Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1905, p. 4

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a THE NEMAlUfFC SEPTEMBER of Catarrh Troubles by EDITORIiLh HOT there Hardy St fol lows I suf fered for two years with larrh and tin obstin ate cougfa- had ft splen did effect la tain the I bad to loaf and shall do all In my to popularity for Dr in this vicinity The announcement has been made from Ottawa that the has de cided to take over the Canada At lantic Railway on October The Company is now engaged strengthen ing the bridges and culvert on the line in anticipation increased heavy traffic The Georgetown Herald last week J came to hand printed from new outfit of type and presenting a very I neat appearance The advertising patronage the paper is receiving clearly indicates its public apprecia- or difficulty They actually make LEAPS TO CONSUMMATION UN LESS PROMPTLY CORED- Toronto Several managers ol sideshows at from were the Wood- When the blood is in this condition the lungs have no strength The whole system begins to break down Then the growing slips slowly into decline until at last the cough starts and her doom is sealed Dr Williams Pink Pills can cure all lc by at pet Per or trial bottle writ Limited to Car Trial 1 A fixe at destroyed sev eral buildings The Argentine Republic proposes to levy a prohibitive tarifl on all parts agricultural and industrial machinery used in repairing I I I We congratulate Mr Warren on his success It is announced that Mr J of Forest and lor Lambton chairman the Commission which enquired into rail- I way taxation methods has accepted an invitation to lecture before the Political Science Club of the Univer sity of Toronto on a date in Novem ber to be fixed later on An Ottawa despatch furnishes the following data relating to bounties paid on coal oil and lead produc tions During the year ending June 30th last the coal oil bounty paid amounted to The rate is a cent and a half per gallon so that the production was rather more than 2XCOOOOO gallons The on lead amounted to as against in the fi y previous Birds of a feather remarked a wellknown politician of the Liberal persuasion as he noticed one day last week Hon Robert Rogers Minister of Public Works in the Manitoba hobnobbing with Premier and Hon Frank Cochrane at the Parliament Buildings Vert com- incidents sometimes lively visions of other days and other circumstances An intimation has been given to the proper quarter that the Govern ment Savings Bank in is to board bills were left unpaid Another year sideshows will have to put up guarantees against this form of swindling News was received last week of the death of Mr Thomas P Coffee u of the Trust and Guarantee Co SSiW He was taken while on a business trip to London and died in a hospital DR was quite promt- new neb isoninR cure anaemia and present This has been proved thou- lbis Mrs Edward Loch- mK sands of cases The refusal of landlords in a great JS many instances to let their tenement Pink cured my housos child ter Matilda when- felt that her case serious was almost hopeless For more than wlcWOh CUy a year she was a sufferer from gradually grew weak the examination of our fine new cata logue If you have any idea of a Col lege course It explains all about our modern methods fine equipment closed and the deposits of some and strong A postal will bring It Address Sis Toronto SHAW Principal Fall Term From Sept six or seven hundred thousand dol lars transferred to the Post Office Savings Bank It was a mistake to have two Government banks compel ling one with the other and this fact is at last recognized by the decision to close one institution Un derstood the change will take effect ion November THE UNITED MINK WORKERS and the ANTHRACITE COAL OPERATORS Are Maying Strenuous for A FIGHT BE WHEN THE Strike Gomes NOW It is- staled that lumbermen by the Department of Lands and Mines are cutting timber along the line of the and Northern Railway Company through the Forest Reserve This is being done to obviate the danger of forest fires being started by sparks from passing locomotives The strip chared will be mites in length and will extent tort on either side the lit- When the wood is cut it he piled to be sold by the de partment in the spring Buy Good Clean Coal It is given out that Hon Col Provincial Treasurer will Shortly leave for England to make arrangements to meet the TeraUfcam- S A ff 0an f which ff A I I Ja1s and for an to defray the cost of completing the line north of New The issue of bonds as ORDER BY Phone Direct from Office PEARSON PARK AVE well as the renewal of the loan in the ordinary way Is authorized by the From Carters Frank Smith Act Legislature concerning the Ab and Northern Ontario Job Wesley Railway Act passed last session or A press despatch from Ottawa states that survey parties in North ern Quebec engaged in exploratory work in connection with the route of the transcontinental railway have Countered in the region north and east of Lake Abittihi good indica tions of petroleum of cobalt and copper The petroleum was found bubbling through the waters of a lake of considerable size It the pressure of feet depth of water bad been removed the oil would have been shooting probably feet In the air The shores are also soaked with petroleum J N Wilson For years with Mr Poole St Catharines Leading Photograph er ha taken charge of SMITHS Photo Studio will be pleased to have you call grade work and careful atten tion will the watchword Satis faction Developing and fifihhlng for amateurs promptly done Dr Clark DENTIST St tne gradually grew was subject to violent headache and circles appeared under her eyes She was melancholy had no appetite and complained of being constantly tired At different times she was treated by two doctors but with no improve ment As her case progressed she was attacked