh County Ireland and settled residents of this part of the while they take a trip to the County Canada He was country feel very strongly about this for over twenty years a member of case as they claim Wilson went too The Social under the auspices of Ontario County Council as reeve far altogether in binding and the franklin Christian Church held deputy reeve of the Township of conveying him to the city The at the home of Mr Eugene on Scott Many times he was request- Magistrates in Sutton were MOUNT TotAi very successful about being real- HEAD OFFICE CANADA MONTREAL is moving his merchandise this week Mr Shields has opened a new Grocery Store near the station Read his advertisement OF DIRECTORS Andrew Chairmau Went- worth J Deputy man Samuel Sir Alex OWDAVIDSON Aent Albert Chief Aeot for Dominion We Have Noticed o THREE JURORS CURED Cholera Morbus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Mr Fowler of to become a candidate for Wilson but the latter did not Ala relates an experience he had honors but always refused tell them he had the prisoner or while serving on a petit jury in a while helping along to the best of even knew who he Was and they re- murder case at county his ability the nominee Although fused to act upon which Arkscy was scat of County Alabama into his new premises Conservative one his conveyed to the city bound so tight- He says there I ate some close friends for years was Sir that before he got to Toronto he fresh meat and some souse meat and DONT GIVE IT AWAY Sell to Wednesday evening of last week was PERSONAL Miss Arlie Ramsden of Toronto is visiting at the home of her sister Mrs Eugene Mr Woodward left on Thursday morning for New where we understand he has secured Mulockl He lived in Mount Albert was numb and on being released was gayeme cholera morbus in a very till when he came to Toronto unable to use his limbs for quite a severe form I was never more sick for the education of his family He while While may be guilty life and sent to the drug store is survived by Mrs Rowland and her a an not doing thc a certain cholera mixture but two daughters Etta and Ethel at proper thing in watching a device to j the druggist sent me a bottle of home The sons are all prominent wreck a car such highhanded Chamberlains Colic Cholera and men Thomas is a graduate of the lion is not calculated to pacify a diarrhoea Remedy instead saying Ontario Veterinary College arid the class of people already aroused that he had what I sent for hut that College Pharmacy and is located against drivers of automobiles on this medicine was so much better he at Albert J A is a lawyer account of the danger they incur would rather send it to me in ihe Ax Woo Is Valuable This Year T A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A T SON MOUNT ALBERT One thing particularly lately that is when people buy Bedsteads nine times in ten they decide to have an IRON one We think this la a wise Iron Bedsteads are handsomer than wooden ones They are more healthful cleanly and they will last a lifetime Yes we sell a lot of bed- his parents in town steads And because we sell turned and partner of Joseph Martin Vancouver BC Robert is teacher Charles formerly con in while passing the cars with horses Arksey has instituted action for damages against Wilson Mr Jewell of New is in town renewing old acquaint- nifcted the Col- j The wedding cards of lances lege in St Catharines is studying to Mr William j A load of our young people drove Frank is with the of Washington came to to Jacksons Point on Saturday Commerce ternoon and had an enjoyable time Dr of was tJUEKNSVlLLE in town on Thursday Mr Ernest Hayes spent Sunday J Quite a number from here are at tending the Exhibition this week on There will also he quite a large congratulations to the of the friends of the Sutton and vicinity The took place at the home of Ifer par ents in Virdcn Manitoba Miss Louie was well and favorably known here and many friends join in happy pair I was in I took one dose of it and was better in five minutes The sec ond dose cured me entirely Two Miss Louie were afflicted in the J Tucker manner and one twentyfive cent i bride Woyd wedding A body of German marines and 0 a lot we keep a lot We will Thursday after a two weeks go down next week if be glad to show them to you tlon spcllt Stratford and e is at any time Next Sunday evening Mr and Miss Jose- a son in Hip the wcath- Miss Lizzie Cameron returned to ALLAN THEAKER a song phine Hall of Newmarket spent Sun- 1 Church service in H ROSS ALBERT FOR the city last week after a short will be the Methodist turned at the same time We beg to thank the Editor of the day with Mr and Mrs J A Messrs J and A R Era for the views sent of Mr of Toronto is visit- MacKenzie left on Tuesday for a noted places in England and Scor ing at the home or Mr John to the They expect to begone acknowledgement would were visitors at the of about ten days have been made sooner had there not Mr and Mrs Clifford of Mr of New York isheena slight mistake in the address Mr John French last week here this week in answer to a hasty causing them not to have been l owing to the illness of his as soon as they otherwise little daughter Mrs J H indisposed see I Hobby Clotting Boots and Shoes COME TO RO88 ALBERT would have been We also would like to state that we have read in the Era with interest the ports descriptive of the many places visited The English Church Sunday School picnic was held last week on Wed nesday at the farm of Mr Arthur CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REME DY AIDS NATURE airs H is Medicines that aid nature are this week but we hope to soon ways most effectual Chamberlains her fully recovered Cough Remedy acts on this plan Jt Mr and Mrs Julius Rogers of allays the cough relieves the lungs market late of Bond Head and aids expectoration opens the formerly of visited at and aids nature in restoring jW Hills over Sunday last the system to a healthy condition I School reopens on Monday