Newmarket Era , September 8, 1905, p. 3

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J J 1 THE NfcWjlABKET Weeks WHAT OK IS Hfeiy i Metropolitan is baring boom days arc running dally I I the M of the Methodist Church will resume their regular Bible are cars south and cars north flow and all are filled with the im mense crowds attending Toronto Fair mm iU their KING CITY of King fourth animal monthly meetings next Wednesday at- ihc at three clock at the home lhc Newmarket of Mrs J The change to the in place holding the school immediately after church has shown an increase in attendance Next Sabbath a lull school is expected having mostly returned Remember 230 pm Division Court Judge- Morgan presided at the sit ting ol court here on Tuesday There were very few cases on the docket and all were finished before noon The jury case was settled out court Judgment given for plaintiff in case of Mrs Sarah viss vs Ex- So ciety this Friday evening at llii residence of Mr Church Street at AND COR- SO AURORA On Saturday morning delivery van was standing in front of their store when the car passed through The horse be- tame frightened and shied over on the pavement where it slipped and on Wednesday way a success occupied with An interesting played between the his Mr is having foundation of the vestibule of house repaired I Public School Hoard next Tuesday evening Duck shooting season is open A number of local sports are enjoying the fun fell on its haunches In its efforts to regain its feet it scattered fruit horse became frightened at the City Holiday The day was In every The afternoon was sports of all kinds football match was Newmarket and Ma ple Newmarket won the game the score fcingl to The High landers Band of Toronto furnished an excellent program during the af ternoon and the concert at night was given entirely by them to the satis faction of all An accident occurred on Wednesday morning when Mr J band commotion Dont Hens Make them keep you Hercules Poultry Food will do the trick Sold at Hardware in all directions and raised quite a and ran away throwing Mr and Master Crawford Wells from wagon Crawfords was badly token and Mr MacDoiald lias been quite ill in consequence the severe shaking up Rev Mr of Toronto will renewing old acquaintances here last nKcUlWJ jn churches on this circuit for I The building recently the Public Library will Mr- John Flower of Wetland metropolitan Extension Large quantities of lies aid other material have been arriving via the for pushing on of this road The steel has been laid about mile north of Huron St and all baste will be made to complete the line as far as possible fall The jails are very heavy indicating the speed and traffic expected r Another Owing to the small flow from ihe Dew artesian well about thousand gallons per day it has been decided to sink another one Mr Harvey has moved his machinery to the rear of the power house will the new well about feet the power house and some feet from the edge of the Dissolved Partnership Owing to the continued illhealth of Mr Allan which mates it impossible for him to continue in commercial activities he has with drawn from the firm of Allan Mr Allan has been in the marble Newmarket for twenty years coming here in after purchasing tbe business Mr His office was in the vacant lot between Mr bouse and Woods carriage shop In he became partner in the firm of Allan in which he has been actively engaged up to his present illness week I Mr W A Cook wears a smile- its a fcirL AnEpworth League Society has been organised in the We hope it may- be a success Miss Silvester of is visiting at her grandfathers Mr Lemon Miss Leonard and Miss I Ma on visited Miss Fairies of ington last week Mrs has returned Lindsay where she was visiting i brother who was fluite ill occupied by in future be occupied by a of the Ontario Bank- Business will begin soon PLEASANT VALLEY 5 a d Our New Stock Boots and Shoes is now Complete in every de tail We handle nothing but the best makes Bought for Spot We Cash we give our trade the benefit of our Cash Discount shall be pleased to show you our new and exclusive styles even if you do not want to buy Union Carpet and Wool Carpet from 25c to per yard Tapestry Carpets Lace Curtains from to 350 Cretonnes from to per yd RollerBlinds complete from upward ii Cooked Meats Smoked Rolls Green Rolls Bacon IceCold al ways in stock New Strained Honey and pails lb THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Harvest having been once K farmers are busy tilling the soil for fall wheat Mrs Mrs Thompson was the calling on Myrtle and infa-i- guest of Mrs Rev Leonard daughters of Mrs J Mr Geo Cook bad Mrs Mill- to lose one of his horses I Miss Eunice Wiritersiein of Sand- Stephens spent ford is spending a couple of weeks Labor Day at the home of his sister at home rs Starr and enjoyed the p Mrs of Toronto is visiting ing is the last surviv ing charter member and has had over fifty years continuous membership Deceased was a liftlong Liberal and never missed voting at