Newmarket Era , September 1, 1905, p. 8

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a a THE- ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Mot Wait for Sickness Do not wait until good health is impaired but take steps to keep It tip to the mark Re member that ailments apparently trifling may very soon develop Into serious diseases Do not hesitate to take on the first appearance of any dis tressing symptoms They will do more to establish and maintain your general health than any other means you can employ For a Sluggish Liver SickHeadache Indigestion Loss of Appetite Constipation and the depressing nervous con ditions that arise from these troubles there is no more reliable remedy than FILLS Prepared Tbomu St England Sold In America In 25 The Sovereign Bank of Canada Sayings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND Compounded Poor Times a Year without presentation of Book viz 3l8t January April and October of each year around the Hub AND COS- to The public school will reopen on Tuesday Sept 5th and parents should sec to it that their children are provided with all neces sary supplies and that they be pres ent on that date and also attend their classes regularly afterwards During the severe storm on Satur day August the lightning en tered the cupola on the barn of Dr on lot line Whit church and following the hayfork track forced its way out through the gable doing considerable damage The house on Mr Forsyths farm occupied by Mr Kelson Gra ham was struck during the same storm and badly damaged watering places cheerful reports to those n6t in to play the same outrage on the tinny tribe sport is all that should tol erated Everyone knows lunge not so plentiful as before these gaso line yachts broke in on the sport of the ordinary method trolling from rowboats There were plenty of fish lor everybody and this resort was then a pleasant summer recreation place Will Mr kindly help campers in this matter and stop the method of buying favors by shipping fish to city people who can help don ors out of a hole I legislation is needed let Hon Mr give it to us Will Mr Lennox help Boyds bus of Newmarket passed through Orchard Beach Sunday even ing filled with gentlemen wearing the Kings uniform Some said it was the Aurora Band maybe it was as it- was reported the band was at on the day previous bo The Breaker Program for the League September 11 What is Practical Christianity Miss The fierce hatred of the striking unionman for the scab the double traitor who lias sold out his com rades and gone back to his job is the motive of The Strike Breaker in the September one of the most powerful of recent short stories Tie Great Surrender Acts Rom Mr Dunham Social Missionary Letters Miss Miss Edwards Courteous Unexcelled Treatment Facilities Methods WWallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH URQUHART Manager Mount Albert Branch Program for the Guild Sept The Abundant Life Lesson John Rom 5 Leader Miss Grose Consecration Christianity Lesson 2 Leader Miss Annie Wright Social The Great Surrender Lesson Acts Rom Leader Mr Young Literary Missions Leader Miss Belle Stewart Literary George Randolph Chester knows the working man body and soul fie has felt every heartpang of the starving misery that made his strike breaker out of a rabid union man and he knows too the despair that fans the fury of the beaten strikers It is a tale wild violence and primitive Missionary hot passions that seem strangely terrifying flaring up out of the drab monotony of modern industrial life ft I Anthrax Collinguiood Local Agents Wanted A new cement bridge is in the course of erection on the new road between Lloydtown and which whin completed will make this road passable and likely to be used very much more than the old one A gentleman from TJiornhill has the contract for the building of the bridge At once for Canadas Greatest he is rushing the work on it so Nurseries for the Town of at it will soon be completed and surrounding country which young people of be reserved for the right man dor the auspices of the START NOW at the best selling League held their garden parly to reason and handle our NEW which everybody looked forward with on Liberal Terms Write pleasure the lawn of Mr for particulars and send 25c for our Pearson Con King on the Aluminum Pocket Micro- evening of Wednesday of last week a little gem useful to lhu su seeds and grains affairs of its of the sea Trees for Insects drawing it mildly The Plants for Insects was perfect and this helped lo Teachers and Scholars in studying out the large crowd present Botany and Cookslown band was in attendance Everybody in a hundred different and some very choice music was the ways result of their efforts A lawn ten- One man and six cattle have died from the effects of an outbreak of an thrax near which is causing considerable excitement- An examination of serum sent by Dr Paul of confirmed the suspicion of that disease being pres ent Another man is reported ill hut the disease is not considered con tagious among human beings The provincial board of health and the Missionary department of agriculture are dealing with the matter and the Ottawa de partment has been notified The lat ter has power to reimburse owners of cattle who have made sacrifices