by Violent palpitation of the heart and a suffocating short ness of breath She had a deathly pallor took cold easily and to decline in weight until I felt that she was in a hopeless decline At this time my attention was called to Dr Williams Pink Pills and I began giving them to her She had not been taking the pills many weeks when her appetite was greatly im proved and this was the first sign that they were helping her She continued the pills until she had taken eight or nine boxes when she was again the picture of healthy girlhood Every symptom of her trouble had disappeared she has in creased in weight and is strong and robust Her recovery is looked upon as marvellous the doctors thought her case hopeless Dr Williams Pink Pills will cure anv case just as surely as they cured this case The pale anaemic need only one new blood Dr Williams Pink do only One thing they make new lifegiving blood That is why Dr Williams Pink Pills cure all com mon diseases like anaemia head aches and backaches indigestion kidney trouble palpitation of the heart neuralgia nervous troubles and those special ailments that make the lives of so many jirls and women miserable Be careful to get the genuine pills with full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box If in doubt send direct to The Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont and the pills will he sent by mail at 00 cents a hox or six boxes for I fl Helpful Spififc There had at first been six names on the list of candidates to be sent by popular vote from the little sea port town to the great fair but gradually the list had dwindled for two of the candidates went so far ahead of all the others that it be came a farce to retain the other names It was when affairs had been at this point fox three weeks and within twentyfour hours of the time set for counting the last votes that Miss Mat tie met one of the can didates on the street 1 didnt know to do said Miss with a distressed look in her eyes I want to go and I want her to go so at last I bethought me how I could you So I went into ones and bought ten doz en cakes of oap and put half coupons in for you and half for her TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED The pessimistic politicians who pro phesied nothing but deficits from the operation of the Temiskaming Northern Ontario Railway an- now becoming optimistic but they do not apologize to the late Ross Gov ernment for their pessimism all the same The gross earnings of the railway for August amounted to and the expenses leav ing earnings of Of course August was the tourist month and will show receipts above the average but it Is expected the re maining months of the year will give a fair least the Commission think so Too Difficult I f 1 1 lilt by YounKMenLadltaoroo4b Jul town where the I ftarn ifc abound a prime old Quaker y lto a young Our ire the person Who had In course of much jtd at her hands rrvrr The old t wsrAh or rtcHAjky occasion and at a pause FfcbLrt her fctitti toy relative looked over at her a of Toll nt writ to our Jwue w itc never Patience he The School of I ant Buffalo calmly It LfiCrohfto I not as pleated a BOO thy vlffc WHAT CAUSES APPENDICITIS The commonest cause of appendici tis is constipation When you ie- physic dont use cheap drastic pills get Dr Hamiltons Pills which strengthen the stomach regulate Hie bowels and prevent any tendency to appendicitis In one day youll feel the tremendous benefit Dr Ham iltons Pills By purifying the blood and cleansing the system they pre vent headaches lift depression and drive away weariness No medicine so successful as Dr Hamiltons Pills sold everywhere in boxes with yellow cover gel the genuine An editor in a neighboring town a prize for the best answer to the following conundrum Why like a A lady won the prize for giving the following Becauw every should have of own and not be running after neigh 9 ft- PROVK FATAL If circulation arc not promptly restored result in fa tal pneumonia This lteping on hand In hot water In breaks up a chill in two minutes rubbing freely over throat and cheat It prevents colds No liniment fio strong so penetrate so swift to kill pain and inflam mation Nearly fifty years record has proved the value of Poison You should get a bottle to day An appeal has been filed against Judge award of in favor of the city against the Street Railway Company A statue of the late Sir Oliver will be placed in position the Queens Park about the middle of October The ceremony will be a public one in which Whitney and exPremier Ross take part J Haywood who is now serv ing a three months term was lour months more by County Magis trate Ellis last week lie was twice convicted of A heartfelt and joyous reception was tendered to Right Rev Bishop Sweat man last Thursday on the grounds of St Altons Cathedral when together with Mrs he was welcomed home from his trip abroad in search of health by both his congregation and diocese The Board of License Commission ers of this city have issued a state ment outlining the policy tcy pur pose pursuing The intimation is given that about forty licenses plant ed this year will not be not year The Norma School here on Thursday of last week of the teachers in training belong to the female sex Women teachers arc crowding men out of the profession Each subscriber to the opening con cert of the regular Massoy Hall sea son by the Boston Symphony Orches tra on Tuesday Oct 3rd will re ceive in advance an analytical pro gram describing the music to be pre sented by this renowned which is easily the finest in America and is ranked the four great orchestras of the world Three druggists in this city pleaded guilty on police court recently to having sold liquor prohibited hours without an from a doc tor and were fined and costs or 15 days behind the bars in default The citys share of the Street