Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1905, p. 2

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fc A 2 THE NEWMARKETS BRA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Girl Good general Servant Applj to T Caster Aurora Situation Wanted At Housework or as Housekeeper Address Era Office General Sessions The Court of General Sessions or the Judicial County of York com menced its fail sittings at Court Canada of ours continues to grow and Ontario is keeping up its WANTED Drug Apprentice about seventeen willing reliable Get good experi ence- Apply J Curry Church House Toronto on Tuesday last tbe procession The His Honor Judge Winchester on the Secretarys department during bench who delivered an to August received for com- the grand jury He told them the marriage license and motor vc- giaiKi corresponding calendar was small as were i9Qi tbe fees from these only eleven or twelve cases and sources amounted to these were of a minor His Honor spoke at some length in At a recent Good Roads convention western part of this Province regard to tbe case of Deputy Minister was charged with attempting to dam- public- Works advocated the St Toronto J autocar by placing an tire abolition of statute labor He across He added- mean by this not only the Stray Heifer said quite agree that a great abolition of the labor but of the tax also would have all roadway many who drive automobiles too pc defrayed out of the Came on lot Con interfere with the comfort taxes of Township Mr about June owner re- quested to and property pay ex- and pleasure of the farming Campbell also favored a closer union awV But no one has the right to SJ2S5 TORONTO Our attendance at our Fall opening was five times as great as that of a year ago This Fact Speaks for Itself Write for magnificent cata logue Enter now J- ELLIOTT Principal Censer Yong A Alexander Kotlcft of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Julia Dover of Fuller Avenue in the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario Mar ried Woman will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband William Arthur Frederick Dover of the City of Toronto in the County of York Agent on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day of September 1005 A ARMSTRONG Solicitor for Applicant Victoria St Toronto take the law into his own hands There are legal ways of punishing those who go too fast and these The Chicago British American pays should be used He then instruct- this to Canadian law and ad- ministration A traveller reports the jury to inspect the public American iu stitutions and to bring in any Canada are becoming ardent commendations they might in in their political sympathies the public interest We suppose some of our uninstructed The grand jury is composed of the is following Alexander Scar- any th foreman William Hell the P to Junction Charles Kola- those who un- coke Geo- Hawkins Sutton Wil liam Hunter East John Hutchinson Aurora Keating Laker Toronto Lewis Whitchurch Neil Samuel McNairn Toronto the excellence of Canadian law and administration it is no sur prise at all It is understood says the Glob of Tuesday that the appointment Notice is hereby given that a law was passed by the Council his financial affairs which are in the hands of exMayor Cane doing away Before the court closed for he day asSl bursa lhe fortyfour applications for of supplies for these lion were made on tehall of new Department in the iar- of the city If no objection is urged it is likely will be granted the applications County Council Change A movement is being made towards holding a conference of Provincial Premiers some time during the fall of this year The chief purpose sug gested is the consideration of the question of increased subsidies to the The Ontario Government has j provinces from the Federal treasury to effect a change in the it being felt in some quarters that tion of County Councils A bill liar- are contributing to ing this purpose in view was Newmarket on the entitled to get more back than they day Kb A lor have receiving under less the issue of debentures to the amount was deferred until next year ble conditions In case a conference Of for the purpose As some Councils might possibly dc- thc wilt probably improvements and that such by- to adopt the option provided by law was registered in the Office of the North Riding of the County of York on the day July AD convene at A press despatch dated Ottawa Government Hon Mr has Sept states that a report from tent out a circular apprising them Mr MacKinnon commercial agent at quash or set aside of the intentions of the present Ad- to the effect that the same or any part thereof must be made within three months from the Hate of registration and cannot be made thereafter J Clerk Dated the day of September A Counties of York Ontario for CONCRETE ABUTMENTS Canadian cheese lias been greatly dis- The coming change is foreshadowed in the following extract who had placed some foreign substance in the centre of several cheese something that looks like old spoiled cheese which lie de sired to rid of It is to be hop ed the Government will spare no pains to discover and punish this fraudulent enemy of the Canadian cheese market in England Tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to 12 oclock noon of Friday Sept for the construction of two Concrete Abut ments and a Concrete Floor for a bridge over the west branch of the Black River on the Town Line be tween the Townships of Scott and the Village of Plans and specifications may be seen and all necessary information obtain ed at the of John Todd Ontario County Councillor Good wood Out or at the office of the un dersigned Adelaide St To ronto The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted By order J AH County Engineer York Toronto Sept 0th 1 THE MINK WORKERS and the ANTHRACITE COAL OPERATORS Are Strenuous Prepara tion for A FIGHT BE VIIKN THE Strike Gomes NOW SCRANTON r