a parliamen tary election I at Mr Taylors Mr and Mrs J McNair spent with friends at Boxiovc ORCHARD BEACH and at lawn tennis with a few friends We are pleased to see our School prospering both in numbers and in terest and exceedingly pleased to see our assistantsuperintendent awaken ed to his duty by attending Come lone come all We are sorry to have to report the departure of our old friend Miss I To the NorthWest Parties Last Tuesday afternoon there ing to obtain information in regard C one of the saddest events that McMillan for the West on the Harvesters Excursions to eVct the pleasure of day last Manitoba and the NorthWest on campers at this resort Mr and Mrs J Gardner and Miss The heaves Tuesday next can do so Mrs Veitch and son Jack of Crone have returned home on Mr visiting her sister Mrs spending a couple of weeks next Thursday afternoon Agent for the Canadian Pacific Rail- Lloyd for a short time About their sister Mrs A Toole way who will be at the Royal Jack who was a We welcome Mrs after spending oclock in the school room of Friend Church and every weeVs following The purpose society is to get the children in terested in philanthropic work Lot temperance or mission alone mu anything uplifting to lead them in right paths Parents are requested to bear children this in mind and send their a wees ago two Newmarket on Saturday morn bright boy two years was of Tickets be pur- taken summer complaint and oil chased from- Mr Lundy either at his Tuesday afternoon died His body office in Aurora or at the Royal Ho- waS taken to Gait on Wednesday in Newmarket for this excursion ternoon for interment He will also reserve berths in tour- 1 Beach has quite a sleepers for all those who may desire them Julia after with back- some Oar Toronto Provincial Treasurer who is now in Quebec is expected hack to his department on the He will leave for England shortly alter his return from Quebec An order was received in the city from Ottawa this week that ranges at Long Branch which have been closed for repairs are to be opened on Saturdays only commenc ing on Saturday next until the end of October One of principal places of inter est to visitors to Toronto this week is Point better known as Canadas Coney Island All the big special features are running a Clydesdale Stock Food Horses Cattle Cows Colt Dead She Every farmer should try it It costs you nothing if not satisfac tory Sold only at School Principal Harvey reports a small the animal from its original owner a decrease in attendance on opening day Markham township farmer for of an increase on Wednesday purposes The animal which promises the old figures will soon be attained Following is the attend ance in several divisions Miss Cody Miss Ellison deserted pearapec now only an odd cottage remains open On Monday Mr and family left Kill Rare on Tuesday Mr Jackson and family left Zephyr Villa on Thursday Mrs Lady the threelegged colt Campbell and the Misses was one the best features hell returned home from the Cabins the at Toronto today Mr Cane and family died Friday night after a severe cat and on Monday next attack of dysentery This Mrs Sax ton will ic ed occurrence will mean considerable turn to Newmarket from financial loss to a company of few days later Mr farmers who purchased family and Mr T the to J Robertson to our midst time at the lake shore but sorry to see her so poorly the famous figure eight and the Mr If WiddificTd spent Wed- old mill at the great Canadian The first regimental parade of lional Exhibition and report the fair Highlanders for this season is as good as usual take place this Friday evening Mr Silas Toole and daughter at- Mr John Patterson years old tended the funeral of the late dropped dead in Lambs Hotel at hand of King Agnes street last Tuesday night Miss Ethel returned to Patterson was standing in the hotel Ottawa on Monday evening after when he suddenly fell to the floor spending six weeks under the death being almost instantaneous roof also with her aged grand- Heart disease Deceased was a prom- mother who has been very ill hut is Orangeman now convalescent I The Globes At Home last were much pleased to see the day night was a great success smiling visage our old schoolchum electrical sign on the front of Mr M Cleveland Ohio building The Globe Welcomes You CLOTHES Get hard wear and should be carelully made of good materials it you would have them look well r U ITS Look because we find it pays to use the very best of materials and satisfy our Customers Our prices never theless arc very attractive WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET A i Sa Tl iA m I i i a The the and family will also respective homes in Newmarket The Post Office closes lor the son on the Mr Morton the Mr Miss Ross- Miss Job Miss Primary Miss Miss Ironside Millar 2S8 was three months old had only one foreleg there being not the slightest a good business during I trace of missing one camping season bis assistant the owners were offered for being very obliging the freak animal but refused the Bert Cane