I t T THE ERA FRIDAY- 1915 HALL Sept 1905 We want to call your attention to Two Special Bargains We are offering while this ad appears only No I ONLY pieces every piece Full Size Printed Colors Sage Green Pale Pink and Green Price No 2 ONLY around the Are in season Simpson has them Try an oyster stew on and after Sat urday night at the South End Bak ery This will be our specialty dur ing fair time AND TABLE day eve Aug Among those present were S Holland J M Walton of Aurora and Mr Mansfield of the Grand New Jersey Mrs Miss Ida McMillan left tor the West on Sept Mrs Basset I will after Oar fete Mr and Mrs H Hawkins cele brated their Silver Wedding at Kensington Street on Friday evening last About forty relatives and visiting her daughters in Winnipeg friends were present and sp I and Dauphin Miss McMillan In This is the best time of the son for bass and trout fishing in sca the ORCHARD BEACH j With most of the cottages closed pccts to remain boats removed from the lake shore s Lehman of the Con and no one moving on the highway her house and lot to Mr the locality seems lonely of Toronto and intends to re- Rev Dr Warden general agent of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Grading on James is an en joyable evening Among the guests was a cousin of Mr Hawkins who came from Lister Eng to be pres ent at the celebration of this happy event The Bishop of Toronto Dr Sweat- man return Home on Saturday WESTON Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES Temagami region the sportsmans J who has been ill for many months is progressing very slowly Unless the England although improved in paradise Tourist tickets on daily at Grand Trunk offices sale at the present time is too weak for I Clubine takes great pride an ocean voyage He is still at his Remarkable Mr in his garden one of the finest in Newmarket His crop of cabbages put in after the first crop of peas was taken of is very fine Pump kin and squash vines have also been not making the progress that was expedited there will be no anticipated It was hoped that he trains in operation this year would have grown strong enough Mr and Mrs of To- an ocean trip but his condition were visiting at Mr A Lloyds on Sunday Mr Thompson Sec of the YM summer Lake j A the Maritime Provinces is The Orchard Beach P wilf close to speak here next Sunday evening tbis week for the season Thompson was such a general fa- Mr T Watson of Newmarket vorlte stationed here some Mrs Dr Campbell of Toronto and ago that there will very prolific one of the latter grow- or three others will probably j ne congregation to 35 feet and is still going around cottages here before another n the premises tour of inspection season opens They have purchased j of Ottawa visited at bu J Mr during the past Skipper Kills and the Agnes have had a splendid season and made Dont know how it will he next year with the Metropolitan in corn- Better Phone Service Telephone connection with Sutton will be still further improved by the petition for the passenger traffic new copper metallic line which the Bell Telephone Company has lately completed between that town and Newmarket The grounded line be tween Newmarket and Sutton on the line the Bell Company has also been metallic and this change always re sults in improved telephone service has bought Mr Vehicle North York inventive genius 7 pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Dark Blue and Deep Pink Price 600 is al ways in the foreground Mr Henry Lepard of Pine Orchard has for past few years been experimenting with a vehicle built on the style of a bicycle with runners in place of wheels for transportation over snow Last year his machine attained such perfection that he used it continually to convey himself from place to place at a spec of to miles hour The Canadian Government has offered for a practical the guests of such a character Mr M Paisley Jones farm Mr Forrest and son have moved from our midst and have gone back to the city f A number of young people in vicinity went for an outing to Wil cox lake last Friday and very enjoyable time Mr Joel Lemon is recovering thefly from recent illness Our public school teacher wears a smile these days Its a girl Mrs Longfield accompanied by her spent a time with rel atives and friends in this place Mr Mat hi son is having his house remodelled We understand Mrs T intends to occupy it this fall Mr and Mrs of at her parents Mr J Morris 000 KETTLEBY health he will not resume his duties for some little time A reception was given him at St Albans yester day To give an idea of the traffic during Exhibition week at the Union Station it is only necessary to say that on Saturday Sept no less than trains were sent in or out or one in every eight minutes On Monday and on Tuesday or a total of in three days Of this num ber were and The pulpit has been denouncing some of the Midway shows at the late Exhibition as a disgrace