Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1905, p. 6

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Richardson DENTIST Will la fctMt Albert Brooks Block on 2nd aid Tuesday of each month Jersey Grades for from old have been months to bred also Freeh Cows For further particulars iSi to Albert Farm for acres close to Albert having thereon good 3rick House Bank Barn well fenced well water ed and in good state of cultivation W DAVIDSON Mount Albert He Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Subscribed Capital Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA THE MARKET There was the usual large supply of butter and eggs and a few lots of chickens at the market on Tuesday Butter to eggs to 19c chickens lb live weight The next thing on the program is a coin roast on a large scale to be held at the pond on Thursday night Our train was unusually late every night last week not arriving until after oclock but is now running on schedule time Our duck shooters are si ill keeping up the good work and are successful in every way except in the elusive duck Mr Barrett has added a rub ber tired buggy to his livery The Sutton flyer made its last rip for the season on Saturday last to from State arc visiting at Ma- say this week you will remark as adjust your specs to vour optics Mrs W has gone spend a month in Philadelphia The Misses Horner have charge to of He has this to say It is a lament able fact that the world is so full of rogues and scalawags that in his Mrs business during relations a man has to keep forgo his usual cocktail Like father like son believe in that I do degree Every little boy emulate and follow Some dont to a limited desires to in fathers footsteps you have my little man said the landlord to one of Ws customers little boy Oh Ill take what father does Daddy BOARD Or Em worth J a- at Cwrmt CWDAVIDSON Albert for ttf We Have Noticed One thing particularly lately that is when people buy Bedsteads nine times in ten they decide to have an IRON one We think this is a wise decl- Iron Bedsteads are handsomer than wooden ones Stay are more healthful cleanly and they will last a lifetime Yea we sell a lot of bed steads And because we sell a lot we keep a lot We will be glad to show them to you at any time ALLAN ROSS ALBERT MILLINERY Having purchased the Business from and moved stock into my store open the business this Mil- Miss the will sea- ton under the management of Miss Morton an experi enced Milliner Also NEW THINGS 1 GOODS Fall etc arriving for Trade the ROSS ALBERT Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pails Cream Cans Churns AND Butter Bowls J ROWLAND Mount Albert CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY This is a medicine of great worth and merit Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon For ae by Lloyd i- LIQUOR CASE On Monday evening Mr Gorman proprietor of the Gorman House was charged before Esq J P with having violated the Li cense Law by selling liquor to a nil nor named Gray It appears that during Mr Gormans temporary ab sence Mr John was left in charge and before supplying Gray took the precaution to ask his age On being assured that he was over he gave him the liquor asked for The case was dismissed Mr James of Toronto appeared for Mr Gorman and the License Inspect or was assisted by Mr T J Wood cock of Newmarket absence Mr Ross has gone to to attend the High School Mr Dixon was in Toronto on Thursday and Friday of last week I Mr and Mrs Davidson of let came up on Wednesday evening last week to visit friends in this vicinity Mr went as far as Buffalo with Mrs re turning home on Wednesday Miss Rebecca Brown and her fa ther went to last week to visit her brother Charles Mrs Geo Cuttle was in the city last week Mrs Jos and little Pat who had been soending a week in To ronto came home Saturday on the flyer Mrs W Nash of Toronto was the his eye peeled or hell get skinned Watch out for em Personals John Alexander under Dr Greenwoods care is recovering from a severe attack of inflammation and dropsy Many of our boys took in Canadas National Fair Some of them j mor sajjeth bummed the noble Ward and no doubt saw the Some nice young ladies representing our burg at the Fair Misses and Lucy Crittenden Jessie Barber Ruby Maggie OBrien Fountain and others perhaps The following citizens have gone to the Western Fair London also to visit relatives there Mrs Charles Mrs Chapman and her mother Mrs Albert York and Wm Aird Not many from here at the big of her brother Mr Leslie Pros- this year Too busy CURED OF LAME BACK AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlains Pain Balm says John Fisher This liniment is also without an for sprains and bruises It is for sale by Lloyd over Sunday Mr Curtis passed away on Sun day morning alter an illness of sev eral weeks lie was well known here having been a resident of for a number of years latterly hav ing lived in Sutton The funeral was on Tuesday Mr J and his sister Mrs took a trip to Hamilton last week Rev Geo Yeomans intends leaving here next Friday to charge of a mission field near Chatham Miss Nellie Crocker is home again from a visit with Mrs Fred near Mr and Mrs Silver at tended a on Wednesday or last week at Lindsay Mr James and wife came home Saturday evening from Toron to Mrs Flummerton and Miss left here for their respective homes on Monday