Rail way earnings for the month of Au gust totalled The cor porations which give away these franchises must feel like kicking some- body when they see such returns The season just closed shows no abatement in the tide of travel to wards Niagara Kails The Toronto and Niagara Power Co has with all the farmers along the line west of Vincinount and is now erecting the towers While walking down on Friday morning an apoplectic fit and died almost in stantly Until recent I deceas ed was employed In Mr J A Mc cartys drug store On Friday morning last after a short illness Blake son of Hon parsed away at his residence on Jar vis aged years He leaves a wife ami four children The annual convention of the Wo mens Christian Temperance Union for York County will be held at To ronto Junction on September mux 27 A woman at store on Fit- day morning had hutcUirie con taining stolen from her The front wheel of a heavily laden wagon driven Win for a farmer came off at the corner of Carlton Streets one day last week The driv er was thrown violently to the ground his right hip I rati u red and one of bis ankles injuud Fortunately he escaped injury to his head He was taken to Hospital The street car traffic on Carlton street a result the ac cident was stopped for time The County selectors of for the Assizes Sessions County Courts lor next year held first sittings on Friday Burglars entered the residence of Palmer Jameson Ave on Friday night and got away with worth of jewelry Four young women who were out in a canoe in lumber bay last Friday got upset and one vas drowned Miss Clarke aged daughter Daniel Clarke of Borden Street The other three hung to the bottom of ihc ca noe till rescued an Inmate of the Toronto Asylum for some years com mitted suicide last weetf was at one time a prominent former in York County Saturday morning a street car refused to respond to the brakes and leaving the track on St ran against the Metropolitan Panic building The pavement was broken up and bunding disfigured The ves- tlbule of the car wan split open Tire open season for catching speck led trout expired last Saturday IfKouriwdrisWrqrjg You are Wrong all Mr A torpid inactive liver goes Id hand with constipation Such ft chronic condition requires effort to overcome it good sod perfect body drainage Smiths Pineapple and Butternut Pills containing the needed element to Increase liver and muscular action go accu rately to the sluggish and restoring them completely bowels tailed to move for a week or tea days Dont you know yon would be quickly pros trated It Is just the tame differing la degree when your bowels do not move at least once a day You you coon become languid and your blood gets bad and you mean and sick all over You should have a foil healthy passage daily Dont let serious conditions Smiths Pineapple and Pills will drive bowel poison oat of Sir system snd establish are purely vegetable and core fa one night- We will send you a erous sample of these pills Free sealed and postpaid that convince you beyond doubt tbcfr wonderful curative properties dress Smith Co St Street Montreal Canada Pineapple and Pills cure Constipation and In 033 All dewier A Coro Price Jokes I heard a good joke today said Mrs Nippy Spring it said her husband When is a door not a door A door is not a door she said when it is open You mean when it is ajar dont you Isnt that what I said No my dear Well thats what I meant any way Heres another Why is a sheet of paper like a slow dog Dont know Why Because a sheet of paper is an inklined plane and ah plane is a slow puppy and a slow puppy is a slow dog I dont see it Its Just as plain as the nose on your face The paper is ruled dont you see Yes And ruled paper is an inklined plane isnt it Vtafmy And isnt a slow puppy a dog Certainly Then laugh you old stupid I cant said Mr Nippy no laughing matter slow J Its GUARANTEED CURE FOR blind bleeding or protrud ing plica Druggists refund money If OINTMENT falls to cure any no matter of bow long standing In to days First ap plication gives and teat If your druggist hasnt it send Wo In stamps and It will bo forwarded by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo A Paying Tribute There was once a man who drank very heavily in fact he was known as a drunkard He lived in a small village and was generally admitted to be the bum of the town One morning he started for the for his first drink and as he entered he saw the landlords children playing in the yard They were brightfaced welldressed clean and were children that any father and mother might be proud of He stopped and looked at them They were running romping awl having a good time and he could not help admire them As he stood and watched these children he could not help but contrast them with his own children that he had left at homo five raggedlooking urchins They were dirty barelooted and their clothes were tattered and they were really a disgrace to any man He stopped to think what was the dif ference between the children and he came the rightful conclusion that the difference was that Instead of clothing and caring for his own fam ily lie was clothing and lor the family of the He stopped He thought a moment He turned and went home and has never drank a drop since One of bis sons is now superintendent of a division of a large railroad Another Is the con fidential clerk a banking house and tho three daughters are well and re spectably married ooo Soap disinfectant Is recommended by the medi cal profession as a safeguard against diseases The Salvation Army has offered to place five thousand families In Australia A Hon Joseph Martin speaking at Winnipeg declared both liberals and Conservatives were bad and advo cated the organization ol a third par ty having as Its main object purity In public affairs TO A COLD DAT Take Laxative Tab- lota All druggists refund the money