Newmarket Era , September 22, 1905, p. 3

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I ft SSB Weeks toealfiw WHAT IS OH IX ABOUT Fair draws all the old boys Jack arrived Tuesday voicing bright and early Thanksgiving Day yesterday THE COLLIERY c Down in a Coal Underneath the Ground weeks from Still Another The Corporation has decided to put in another well and Mr Harvey commenced work on it a hundred yards south of the last one he put in the flow of which is now about gallons a day Alter this is completed they- will go io Coiling- woodi As our genial friend Mr Wnr Stewart was kind enough to arrange visit to the Panne Colliery joining his papermill for us on Fri day afternoon it was with some mis giving that we approached the trance to the dark cavern whence for Dearly a century the cylinder parallel motion is pe culiar and not exact in its action for its purpose gear is also not automatic and this respect the engine is unique being a reproduction engine as it- Potter evolved the or Brighton the plug frame Whatever may have been the respec tive of Potter and Brighton the engine before do- i the original hutches of was before surprise to absolutely on manually-work- id valves as does that at the threw in some hay colliery even unto this day The man in charge works the handle which admits the steam to raise the black diamonds have been drawn to provide comfort and refreshment piston and works it again to admit for the inhabitants who laid the water to condense the steam of Scotlands greatest city and also for their successors have produced this Approaching the collieries our at tention is- attracted by a oujt roof supported thy iron rails walls solid masonry Here we waited for a few minutes and along came a horse drawing six coal This was quite a the ladies who were told that there were five horses in the mine and after they once go down they never gel up again until they kick the bucket The driver hitched thehorse to the empty hutches and our attendant and we were told to jump in It was quite a comical looking procession each of us sitting mm on the bottom of a hutch and holding For- Fall Gloves and mitts JiinrV pair at Acquitted bill was reported by the Grand at the Criminal Sessions last of George was charged with placing an ob- on the highway with the intention of damaging an automobile by Frank Wilson our lamps up to dispel the darkness In this way we proceeded towards der the piston- so that the weight of the end the tunnel which is half a the atmosphere- may press down themile long in order to see the miners piston again AH the parts of the at work After going about three engine with the exception of one or parts of the way we came to a place two of the spur wheels which were J where there was another double track engine which is probably the accidentally broken and the wooden and the horse we were using had to last erected of the type spars of the winding wheel which return to the shaft with another it is certainly the last example of have been removed though the brig- that type in active existence in Scot- believed to be still We waited a few minutes but as land and it is believed to he the old- about the premises are precisely as the attendant imagined something colliery winding engine now at put together nearly a hundred bad gone we started- to years ago The roadbed was diy but At time this engine did double somewhat uneven owing to the tramp duty as well as operating the wind- of the horses When within five min ing drums- pumped water from wait of the end of the tunnel depth feet with a bucket we were confronted with the dilfteul- 8 inches in diameter It drew from One or two of the loaded hutches to tons of coal per day up J had jumped the track at Collision While playing football at the High School John Kennedy received a charge in ibe hack and he bumped into J Davis jr his dim striking Davis just above the eye Several stitches were required repair both forehead and chin iery work in the whole It is at work night to relate horsepower with boiler pressure engine now at United Kingdom and day and it develops lbs of steam as Thorns was a black smith and for many a year after his time the various pieces for the con struction of engines were made by blacksmiths The engine had no single constructor It was de- the and pumped for or hours per day on a consumption of 34 of dross coal per day At present it works winding ropes one place signed by a blacksmith John coal a depth of connected with col liery who made his own patterns and had the castings made At the Foundry on the other side of the river There were no engin eering works in those days as a blacksmith knew the uses values ol the lever the pump the boiler the cylinder the piston and In revolutions and seconds the engine draws up a cage and the in the same lime traverses feet i It seems curious that this atmospheric engine should have creeled years after James Wait inter where it was submerged in and the driver standing in ankle deep had quite a task him Our way being thus blocked re traced our steps till we came to a tunnel running in another direction This we followed up till we came io where the miners had just left work hut attendant took the pick and showed us the difficulties and dan gers of the miners We sometimes he knew something of the latent reason was to avoid paying of heated water Thus he evolved the atmospheric engine not out of Sunday School Next Sunday there will be a special Rally Day service held in the auditor- his inner consciousness but out of the church The the tissue of his experience and dent who has been holidaying in the James Watt to discover the value of Country for the past three quired knowledge It remained for months will be present and ad- the separate condenser dresses will be delivered by Mr was born at Dartmouth according to Crumbs and Mr J P Belfry an ex- Mr Henry about the middle ot Parents and friends the seventeenth century and lie died cordially invited to attend and in London in Watts children are