and family are proffered ducats believing thai there peeling to leave Portsmouth cot was more money to be made by this week so that by or their who was calling on old friends on only expressed the warm welcome the Hairy was a line thousands of on the occasion gladto hear of his received along the line of in- The coroners jury brought in a no doubt means to verdict of death from suffocation Tuesday last sea- low We are has unusual success vcnlion which it carcass yard Now they arc sorry was removed to Its Snaps The Model department was opened on Wednesday with an attendance of and wood for sale cheat JO seven less than last In secondhand Cook Stoves coal at year The Curling mftrlt continuance row Saturday it may he said the camping season is over The Radial Railway Co have men here finishing up the gr removing a large elm tree on property adjoining where station is to be located The boarding houses have had a splendid season and so has Roachs Point and Morton Park J gO a small fortune In the case of Wm who was found dead in a yard on Glad stone Ave over two weeks ago Several passengers in a trailer at tached to a westbound King car No which was crashed into at by southbound anil calling on his relatives here last car No at King and week York streets about oclock last Mrs spent last week Tuesday night had a narrow escape fortune ON KETTTLIOBY Mr Harry of Cleveland was here the city and Miss is spending this Week est in tljt sport last year demands increased accommodation and to meet this have extensive 1m- on the present rink build ing A new curling fink is to be built at south of the present of the North York Fair are redoubl ing their efforts towards hecuring out side attractions that will rival those of any other county fair held in the province The Sutherland Hippodrome Co side of the building will be used for skating not needed for curling With a town band to provide music and a good steady winter similar to the past two visits of Frost King the directors arc looking for a record year f The Seal Skin Band Captain Webbs of Educated Seals and Sea Lions most talked exhibi tion given at the Toronto Industrial on his relatives the with friends in Mary a there Mr and Mrs Morgan McOilvary have been spending a few days with their soninlaw Mr Lewis Mount A depot of arms and infernal ma- chines was discovered in an lf Watson of church at Athens spent a few days at Mr Levi Wat- sons j Mrs Win Hewitt of is visit ing with her brother Mr Jas Wil son on the line Mrs Love is spending a week with friends in the city Mr Sherman Brown who has just Completed bis apprenticeship here as left Fall Term opens Sept Jfl ELLIOTT em One of the largest and best commercial schools In Canada All of our graduates get of them have been arrested Prince Louis of Battcnbcrg has written the Mayor thanking the citi zens of Toronto lor kindness to him self officers and men on the occasion of their recent visit Hon J P Whitney Premier of On tario has leased the resi dence Wclleslcy street and with his family will shortly occupy it Dudley Beeves of Montreal James Write for handsome and alogue- J ELLIOTT Principal Corner A Alexander son of Hamilton were up in the lice Court on Tuesday on a charge stealing from the Russell Hardware Companys store and remanded till Monday They are thought by the Miss Lillian Stanford of Huron St police to be the perpetrators serious operation this burglaries in and about the city Were dc- this September Dyeing SUCCESS PROFITS PLEASURE When You Use from being seriously injured The crash was heard for several blocks but none of the passengers received a scratch No less than 32 cars HI led with passengers nearly an hour by dent Another important transfer of street real estate has just been completed The Russell House on the east side of the street just south of street has been purchased underwent a week to save the life of her sister Miss lOdith was badly burned about a month ago and in order to save her life it was necessary to graft Die skin of a living person on burns Miss Lillian bravely consented to un dergo the operation and about a foot of skiii was grafted her to her sister Both young la- exhibition dies arc doing nicely The of appointment as Viceroy of India almost one hundred years after his ancestor the first Marl of Mlnto be gan bis prosperous reign at Govern- mcut House Calcutta writes Thc marriage of Mr Harry Jain eldest son of Mr Thos lain formerly of Newmarket to Miss Daisy took place on Wednesday at the home of the brides Woodlawn Ave in this city man Howard Chronicle in The London Daily i Home Influence on National Lit markets Flour per barrel was the subject an address in the White Wheat Sept l05 i Limited is understood that the price was about Premier Whitney and three of his Cabinet with their wvcs purpose visiting the Cobalt district New Llskeard and during this Week and part of next Thousands city and country wo men ami girls will engage in the work this week will give two performances dyeing in September Old on an elevated stage in