next It is famous for its cures over a no doubt the parents will be Leslie came home large part of the civilized world glad to be thus freed from the child- from the on Wednesday week Thousands have testified to its super- for the few hours each day very much improved in health excellence It counteracts any Mr and Mrs visited Mr spent Tuesday tendency of a cold to result in Sutton a few days this week and Wednesday of last week in For sale by Lloyd Next Sunday is communion at Mc- and Mimico church Preparatory Mrs and two children of vice on Friday evening at eight Toronto have been visiting at her oclock Rev Campbell of New- fathers Mr Richard market will have charge all three Mrs Eustace Smith of Toronto is services There will also be visiting at her fathers Mr J I vice on Sunday evening at McMillans Osborne BASEBALL The most thrilling I lie sea son was played here on Tuesday our local nine having the Newmarket team for their opponents hoys sailors routed a large force of Ger man East Africa Insurgents CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY This is a medicine of great worth and merit Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to he pleased with the quick relief which it affords It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon For sale by Lloyd J CARPETS LINOLEUMS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS CURTAINS D ALBERT o o 9 Spring Goods Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pails Cream Cans Churns AND Butter Bowls J D ROWLAND took kindly to and swatted his offerings to cor ners of the lot making id hits two of them homers Woodcock elds and I Shields carried oil the g honors the former play cm put out once Had lo cal nine fielded as well as their op ponents the Newmarkets wore would have been much smaller The outfield was all right and Woodcock especially distinguish ing themselves but the Infield work Mr and Mrs NEW STORE bridge were guests at on day to Mr and Mrs Chcsley Thursday week a son We are sorry to state that Mrs w ill is again on the sick Miss Is the guest of Miss Blanche Osborne Mrs of Toronto and Mrs of Roachs wen in village on Saturday Mr and William Thompson have gone to the Industrial Having re- ill ted the old James the former as an Inmate and Mr was rather yellow Umpire Weir of shields Store throughout we art Thompson to assist in the work of Newmarket the man with the open for business in the line of institution voice deserves more than a passing notice When he roared at a man Youre out accompanying the remark with a forceful of his good right arm the player imme diately went away back and hat down without a murmur When he yelled play the at once got busy From the time hi step- GROCERIES I the nod on the field he autocrat Mount Albert lie as the Czar of all the jjJe called balls and with the precision of a Silk A VHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Leather Cream it preserves the leather We tell the celebrated time Shoe Pollen used used full line of Tan Shoe Repairing and Ordered Work Lehman Mount Albert Hurst was on call at the top of every Hash and best we can buy and solicit a share of your patronage We are Paying the Highest Price for all kinds of Grain and Seeds SHIELDS MOUNT judge oi the was as Impartial a supreme court The be innings Albert 6 I I Newmarket Oil Shields and Draper and Struck out by by Shields by Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills r Doors and ail kinds of Dressed Lumber hind and money Lumber and Shingles D WOODCOCJK I Mrs Lewis and two children of Toronto were the guests last week of her aunt Mrs Mis Cameron Jacksons PL the vjlafC on Friday calling on acquaintances Miss Mabel came up on the flyer on Saturday Miss of Is visiting at Mrs Miss Vlda went down to To ronto on Saturday morning to attend the millinery opening Miss Helen Scott Is home on a vis- It Mr J sang a very beautiful solo on morning at Paying Cents for Pound Prints Butter PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT BUTTER MUST BE FULL WEIGHT for New Laid ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green a bulk and put up by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot tLfl tot your house rtady CUT THAN ANY PLACE NORTH TORONTO Church Rev Hyde minister of Toronto preached in the Bummer church on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs of were in the village on Monday We hear that Mr Clarence Mcin tosh is leaving here for the Vest Mr has been ap pointed Clerk of the Filth Division Court of York County vice Mr War ren Cole resigned and Mr Peter Grant ban been appointed In the room of Mr Richard and jj here with J the and we have or ftehJ been Informed that variety concert i of Bongs music an took place amid groat The act In drama took plac In KaiKcrlfotUtbcn a move was first shipment of Fall Dress Goods lias arrived Wo take a number of beat Fashion published in Canada and that keepH us thoroughly in touch what is correct in Dress Goods and Trimmings Fashion this fall has set hcr approval very strongly on Broadcloths Venetians in the higherpriced goods and on fancy Mohairs Sicilians an I in cheaper materials These goods have arrived in all the wanted colorings and with them a lot of BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL WINDSOR HALT Special Fine Grade bbl About bales Grain Bags good heavy quality close oven weave regular do at Now Bring oil Your Plums We handling largo quantities of Fresh Fruit If you have any Plums or Tomatoes to along Canadian Peaches so far have not been number one and wont be till about first of September The will bo then We handle theso heavy and in order to avoid disappointment better drop in and leave your order Grapes and Pears will bo later but you con depend on us looking after your wants Farmers Macon Farmers Lard Honey Beeswax Boons On ions Butter Fggs and later on all tho Pears wo can got our hands on Johnstons Gash Store Sutton 6 6 J I I

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