urged to be early tion of the separate condenser dates evolved the separate condenser begrudge the money we have to as the are canny folk for coal but nobody who ever went into a mine would one wont against the proportion that Hie poor fellows get who have to labor so hard in such awkward jiosilions and breathe such damp atmosphere it is mine owners and the that make lis at 245 pm ft DoubleHeader County Councillor has this year produced the freak pumpkin a veritable Siamese Twins The growth was composed from two separate buds but joined down one side not being pressed together hut having rind on the two pumpkins The length of the circum ference of from and hi first patent was in does not appear that had any patent for his at mospheric engine and it is assumed that he was covered under patent to Thomas for raising water by the elasticity of steam was associated with and probably made some of the bits of the waterrais ing machine in his smithy and so learned of the steam The engine ac- a royalty for the use of Watts is no air pump and a feed pump is worked from the beam is carried ion a masonry pier The beam js feet long and the flywheel is feet in diameter ey Just outside the enginehouse At this point in the mine one man haystack boiler with which the had been at work on his knees was originally worked It is tween 5 and hours and hal only now used as a place shelter where picked out a couple of barrows of the men hang their coats etc or coal lie had been undermining a take refuge from the rain while and it was now ready lor a their turn to descend the charge of powder which would some parts this old haystaW lodge from one to three tons of coal has been as thin as in the old days they paper 70 mi ml The miners and are paid all work hours a day by the piece The to that and if a hole appeared wtps run from to per nay stuck a clod of earth over it buys his own oil and pow- more particular now of I and also hrKnii his own picks In mine coal and work the old stager with a com paratively juvenile boiler Conservatism is in the atmoslWre of -this- The and timekeeper operated I the vegetable was It cording to some years ago having been in It was on exhibition in front the Office A pumpkin weighing told this week by Mr of Sharon lbs was T Groin Bogs and at according to others In Let us compromise and assume that it was put in and started to work in Anyway it has had over years active istence indeed of almost incessant work Never has it been stopped through want of orders for coal cause the situation of this colliery and output is such that there are as a boy and kept at it un til transferred to his present more responsible job This is William Park whose father before him work- brushes go the old engine An even older and remove That Boot In the Sessions last week an enginehand now occupied otherwise put in about the pithead was in charge of enlarging the bandies CO years ago viz Torn Smith AH the old hands about the place regard the old stager is in seams frouij18 inches feet thickness tunnels arc all made by first repaying the coal- af terwards the The miners are by the number of hutches they fill and if they put rock in the hutch instead of coal they are lined When the miners quit work the through all the tunnels all the debris They their time always ready customers the neigh- afiection and the youngsters take the however dull at times may generally In the boathouse worth about which early part of it was compelled appears to have had various owneislo stop for a day or two because of up and down the Holland River flood caused by the bursting of the ihg the past three years led to Sam- banks of the Clyde submerging the being accuse of steal- J railway and roads and miners The Telegram of Friday re- the case as Simeon j Mr mentions the first New- Lemon a neighboring farmer was engine being brought into use complainant The boathouse was at Dudley Castle in That was made on his farm by his son five almost a hundred years before years ago and was carried to the engine was erected The river in sections where it put finder the Dudley Castle was After two or thtcc jears surrounded with water and piBton it was moved further up the river he was packed and had a water seal It heard Last March he was informed is said that by accident a hole the that- hail it Hi- went piston admitted water into the to place and the and the condensation thereby of a boathouse there and claim- so rapid with that produced by them as denied cooling the cylinder from the outside that the engine worked much quicker At any rate the first in the engine by lion in the cylinder The second en gine was erected at the Colliery Warwickshire in a even me youngsters take a sort of pride in its antiquity and oddity 1 We now turn our attention to the shaft operated by this engine and rest of the tunnel and propping up the roof The main tunnel is from to feet high and from to feet wide the side tunnels from 1 to feet high and from 1 if feet wide After being nearly two hours tinder ground we were all very glad to reach daylight again in safety being lice that every three or four minutes the most thrilling experience of our the cage brings up a box on wheels whole trip The Frame Colliery owned a Company who also operate another shaft about JC yards from tin One we descended which is also some 0ll feet in depth anil the power sup plied by an uptodate en- called a hutch loaded with from to lbs of coal which the men at the top of the pit shove on a track to a place where there are sev eral having a floor of cross bars like grating about feet Jong Carts are backed to the end these There is also a about to bo loaded and the smaller half way down the shaft which we sized coal falls through the bars upon explored from which a softer grade other serenes thus separating it into of coal is obtained Altogether the the various grades The dirty looking cage as it comes up the shaft dripping wet is anything but Company employ about men and the output is from to tons a day As stated