ORDER BY r phone Prom Carters Frank Smith Ah Trivett Jos Wesley r or from Office PARK 1 r Managers of entering Chicago have refused an wagea to the freight hand and a strike may result from the circular It is the present intention of the Government to introduce ami to pass at the next session of the Legislature a bill providing for the appeal of the present County Councils Act and to provide that henceforth County Councils shall consist of reeves and certain dep uty reeves of townships and the mayor of towns not separated from the county We never did favor the change in the constitution of County Councils by the Hardy Act and although we should prefer the scheme suggested by County Council years ago to have said Councils composed of reeves and deputies as under the old law with this change to have depu ties elected for every or ratepayers on the roll instead of as previously yet we are persuaded the measure foreshadowed by the Minister of Agriculture in the circu lar sent out will be far more accept able than the existing law as it will bring County Councils more iu touch with local municipalities and raise the standing of local councils V A in w Wheat Has so far Escaped Harm But Plants Have Suffered Winnipeg Sept There was a heavy frost in many places- in the Weal last night but the damage round the city was comparatively light though the tender vines and plants suffered to some extent A dinner was tendered Mr Monet Conservative P for Jacques the other day He stated to his admirers that inasmuch as the Conservative party did not know where it was at he would- ad vise a special convention to formu late a definite platform for the Con servative party Mr R had better look to his laurels or that may pass to other hands and pockets another year Between Mr in Quebec and Mr Mac lean in Ontario the Tory leader in the Commons will have to turn over a new leaf or take a hack seat Fruitgrowers of the Niagara dis trict have taken the starch all out of fruitdealers and speculators this year Buyers have usually deferred making contract purchases until such tines as fruitgrowers were practi cally at their mercy This year the farmers formed a cooperative com bine and sent agents to the West who have disposed of their crop and now the Toronto and Hamilton dealers are in a hole In this connection we may observe that the Ontario Agri cultural Department has received report from the Niagara district upon the apple crop which is to be fair and free from scale The grape crop fs much more free this year from rot than fast year and the crop Is heavy A large number of hunters and dally In the city parks where the sporting men have l If ill beds were In exposed positions There was degrees of at Vir- at Brandon at Dauphin and at but no reports have yet come In as to its effect on the wheat It freezing hard again to night Cattle warehouse commis sioner says that In any event the wheat will grade about per cent and Northern as ft ripened too quickly to get much No Tht bridge over the Zambesi Riv er at Victoria Falls opened In presence of members of the British Association Japanese battleship Ad miral Togos flagship took Arc and blew up with the loss of fiOO officers men misled by literature describing the Ternagami district as a veritable hunters para dise on account of the abundance of wild game The game regulations for New Ontario prohibit the admis sion of firearms having barrels more than four inches In length except during the season for moose hunting which opens In November In all parts of the Province quail shooting has been prohibited An Order-in- has been passed recently pro hibiting the shooting of quail until Nov 1st No partridges ate to be killed for three years on St Joseph Island near the Hon The final meeting of the Ontario Game Commission for this year will take at Windsor on the Inst Q Send the Era to friend Under date of Fort William 11 comes the following de spatch relating to the demonstration attending the turning of the sod of the by Premier Amid the booming Of canon and the from ten thousand throats un der a brilliant sun Wilfrid Laurier today turned the first sod of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in the West limits of Fort William Sir Wilfrid slopped here return from the inauguration of the two new provinces and remained the guest or the own from Saturday evening till this afternoon when he left for Ot tawa on the Imperial Limited The sod was turned within a few yards of where a similar ceremony took place in June 1875 when the first sod of Canadian Pacific was turn ed It now appears that legislation touching the telephone question will be passed next session the Domin ion Parliament An Ottawa press despatch this week states that Sir William in answer to a ques tion regarding the Parliamentary Telephone Committee stated that no doubt Parliament would continue the inquiry nest session Since proroga tion communications are being daily received touching the various tele phone systems in operation through out the United States and continent al Europe These will form a very valuable addition to the statistical data collected by the Parliamentary Committee last session and by the time the House meets it is expected that all possible information of this character will be forthcoming to sub mit without delay to the committee This will doubtless enable the com mittee to reach conclusions at a suffi ciently early stage in the session- to admit of legislative action o Our Society Column PERSONAL POINTS The Misses Hughes are visiting in Toronto this week Miss Partridge left this week to visit friends in London Mr and Mrs Fred Sixton have returnejl from Orchard Beach Mr Chas Case of Toronto is vis iting his brother for a few days Mrs of Montreal is visit ing her brother Mayor Mr Harry Richardson of bellford spent over Sunday in Town Mr Norman Rogers and family of Davenport have moved to own Mr and Mrs Howard of are in town for a few