to the man agement They will not be repeated j The ceremony of laying and blessing the corner stone of St Patricks new Our Vinegars Absolutely Pure English- Malt 60c gallon White Wine gallon Cider 30c Gallon church which took place Sunday and Mrs Milton Shaw of was a most impressive affair were guests at and was attended by thousands of day last week Grace Archbishop 0Con- Mr Milton Winters of King City nor officiated Father Urban was master of ceremonies The new fice will be 186 feet long and feet wide and will cost Further additions were presented to to visit his brother Major Zoo collection at Park Mr and Mr Arthur Winters and family of Aurora were visiting at M W Robinsons on Sabbath last Mr Geo Stephenson of was down last week Mr Myron Leadlaw commenced at Belleville a on of porcupine and a Our Species Guaranteed The superiority of these two requisites for pickling season commend themselves to you If you use ours happy results await you Our Teas the most popular and decidedly the best values in North York Our Japan Black and Mixed at are strong favorites IX FECIAL 3lb Tins Pork and Beans Beaver large with Fancy Tumbler 20c 1 lb Corn Starch 2 Tins Rich Red Salmon for 25c Soap Chips pound 3 Tablets Pine Tar Soap 10c those course of studies Tuesday last Mr Win was one of on the Manitoba excursion on day last Mr Jos Rogers and son Walter left on Tuesday last for the West They will go as far as Edmonton it is expected before they return j Mr J M Terry has purchased the White farm on the 5th line the con sideration being j Mr Wellington Curtis had to shoot a valuable mare on Thursday of last week Inflammation was the is the Pickling and Preserving Season To have good Pickles and Preserves use only the finest quality of Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST and St Lawrence SUGARS Prices in At the home of the brides parents on Sept there took place the marriage of Daisy only daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas avenue and Mr Many William Gain eldest son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Gain of this city Rev of Deer Park Presbyterian Church was the Somc from here attended quarterly at Ring wood last Sunday spending Miss of Goodwood I staying for a time with her brother Mr Brown Rumor says wedding bells are go ing to ring in our town this fall Mr Robert Drown wears a smile Its a girl Mr and Mrs Walker were in To ronto last week Some from here took in the a vacation man a ing minister The bride was frowned in white silk crepe do chine trimmed with yoke and panels Hon- lace and wore a tulle veil and also a sunburst of pearls the gift of the bridegroom The bridesmaid j Mrs Clara Stephens and two child- Miss Jean Long of New York was Miss Lizzie Mitchell and Miss dressed in white point desprit and Annie left on Tuesday for carried a bouquet of pink bridesmaid I trip through the Canadian North- roses while that of the bride was West They expect to be gone about of white bridal roses Mr Harry two months The Leading Reliable Telephone The Social on Tuesday evening last was quite a success in spite of the inclement weather The musical of Toronto was best man The ceremony was attended by only the nearest relatives and friends of both parties but afterwards a contest was enjoyed by everyone and tion was held by the brides mother the prize winners were Miss at which over a hundred guests were Miss Myrtle Grose Mr present The rooms were decorated Philip Green and Mr Miller and Lakes is with his parents here Fall apple packing will he week Mr Robinson our apple informs us so get and be ready Mr Elmer Lemon of Detroit Mich igan spent a few days last week call ing on relatives and friends in this section Mr J McDonald of King City President of King Township Sunday School Association visited the Chris tian Sabbath School on Sabbath last Near Tcrnperancevillc in the town ship of King Matilda the wife of J John who has been for some ivears slightly deranged wandered from her home on Saturday night Searching parlies have failed to find her and the family are distracted through fear that may have per ished of cold and hunger consisting a fine bittern I Robert Simpson while riding on a Mimico car the other day put his head out at the side and it was struck by a trolley pole lie was rendered unconscious and so continu ed until Tuesday His case is seri ous Mr Simpson conducted Satur day night dances at Long Branch dur ing the summer I The Irish Guard Rand gave a fare- well concert in Hall on Sat urday night a delighted audience During the evening Bandmaster Has sell was presented with a gold watch and chain and in his acknowlcdge- merit of the presentation said When wc go back to England know the King will send for me and ask mc about our trip through Canada I shall tell him that we played to the At Our Provision Counter SMOKED HAMS ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON LONG CLEAR