to prevent the spread of the disease Dr says the disease comes from South America and is mostly introduced into this country through hides q a Tried to Scare Shot Killed Boy STONE WELLINGTON is Was played between Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO A Catholic priest in Cleveland was kept prisoner until he gave up money and signed checks and notes the ladies for large sums ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free berg and in which the latter team won the majority of events af ter a very interesting exhibition the game The meeting of the Old Maids Society provided much amuse ment and was greatly appreciated The lea served did great credit to and With the speeches and Karnes and amusements was much enjoyed The proceeds amounted to about Norwood Aug Charles Cow a South African veteran con fessed yesterday morning that iie the shots which killed young Tom my he son of a Town ship farmer on Thursday night and voluntarily gave himself up High Constable Cochrane Armed with a heavy army rifle he fired three in succession from a buggy in which he was driving at the house of Robert Hill shortly before midnight Then whipping up bis horses he drove a few miles further along the road to his home and it was not until Saturday morning that he learned that one of the shots had killed the 12yearold boy and of wounded the little girl in the finger He immediately gave him self up to the authorities confessed that lie had done the shooting which brought grief and terror to the flail family but maintained that ho had simply meant to scare the inmates of the house A coroners jury exoner ated low a ORCHARD J The last regular preaching By of at the Beach for Ibis season Was held Syracuse N Believing in last Sunday evening when Rev A or not there Is no gainsay- P Addison was the speaker It the fact that the doctor can ex- waft a grand service and an excellent plain the source and cause of your congregation disease either mental or physical and Last Sunday was an ideal day at has restored to health and happiness the Lake and being towards the close that the number of many persons who would have juafned helpless Invalids all their lives Send lock of hair name age and stamp to PR Syracuse Y- niomav Todd of was killed in a street railway collision in Buffalo James Lwing a miner was ar rested at Port Arthur on a charge of obstructing the track with the object of wrecking a train Five hundred and fourteen thou sand people enter the City of London every morning before 1034 and leave it again every night Sundays excepted Someone has calculated on foot Bank of V Dont Throw Out That Old or IT COLORS entirely ft Med Of Ikuui AH In a ft a ft Cent tut tyit or lrt lie tut r ifet money Of Co Toronto persons of the visitors numerous and in vohlclOH passing the The member or North York in the is 230000 per day Legislature visited Orchard last Sunday evening by a bugler who heralded the approach the distinguished gentleman How we apples It Is reported that the deal for j the Kennedy Point land for a sum mer hotel In for the present There is now talk of a syndicate takjjlg hold of the enterprise The Railway has secured land opposite Snake Rev preached at Morton last Sabbath evening lift had been announced for Orchard but circumstances prevented I This week and next will a falling off in the number of campers at this point Familiar face of w pant two months are now being from the shore and are not wanting to prove the mar approach the Mr and take about wt of the camping jiftifri a any couple at the Reach Mr Inspector ought to intimate to the Provincial that gaoHne yacht troll- Jng with halfadozen linen out at a Ik not sport and exhibits a grofcd calculated lo make Why is it that Aycrs Hair Vigor docs so many remark able things Because it is a hair food It feeds the hair puts new life Into it The hair cannot keep from And gradually all the dark rich color of early life comes back to gray hair my vbi la I could with fitA lit AH rtHitt Gray 1 -w- Continued from page for showing Sections to and including will be All other Sections are to be shown vases which may also be borrowed from the Society It is particularly requested that members will conform to above rules Sept 19th 4 75 75 50 50 25 1st Prize 2nd Prize 1 Asters best collection Balsam best collection on stalks 3 Zinnias best collection Nasturtiums without foliage best collection 5 Dahlias single best collection 6 double best collection Hollyhocks best collection Marygold best collection Best collection on stalks with foliage Phlox best collection A Petunias double best collection 12 Petunias single best collection Verbenas best collection 3rd Prize Annuals best collection in vases one variety in each vase 1st given by J Simmons Toronto one aim value Perennials hardy best collection in vases one varie ty in each vase 1st given by J Simmons To ronto one Palm value or Chinese Pinks 25 blooms Carnations collection not more than blooms 18 Geranium collection of not more than trusses of bloom to be shewn loose in 3 vases Nasturtiums best collection in 1 vase Antirrhinum Snap Dragon spikes best collection in i notless than spikes Stocks best collection of not more than spikes Gladiolus best collection of not more than spikes Sweet Peas best stems of bloom