morning The annual meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs Rae last Tuesday We observe that flic and verity of our remarks on the Sunday performance that took place here two weeks ago have been called in ques tion in the editorial columns of the ExpressHerald We pre in PERSONAL Mr Jones A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream it preserves the We tell the celebrated time Shoe Polish Once used always used alto a full line of Tan Fine Shoe Repairing and Work Lehman Mount AlbeTV manager of the Hotel Port Arthur Out is in town on a visit to his father Mr A Jones Ed is an old Mount Albert boy arid received a cordial welcome from many old friends Mr Melville of the Sovereign Bank is enjoying a two weeks holi day at his home in town Mrs has returned to town after an extended visit with friends Mr J Hunter spent a few days in Hamilton last week Mr and Mrs Brooks have returned from a visit with friends in Toronto and Hamilton Mrs Thos of Durham is spending a lew days in town at the home of her daughter Mrs The usual large number of our citi zens paid their annual visit to the Exhibition last week Rev Edwards spent part of last week in Toronto Miss Forrest has returned from a visit at the home of her brother Dr Forrest of Port I ope HEW STORE Having refitted the old James Shields Store throughout we are cow open for business in the line of that nothing we can say will satis our highminded critic However we bog to affirm with emphasis what we have already stated and further that we heard sufficient of the music song sinning clapping of hands c to satisfy us of its character Others were of the same opinion We are well aware of a like performance here some time ago and also that it was admitted that both sacred and secu lar music were rendered which fact J only adds more strongly to its con demnation rather than a plea to con done it we can buy and solicit a share of your patronage We are Paying the Highest Price for all kinds of Grain and SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills A SNAP At the Photo Gallery Jacksons Point is a new for sale at together with a number of choice records of the to be cleared out at each the artist has decided to remain at the Point until Sept CHAMBERLAINS COUGH AIDS NATURE Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual Chamberlains Cough Remedy acts on this plan allays the cough relieves the lungs aide expectoration opens the secre tions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition It Is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world Thousands have testified to Its super ior excellence It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneu monia For by Lloyd r Pure Paris Green Bought bulk put up Is ALBERT DRUG STORE by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot Doors 8ash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber Get the material for your redy this spring and money CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO Lumber and Shingles WOODCOCK alto carry a full lino of them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescription and Family rtcdf attention S day or Jerry Wilkinson a somewhat well- known local character near Brown- hill died last week This makes three the grandfather and two grand childrenout of the family in about six months Jas Wardell has nearly completed the carpenter work on his house He has the floors reshinglcd bat tened the walls with paper felt and boarding and when bricked and plas tered ought to be warm says Jim Yes Jimmic love will make an ice berg warm I dont give a fig for Canadas Na tional Fair but would enjoy a visit to North York Fair Newmarket most prodigiously Seems to me I owned the whole town What a handshaking time thered be with all my old friends Id have to do as T Eaton with his employees a kind of simultaneous handshake Rut theres many Ill never meet again For miladys private note hook Some of really best young men young men an honor to their bring ing up Davy Charlie Carl Anderson Chapman Our teacher Mr Artie and Frank out of town at present Leslie Madden Home of our young ladies have already a note of it Particulars at Corners Kidnapping really a stealing of kids is a disgraceful hi sure enough Rut stealing whiskey thats fit only for niggers and logins dogs Tis said some Egypt lads stole several flasks from a wholl get the blues some day and had a celebration Welcome to it boys Our proud mammas have been mak ing mental comparison of their ba bies with little Flora Riddel and of course just as one might expect have decided theirs are toplfhers Listen Flora Riddel at months can say very many words fluently blows on mouth organ no tunc Her little niece Laura a week- older is also jabbering away like sixty Mrs Riddels turkey flock is still being decimated by the unknown thief If it continues theyll have to he content with chicken for Thanksgiving Not a red will they get by said on market Donald for all his boasted skill as an amateur Old Sleuth has been unable to ob tain a reliable The Sutton scribe made a note of the Egypt Union picnic at Jacksons PL on Saturday 2nd neglected wisely perhaps to give a sketch of a certain unique conveyance and its crew Her Majesty of the Palace portrayed it so vividly realistically word pictures as to send her interested auditors into fits hearing of