COOKED MEATS ON ICE SLICED TO SATISFY Tel MYERS Cattle fe Poultry Spice PRESERVING SUGAR CLASSES They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However it makes no differ ence about the Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and help the wearer equally In either fit to the eye the rims to the features and the price to the amount which you would to pay ALL ADVISE FREE L ATKINSON CO J with palms while pink and white roses with ferns were massed on mantlepiece and elsewhere Refresh ments were served from a marque on the lawn and music was supplied by an orchestra The bride and bridegroom left for a trip down the Hudson to New York the brides tailormade costume being of navy blue cloth opening over a silk waist and blue toque to match The and KEEPS THE BEST OK AT J Reception Mrs Gamble York held her postnuptial reception at Cedars on Monday afternoon evening Sept The bride in her beautiful lace wed ding gown received in the drawing room which was tastefully decorated with Pink and white asters with her mother Mrs J who was becomingly gowned in black d sole and Mrs James Gamble of mother of the Wore a handsome champagne Her maid of honor Miss Bertha of pret tily dressed in white Brussels net with trimmings of lace and satin rib bon assisted her The tea room was prettily decorat ed the color being white and was presided over by Mis James who wore a hand- Rome gown of black moire silk with garniture of American Beauty roses Assisting were Talbot of Toron to wearing her bridesmaid gown of net with lace and ribbon trimmings over pearl taffeta of who wore a pretty gown of mounted on white silk with cream applique and ribbon trimming j and After refreshments were served a very interesting program was render ed The solos by Mrs Moore and Mr and the readings by Miss St John were especially well rendered A J Hughes very kindly acted chairman for the evening Miss Alma kit for Toron to on Monday where she will attend Normal School for this term MifcS Brown of Toronto visited with Miss Pearson a few days last week Mr Alex had two cousins from Ohio visiting him last week Mrs It J Sturgeon and family of Burks Falls are visiting at Mrs Mr J McFarland was in the city a couple of days this week Miss Sutherland of Bradford com menced duties as teacher In the jun ior room of the public school here on Monday last Mr J Ardili of Thornton was in town on Sunday last Mr Hill has purchased an auto Who say that is not prospering Mr and Mrs of Gut- visited at Mr Peter Be- over Sunday last Mr D had his left hand badly crushed on Saturday last while shoeing an unruly horse The wounded hand will lay off from work for a couple of but at present it Is healing nicely PINE ORCHARD A number of our peaceful citizens were awakened last Friday night by peals of music bursting forth from tin pans cow bells and plough shares Upon investigation it was found to have Its source at ChaH Brandons He had been mar- fitful people over he reigns I It is reported that seven hundred thousand people visited he Exhibi tion this year When Clark of the hotel Yongc Street returned from the Ex hibition on Friday afternoon he found Williams his porter missing and also a cash box containing two gold watches a gold brooch and 25 gold pieces amounting in all to The police have the matter in hand Miss K Wilks of Gait heads the list of prize winners in all sec tions at the Toronto Exhibition this year receiving In Mr Geo Pepper of Toronto is sec ond with prize money The Toronto Sunday School Asso ciation will hold a convention on Friday Oct The James Bay Railway has served notice on Robert and the Tay- Iot estate of an application to be made in the courts to fix an amount to be deposited pending an arbitra tion for the damages caused lim ning their line through Thornclifle farm Bloor street northeast three miles to the Don road The annual fall regatta of the To ronto Canoe Club Was concluded on Saturday afternoon with a dance at the Club house It passed off in grand style every person enjoying themselves During the intermis sions the canoes Were in evidence as one of getting cool The spa cious verandahs and roof garden also were called into play and bore their share of the youiig people AT- AND BUY YOUR East Council Soot Moot tug of Council IMh day All members of rend received from the following named lo whom vU 27 A VROit US We Only Watches and Clocks that we can and at VERY CLOSE PRICES Guarantee Come in and see the Goods and Prices Will be pleased to show them whether you buy or not S P A It P FITTED T WATSON and Graduate Optician 6 a Con wore ordered Mark Hall aheap claim Hong Mick gravl lover gravel John Crouton Cement gnivot fihnron And raw gravel Mont Andenson gravel Cement Andrown gravel gravel to John t John 2 re IX Crouton re fihnron Win to 25 The fishery department the Par liament buildings has been investigat ing some of the Ash stories of the wonderful