If It fftfls to cure W Groves signature la on each box ft Joke in if Owen the novelist was talking about puns I detest puns he said but Fan ny Kemble who was my grandmoth er used to tell one made by a cer tain Baron Rothschild that was good its kind The baron was dining someone spoke venison said the Baron nevair eats venishon I think It isfi not so coot ash mutton Oh absurd some one exclaimed If mutton is better than venison why it more expensive The Baron laughed overcome by the brilliancy of the pun that had just come to him Then he said and his dialect came in very handy The reason why more expensive than mutton that the peoples always prefer vat deer to vat is sheep to the The atomic theory is the true one The universe is but an infinite attri tion of particles The grandest whole is resolvable to fractions or as the ditty has it Little drops of water and little grains of sand Fill the mighty ocean and form the solid land So with character fortune and all the concerns life the littles com bined form the great bulk If we look well to the disposition of these the sum total will be cared for It is he minutes wasted that wound the hours and mar the day It is the pennies neglected that squander the dollars The majority of men disdain littles Too many fractions are vulgar in more senses than the rule implies It is apt to be thought indicative of a narrow mind and pet ty spirit to be scrupulous about lit- ties Yet from littles have sprung the mass of great vices and crimes In habits in manners In business we have only to watch the littles and all will come out clear The small est leak overlooked may sink a ship the smallest tendency to evil think ing ot evil doing left unguarded may wreck character and life No ridi cule should dissuade us from looking to the littles The greatest and best of men have not been above car ing for the littles which have to do with every hour and every purpose of our lives Chicago employing printers have decided to fight the union on the question of the eighthour day and open shop The provincial archives have been enriched by the family of the late Sir Oliver Mowat They comprise private papers some rare and valua ble pamphlets and a number scrap books containing material collected by the former Premier of the pro vince during his political career British American Business College 20 Business and Shorthand Sub jects Competent graduates placed asked for last year Handsome catalogue free ENTER AT ANY TIME A BA Yonge TORONTO Chandeliers for Sale JACKSON Trees Church Upmarket ffor Sale Brick Hovre six rooms hard and soft water Good garden good lo cation Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket For Bale That desirable Dwelling and largo lot formerly known as Methodist parsonage Apply on premises to DONALD FERGUSON Prospect Avenue Newmarket for sals Registered Large English Boars and Sows Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also a choice lot of Yearling Rock breeding liens J B Farm to Let West end of Lot 3rd Con King Good buildings mostly cleared and under cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to John Black on premises or to proprietor J McQlNNIS Farm for Sale Headquarters Harness When In need ol good Harness call At Harness Headquarters Also Rugs Whips FlyNets SweatPads Tel escopes Trunks Suit Cases fa Gall Cure Guaranteed to Cure or Money Refunded Prompt and Neat Repairing clone US A CALL P For Sale Good SecondHand Lumber and Sash lor sale cheap of- Application for Divorce Notice Is hereby given that JuJIa Dover Fuller Avenue In the City of Toronto In the County of York and Province of Ontario Mar ried Woman will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband William Arthur Frederick Dover of the City of Toronto in the County of York Agent on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day of September AD A ARMSTRONG Solicitor for Applicant Victoria St Toronto Deing composed of the north east part of lot No In the sixth con cession of the Township of West in the County or Sim- coe and part of the north halt of lot No concession of the said township containing about The buildings are good and the farm Is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm is in good condition Most of the village of Bond Head is on tho lots Terms as may be agreed on Apply to THOS CROSS Bond Head Maple Lodge Crown bred by Brampton will bo kept lor Also a few choice of good bo- eon type with plenty of bono and for sale S CLARK 10 Notice is hereby given that a was passed by the Council the Town of Newmarket on the day July AD 1905 providing for tho issue of debentures to the amount of for the purpose of perma nent improvements and that such by law was registered in the Registry Onice of the North Riding of the County York on the day of July AD Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must he made within three mouths from date of registration and cannot be made thereafter J Clerk Dated the day September A D 3w34 NOTICE of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be tween us the undersigned as Marble Cutters etc in the Town New market In the County of York has been this day dissolved by mutual consent All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid either to James or IV Allan at Newmarket aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said James by whom will he settled Dated at Newmarket this day of September JAMKS ALLAN Witness PROMPTLY SECURED for our book Invent or Kelp nl How you are Bead rough or model of your in you opinion at to whether pateuUble by conduct fully officii In and Ihliquallfic I quickly incut Patent broad the Invention reference fufnlihcd Patents procured through Marion Ma rlon special notice throubOil the Specialty MARION MARION of Mann Patent Exports Solicitor I York Atlantic

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