front of the dresses blouses capes jack- Grand Stand on the afternoons the clothing or men fcond and third day of the Fair w be carefully look- of seals undoubtedly give an j tor the dyebut most wonderful fend j that every wile After mature deliberationit look trained animal ever and daughter who has heard blacksmith with Mr on Monday for Manitoba I Mr Robert Archibald took In the harvest excursion to Manitoba on Monday last Harvest Home services will be conducted by pastor of Christs working Tuesday Sunday Harry Pebble of Berkley street a Bond Lever municipal machine Canada turned and a grant of 12 for support a bandleader is the ret It and In words of the popu lar song Dont worry we may Have a band tome day Uhe wouldnt that be great continue firm tome dealers trade at week fits steady Hogs are down but lambs of the wonderful and popular DIA MOND DYES will use them in to any of the crude weak and adulterated package dyes sold by for sake of big couple or more applications have tor of and that of a preterit mem of the HlfbainderH Band favorably If can be made In connection with this a number of gifted with gor1 cattle to Church here on Sunday next at in We have been requested to mention our sidewalks but decline as they are not In as good condition as would to sec them Messrs ami played football at on Monday with the Snowball team and came out side The death of Ferdinand oc curred on Sept by paralysis Deceased was born in Whitchurch Tp Sept 23 and lived on pies- eat homestead for 8 years He was married In to Mary Jane Stokes by the Adams Furniture Company Womens Institute Tent by Anne Backus of Tuesday to a large and interested audience Sir William Hon Ross Hon P Graham Senator McIIugh and Hon A were speakers at the annual meeting of the General Reform Association ol Ontario in Toronto on Wednesday M Mowat President was in the chair Among those mentioned as possible candidates for the Mayoralty next January are W K McNaughl Aid and Crawford PP The illness of Mr T I continues serious Recovery seems doubtful Last Monday was Labor Bay and although rain fell in the early pott of the morning it did not mar the per aged years a sheet metal worker fell thirty feet to the ground while tin- new Comfort Soap Company build ing at Toronto Junction and sus tained a fracture of the base of the skull He was removed to Grace Hospital lis condition is serious On last a young only Weeks out a forgery was caught and sentenced to one years cut on victorious of two hours all for the hush Spring Wheat per bush Wheat Rye per bush Barley per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton per ton Hay per ton Butter roll per lb Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair GO 0 28- 30 0 15 10 7 0 So- William Clinton Waiter Arthur and Marion are and Ida It is unnecessary to add a word re garding the great superiority of DIA MOND over all other makes of Good butchering cattle to dyes They have a worldwide repu- survives Mm The tatfon for grand home results they Milch to ftftp I give colors that never fade in sun or Dry to Home dyeing certainly The funeral ceremony was Calves WM to yer profitable work when DIAMOND by Rev Daniel of Export bucks to DYES arc used Christian Church of which de- spring lambs to Beware of imitation package dyes was a devoted member The are talking forming a per tbey ruin your bands and good ma- interment was made In Kettlcby Club a Select bogs 1625 lights awl fats tcrlats j Ask for the Cemetery Tho Sons of Temperance to about 26- or tfiih a good 6O0 take no Others Send to Wells attended the funeral in a body and ledfr a scheme promises not The horse market looks good for Richardson Co Limited Montreal performed the beautiful rites of their only a large measure of profit but tbc fall trade horses are for valuable book on borne dye- order Bro Holland of ibo pleasure time In Sit good demand fine prices being work and dyed samples Ontario and Jos Rogers tie the Club realized Sent free to any address of Division a dollar The scheme suggested by lion My day Minister Agriculture to into the city by encourage farmers to preserve Urn- parade the aside tracts of land as wood lots which was to been considered on Tuesday was so poor ly attended that deliberations were postponed till some time In Novem ber The Idea that lots set as wood lots should he exempt from taxation Rye pur bush y proceedings Thousands came Barley per hush Toronto Sept White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 0 Bed Wheat per bush Oats per bush a and we and rail streets lined with people The third storey of the premise oc cupied by the Premier Clothing Man ufacturing Co Street was destroyed by fire on Monday after noon Damage estimated at As usual pickpockets have been the Pair and a number per doz Butter per lb or Crock Butter Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per Beef fore Beef bind Hay per ton Chickens per lb Turkeys if 0 0 0 6 8 0 IS g- Minion boxes Tabled signature Cures Grip Two oft

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