catches of bass in 1 it- and districts and found they were veritable fish stories The reported story of two Yankees having taken bass at Port Calling in one day was all a joke they got one pickerel Bros have furnished the po lice with a definite of their toss by the sensational robbery at store last week and l ho I Undent of Asylums amount stolen is very much in excess Of the first statement Instead of about the loss is Dr Op K Clarke of Kingston has been appointed how close he could follow in a canoe in the swells of a steamer Smart Alecks always know how to manage canoes till they are swamped Complaints have reached 1 1 mi- stable of the theft of a number of cows near Mills and Weston County Con stables ale investigating and one ar rest has been made A couple of instances of horsestealing have also been reported On Monday last was convicted in the Police Court for the ninth time and sent to the Central Prison for months Crime has become habit with him Thieving is his particular weakness St Johns Ward Is to have a branch post of its own its ing to Miss Green of a guest at the hotel The Toronto Railway carried passengers durinK the two Weeks of the Inhibition ending on Saturday evening last Of the students registered at the Provincial Normal Schools only fifteen are men For the Unite The officers of the Ontario Vegeta ble Growers Association have in structed the Secretary to make ar rangements for a committee repie- purpose is to serve the foreign sent ing the Vegetable of the those who cannot speak province to appear before the Mr Joseph is the Commission when it meets in It is estimated this to to give evidence on behalf of the office will serve Jews Italians vegetable growers year gnat and other foreigners in that part of of vegetables are shipped the city the leading cities in Canada from A meeting of the Medical United States and after sold at Province Rod Feather Tea Paints Paints Millinery to Free Delivery is Campbell also of in gown of white Brussels net during the week to Mrs field and a number of the boys were serenading him Miss Starr has returned to Toronto after spending two months holidays at horn While milking an ugly cow one evening last week Mrs was with elaborate trimming valen- lace over pearl taffeta Laurel cousin of the wearing a dainty gown of white organdie made a charming usher Miss Annie and Mr A room Culvert Con Cross J successor to Dr Clark as W Gross fnteudent of the Toronto Asylum In the 13 savings banks connected I A severe Thos 10 J with the public schools of this city over the western part of want deposited at present about tJ20 Tuesday Lightning A Maries work 000 and standing to the credit of sot fire to oo children Steps are being v J A below the cost of has been called by the Provincial lhu centres where they are to take plate on the for the purpose of comparing vents Canadian growers shipping methods of treatment and results their vegetables to the leading cities etCi in the Unitcil States when their mar- The City Council has been invited lo visit North York Fair next week The- Vegetable Growers feel that A severe electrical storm passed and that thc city on should be done to improve conditions As there the car barns of thousands of vegetable growers in the Radial Railway opposite in this matter Grenadier Pond and completely Ontario Vegetable to present as strong a school children Steps are faVui Inaugurate more savings Grenadier 4 CO lhcm It is expected the deposits will reach Three cars were destroyed Wo re the Commis- per month I An employee of Co was probable that a lawyer lc by the growers to the Secretary stanliomrv I Afisflclallon Mr an of Parliament Buildings To- Voxb3ock gravel Judge Winchester lias to realrf on Tuesday in a secondbaud ferarol Wv after two months vacation stoic in York St while in Con at Peninsular up In of selling a quantity of Win Wv death of Mr Joseph oe had stolen from the Company Saturday morning last removes ColpHCs residence w a rendered a choice music during evening Mm Gamble will Tine variety the afternoon of kicked In the leg breaking both am receive on 4th Wednesdays during the season below the Ti Sons of Temperance very successful Lawn grounds of Mr Social on the Hall on drawing ravnl one of the oldest and most visited by a a few as even- on of Torontos business men Ho was only 111 about ten days He was born In Ireland years ago and to this country with his to in when a mere child at A young man came near losing his ago who stripped the hall lack of the clothes hanging thereon George Graham of Port Perry a bellboy at the Palmer House was j arrested by Detective on a charge of stealing in will be pleased to hear from vegetable growers in any part of province who would to lurulsh the committee with information that should be laid before Hie Allan Victorian was life Sunday by trying to demonstrate bills somo papers and letters belong- successfully floated