which the coachman waxed very wroth and gave her a rale oulil Irish blessing King Hilly too nearly went into convulsions of laughter Her Majes ty herself might some day ride on a Pig rack or even in Old Maria We know not what a day or an hour may bring forth ft may he a very neat compliment but does not add to the financial of Era mail for people to run into their neighbors to read the The Eras worth the price Subscribe now John Imurans Christian in Pil grims Progress had his own in his pilgrimage but a Christian I know of has a thorny way beset by mans snares into which he frequent ly falls especially when his footsteps wander way The re freshments at The Jim are not Chris tian refreshments and juniper powder OBrien is an engineer and skillful mechanic Ross his fourteen- yearold boy is quite a craftsman He has made an engine and thrashing separator that can do everything but work They are a very clever at tempt Our train crew handed of a basket of peaches as a remembrance for Mrs mail carrier on Satur day eve Mrs of Territories is here on a visit with her sister Mrs Egypt She has very clever children accom panying her Death Several cases of death from spinal meningitis having occurr ed in our near Neighborhood Some unnecessary alarm is felt thereat Our medical men are skilful Some of our ladies have delightful flower gardens of which they arc quite vain The prettiest flower Ive seen is Archie Murrays Ruda- or Golden Glow No doubt Newmarket ladies know Wholl write the new Owl Breezes by and by Some day Ill have to knock under and as there are no little owls the office will become va cant arc having many calls these days Phones are capital things to save lime in emergency cases Somebody found sour grapes They rid Ammunition a HUG MOUNT DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year Bell to A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND an MOUNT ALBERT sneaked into John Alexanders gar den and sniped a big citron an ex pected recordbreaker No doubt they John had melons THE OWL -6- The Standard Oil Company has advanced the price of all grades of crude oil The Brotherhood of Railway Car- men of America opened its convention at Buffalo NEW CABPETS LINOLEUMS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS CURTAINS H MTALBI o I Q Our immense stock of new Fall Goods is now almost entirely all in For months we have been preparing for the biggest fall sale of ever held in button Our rapidly increas ing trade makes it possible for us now to buy much or Flannels Blankets c in bale lots where- others buy single pieces Then loo we arc buying in every case possible di rect from the manufacturer with no middlemans profit We buy for Spot Cash Wo take ad vantage of every cash discount Allied to this fact that we aro noted as being one of the closest and most careful buyers that visits the Toronto and Montreal markets and these are some of the reasons for such a remarkable increase in our business Now heros the clincher to the argument berries and a peculiar white are tanglefoot refreshments Christian without spot or not tamper therewith my say and a blemish Ive W LLOYD All aboard Mr Owl says Ly man Miller and Ill waltz you down o flying Ah there was no band aboard I thought it scarcely worth while so I declined the honor threshing outfit Is phasing all and the best of all Is he lakes everything with him thus horseflesh Special Prices in Fall Dry Goods Striped Flannelette full yd wide even beautiful goods yard for Loch Lomond Shirting Flannelette extra heavy cloth reg for Fine Saxony Flannelette solid colors pink blue white cream close even weave Jo for Flannelette for quilt lining light and dark shades good cloth re yd for Grey Flannel good quality reg yard for Flannel all wool fine heavy cloth extra even weave regular 30c yard for Grey Flannel the very best Canadian make yd for English Military Flannel yd for GO pieces new in every weave and color to yard at New Damask Table Linen common use yd at Now Damask Linen inches wide extra quality reg 13c yard for New Damask Table Linen yd for 26c New Damask Table Linen inches wide very fine goods 3d for New HandBleached Damask Table Linen for finest use beautiful patterns and very fine spun weave yd for Now Linen Towelling yd for New Glass Cloth Tea Towelling yd for Better qualities and yard Nov Tabic Napkins do at New Table Napkins doz for Nov Table Napkins do for Nov Pali Comforters clean filling for New Fall Comforters filled with finest Georgia Down for 160 New Fall Comforters extra fine quality sateen filled with finest African Down each for Turkey Red good width good cloth and color guaranteed I Ac yd for Turkey Red inches wide extra tine fabric reg yd for White Red Spreads qualities 25 per cent below regular prices These are only a few of we are offering A visit to cur store will convince you In Mens Womens and Childrens Un derwear our stock is simply excellent and range in prices from the very cheapest right up to a suit f Two Very Special pieces new White Apron Linen very flno goods and guaran teed pure linen at price of cotton goods reg yd for halo CO pair of now Flannelette Thcso the heaviest and best we have ever seen were for tho NorthWest trade but shipped to us by mistake pair for WE ARE PAYING 2Cc FOR PRINTS BUTTER AND DOZEN FOR EGGS Johnstons tore

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