before this mind inviting to visitors especially to has been operated for yearn and it that but if Lemon would make an of ownership that would end the matter Lemon laid a charge of theft which was investigated by T J Woodcock J P and tent on for trial in Toronto In the before Judge Morgan the ac cused was acquitted of fctealing said boathouse in 22inch cylinder and the cocks and valves were all worked band but were later autornatic devices the ladies hut having decided to see the Internal anatomy of the mine there is no help for it hut to go down its mouth the cage will only accommodate four at a time and there were five in our party the attendant went down with two gen tlemen and the editor descended in the next cage with two ladles and the attendant Most people know i A Pi Jr- Our New Stock of Boots and Shoes is now Complete in every de tail We handle nothing but best makes Bought for Spot Cash we give our trade the benefit of our Cash Discount We shall be pleased to show you our new and exclusive styles even if you do not waut to buy Union Carpet and Wool Carpet from to per yard Carpets 35c Lace Curtains from to Cretonnes from to per yd Roller Blinds complete from upwa 1 Cooked Meats Smoked Rolls Green Rolls Bacon IceCold al ways in stock New Strained Honey pails lb THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Reception duced The first was that of I down the injection cock by means a buoy in a pipe connected to the cyl inder There have been in fact three engines at Colliery The first engine was erected in rapidly in an ordinary store elevator hut fancy what it is like going down a black shaft with the water all- around you and dropping over feet In lets than one min ute Most of the time wc were In perfect darkness for the attendants little lamp worn In his cap was blown out by the rush of air near the top you ever timed yourself on how long you can hold your breath you will know something about how outskirts of Glasgow on a fiat nK are in the bend of the river Civile is perhaps and the most remarkable old steam en- at the bottom of the shaft in actual working existence with a motherinlaw who cylinder of this engine is two ft an open wick which in black crepe del in diameter with a sir with garniture of chiffon and 6 mches the peculiarity Mrs J Millard who wore a j ihv that it has of black voile She assisted by vorn smooth Miss a dainty open at the muslin dress Miss Millard Is pad with On Monday afternoon and evening Mrs Howard MacArthur her postnuptial reception at the home of the grooms mother Hots- ford Street has worked almost The drawing room was prettily dec- lanliy since it was 1 vith sweet peas pink In winding asters and ferns In the which is still wotting room a color scheme pink open air at white was carried out with in ihd iasU lions and asters The bride who wan handsomely gowned in her wedding dress of cham pagne over received or- the guests to the drawing on which water poured from room and tea room Mrs l and Watson wearing a black resided over the latter a WI her were of ih fc tf r wearing voile t try and Miss both prettily aut in muslin l JaH adk Mr and in itroke about as light as an candle and we started to in vestigate were at the entrance of a black tunnel about or feet wide and similar in height There I were two small tracks at our feet one for the loaded hutches ready to go up the shaft and the other for he empties coming down Two or three Inches of soft muck formed by a mixture of water issuing from the of the shaft and fine coal drop ping from Die hutches covered the between the Tails The dou ble tracV Only is estimated that there Is still suffi cient coal for a similar output another century It is said that many years ago the property on which mine Is lo cated was put up auction In the small company that the sale was an old shoemaker with his leather apron on Just as he sat at work As he had the presumption to bid upon the property some of the moneyed men thought it would be a good joke to the down to him as the terms were cash The auctioneer interpreted the side and cried Oonc I ex pecting to add to the shoemakers embarrassment by demanding pay ment on the pot To the chagrin all his opponents the old re- moved his Tarn and pro duced the entire amount lie alter- wards sold a portion of luml to the corporation of Glasgow for a Park for the same price as ho paid for ihe whole property and the coal mine turned out he a veritable Motoric I JACKSON business Mrs will reside rally or as the idea track Only extended about he is engaged in the lur a lap from which the where the tunnel has a branch I water dribbles on to the head of the 0 tft Anniversary services in with the church be held here on Sunday Sept at am and A Carman general Superintend of the Methodist Church In Can ada will preach at each Music vill be furnished the assisted by invited OF TH OF Now being Removed from Sovereign uilding and open in a few days v ASSIGN Stock Market Cattle trade at Toronto this week steady Hogs arc down export sheep are- up but Iambs dull and weaker Export cattle to Good butchering to Milch cows 840 to Dry cows J360 to Calves to per cwt Export ewes bucks 300 to 350 spring lambs to 575 per cwt Select hogs 000 lights and fats horse market looks good for the fall trade Heavy horses are In good demand flue prices being realized Tho old P car shops at Kingston were burned They were owned by the and the loss in about 60000 A fire that swept through the business section of Nome City is be lieved to done ball million dollars damage 7 A Whole of Soldiers 1 to Newmarket one of I Couldnt the pcoplo of this vlclulty to buy our PALL AND I NT SUITS any quicker than the following significant reasons Choice of material Durability of Goods Unique esigns and Low Prions Oct Wise and Give Us a Call O WILMS- NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON 00 a 3CI i j Send the to absent Seven sold In past months This signature flfcrt5e3axcisWKi J

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