any color Sweet Peas best collection in bunches of not more Pronounced The marvellous results of which are now being rapidly rea lized by sufferers from diseases of Throat and Lungs Consumption and all Chronic and Wasting Conditions Pneumonia La Grippe Bronchitis and Stomach Troubles Scourge of this Country and Is Tuberculosis or 2 with foliage a 25 r a llttllif than a bunch long stems not less than 20 blooms shades of white 28 Hand Bouquet 29 Table Bouquet 30 Brides Bouquet Floral Designs for Table Funeral Designs 33 Baskets of Cut Flowers best arranged 34 Dahlias Cacti best collection Asters on long stems not than blooms shades r Asters on long stems not ess than blooms shades of purple Asters on long stems not less than blooms shades 38 not less than blooms 50 50 50 50 50 58 9 St London July Dr Co am sending you my photo and herewith for your great remedy PSYCH your remedies did wonders for me I was about or years of age when I took PSYCH doctors had given me up as an incurable consumptive My longs and every of the body were terribly diseased and wasted Friends and neighbors thought Id never get better But PSYCH saved me My lungs have never bothered me for years and is a permanent ctre MRB LIZZIE 50 Larkspur not less than 20 spikes CLASS PLANTS POT Plants potted within weeks of Inhibition will not qualify for com petition Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Begonia best single specimen any kind Begonia Rex best specimen 3 host collection not less than 4 Sultana Zanzibar Balsam best speci men 5 Amaryllis best specimen in bloom Umbrella Plant specimen Cacti best single specimen Fuchsia best single specimen in bloom Geranium collection of not less than 5 Geranium best specimen single bloom in bloom e 50 50 50 Geranium best specimen double bloom in Foliage Plants collection not less than 5 Hanging Basket Specimen Plant best any kind 1st one years sub scription Newmarket 3rd by Society in Bulbous Plant any kind best specimen House Plants general collection best House Plants general collection best 1st given by Starr bread value House Plants general collection best 1st by J A Simmers Merchant Toronto Garden Seeds to the value of By Society CLASS DOMESTIC PRODUCTS 50 1 00 25 50 25 25 25 25 This Is but one out of the thou sands of letters on file at office testifying- to the unpar alleled excellence of in eradicating and preventing dis eases of the Throat Lungs Chest and Stomach For by all reliable druggist at per bottle For further advice in formation etc write or call Dr Slocum King Street West Toronto Canada FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE ON APPLICATION Collection of Domestic Baking of each special given by J Smith Photographer Newmarket Photos value Best Dozen Home Made Buns given by Simp son Baker Newmarket Home Made Bread lb loaf 1st given by A Hen derson Photographer Newmarket one Dozen Cab inet Photos value 2nd given by Brown Bros Toronto Ladies Bag 3rd by Grocer Newmarket Goods value Note Winners of Prizes in Section will be required to Powder used before Prizes will be paid 500 2 prove Committee of Management Messrs A Smith Ross and A Davis ejection Win Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Grape Wine home made bottles 2 Any other kind Home Made Wine Tomato Catsup 2 bottles Catsup any other kind bottles Preserved Pears jars Preserved Peaches jars Preserved Cherries jars 75 rrtl- I 76 Preserved AppJes 2 Jars Preserved lied Raspberries jars 10 Preserved Plums 2 Jars Preserved Gooseberries 2 jars Preserved Tomatoes jars Preserved Currants red jars 14 Preserved Currants black jars Orange Marrnalado jars Collection Canned Fruits not less than kinds Jar of each named 1st given by Newmarket pair ladies KlntS value By Society 17 Collection of Canned Fruits kinds 1st given by Knovlcs Grocer Newmarket ham value Collection of Jellies not less than kinds named Muutard Pickle 2 bottles jars Indian nor Ceylon tea alone produces the Red Rose flavor produce a tea with the rich fruity flavor of Red Rose Tea from either Ceylon or Indian alone is impossible Neither Indian nor Ceylon in itself possesses the Red Rose flavor but combined in proper prop they produce the fruity flavor that has made Red Rose Tea famous that makes Red Rose Tea the only tea used in any home where it is once tried is good Tea St John Toronto work f I 00 Mixed Pickles any kind or jars 75 mi id 22 24 25 31 30 Homemade Biscuits do made with 1st and 2nd special by A ton- Newmarket by Society Chilli Sauce bottles or Governor Sauco bottles or jars 2 bottles or Maple Molasses bottles or Jars Honey collection appearance and quality com- Five Mis Lard home rendered Best Dressed Pair Fowl for Market Chickens Pair Cooked Best Cured Smoked Ham Best Cured Side Bacon not Smoked Vinegar Homemade gal Lemon Pie Apple Pic Pie any other kind illrftrtltTPtf HI 76 75 Fruit Cake 76 Chocolate Cake Cake Cake any other kind Lemon Biscuits 1 doz Tea one iUIIFI i I 1 I I I V 75 DO SBnautmr You of who a real bono for shadow which ho In thfl Bear in mind that ail is not Dust that namo of washing powder Dont accept jot real with Qotd Dust Twins on clothe cloth tinware trail bath room and icjp- TUB COMPANY Montreal P FAIRY SOAP makes water soft DUST

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