days Miss Belfry of Hamilton is visit ing with Mrs S Cane for a few weeks Mr and the Misses have returned from Jacksons Point Mr Fred of Toronto at tended Mrs Gambles reception on Monday Miss Mary McCaffrey returned to Ottawa yesterday after a two weeks holiday Mrs Gamble gave an infor mal dance after her reception cm Monday evening Miss attended the wed ding of Mr Walter Campbell in To ronto on Monday Mr and Mrs Hi have returned from their summer cottage at Orchard Beach Mr and Mrs Walter Collins and Mr Russell Collins are visiting rela tives in Huntsville Mr and Mrs S Cane attend ed the funeral of Miss Henderson at Whitby on Monday Mr and Mrs of Mon treal were the guests Mrs John Cain over Sunday Mrs Hughes ol was visiting her mother Homer last week Mr Hatch his sister in Watford this taking in London fair Miss has returned after a couple of months holidays at and other places Mr Woodward of Vancou ver City BC visited with Mr P J Anderson over Sunday Miss Stella Taylor and Mrs Col lins and son of Winnipeg arc with Mrs Hunter Lome Avenue Mr of Cleveland formerly of Whitchurch was visiting at Mrs Homers his former home Mr and Mrs Jackson attend ed the silver wedding of Mr and Mrs Hawkins Toronto last Fri day Mr George from the States and Mr from the North- West are visiting with Mr Miss and Miss of spent a few days with their aunt Mrs Homer Whit church Masters Roy and Ross Armltagc returned home from Station after a pleasant visit with friends Mrs Caldwell and son ward of York New York were visiting at M during the week past Miss Malt J Watson who has been spending thb past month In this vicinity returned the city fast Friday Three NEWMARKET A few days ago we purchased the entire stock of Clothing from The Ellis Clothing Coy op at 50c on the Dollar One portion of the Stock has arrived and con sists chiefly of the 20th Century Brand The Stock was all pur chased during the past two years by Mr- Ellis and is in excellent con dition We will place the entire Stock on sale Saturday Morning Sept at eight oclock Everything Harked in Plain Figures ONE PRICE TO mens Suits Mens ojvercoats boys suits boys overcoats v I OF FROM 35 to BO per cent A Complete Assortment of Christie Brown Gos Biscuits GROCERY SPECIALS Pine Clover Honey 10c lb 5 and lb pails XXX White Wine Vinegar 40c gal Pure Cider Vinegar gal Acme Gloss Starch full lb pkg Puritan Laundry Soap 3 bars for Davies Pure Pork Sausages fresh for Saturday Sugar Cured Picnic Hams to lbs each Saturday 12c lb Davies Rolls and Bacon Mrs M is visiting week also Mrs Howard will re ceive with Mrs on the afternoon and evening Monday I sept j Mrs has returned alter spending the past month with her daughter Mrs who died last week I Mr and Mrs Marie who are on their honey moon were visiting friends in Aurora and Newmarket this Mr and Mrs Wilson ol St Cath arines visited their son Mr J Wilson photographer at Smiths Studio last Thursday Mr and daugh ter left for last Saturday after spending a week at his fathers Mr A I The busy of the Ontario Hank have been crowded with the ad ditional work of their annual head inspection this week Mr Stevenson and Miss Stevenson of Marie spent the week end with his sister- inlaw Mrs P J Anderson Mr and Mrs John and two children left yesterday for a tendays crosscountry drive visiting friends at and other places Mr Major of Mr and Mrs Moore and daughter of Picket ing Mr and Mrs John and daughter and Miss of attended the wedding Thursday Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Gamble Mrs Jas Gamble of Mrs J Will- son Miss Campbell and Miss Ham- say of Miss Graven- hurst ami Messrs Cane Dr Webb I Ross and Rogers spent Sunday at chard Beach THE LEADING Undertaking You buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phone and The Cradle HUNTER In Town Sept to Mr and Mrs John Hunter a son The flltot McCRONEBURKE At St Johns Church Thursday Sept by Rev Father Whitney Agues Burke to Russell all ol Newmarket LaCHAPPELLE On Sept at the Methodist parsonage Windsor by Rev Manning Lottie LaChappellc formerly of Newmarket to David Swan son late of Woodstock all of Windsor Stone Lodge Sept Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs S Clark to Walter Davis the residence of the brides parents Toronto on Wednesday Sept 6 Daisy the only daughter of exAid to Harry W Gain eldest son of Gain and grandson of the exAid Gain of Newmarket Tomb FOX At Lindsay Aug George Fox aged 55 years Town Sept the infant son ot Mr Mis John Hunter on Sept Mrs nee Mary Smalley of in her year Oak on Sun day Sept 10 John Max only son- of J and nephew of Mr I Clubino of Newmarket aged yearn NOTICE Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be tween us undersigned as Marble Cutters etc in the Town ol New market In the County of York has been this day dissolved by mutual consent All debts owing to the said partnership arc to be paid either to James Cassidy or Allan at Newmarket aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said James by whom the same will he settled Dated at Newmarket this flay of September JAMES W ALLAN MICHAEL Witness MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders wilt receive Careful and Prompt Attention J Low Rate Excursions Sept 21 22 23 Port Huron Detroit Chicago Bay City Mich Cincinnati Columbus O Dayton Grand Rapids Indianapolis Saginaw 840 Cleveland Ohio Via Buffalo So steamers Via Buffalo A Lake Shore Via Buffalo Nickle Plate Via Detroit Lake Shore Via Detroit Line St Paul or Mod Via Chicago or North Bay Via Northern Co3190 Returning until Oct HARVEST EXCURSIONS TO To points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and Alberta Going Sept returning within GO days Special OneWay Colonist Fares To points in British Columbia Cal ifornia Colorado Idaho Montana Oregon Utah Washington etc go ing Daily Sept to October 31st For tickets illustrated literature and Information call J I

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